- - K Y U N G S O O - -

I'm In Love With The School Bully!

. . . K Y U N G S O O . . .

   I watched the car disappear off into the distance, back towards home. I couldn't help but smile and cry as I waved goodbye. 'Bye, umma! See you at Christmas!'
   I turned around to face the school. The building was quite new, with whitewashed walls, delicate gardens and cherry trees. The path beneath my feet was swept clean, save the occasional blossom petal littering here and there. I shrugged my bag over my shoulder, the strap cutting into the crook of my neck, and I bent sideways to grasp at the handle of my suitcase. I then started about making my way to the white, elegant school. Oh, all those years I had spent dreaming of coming here, and yet, here I was! All my hardwork had finally paid off.
   Of course, as I strolled towards the school, I mumbled out 'the plan' to myself;
   Do not interact with anybody! You'll cause trouble...
   Focus ONLY on your schoolwork; achieve those high grades!
   Make mama proud, most of all!

   I was almost reaching the gates to the entry of the school, when I felt a strong arm whack into my chest, haulting me from moving any further. I let out an impatient sigh and turned to face the person.

   'What do we have here, boys? Looks like a new face to me; finally, fresh meat!'
I eyed the boy that had spoken. From what I could assume, his face was handsome, but was ruined entirely by the sneer he had plastering it. He had short, reddish brown hair, and deep, cruel eyes. I could only guess, by his aura of rudeness, that he was the leader of the five boys. Oh, great. The other boys, well, I could say that they all had the same snarky looks, but that wouldn't be entirely true. Past three of the boys, there stood another, who had a straight, unemotional face masked over. He stood off to the side as if he didn't quite want to be with the group. When he looked up and caught my eye, his brown eyes widened only just a bit, before he looked back down and shadowed his face. Huh.
   'Please let me go. I have to sign into the school.'
   'Oh, we could help you with that! We know where to show you.' The look on his face told me otherwise. However, before I could snap back at the boy, a pair of footsteps echoed behind me, and a calm, cool voice spoke out.
   'Let him go, Junmyeon. You have no buisness here.' The red-head, who I suppose was Junmyeon, presented a look of disgust, before he sneered once at me and led his boys away, but not without yelling back behind him, 'We'll meet up again, boy. Someone needs to show you obedience!'

   I turned to face the two boys who had arrived before, and I was struck yet again with more handsome faces. A tall, light-brown headed boy and a short, grinning other. Well, they both were grinning at me, and something told me I could trust these two right away. And I was right.
   'Sorry about that,' the shorter of the two said. 'Every new student goes through that. But, it passes. Annyeong, my name is Yixing, but you can call me Lay, if you so prefer. Oh, and this tall one here is-'
   'Park Chanyeol, nice to meet you!'
   I couldn't help but giggle at his wide smile and I shook their hands politely, bowing once at both, and introducing myself in turn. 'Do Kyungsoo, nice to meet you! Thank you so much, for helping me.'
   Yixing chuckled at my introduction, before saying, 'Ah, don't mention it. And no need for formalities. If we are to be friends, then act as you feel around us! Now, would you like us to show you to your dorm?'
   'Oh yes, thank you!'
   'Then, right this way!'

- - - - -

   I seemed to have a slice of luck on my side, as it appeared that I gained two new friends, and that I was moved into their dorm. As the afternoon passed by, I got to know the two little by little, and they, in turn, recieved my stories back.
   Chanyeol, the lanky Happy Virus, as he was well known, was a popular boy around the school, though he only hung around Yixing and his boyfriend, Wu YiFan, who I had yet to meet. Chanyeol presented himself as one to cheer up the upset students, and was therefore a favourite among the teachers.
   Yixing was calm and collected, and unlike Chanyeol liked to keep to himself, mostly in one of the libraries. Though, as it turns out, he does indeed have a few friends around the campus, except none as close as Park Chanyeol.

   I was overall happy to be here at this school, more so than I expected. Though, as the afternoon wore on till nightfall, I couldn't help but think of those five boys, and what problem did they have when it came to being around other students? I guess I would have to find out for myself.


Wow, okay. This took a long time to write. Ah well...
So, yay! First chapter is up! Do you know how happy I am that people had subscribed to this story without there even being a first chapter. You guys make me happy :)

So, I did change the beginning a fair bit. This story is far more descriptive, so it takes a lot more effort to make a good story. But I am quite pleased with how this one turned out.

And yes, the first chapter is for Kyunggie! I love him, okay? He is precious; they all are, really. And I AM SO SORRY for making Suho the bad guy ;___;  I promise you guys he will get better ;) I hate being horrible to my babies. It makes me sad.
Just to say this, I really don't know how boarding school works! I just made this up XD Don't judge me :<

Soooo, I love you all! Please, feel free to leave a comment, subscribe, or even friend me! I love friends <3

Bye guys! <3

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cup_of_coffee #1
Will you update this? .-.
Chapter 6: I've always been used to TaoRis....this is going to get kind of interesting! Oh and Luhan!!!! He's D.O's friend right? And Kai likes him? Oh gosh! I can't wait to read on XD SULAY FTW!!!!
Chapter 14: But I like $uho hurt Lay... >:D
Chapter 14: Oh my god. Sure wasn't expecting that! Lol that was good. You tricked me xD unf, I can't wait til hunhan gets together too lol
YuShing7 #5
Chapter 14: Poor Yixing :( Hunhan are being meanies. At least Yixing has Suho and Kyungie ! Thanks for the update <3
Chapter 14: aaaah, I thought so! hehe...whoopsies, sorry :P guess I got a lil carried away and accused Suho! Forgive meee~~
kyungsquishysoo #7
Chapter 14: Oh woah Hunhan couple is so mean, and Sulay i like your plan x)
Chapter 13: OMG WHUUUUUUUT?!?!?!,! NOOOO, Suho you ! The is wrong with yooooou T.T
Chapter 13: OMG~!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID $UHO DO???? OMG OMG update soon please~!!!
oh btw am a new reader~