- - K Y U N G S O O - -

I'm In Love With The School Bully!

Two more days... Two more days...

I could barely sit still during maths, tapping my blue pen against the desk, shuffling my feet, shifting my body around restlessly. However, I remained as quiet as I could, for I would hate to disturb the other students in the class, them calmly working through the test. I had long since finished, so I waited patiently for the bell to signal my leave. The teacher was seated at the front, behind his dark wooden desk, shuffling test reports from previous classes. Every so often, he would glance up, fixing us with his piercing gaze behind steel-framed glasses, watching like a hawk for unfocused students. It was only then that I turned my eyes to my papers, reading and re-reading each question. Blue ink forms small, delicate characters, tidy and organised. I had done my very best to be as tidy as possible with my work, making my writing look, hopefully, easy enough to read. The teachers from my past school would not have cared. I believe otherwise with these rich, boarding school teachers. They were very much strict.

The teacher glanced up a final time, alerting us that the bell was seconds away, and we, therefore, were to come to the front to hand in our work. I stood up, not nervously, and glided to the front, handing over my inked pages. The teacher nodded, and let me, along with other finished students, out of class early. Collecting my bag, I made my way out of the classroom.


I met up with Chanyeol at the cafeteria, the other boy jumping up and down with unknown-to-me joy, grinning so widely that his eyes disappeared. Typical Chanyeol. He ran up to me, throwing his strong arms around my shoulders. He towered above me, making me feel so much shorter than I possibly was. Crushing me in a hug, the boy only let go when, I assume, he caught sight of his equally tall boyfriend. Gasping from freedom, I slipped away from the giant boys, hoping to pas unnoticed. I, however, failed almost immediately.

‘Oh, Kyungsoo!’ Damn.

I turned around, facing the deep voice that could only belong to Kris. His long arms were wrapped around Chanyeol’s shoulders, hugging him tightly. I sighed, and walked over to the two.

‘I heard from Yixing that you’re working on a project, with Kai! Is that true?’


Kris furrowed his brows, frowning slightly. ‘I don’t think that is such a good idea.’

Now I was frowning. ‘What? Why?’

Kris glanced at his boyfriend, the two sharing a look, before turning back to me. ‘You don’t know his reputation, Kyungsoo. He’s bad news, I tell you. It’s best if you go find someone else to work with.’

‘I can’t, Kris. Firstly, he is the only spare partner in the class left. I wanted to work with you guys, but... well, I can’t. And I don’t care about whatever reputation the boy has. I’m working with him, and you can’t convince me otherwise.’

Without another word uttered, I turned away from the couple, deciding not to sit with them today. Glancing across the large cafeteria, I caught sight of messy, but slightly kempt, red hair. The boy was alone, peacefully eating while holding a book up in front of his face, of which I couldn’t see; only the back of his head was visible. I strolled forwards, ignoring Chanyeol’s protests, and made my way over to the lonely boy.

‘Is that a good book, then?’ I asked kindly, behind the boy.

Startled, the latter turned, and I felt sharp electricity run down through my body. Zitao.

‘Oh, Kyungsoo?’ He gasped, sharp eyes wide with realisation.


We stared at each other, probably longer than necessary, before waving a hand towards the empty chair next to him, politely, but silently, asking me to it down. I took the chair, setting my bag against the chair next to me.

Tao was the first to speak. ‘I’m guessing you have questions?’

‘Yeah.’ I gulped down the lump in my throat. ‘Why are you eating alone?’

Zitao looked taken aback, but answered none-the-less. ‘I... I’m waiting for someone.’

‘Oh, who?’

Before the other could reply, a short, pretty boy walked up to our table, taking a seat across from Zitao. I glanced up curiously at the boy as the two greeted each other. The first thing I noticed was eyeliner. Thick and black circled his shining brown eyes. Neatly trimmed, dark brown hair brushed just over his eyes. He had a perfect nose, and soft lips. His skin was pale, but flawless. His voice as he spoke to Zitao was slightly feminine, and light. I hadn’t realised I was staring till his eyeliner-eyes turned to face me.

‘And who is this handsome boy?’

Zitao, and I, blushed. ‘This is Do Kyungsoo, my... friend from the last school I went to. You know, the boy I keep telling you about?’

‘Oh, Kyungsoo! Oh my gosh, it’s a great pleasure to meet you! Oh, I’ve heard so much about you! Ugh! My name’s Byun Baekhyun, Zitao’s boyfriend!’

He reached a hand out to me, and I gladly took it. His hands were warm. After the handshake, I pulled back, and turned to Zitao. ‘When did you guys meet?’

Baekhyun answered instead. ‘Two years ago, right Panda? I dunno how the heck it happened, but the second I met Taozi, we just... clicked, I guess you could say! But I don’t think Zitao ever got over you, I believe! You are all he ever talks about!’

At that remark, Tao flushed bright red, and looked down at his book.

I discovered, during that lunchtime, that Baekhyun loved talking. A lot. Zitao answered a few questions, and even asked me a few. We talked about nothing in particular; I was ever so curious to ask Zitao about everything.

In fact, we talked so much, I even forgot that Zitao and I weren’t actually friends at all, this being my first time ever actually speaking to the boy.

Soon, the bell sounded, and with a slightly heavy heart, I picked up my bag, slinging it over my shoulders. Faintly, my stomach grumbled in protest, reminding my stupid self that I had forgotten to eat anything. Damn. Baekhyun and Zitao uttered final goodbyes before walking off, hand-in-hand, towards whatever class they had. I sighed, turning around and stalking off to my own class.


Students bumped into my shoulders as I walked through the hallways, them barely taking a glance at me. Climbing the stairs, I reached my floor, where the dorm rooms were. Without even glancing up, I familiarly recognised the path to my dorm, and I reached deep into my pocket to find the keys. Shifting through my pocket, I stepped up to the door, submerging my keys to unlock the dorm.

The room was dark, silent. The lights hung forgotten, and shadows cast their forms across furniture and walls. Shutting the door, drowning the room in blackness, I flicked on the lightswitch, which casted a glow over the shadows.

I slung my schoolbag over the back of a chair, and walked up to the door of the bedroom I shared with Yixing and Chanyeol. Before I could step in, I heard a faint noise, almost like crying and sniffing. Thinking only of Yixing, I burst into the room, and sure enough, the blond boy I found curled up against the foor of my bed, hugging his arms close to his body. I flicked on the light, and came to the sight of tears streaming down the boy’s face, the sleeves of his jacket damp.

I ran over to the boy, circling my arms around his shoulders, hugging him softly. Yixing cried into the shoulder of my jacket, but I ignored it. I could always wash my jacket later. We hugged for a few minutes in silence, listening to the sniffing of Yixing, before I pulled away, and gripped his face between my hands. Up close, I could see marks and bruises decorating his pale skin. A thin line of blood trickled down his chin. Tears still welled from his eyes.

I could tell he’d been bullied.

‘Who? Who the hell did this to you?’ I asked firmly, waiting for an answer.

Yixing looked up, his soft eyes staring back at me. He opened his mouth, and uttered a single word. Well, more like a single name.




I hope you guys don't hate me for cliffhangers! I don't like them either, mind you...

So, what do you guys think? Am I too mean and evil?

I don't really know what the hell went on between BaekTao and Kyunggie. I just wanted them to meet, is all. So yes, Baekhyun is Tao's boyfriend! Yay! Of course, since I ship them... I hope you guys don't mind~

Well, I have to go :/ I'll update as soon as I can, I promise!

Sorry if this chapter is too short :(

Follow me on Tumblr~  yilayxing

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cup_of_coffee #1
Will you update this? .-.
Chapter 6: I've always been used to TaoRis....this is going to get kind of interesting! Oh and Luhan!!!! He's D.O's friend right? And Kai likes him? Oh gosh! I can't wait to read on XD SULAY FTW!!!!
Chapter 14: But I like $uho hurt Lay... >:D
Chapter 14: Oh my god. Sure wasn't expecting that! Lol that was good. You tricked me xD unf, I can't wait til hunhan gets together too lol
YuShing7 #5
Chapter 14: Poor Yixing :( Hunhan are being meanies. At least Yixing has Suho and Kyungie ! Thanks for the update <3
Chapter 14: aaaah, I thought so! hehe...whoopsies, sorry :P guess I got a lil carried away and accused Suho! Forgive meee~~
kyungsquishysoo #7
Chapter 14: Oh woah Hunhan couple is so mean, and Sulay i like your plan x)
Chapter 13: OMG WHUUUUUUUT?!?!?!,! NOOOO, Suho you ! The is wrong with yooooou T.T
Chapter 13: OMG~!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID $UHO DO???? OMG OMG update soon please~!!!
oh btw am a new reader~