Captive II


Kyungsoo sat silently, as he slowly recalled todays events , letting his head fall back onto the leather seat.




Kyungsoo stiffened,


“You’re an android” he deadpanned,


 “Something like that” the man brushed off calmly.


“What’s your creation number” the doctor demanded, making the droid scoff


“Kai, my name is Kai”


Kyungsoo scrunched his nose in confusion ”Name? How could you possibly have a name? Did your creator name you?” the shorter male pressed.


Kai’s muscles flexed under his flesh; “I do have to say doctor you’ve disappointed me, I never would have pictured you as the ignorant type” he spat.


 Kyungsoo’s eyes enlarged automatically “Excuse me?!” he fumed.


The android fanned him away dismissively “Oh geez, never mind save it. ing Chanyeol giving me this mission…” he muttered under his breath. They slowed down at a red light, as Kyungsoo’s mind began to formulate a way out of this mess.


“What if I no longer want to cooperate?” he half-whispered; making the air thick with tension.


“You can try…” Kai responded quietly. 


With that a soft ‘click’ from the car, the doors unlocking themselves immediately. Kai turned to face Kyungsoo with a challenging smirk on his handsome features.


“Tell you what, I’ll give you a chance just because you did a good job back there” he said playfully


“What? You’ll let me go?” Kyungsoo eyed him suspiciously.


“haha no way doc, I’ll give you a 10 second head start” he challenged. The doctor’s jaw clenched with anger, but no, it was no time to be prideful; Survival and freedom came first. He swiftly opened the door, breaking into a sprint as soon as his feet met the ground, he pumped his arms at his sides, running as fast as his body would allow. But he felt like he was running nowhere, he had taken a right off the highway and into what seemed to be a huge empty lot of land. Probably a new spot for a skyscraper but there where already at the outskirts of the city where there where no buildings just a black expanse of darkness and land. He came to a stop and glanced around nervously, had the android really given up? He whipped around, only to be met by a strong chest clothed in black. He felt himself being scooped up by the waist as his scream was cut off before it could even begin. 


“Too easy” Kai laughed, as he walked toward the vehicle that was driving itself towards them.

Kyungsoo clawed viciously at Kai’s back and escaped as he squirmed in the taller mans grasp. Falling straight onto the earth, he kicked himself off the ground and ran like the devil was at his heels.  He nearly tripped as he was stopped dead in his tracks; Kai was already standing a few feet away in front of him.


“c’mon doc I gave you a chance, I caught you, so that means you have to come quietly and not struggle okay?” he tried to reason as he closed the distance between them.


“Like hell I’ll just let you take me” Kyungsoo muttered, as he ran in the opposite direction. He heard a frustrated grunt behind him, as kai’s arms where circled around him and yanked him off the ground.


“Stop being such a pain in my ” he growled into the doctor’s ear, but his comment only fueled Kyungsoo.


“LET-ME-GO!!” he yelled as he struggled against Kai.


To his dismay he was tossed into the slick-black convertible, Kai held him down with one hand as he searched in the glove compartment. He pulled out silver cuffs; cuffing the doctor to the handle at the roof of the car. He huffed and pulled back to admire his work, dusting his hands before he shut the door and circled around the vehicle.  He slid into the vehicle and swerved back onto the road, “You sad imitation of a human- LET ME GO-!!” Kyungsoo yelled, as he kicked at the car furiously. Kai groaned, “This is going to be a long drive” he sighed to himself. The doctors feeble attacks at the car and his screeching lasted only a few hours until he was out of breathe and exhausted. He decided to glare the others head in hopes that he would spontaneously develop the ability to shoot lasers from his eyes. But it was becoming tiring and his eyes where shutting, he blinked furiously. Trying to keep exhaustion at bay, but before he even realized it. He had fallen asleep. 






Kyunsoo stared dozily at the red-floored rug moving beneath him, wondering how the hell he was moving; he stopped, heard a beep and was brought into a room. Kai laid him down onto the nearest bed; Kyungsoo still drunk from sleep had his arms raised above his head submissively. Peering up through squinted eyes, as Kai cuffed one of his arms to the bed. But Kyungsoo could careless, being in the exhausted state he was in, he most likely wouldn’t recall ever being brought into the room. He closed his eyes and was tossed back into the black haze that was slumber.






Darkness warped away as the light seeped into his vision, and the room to come into focus.  He turned over lazily as his own reflection gazed back, a mirror easily 7 feet hung from the closet.


I look like death…


 His arms muscles buzzed with pain and numbness. He shifted to get a look at the object that twisted his arm back into an awkward position. A silver cuff glowing a faint red from the lock, decorated his bruised wrist; that was now an angry shade of red and purple. He jumped at the rustling coming from the entrance, his heart leapt into his throat instinctively. An elderly woman paced into the room, holding a silver tray. The aroma his Kyungsoo’s nostrils immediately, making his stomach rumble and ache. He folded onto his side, clutching his stomach in pain. She made her way towards the nightstand to his left setting the tray down; Kyungsoo gripped onto her arm swiftly.


“Hey, do you think you would get me out of these cuffs?” he begged, the elderly woman just shook her head.


Rather stiffly, Kyungsoo noted. Kyungsoo began to pull on her arm, begging her softly to call someone, to get some help. Fear evaded her old features; She backed away, quickly occupying herself with the barely untouched room. When she was done, she bowed slightly and made her way out of the door, tensing as she passed by Kai who had just entered the room. His vision landed on Kyungsoo’s wrist, he paced over to his side.  Kyungsoo tensed, glaring at him with all the fight he had left in himself. Kai pulled out a magnet and gripped Kyungsoo’s wrist, he paused to eye the doctor who leaned in with anticipation.


"I’m going to un-cuff you now…" Kai informed him


With a soft ‘ffst’ the cuffs where unlocked and fell back onto the bed next to the doctors head. Kai stepped back granting the doctor his space, he sat in the nearest chair. Observing the shorter male as he cradled his wrist near his chest.


“Eat,” he commanded tonelessly


Kyungsoo glared up drone, why don’t you eat? Eat shi-


 Biting back an insult that danced around the tip of his tongue dangerously. He feebly picked the trey and set it down on a small table just next to the bed. He reached out for the glass of water first, letting the water alleviate his sandy tongue. His stomach purred approvingly as he wolfed down the breakfast, chewing impatiently and swallowing half eaten food.  He inhaled deeply once he finished, feeling lightheaded due to the lack of oxygen.


“You’re done?” the drone asked


“Yeah” the doctor responded monotonously


“Ok well I guess you can shower now…there’s a towel in the closet” he replied


Kyungsoo looked up at the closet, and noted how close the door was to the closet.


If I can open the door and get out I might have a chance this time, I just need to close the door behind me to buy some time….


Kyungsoo stood up and paced towards the closet, opening it and reaching into it slowly.


It’s now or never-


A possible double update~ :)

Word count:1381

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updating soon!!!! hopefully still havent done much planning lol


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krazi_Muzique #1
* 3 * Just enough angst to hurt! I love it! I will wait for this I don't care! The au is everything! Thank you for writing~
kuruta_2050 #2
Chapter 15: Wow it's been 4 years now..
yrffobd #4
Story seems very interesting so far! Looking forward to reading about how the plot will further develop ^^
Chapter 14: omg omg omg fangirling here, please hurry ^_^
kuruta_2050 #6
Chapter 14: i'm so excited for the next chapter \(*~*)/
when are you gonna publish it (0~0)?
can't wait :(
solace #7
Chapter 14: Yeah..I think I know what do you mean. Right now, we obviously can see that kyungsoo is a manly guy, whereas jongin is the cute puppy
Omg you'back!"!OMGGGGGGGGG autor-nim ;0;finally!!
kikinana #9
Chapter 14: showing just fine