- - K Y U N G S O O - -

I'm In Love With The School Bully!

I had no clue as to how long I had slept, but in all honesty, it was the most comforting and dreamless sleep I had ever had. I felt so heartwarmed even as I fluttered my eyes open, slightly dazzled by the bright sun shining through the curtains.

I sat up slowly, pulling my sheets around me, hugging the warmth. I glanced around the dorm.

Yixing was fast asleep, muttering under his breath. I giggled slightly as I noticed Yixing hugging close a small book to his chest. Though I had no clue of its importance, I found the sight cute anyhow. The shelves next to his bed were tidy and ordered, small photoframes decorated the surface. His suitcase lay tidyly stored under his bed.

Chanyeol, however, was a different story altogether.

The tall boy's blankets were bundled in a heap on the floor beside him. He was snoring quite loudly, occasionally sniffing. I assume he had a cold of sorts? His endless legs were draped across the bed frame, and his messy golden hair desheveled and completely all over his face. I couldn't help but laugh at the two boys, ever so different from each other.

I quietly shifted out of bed. It was only a little to early to be getting ready for classes, but I didn't mind. I sat up on the edge of my bed, and grabbed at my phone.

One new message~

Oh! Jongin!

I couldn't believe it! The cute new boy I had introduced myself to yesterday actually texted me? Without a single hesitation, I opened up the message. He must have sent it only minutes before.

Hey, Kyungsoo. Listen, I meant what I said about my only hanging out with Suho. I do apologize, but to be honest -becoming friends with me isn't such a great idea, especially when Suho is around. I am sorry.

My heart fell, burying itself deep. The blushing smile I wore slipped right off my face, and I shut my phone, dropping it carelessly onto my bed. I couldn't think. I lay back down on the covers of my bed, shoving my face into the pillows.

'Hey, Kyungsoo! Why are you up so early? Hey, you okay?'

I slowly peered up, taking in a blurred Yixing. His newly-dyed blonde hair was the telltale sign it was him. I barely noticed I was crying. I shook my head, and lowered my face to the pillow again.

I felt a smooth hand caress my back, rubbing back and forth across the small of my back. 'Hey, it's okay, Kyung. Tell me what happened.'

I didn't answer, and instead lifted my phone to show him the screen. I heard the boy take in a breath, taking my phone away from me and shutting it off.

'Listen, Kyungsoo, maybe he didn't mean it? I mean, Joonmyeon has been his best friend since forever. The two are pretty much brothers, and hate it when others try to get close. Jongin feels protective of Myeon, though he's younger. Maybe he just doesn't want you to get close to hurting him, or something? Don't take it personally. I tried getting close to Myeon, but Jongin shoved me away, saying I didn't understand things. Whatever that means. The point is, you have to convice him.'

'Convince him?'

'Yeah, like... I dunno, convince him that you're funny and smart and good-looking and friend-worthy. He needs more people to be close to him. Joonmyeon can't be by his side forever, you know. I mean, Myeon might... fall in love with someone, and Jongin will be pushed further away. He needs another friend- you.'

'I dunno, Yixing...'

'You'll see. Now, we gotta wake up Channie. And guess what? I know a sure-fire way to get that giraffe outta bed!'

I couldn't help but giggle slightly, wiping away his salty tears. 'And what might that be?'

'Just watch.' Grinning, the blonde shifted off my bed and moved over to the curly-haired boy's mattress. 'OH MY GOD, CHANYEOL. KRIS AND TAO ARE MAKING OUT!'

'WHAT???' Chanyeol sprung out of bed, grabbing hold of the leopard-printed umbrella, swinging it wildly.

'Oh my GOD, Channie! I can't believe you fell for that!' Yixing fell to the floor, grabbing at the carpet, practically crying with laughter.

Chanyeol, however, looked murderous and enraged. 'God, Yixing. You are SO going to pay for that.' And with that, he ran out of the dorm.

I couldn't help but wonder as to where he had gone to, but by the look on Yixing's face, and with him leaving with a 'OH GOD NO, CHANNIE! NO!', told me he definately did. I rushed through dressing, and followed the two boys down the hall, but not before locking the door beind me.

I looked for a few minutes before I saw them. Not only them, but two more guys. One was quite tall, just taller than I, and had a head of curly brown hair. The other boy was red-headed and short, blushing wildly with my friends standing infront of them. I realised with a jolt that it was Jongin and Suho. But, why here?

I found out my answer fairly quickly.

'Xinggie has something he wants to tell you, Myeon!' I could hear Chanyeol's deep voice from far down the hall, to where I was standing. I slowly walked towards the group.

'No I don't, Chan! God, let's just leave these two alone!'

'Tell me what, Yixing?' Suho didn't look that mad. If anything, he looked utterly dumb-struck and confused. His brown eyes flickered between the two boys.

I probably had the same bewildered look on my face as I came to stand behind Yixing. Jongin caught my eye, questioning me silently. I shrugged indifferently, just as confused as he was.

'Look, Suho. Yixing is in love with-'

'KRIS! GET YOUR RETARED, STUPID BOYFRIEND RIGHT NOW!' Yixing called down the hall, drowning what was to be what Chanyeol wanted to announce. I could figure that Kris, who I had yet to meet, was down the hall. And I was correct, because a handsome, short-red-haired, taller-than-Chanyeol-boy appeared out of nowhere, hooking his arms around Chanyeol's waist and dragging him off into what I could assume was his private dorm. This all went by within a few seconds.

The remainder of us three were shocked into silence. I couldn't help but notice Yixing's positively red face, and Suho's equally scarlet features. Jongin just stood blinking.

'Well, I think we should leave, right Yixing? Come on, these two probably don't want to look at us.' I pulled on Yixing's arm, dragging him away from the other boys. I couldn't help but notice doing the same for Suho.

We disappeared behind the hallway corner, turning towards the lunch hall. 'I'm not even going to bother to ask as to what that was all about, so come on, let's find breakfast, shall we?'

Yixing looked more than gratified by my announcment.

I expected nothing unusual for my classes. And I was right about that.

Fortunately, I had Yixing in all my classes. Well, save one - English. But that wasn't entirely bad, either. I had Kris as a workmate, who introduced himself to me as 'Wu Yifan, Chinese-Canadian'. He spoke more than excellent English, whereas I utterly . He even told me so, after my failed attempt as pronoucing 'Chocolate' to the boy.

But, as I expected, I wouldn't be entirely lucky through the whole day.

I was entering the bathroom, tired and exhausted after the long day. I leaned over the sink, cupping my hands under the tap to collect the cool water, before throwing the liquid back into my face. As I wiped my neck dry, one of the bathroom stalls opened, and two boys came out of hiding, nasty grins sneering at me.

'Well well well, if it isn't the little gay boy? You're in for it now, boy.'

Soooo, I'm back! ^^

I had an awful lot of comments, or so it felt, asking me to update. Looks like I managed to find time right now to write! Are you guys happy now, for at least a little while? I really need to update my other story in the weekend, though... :/

So yes, back to the POV of Kyungsoo. God , I love him XD But not as much as Kai, though :3 ANYWAYS, I feel  kinda confused right now. I mean, Suho and Kai are the bullies of the school, and so far it isn't turning out that way. Oh well, I'll try work with it next time.

I bet you guys guessed what Channie was gonna say???!!! Heh. Poor Xinggie X( Oh well, it'll work out for him in the end. :3

Oh, and I apologize if you guys don't ship KrisYeol :( But I kinda do, so... yeah :1


Anyways, hope you guys are happy about the update. Sorry if it seems too short :/ I have no way to tell how long it is when I write. Just bear with me :)

Thanks a bunch, you guys!



Jal gayo, everyone! :3

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cup_of_coffee #1
Will you update this? .-.
Chapter 6: I've always been used to TaoRis....this is going to get kind of interesting! Oh and Luhan!!!! He's D.O's friend right? And Kai likes him? Oh gosh! I can't wait to read on XD SULAY FTW!!!!
Chapter 14: But I like $uho hurt Lay... >:D
Chapter 14: Oh my god. Sure wasn't expecting that! Lol that was good. You tricked me xD unf, I can't wait til hunhan gets together too lol
YuShing7 #5
Chapter 14: Poor Yixing :( Hunhan are being meanies. At least Yixing has Suho and Kyungie ! Thanks for the update <3
Chapter 14: aaaah, I thought so! hehe...whoopsies, sorry :P guess I got a lil carried away and accused Suho! Forgive meee~~
kyungsquishysoo #7
Chapter 14: Oh woah Hunhan couple is so mean, and Sulay i like your plan x)
Chapter 13: OMG WHUUUUUUUT?!?!?!,! NOOOO, Suho you ! The is wrong with yooooou T.T
Chapter 13: OMG~!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID $UHO DO???? OMG OMG update soon please~!!!
oh btw am a new reader~