- - K Y U N G S O O - -

I'm In Love With The School Bully!

The droning voice of the teacher echoed around the room, moulding words together, seeming almost inaudible. My pen flitted across the page, inking down important notes from whatever I could make out from the teacher. He was informing us of a science project that was to be completed in a few weeks time, stretching over the holidays too. The project required a partner, of which I had no one.

I glanced around the classroom, eyeing up for an ideal partner to work with. I saw a few familiar faces, though I doubt they would make very good partners. Well, Chanyeol definitely would be an ideal partner, if not for the fact that Kris was also in this class. Seeing no one partner-worthy, I turned back to write down the last sentence before the bell sounded.

I shoved my books deep into my bag, shoving my pen into the small pocket that I had personally sewed into the bag. I shoved my chair back, the legs grinding noiselessly across the wood floor, and I stood up, slinging my bag over my right shoulder. I was about to turn around to push in my chair, when my short body collided with another, and I slipped backwards. Well, I would have hit the ground, if not for a very strong hand gripping my arm, preventing me from falling any more backwards.

I look up, a little startled, and find a strong, tall, tan-skinned boy. Kai.

Standing up, shoving his hand away, I moved past him to push my chair in. He let me move that much, but before I could make my way to the door to leave the classroom, his strong hand held me back again.

‘Not so fast, kid.’

‘God, let me go, please! I have homework to complete!’

‘Just let me talk to you for a bit. Do you have a project partner?’

‘No. Although, if I ask the teacher, I’m sure I can be allowed to work with Chanyeol and Kris-‘

‘No. Work with me,’ Kai insisted.

I look up, a little flustered and mad. ‘And why should I?’

‘Because, shorty. It’s a duo project, and you and I have no partners.’

He was right about that. But still...

‘Fine. I guess I should.’

‘Good. To start the project, we need to discuss how we’re going to go about working together on it. Say, may I come over with you to your dorm room?’

I stared at him, curious about his eagerness to work with me, in my dorm –not his?

I nodded silently, tugging on his arm to leave with me out the classroom. I could feel myself slightly blushing –his skin was warm, and really soft for a male like him. I shrugged it off, walking with him to my dorm that I shared with Yixing and Chanyeol.


I opened the door, allowing Kai to walk in before me. He gasped as he ran off to my room that I shared with the other boys. Giggling at his slight childness, I closed the door with a click, and set about searching the small pantry for a bag of cookies. Finding a bag of chocolate ones, and two bars of white chocolate, I lifted my schoolbag back up and headed towards my bedroom.

Kai was face-first in my blankets, almost hugging my pillow. Confused about the kid, I giggled, throwing a bar at him to get his attention. ‘Yah! What are you doing, stupid?’

He pulled his body upright, his face startled and shocked at being discovered. ‘I was, uhh... umm...’

‘Forget in. Come on, Kai, we have a project to complete. I’ll get my notebook, and then we’ll start.’


‘What?’ I asked, glancing up at the tan boy still hugging my pillow.

‘Jongin. That’s my real name. Call me that instead, okay?’

‘Uhh, sure, I guess.’ I reached into my bag, pulling out my black notebook and my blue pen. Flipping to a spare page, I curled myself up on my bed to sit in front of Jongin. He was fumbling with the chocolate bar, with a slightly confused look on his face. I giggled at him. ‘You know, you’re allowed to eat that. I gave it to you, did I not?’

He grinned at me, thanking me as he peeled the wrapper off. Sinking his teeth into the chocolate, I smiled lightly at him. I opened up the bag of cookies, placing the bag in front of us.


For the next two hours or so, we talked about the project, discussing what we were going to experiment and research. We were pulled out of our chatting when the bedroom door opened up. Jongin and I were startled, and we heaved our bodies off the bed to hide behind the side, stowing away out of sight. Yixing and Junmyeon fell into the dorm room, throwing each other onto the bed. Being a new couple and all, they decided not to do... that... and instead curled up together on Yixing’s bed, cuddling and kissing lightly. Jongin giggled, staring at the two from our position behind the bed.

I had not paid that much attention to our current position, as our main focus was on Yixing and Junmyeon, but startled by Jongin giggling, I took notice now.

My body was pressed against the ground, on my stomach, with my head peeking around the edge of the bed to stare across the room. Jongin’s body was pressing against my back, his knees digging into my calf muscles. His chocolate hair brushed my ears, ticking my cheek. His soft hands gripping my shoulders only lightly, but I noticed. Around us, and even on our bodies, several cookies had fallen everywhere.

I glanced up, as much as my neck would allow, and pressed a finger against my lips to silence Jongin. He nodded, and we focused back on the other boys. They were whispering to each other, though I could not make out their conversation.

I felt terrible, invading their privacy, but... it's not like we could do very much. They would indeed yell at us if we were found out here, spying on the two.

We lay like that, our bodies stiff from unmoving, for a whole ten minutes, the other boys yet not moving. How they could not hear us shifting, or not notice Jongin’s bag on my bed, I do not know. Sometime after five minutes, I could feel Jongin’s fingers shift from my shoulders to wind his slim fingers through my hair, curling the locks and twisting. He only tugged lightly. I got the feeling he took no more notice of the SuLay couple. He most likely also forgot that we weren’t exactly friends, so I could feel a little uncomfortable with him playing with my hair. But I let him be.


I must have drifted off at some point during that moment, for I woke up slowly, taking in the fact that I was still curled up on the floor, hugging a warm body. Wait.

I shot awake, startled by the fact that Jongin was also asleep, and hugging me. I flushed deep red, but still did not pull away from the boy. I turned my head, and noticed that SuLay were no longer in the room.

Jongin murmured in his sleep, faintly whispering words. Names? Luhan... Lu...

I shook my head, and, against my will, I unwrapped the boy from me, lifting his heavy body from off the floor and into my bed. Swiping cookies away, I tucked Jongin into my blankets, and immediately the other boy pulled the blankets up to his face, sighing deeply. I, deciding to let the boy sleep a little longer, slipped from the room.


Yixing and Junmyeon were, as I figured, in the kitchen. Yixing was stirring a small pot of rice, whilst Junmyeon was placing cutlery on the small table. Four plates...

‘Oh, lover boy is awake! Kyah, you guys were so adorable sleeping like that!’

‘You... You saw us?’ I paled, shocked at being found out by the likes of these two devil boys.

‘Of course~ Even took photos! Gosh, when did you guys plan on telling us about you two?’

Now I was confused. ‘We... We aren’t together! We were studying and sort of fell asleep spying on you two!’

Yixing only laughed, slapping my shoulder lightly as he shoved rice onto our plates. Junmyeon did the same with  the rest of the meal. ‘Whatever you say, Kyunggie. But, to be honest, you guys really do look cute together~’

‘Oh, shut up.’


I was told by Junmyeon to go wake Jongin.  Though I didn’t want to disturb the boy, I agreed anyway.

Moving into the room, I stared at the boy hugging my blankets. He looked like an angel, breathing softly and twitching his nose every few times. I seated myself next to the boy, shifting my fingers through his tangled hair. Winding my fingers through the locks, I gasped at the boy’s beauty. I never once considered a boy beautiful; Tao was always handsome to me. But Jongin? Jongin was definitely beautiful.

‘Jongin. Jongin, wake up. Dinner’s ready.’

‘Dinner? What? Oh... Kyungsoo...’ He opened his eyes, training his chocolate eyes on my face, studying me. I could only stare back. We remained like that for a few seconds, before Yixing’s voice broke through.

Oh, take a picture, Kyunggie! It lasts longer~

‘Shut UP, Yixing! I swear, I’ll kick you!’

I heard a faint laugh as a reply. Jongin nodded, pulling himself up and out of my bed, stretching his lean body upwards. I tried my hardest not to stare at the boy’s body, and stepped out of the room, the tan boy following close behind.


It was nice, eating dinner with Junmyeon and Yixing. The room erupted in conversation, though we were all eating. Occasionally, Yixing and Junmyeon would kiss, or tell each other how amazing the food was, and Jongin and I would fake being sick with their lovey-dovey moments. We were only teasing, though.

Discussion for the holidays was brought up my me at one point during the evening. Yixing and I still planned to be at my house, though we invited Junmyeon along (for Yixing’s sake), and Jongin (for our project, of course).

All in all, it was a very exciting evening, and I was almost upset by the time we waved Junmyeon and Jongin goodbye for the night, yelling to Jongin about seeing him tomorrow for Science. I then turned to face Yixing, frowning slightly.

'Delete those damn photos, Xinggie!'


Waah~ Another chapter! 

I really like this one, for some reason. You guys wanted squishy KaiSoo, so I give you squishy Kaisoo!!! Not much yet, but it's enough. Now, they aren't really friends yet, but hopefully this new Science project will bring them togther.

You know, I noticed that although they live at school, I never bring up their classes or anything! So, I did here~ ;) Hopefully, I'll do more of that! :D

Hope you guys like it ;)

I'll be off then, to TUMBLR~ Make sure to follow me, ~yilayxing Much appreciated :)

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cup_of_coffee #1
Will you update this? .-.
Chapter 6: I've always been used to TaoRis....this is going to get kind of interesting! Oh and Luhan!!!! He's D.O's friend right? And Kai likes him? Oh gosh! I can't wait to read on XD SULAY FTW!!!!
Chapter 14: But I like $uho hurt Lay... >:D
Chapter 14: Oh my god. Sure wasn't expecting that! Lol that was good. You tricked me xD unf, I can't wait til hunhan gets together too lol
YuShing7 #5
Chapter 14: Poor Yixing :( Hunhan are being meanies. At least Yixing has Suho and Kyungie ! Thanks for the update <3
Chapter 14: aaaah, I thought so! hehe...whoopsies, sorry :P guess I got a lil carried away and accused Suho! Forgive meee~~
kyungsquishysoo #7
Chapter 14: Oh woah Hunhan couple is so mean, and Sulay i like your plan x)
Chapter 13: OMG WHUUUUUUUT?!?!?!,! NOOOO, Suho you ! The is wrong with yooooou T.T
Chapter 13: OMG~!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID $UHO DO???? OMG OMG update soon please~!!!
oh btw am a new reader~