- - K Y U N G S O O - -

I'm In Love With The School Bully!

I felt cornered, the lower half of my back pressed up against the sink bench, with the two boys slowly approaching. I didn't know the boys personally, other than recognising the fact that they're part of Suho's gang. One was quite tall, and wore a dark, bored expression; his brightly coloured hair swept back with what I could assume was a ton of gel, in an effort to look hot. He wasn't. The other boy was slightly shorter, dark, dyed-red hair also slicked back. He wore a grinning smile, and I unconsiously shuddered.

The moved closer and closer, and it felt like an eternity had passed before the red-head stood directly infront of me, his thin arms grabbing the sink on my either side, trapping me. I shut my eyes tight, expecting the worst. But all I recieved was a cruel laugh from the two.

'Well, now... What do we have here, Sehunnie? Aww look, he's shy!'. I could hear the boy's voice, and the two giggles from either boy following. I wasn't shy. I was terrified.

- - N O T  P A R T  O F  T I M E L I N E - -

For as long as I'd known, I was a target. A target for proud, stuck-up, wealthy school kids; girls, boys, teachers, adults -you name it. I never did anything about it, though. Not even when they pushed me, called out taunts, played cruel pranks on me. I was short, nerdy, quiet, shy. I never had any friends, because of everyone around me. I was an outcast, a piece of dirt in the whole fabric of society.

Sometimes I wonder why I had gone wrong. Why wasn't I like the other boys? Why couldn't I like sport, be popular and cool? Why couldn't I like girls? I didn't like the way I was, though mama told me that I should be proud of who I am; no one on Earth is ever going to be exactly like me, so I am unique and irreplaciable. I tried to believe her, I really did.

But when I got my face shoved into the mud on the field for admitting my feelings to a boy, I failed to see anything special in myself. I never told mama about that incident, and whenever she told me how special I was, I simply nodded my head and went back to reading.

- - - - -

The red-headed boy laughed loudly, 'Sehunnie' joining him. I simply sighed, angered that I was missing the chance to eat with my friends for dinner. I never had the time to deal with people like these two, but seeing the state of imprisionment I was in, I couldn't simply walk away as I should. I instead stood there, and took in the comments.

'Look, I really have somewhere to be, so if you don't mind-'

'Mind? Of course we mind!' I opened my eyes, staring up at the red-headed boy. He was no longer grinning, and neither was the rainbow boy. 'You see, we know about you, boy. You know your little crush, Zitao? We don't forget things, do we, Hunnie?'

I felt like screaming. The red-headed boy brought old memories back - ones I didn't particually want to remember.

- - T H E  P A S T - - 

It was a frosty morning. Dew settled on everything: grass, benches, my nose. The cold nipped at my face, and it was hard to breathe. Figuring I had developed a cold, I shoved my hands deeper into my pockets and crunched through the frosted grass.

I knew he was around here somewhere, but where? I looked around, my breath visible in puffs of cloud. I took in my surroundings, looking for the boy.

I saw him. Breathing in the sharp, cold air, I shrugged my coat on tighter and made my way to the group huddled on the field.

There were five of them. I never particually cared about four of them, but one in particular stuck me with a pounding of my heart. My mind fogged up as I stared at his appearance. The cold air had formed a red tinge to his cheeks, his skin ever so pale. A perfect, black-haired angel. His feline eyes noticed my presence, and his face lit up. But that sudden brightness was quickly erased with a mask of boredom -almost forced, I could guess.

'Zi... Zitao, can I talk to you for a minute?' I was utterly nervous. I mean, the boy of my life was standing not three metres away! The boy in question looked like he was on the verge of replying, but a taller, meaner boy interupped him. The boy was one of those that I despised; he had beaten me quite a fair few times. 'Of course you can! Only, you have to tell us too, boy.'

I shrunk back, now suddenly terrified. I couldn't tell Tao now - not with his friends eating in on my every word. But then I felt braveness taking over. I could show them, show Zitao how serious I am, by telling his friends, too! Right?

I took a deep, calming breath, despite my racing heart threatening to leap out of my chest. 'F-fine, then. Zitao, I have to tell you something important. You'll probably hate me, and I will understand that. You have every right. Look, Zitao. I-I like you. No, I'm in love with you. I have been since we started this school. I wanted to tell you my feelings, as I have been hiding them in for so long. I-I'll go now.' 

I found myself about to turn - to turn away from Zitao's surprised face. His friends, however, were very different. As I was turning, I felt rough hands shove me down, down into the wet, frosty, muddy grass. Cackling laughter rose around me as the boys kicked me a few times. I turned my bruised face in time to see the boys make their departure. I saw Zitao's face. Confusion, disappointment, guilt.

- - - - - 

'W-what about him? Look, I don't want to be here. Pl-please, let me go!'

The red-headed boy just laughed. I could recognise his face now. The very boy I despised all those years ago - the one who had shoved me down, along with my pride and feelings. 'Don't even think about it. See, you upset Tao greatly that day. And, see, as his best friend, I have the right to hurt whoever hurts him. That would be you. Ever since you ran away from that school, I'd been meaning to run into you, to give you what you deserve. Shall we, Sehunnie?'

I collapsed on my bed, clutching the blankets and wrapping them around myself. Tears were streaming down my face, drips of blood staining the crisp, white sheets. I didn't even care.

I had been so stupid as to believe this school was any different. I had thought that people were kinder, more accepting of difference. Oh, how wrong I was. Suho had teased me. Kai had thrown me off. And now? The red-head and Sehun had crushed me, throwing punches to my face and body.

Kai didn't even care when I almost crashed into him in the hallway.

- -  T H E  P A S T - - 

Why are hallways so long?

My legs were practically screaming at me to stop, to lie down and perhaps never get up ever again. But I couldn't. I'd be seen here. The best place for me would be my room. I needed to get there, quickly, before a teacher would see me.


I fell to the floor, my short legs connecting with someone else's, tripping me over. I connected with the floor, groaning and struggling to breathe. I glanced up at the poor soul who I had collided with. Oh, god no. It was Jongin. He was clutching at his hips. I must have kicked him there. He glanced up too, and in one second all his fury was replaced by utter confusion.

I took no time to ckeck if he was alright. He was staring blankly at my bruises, at the blood collecting on the floor. I lept up, limping slightly, and ran for it. Jongin didn't say a thing.

- - - - - 

It was late at night when Chanyeol came back to the dorm. He wasn't alone, however. A deep giggling voice was joining his, and the noise grew closer as the two opened up the bedroom door. However, it only took a few seconds for Kris to notice me. 'Channie, we can't. Your roommate's here.'

'Kyungsoo?' Chanyeol came over, sitting on the edge of the bed next to me. He uncovered my face, and I could hear a sharp intake of breath as I assume he noticed my face.

'Oh my god, Kyunggie! What the hell happened?' He began to fuss over my face, before I smacked his hands away. Kris seemed to notice, as he pulled over-protective Chanyeol away. 'Come on, Channie. Leave him alone. He's probably destressed right now; he doesn't need you to obbsess over him. Kyungsoo, go clean yourself up. Take a shower, grab a few bandages. We'll cook some food, and then, if you want us to, we can leave for my apartment. Only if you want privacy, of course.'

I could help but thank Kris as I moved myself slowly into the bathroom. I felt greatful at his kindness, and the space he was allowing me. If anything, I only wanted to tell Yixing. Something told me he'd understand more. Chanyeol and Kris could wait.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, a small dinner was on the table, with a little not from Kris to annouce that the two had left. I ate my dinner in silence, not even noticing the taste. All I could focus on was the pain on my face and in my heart. I continued to quietly sob even as I climbed into bed, pulling up the sheets around me. I could barely stay awake, and the last of my thoughts before I lost conciousness was of Zitao.




Annyeong, guys!!! ^^ Yey, a faster update :) As requested X3
This one seems quite long, so I hope you guys enjoy it ;) I hope there aren't any mistakes! I'll fix them up later, as with my other chapters.
So, do you guys like this one? I hope you did. Poor Kyungsoo, though. I love that boy so much, and I hate seeing him hurt. But it'll work out, you'll see ;)
Bye for now! ^w^
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cup_of_coffee #1
Will you update this? .-.
Chapter 6: I've always been used to TaoRis....this is going to get kind of interesting! Oh and Luhan!!!! He's D.O's friend right? And Kai likes him? Oh gosh! I can't wait to read on XD SULAY FTW!!!!
Chapter 14: But I like $uho hurt Lay... >:D
Chapter 14: Oh my god. Sure wasn't expecting that! Lol that was good. You tricked me xD unf, I can't wait til hunhan gets together too lol
YuShing7 #5
Chapter 14: Poor Yixing :( Hunhan are being meanies. At least Yixing has Suho and Kyungie ! Thanks for the update <3
Chapter 14: aaaah, I thought so! hehe...whoopsies, sorry :P guess I got a lil carried away and accused Suho! Forgive meee~~
kyungsquishysoo #7
Chapter 14: Oh woah Hunhan couple is so mean, and Sulay i like your plan x)
Chapter 13: OMG WHUUUUUUUT?!?!?!,! NOOOO, Suho you ! The is wrong with yooooou T.T
Chapter 13: OMG~!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID $UHO DO???? OMG OMG update soon please~!!!
oh btw am a new reader~