Let Me Breathe II



IMG CREDIT: deeohsarang@TUMBLR.com





(These are Kai's/Jongin's Memories)


"Are you ready?" Suho asked soothingly

Jongin glanced up at him giving him a weak smile "As ready as i'll ever be" he chuckled half-heartedly. 

"You know, you dont have to do this Jongin, you can wait-"

"No, I have to do it now" Jongin replied sternly "Only I can..." 

Suho sighed, "What about Sehun? Are you just going to leave him behind?" he said softly.

He scowled, "I've made up my mind Suho, Please start the operation" he responded quickly as he lay down onto the surgery bed.



Loud shouts echoed off the walls as Sehun shoved his way past the nurses frantically "JONGIN! DONT YOU DARE LAY DOWN ON THAT BED!" he shrieked. Running towards his lover furiously, Jongin sat up quickly. Clearly not expecting the latter to barge in at such a crucial moment of the experiment. 

"Get up, we're leaving" Sehun demanded, pulling at his arm frantically. Jongin's expression softened as tears streamed down the others cheeks, "When where you going to tell me?" Sehun choked. 

"Sehun-" Jongin started

"NO! GET OFF THAT BED WE'RE LEAVING" he yelled stubbornly 

"You know I can't do that sehun...I have to do this" Jongin smiled sadly as he the younger's cheeks soothingly. 

"You don't have to do this! We-we can wait! We’ll find someone to take your place! We can just wait for a few months-"

"We don't have that kind of time...I have to do his now" Jongin tried to reason

"No..NO, I cant-" his voice wavered "I can't loose you too Jongin" he whispered. 

He crushed the latter into his chest, his hair soothingly "It's going to be okay Sehun, everything’s going to be fine okay?" he cooed soothingly before pulling back. Only to press himself further into the boy, Kissing him passionately-almost as if it where his last. 

He peppered his face with kisses reassuring him with many 'I love you's' before the nurses tore Sehun away from his grasp.

"JONGIN!!! - JONGIN NO DONT GO" he sobbed as he kicked and screamed against the nurses "DONT LEAVE ME!"

His heart clenched painfully as a lump formed in his throat as he watched them drag Sehun away. The doctors motioned him to lay down; they where running out of time. He was injected with antibiotics and anesthesia quickly, the loss of his vision followed soon after.

"Suho" he called out groggily, "yes Jongin?" he responded stiffly

"Take care of Sehun, make sure he's happy ok? Do that for me alright?" Jongin slurred.

"Of course" Suho whispered sadly

"Thank you" he exhaled as his heart steadied and vision blackened. 








3 Hours after Surgery


He opened his eyes,


“Pupils unfocused, drowsy due to the anesthesia” a voice said


His vision focused on the being that leaned over him ‘human. His mind registered:


A member of the genus Homo and especially of the species H. sapiens. A person.


“Creation number. Record” The ‘person’ commanded


“Recording creation number” he croaked groggily


“00830, repeat”


“00830” he responded


“Good, Can you stand?” the doctor asked


00830 stood up carefully, head throbbing as his mind provided images and explanations for the objects surrounding him; Down to their chemical makeup.


“Wounds…are completely healed” the man commented, in awe.


He glanced up at the doctor carefully, eyeing him “Who are you? My creator?” he inquired


“No, I simply aided in the process that was your creation” the doctor responded conscientiously


“Then where is my creator?” 


“Your are your creator…essentially…” he responded deliberately


“I…am my creator?” His mind frantically searched through it’s database for information about a said creator? Past histories.


Search: Files Not Found…


“ I have no such memories” the drone glanced up at the man


“Come with me I’ll get you something to wear and fill you in on the details, I’m Dr.Suho” he said with a melencoly smile.


“Thankyou…” he responded unevenly, he followed the human in the white coat towards an immense closet room.


“Here are your clothes, don’t worry about the random changes in temperature these clothes can withstand extreme climates; they are specially made for drones like yourself” he informed 00830.


“Like myself?” he inquired curiously


“Ah, yes. Newborns don’t have much control over the changes in temperature in their body’s, although I’m not sure if you’ll have that problem…”


“Why are you unsure?” the drone asked perplexed “My files are very thorough about these characteristics and conflicts drone’s face. Why are you uncertain with me?” he pressed


“Well, you are special, you are what I’d like to call a cyborg” Suho informed him carefully


Cyborg: A human who has certain physiological processes aided or controlled by mechanical or electronic devices


“I think your mistaken doctor- I’m a-”


Genetic Search… Human:70% Android:30%


“Cyborg…” he finished


“Indeed you are…now do you understand how you could be your creator?”


“I-I have no memories of it though” he muttered


“Well, There is a slight possibility that…the anesthesia could still be in work and, possibly, could be keeping Jongin, your creator, asleep” Suho thought to himself out loud.


“So wait, my creator and I? We are…Technically one?”


“Well yes, in a way, yes you are” Suho nodded


“Is he…Still alive?” the cyborg asked carefully


“By the looks of it, and by the heart beats emitting from your chest I would say yes”


“But how-“


“JONGIN!” a voice yelled as the human lunged itself at 00830, His body heated promptly; triggering the defense mode. He had the younger male pressed against the wall with his arms folded behind his back in a painful manner.


“00830 release him!” Suho demanded desperately, the cyborg glanced down at his attacker and let go of his hands. The boy whimpered as he fell back onto his behind, tears collected in his eyes as he rubbed his wrists.


Emotion scan…Anger…Confusion…Scan complete.



“I’m sorry, have I angered you?” he questioned seriously


“Sehun- now is not a good time, he just got out of surgery” Suho tried to reason


“What’s wrong with him Suho, why is he acting so weird” Sehun asked, as he looked the cyborg over.


“It worked…” Suho admitted


“…I’m sorry, I think I heard wrong…did you say it worked?” Sehun scoffed


“It did” Suho answered in a stern voice


“Ok…so now that we know it works, and how it does you don’t need Jongin anymore right?”




“Ok so lets fix him up and change him back so I can congratulate him” Sehun smiled, as relief washed over his face.


“I-I can’t” Suho admitted


“What do you mean you can’t?” his face drained of color


“Jongin provided us the tools and information to make him this way, we currently, have no way of reversing this…other than the natural death of subject 00830”


Sehun turned towards the cyborg, “B-But your Jongin-“ he stuttered incoherently.


“You are wrong human, I am Subject 00830, Not ‘Jongin’” the droid answered monotonously.


“Suho-“ he begged “What’s wrong with Jongin?” salty-droplets gathered around his eyes.


“The Android system was programmed into his…well, brain. So essentially he is no longer ‘Jongin’ but subject 00830” Suho answered sadly as he reached out for the pitiful boy.


“No!” He slapped the elders hand away swiftly, “No, He’s Jongin” he cried


“He harmed you doctor, would you like me to remove this human from these chambers?” 00830 challanged


“No, That’s ok…He’s just…startled that’s all” Suho replied calmly.


“Suho…Tell me this isn’t real, Tell me this is a joke” he begged the elder as he clung to his white coat pathetically.


“It’s not sehun…I’m sorry” he whispered


Sehun stood to his feet, turning on his heels as he escaped the room with poorly hidden tears streaming down his face


Jongin’s heart clenched painfully at the sight of Sehun leaving, 00830 clutched at his chest as his breath left his lungs. The sudden urge to follow the boy was almost unbearable, to do things that a combat drone like himself where not meant to do to a human.


“He’ll come around don’t worry about him” Suho assured him “Come on I’ll introduce you to our newest staff who will be assigned to you, Baekhyun and Chanyeol” Subject 00830 nodded glumly “They’re awfully young but I’m sure you’ll get alone just fine” he smiled.



I initially wanted to make this chapter ALOT longer but I decided that you guys need an update. ;-; ONLY 2 MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL GUYS DONT WORRY!!!/ LOL Here i am typing this when i should be studying lolololol /sob KK ENJOYYYYY

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updating soon!!!! hopefully still havent done much planning lol


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krazi_Muzique #1
* 3 * Just enough angst to hurt! I love it! I will wait for this I don't care! The au is everything! Thank you for writing~
kuruta_2050 #2
Chapter 15: Wow it's been 4 years now..
yrffobd #4
Story seems very interesting so far! Looking forward to reading about how the plot will further develop ^^
Chapter 14: omg omg omg fangirling here, please hurry ^_^
kuruta_2050 #6
Chapter 14: i'm so excited for the next chapter \(*~*)/
when are you gonna publish it (0~0)?
can't wait :(
solace #7
Chapter 14: Yeah..I think I know what do you mean. Right now, we obviously can see that kyungsoo is a manly guy, whereas jongin is the cute puppy boy.lol
Omg you'back!"!OMGGGGGGGGG autor-nim ;0;finally!!
kikinana #9
Chapter 14: showing just fine