No Where To Hide III


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Dr.Do, Kai how nice of you to join us" Kyungsoo's attention was soon on the man at the end of the meeting table. 

His eyes landed on a tall man around his early 40s, sporting a crooked smile that accentuated his rugged facial features.

"Please, allow me to introduce myself", he stood up and an expectant hand at kyungsoo "President Ahn".

"Do Kyungsoo.." he shook the presidents hand firmly, "It's nice to finally meet you" the man said.

"Now! take a seat we have a bit to discuss, due to a certain situation that has arisen before us" the president took his position in front of the podium.

"Information was reported missing at S.C head quarters, Old files that once belonged to Dr. Do's mother. Now, Mr.Do is there anything you can possibly remember perhaps something this file may contain?" President Ahn and the rest of the members attention was immediately directed to Kyungsoo.

"W-well my mother would make me write these prompts, full of hunches that could later be further developed into a hypothesis that would be used for future projects. Data on Lab rats, the results, different factors, and not to mention success rates".

President Ahn rubbed his chin in thought " was there anything classified in these files?" Kyungsoo's eyes met his "If what your asking me whether or not any of my Transhuman files are in there then no, well....yes and no".

The president  raised an eyebrow "how so?"

"Well the testing where meant to later be used on humans but nothing as complex as a human life form, I was too young too inexperienced to have possibly written anything helpful in those files, the idea perhaps but nothing more nothing less" Dr.Do states firmly.

"I see...well for now we will not take action against these unknown individuals, if we see that at any point there could be possible information at stake we will send in a team to retrieve all costs" he stated.

And with that the meeting was dismissed, Kyungsoo made a quick beeline for the door when President Ahn called out to him " Kyungsoo, can I have a word with you? if you don't mind"

"Yes of course"

"I know you only have a day or two here but given the circumstances and the fact that you are indeed a brilliant individual, we'd like to offer you a position here at S.C Corp,  strictly for the documentation and studies of future technologies here. We would be offering you your own lab, a team, a bigger place, and of course all the machinery and materials necessary for your  projects; as well as security because nothing could possibly come first than your safety" he said with a knowing smile.

Kyungsoo's stomach churned dangerously " Thankyou, for your offer,  but I'm going to have to take some time to think this over-"

"Take your time Dr.Do, we don't need an answer just yet"

Kyungsoo exhaled "Thankyou"

"Anytime" The president answered with a small smile.

Kyungsoo shuffled out of the meeting room, a position S.I.C Headquarters was an amazing opportunity only the best where admitted here. Let alone give a private lab dedicated to his studies only. His mother would call him a fool for letting such a needed opportunity pass, this was everything he'd been preparing for. 


All those late-night shifts he spent slaving over the operation tables, taking apart countless drones and humans. This was what he had been waiting for all his life, this is what he was meant to do.


The doctors head snapped up as he felt a tug on his sleeve " Hey, you ok there?" Kai smiled lazily at him "K-Kai!" Kyungsoo yelped "I didn't see you there sorry!"

The drone chuckled "How could you when you where trying to decipher the meaning of life just now" he mused

Kyungsoo gave him a small smile in return, a comfortable silence followed shortly after.

"I know it's not my place to be giving opinions, or even overhearing but I think it's a great opportunity for you Kyungsoo"

Kyungsoo glanced over at Kai as he moved away from the wall he had previously been leaning on, Kyungsoo frowned at him.

Kai noticed his negative response "I probably should have gone for the screeching while covering my ears tactic huh?" he joked in attempt to lighten the mood.

"That would have been best..."Kyungsoo answered slowly.


"It's ok, what are we doing today?" The doctor asked.

"Hmm looks like you and I are on idiot watching duty...for now" Kai grumbled as he led the way towards Chanyeols lab.

"Idiot watching duty???" kyungsoo mused as he walked behind the taller.

"Yea chanyeols trying out new weapons today, it's my job to make sure he doesnt hurt himself and also my job to watch over you. SO! Your stuck with me on idiot duty" Kai laughed.

"O-Okay" kyungsoo struggled to keep up with his quick long-legged pace.

"Oh thank god" Chen yelled exasperatedly " I thought I was going to be left to suffer alone with this hooligan".

Chanyeol's grin only grew larger, "Yo!  Kyungsoo sorry about this morning buddy, didnt know you where in the shower" he mused, as he flung an arm over the doctors shoulder.

"It's ok!" Kyungsoo squeaked, Baekhyun turned around sharply, and continued pressing buttons on the control pad. Chanyeol pouted at the lack of reaction, "Hey Baek make sure you get me the best drones~" he said as he stepped behind him.

"You'll get whatever i deem fit!" Baekhyun grouched, as he punched in the code furiously.

Chanyeol's playful smirk danced around his face as he leaned closer "your not mad...are you??"

Baekyhun shoved his elbow into the latters stomach, sending the taller tumbling towards the ground.

Kai chuckled as he walked past the idiot, giving his leg a little kick just for good measure, Chanyeol groaned from the ground "your elbows...are like knifes"

Kyungoo glanced back and forth worriedly, "Lets go in" Kai nodded towards the heavy metal door kyungsoo had seen him come through last time.

"Is it safe in there??"Kyungsoo asked nervously as he inched towards the entrance.

"Hm? Yea theres no drones today we're working with some firearms today, just target practice and self defense classes for the incompetent scientists here at our headquarters, you never know when you'll need to defend yourself during a code red" Kai reasoned.

"Ah i see" The doctor nodded "It makes sense"

Chen proceeds his grumbling as he walked into the combat chamber and headed towards the corner of the room where the bodies of the broken androids laid piled.

Chanyeol whistled a melody as he dragged in cases that seem to be holding firearms, once inside he carefully unpacked them and lined them up by size.

Kyungsoo glanced nervously between chanyeol and Kai "Are you sure it's safe??" he gulped nervously, Kai looked down at him with a smirk "Have I ever let anything happen to you princess?" he mocked. 

Kyungso coughed violently at the nickname, giving Kai the best glare he could muster with teary eyes. 

"Chanyeol hand me some gloves and some guards for the doctor will 'ya!" Kai yelled from across the combat chamber "We're going to start with the basics".

"Sure!" the latter chirped.

Chanyeol waddled towards them as he dragged a heavy duffel bad behind him, he gingerly ped the bag and pulled out these metallic shin guards and full steel gloves that stretched past the elbows.

"If we where in combat we would be wearing technologically engineered equipment somewhat like these, they're metallic but have a thick layer of cushion for the joints, as well as other gadgets you may need, usually suits are used but these are for more...simpler missions". he said

Kyungsoo stared at the shin guards, turning them in all kinds of directions trying to get the right side; after but a few seconds of struggling Kai huffed impatiently and crouched down next to the doctor. Pulling his leg towards him and strapping it on for him, as well as the other leg.

Kyungsoo sat quietly as he observed the latter,  clicking in the straps effortlessly; probably experience from being in the field so often.

"Cmon" Kai urged, as he pulled the elder to his feet, "Ok I need to to stand like this" He positioned the elder infront of himself, moving his arms and legs to that of a combat pose. 

"Ok, now just take his..." he handed the doctor a gun, "You hold it like...this" he said as he took the elders fingers into his own hand; showing him how to properly hold the gun.

Kyungsoo tried to hide his creeping blush, at all the skinship being hurled his way.

He was quickly pulled out of his thoughts when kai snapped repeatedly in his face, "hello?? Dr.Do Kyungsoo come in" he said

"I need you to shoot now" Kai insisted, "o-oh right" Kyungsoo stammered.

He shot blindly towards the target at the end of the room, not bothering to aim or brace himself for the recoil.

Kyungsoo fell on his behind with a loud thud, "ow-jesus"the elder groaned, "Why didn't you-"

"Warn you?" Kai mused, signature smirk in place.

"That would have been nice yes" the elder quipped, more embarrassed with him-self then annoyed with Kai.

"I figured, considering you age, that you would understand the physics behind a gun" he said, cocking his head to the side.

Kyungsoo clenched his teeth, "I know what recoil is" the elder said.


The man hauled kyungsoo to his feed easily, "Is your arm ok?" he said with a small smile gracing his features.

Kyungsoo fought down a pout, as he rubbed his shoulder "It's in it's socket if that's what your asking" he grumbled.

The drone laughed, "You'll do just fine" 

Loud clatter resonated off the walls and baekhyun shot aimlessly, 'clearly' not aiming at a certain tall man.

"IM SORRY-!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BAEKHYUN!!" he screeched as he ran around the shorter man, "YOUR SORRY FOR WHAT" Baekhyun yelled back.

"AHHHHHHH I WONT DO IT AGAIN DONT SHOOT MEEEEE" Chanyeol begged, Kai grimaced at the duo, "Stop wasting the practice bullets on him, he's not worth it baek".

"SAY UNCLE!" Baekhyun smiled, clearly enjoying himself too much "AHHHHH!!! UNCLE!!!!!!" Chanyeol bellowed.

Chen glared at the scene "Hooligan's i swear..."

The doctor smiled at them, maybe getting his own lab here wouldn't be too bad...

He glanced up at Kai, who smiled when they're eyes met.



excuse any mistakes,or me not capitalizing names and stuff I've had this saved for a long time, and was wondering what else to add lol not as much interaction as i had in mind, ermmm i'm going to jot down a few ideas i have in mind for the next chapter i'm stuck at an airport for a few hours...-_- so ya. lol anyways! I hope you guys enjoy the kinda? long update i usually only update 1k o uo. and i'm sure u all know i write as i go along lol i dont have much planned only the main ideas, i initially had some taoris planned for the fic but that would make this fic ALOTTTTTT longer and idk lol if i'm up for that let me know in the comments, are you guys interested in a little taoris?? :3 It's really dramatic and angsty and just hits u right in the kokoro x) maybe i should make them they're own short story...hermmm

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updating soon!!!! hopefully still havent done much planning lol


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krazi_Muzique #1
* 3 * Just enough angst to hurt! I love it! I will wait for this I don't care! The au is everything! Thank you for writing~
kuruta_2050 #2
Chapter 15: Wow it's been 4 years now..
yrffobd #4
Story seems very interesting so far! Looking forward to reading about how the plot will further develop ^^
Chapter 14: omg omg omg fangirling here, please hurry ^_^
kuruta_2050 #6
Chapter 14: i'm so excited for the next chapter \(*~*)/
when are you gonna publish it (0~0)?
can't wait :(
solace #7
Chapter 14: Yeah..I think I know what do you mean. Right now, we obviously can see that kyungsoo is a manly guy, whereas jongin is the cute puppy
Omg you'back!"!OMGGGGGGGGG autor-nim ;0;finally!!
kikinana #9
Chapter 14: showing just fine