Captive III




He spun on his heels charging towards the door, pulling the door nob quickly. Adrenaline rushed and his strength was restored, the slight crack of the door almost sends him into frenzy but his victory was short-lived. The door was slammed shut just as quickly with an incredible force; before Kyungsoo could blink he was yanked off his feet.


“LET GO OF ME YOU !” he screeched, kicking in every direction.


Kai set him down, but before he could scream again his shirt pulled up and off his head.




Kai slammed the bathroom door shut violently, only to come back a few seconds later with the same silver cuffs. Kyungsoo’s eyes enlarged at the sight of the cuffs Not those again!, the tan man shoved him into the bathe and cuffing him to the metal rod that currently held the bathe curtain up.


“JUST LET ME G-“ his holler was quickly cut short by the cold water that shot into his face,  “Ah! It’s cold!” he cried out. 


Kai left the bathroom door ajar, “hurry the hell up” he growled






He continued his Sinatra before finally letting his hollers to die down to feeble whimpers. Tears streamed down his face, only to merge with the ice droplets that hammered themselves into his body. Having no other alternative than to give in he did his best to remove his drenched pants along with his boxers. His muscles tightened under his flesh, sending shudders up his spine as he reached out for the shower handle. The cuff bit into his flesh as he strained to lean lower, sending fresh waves of tears down his face.


Stupid career, stupid work, stupid discoveries, stupid android, stupid cuffs- why me, he thought to himself angrily.


Kyungsoo sobbed silently as he quickly bathed himself, after a few still seconds he wondered how he was going to turn the water off and get out. He settled for making noise to get the toaster’s attention, the flung objects that where in the shower to the bathroom walls; Toppling over cups and shampoo bottles on the near the sink.  He glanced around looking for more things to throw but there where none.


I ‘m going to have to call him…NONONONO I WONT! I’d rather wait it out here in this-Ice-cold water…


His body jerked forward with a loud sneeze, which was a clear sign that this cold bathe was going to get him sick.


10 minutes


20 minutes




“KAI!!!” he sobbed, “Kai-Get me out!! I’m cold-” he confessed; as he finally broke down. He cried—letting loud sobs ripple through his throat.


The tan-skinned man entered after a few seconds, but was alarmed at the doctor’s current state. Shivering and clutching the shower curtains against his chest, as tears streamed down his cheeks and onto his pale lips.


“Get me out—please” he begged


“You won’t be a bad boy now, will you?” Kai questioned smugly.


“I’ll be good! Just get me out” he sobbed


Kai leaned close and un-cuffed him, he brought a bathrobe from the closet right after.  He held it out to Kyungsoo, who was crouched- hugging his knees to his chest inside the tub. He snatched the bathrobe; wrapping it around himself quickly and ran out of the bathroom. Kyungsoo sat on the side of the bed, sobbing quietly into the sleeve of the bathrobe as Kai came over with fresh clothes.


“H-hey, stop crying it’s not that big of a deal…” Kai said as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly but this only made Kyungsoo’s sobbing escalate.


“…” he cursed under his breath “I’m not good at this whole comforting thing…that’s Sehun’s job—” he muttered.


“OK-OK, Tell you what, I'll make you a deal, all i need you to do is  help me—I promise you I’ll bring you back home once this is all finished okay? In order to protect you I need your cooperation. This is serious and you could be killed at any moment, fighting me is not going to keep you alive” he tried to reason.


Kyungsoo’s tears slowly died down, and he raised his head giving Kai a full view of his puffy eyes and red cheeks.


“You promise?” Kyungsoo croaked groggily, leaving Kai bewildered by his sudden change of attitude.


“I promise” Kai assured him “Get dressed—I’ll be right back…Just don’t leave the room” he warned before heading outside the room.








Kyungsoo slipped on the fresh clothes, too much black for his taste but it would have to do. He stood up and walked over to the mirror, inhaling sharply at the sight of his reflection.


“I look terrible~” he whined as he poked his puffy eyelids.


He perused the room, wondering what he could possibly do as he waited for Kai to come back.  He paced towards the bed and flopped down, glaring at the ceiling silently. 


I wonder if anyone will notice that I’m gone…are they looking for me? How long will this take?


He groaned and rolled over onto his side, he sat suddenly as the idea of calling someone came to mind.


I won’t take too long; I’m just going to let him know I’m okay…


He picked up the phone; dialing the headquarters of his office “Thank you for calling The GHI Corp, How can I help you?” answered a monotone voice






“Hey—yeah it’s me”




“Yeah—I’m fine, I can’t tell you where I am but…I just wanted to let you know I’m okay…and alive…” Kyungsoo answered slowly


“Ok… Are you in any sort of…trouble?” Minseok’s voice faltered on the last word, his emotions finally immobilizing his ability to converse.


“No—Yes, But I’m ok, I got help; they’re going to get me out of this mess, I have to go now; I’ll call you later…okay?”


“Yeah…and Kyungsoo!”




“Be safe, please”


“Yes hyung, I will” he promised.


Kyungsoo closed the phone and sat there numbly, he rubbed small circles in his chest to soothe the aching.   Just then frantic nocks where rapped against the door, Kyungsoo jumped to his feet and ran towards the door. He peered through the peephole and was met by a familiar handsome face; swiftly he unlocked the door and swung it open.  Kai rushed in, dragging a mashed body in with him. Kyungsoo squeaked at the sight of the bloodied body, Kai stripped the armored man of his gear.


“Hey, take his stuff and put it in that black bag in the corner! —Did you call someone?!” he hissed


“WHAT? NO!....... OK maybe I did—BUT IT WAS A QUICK CALL!” he yelled nervously


“—Kyungsoo why the hell would you do that?!” he growled, as he dressed the  dead man in Kyungsoo’s clothes. 


“Because—Wait when did we get to first name basis? You don’t even know m—”


He tossed the bloodied suit at Kyungsoo; “Put that under the bed, hurry” Kyungsoo shoved it under the mattress with a huff and picked up the black bag. The door was kicked off its hinges and thick-bodied men with gleaming eyes entered, Kai tossed the breakfast table into the large glass window. Scooping up Kyungsoo by the waist and jumped out; Kyungsoo shrieked because this time there definitely was no rope. The hotel room busted into thick flames and fumes as they fell rapidly down, Kai landed on the concrete, smashing in the ground around his feet. Almost immediately a black convertible whisked around the corner of the lot and met him half way, the doors opened automatically. He shoved Kyungsoo into the car through the driver’s side and hopped in swiftly, Kyungsoo was shaking and taking large gulps of air.


“YOU PUT A BOMB UNDER MY BED?!?!” he shrieked


“It had to be done, I didn’t expect them to give up they’re search anyway” he answered evenly.  Kai shifted the clutch and skidded out of the hotel parking lot and onto the road.


“Call Chanyeol he commanded.


The vehicle immediately began to dial a number; it rang only once before a deep voice answered.


“Ayo Kkamjong~ What’s up man!” Chanyeol chirped


“Who the did you send me to ‘pick up’? This was supposed to be a quick sweep; I didn’t sign up for this !” Kai yelled


“Well you didn’t really sign up for anythi—”


“Chanyeol” kai growled


“Ok, ok don’t get you in a bunch, geez” he went silent for a moment as soft keyboard clicks filled the background


“Do Kyungsoo, a Doctor at the GHI corp headquarters, come from a rather wealthy family. Remaining relatives: a mother, short—black haired, with ridiculously large eyes—”


“I’m not short! And my eyes are that big” Kyungsoo argued


“Get to the ing point, why the hell are they chasing my like his balls are made of diamond?!” The impatient drone bellowed


“What kind of language is that?! Stop being such a brat!” Kyungsoo lectured as he fought down a creeping blush


“Someone’s grumpy” Chanyeol cooed “He has important information…Information that could change the world, for everyone. Like everything in this world there is good and bad, and of course this could definitely be used for bad that is why they desperately need him” Chanyeol finished


Kai looked over at the puzzled man, “Where is it?” he asked


“I have no idea what he’s talking about, I haven’t made no such discovery” Kyungsoo admitted


“Great, he has no clue what’s going on” Kai groaned rubbing his temples in frustration


“Anyways kkamjong—Be sure to bring the penguin back to headquarters where we can keep him alive and well, oh and…when you get a chance call Sehun—I have no idea what you did but you better bring him some flowers or something” Chanyeol mused. Kai simply grunted as a response, before he closed the phone call. Silence lingered around the air before Kyungsoo spoke up “How come you get to call people?” he whined.


“Because I CAN and I’M THE ONE IN CHARGE, Because a CERTAIN SOMEONE doesn’t even know why people are after his OKAY?! SO NO MORE QUESTIONS FOR NOW!”  Kai exploded. Kyungsoo snapped his mouth shut, and sat back into the leather chair silently.  After 30 seconds he spoke up again “Where are we going?” he asked in a small voice, “We are going to find out what makes you so valuable” Kai responded slowly


“And where do we find that out?” Kyungsoo asked innocently


“Where you find out everything else in this world—The slums”


OKAY, So double update? two days in a row, LOL I'm on a roll idek, This is unbettad, sorry for any mistakes. I need to find a beta reader who is willing to read this for me ;v; if anyone is interested message me~ 

Word count:1788

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updating soon!!!! hopefully still havent done much planning lol


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krazi_Muzique #1
* 3 * Just enough angst to hurt! I love it! I will wait for this I don't care! The au is everything! Thank you for writing~
kuruta_2050 #2
Chapter 15: Wow it's been 4 years now..
yrffobd #4
Story seems very interesting so far! Looking forward to reading about how the plot will further develop ^^
Chapter 14: omg omg omg fangirling here, please hurry ^_^
kuruta_2050 #6
Chapter 14: i'm so excited for the next chapter \(*~*)/
when are you gonna publish it (0~0)?
can't wait :(
solace #7
Chapter 14: Yeah..I think I know what do you mean. Right now, we obviously can see that kyungsoo is a manly guy, whereas jongin is the cute puppy
Omg you'back!"!OMGGGGGGGGG autor-nim ;0;finally!!
kikinana #9
Chapter 14: showing just fine