


Drawing Credit goes to:

Midnight Tofu and her awesome ART!!!!! ; 3;/ If you haven't seen her art GO CHECK IT OUT. <3



“Kyungsoo?” Kai called out quizzically “Hey did you settle in already?” he questioned as he swiftly untangled himself form the blonde male.


“I-Um” Kyungsoo swallowed thickly, “No, I didn’t know where to go”


The blonde male looked him over carefully “You must be Dr.Do” he smiled softly as he held his hand out to the shorter man.


He was breathtakingly handsome; he definitely complemented Kai’s equally good looks.


“I am, and you are..?” Kyungsoo asked carefully and he shook the blonde’s hand.


“I’m Sehun, Doctor Oh Sehun; It’s nice to finally meet you”




“The pleasures all mine” Kyungsoo responded bashfully as he played with the hem of his shirt timidly.


Sehun continued to rake his eyes over the shorter male, as if tattooing his every detail into his mind.


Kai glanced carefully at the two men before finally stepping in-between Sehun’s judging eyes; that he knew oh-so well.


“-Well It was nice talking to you Sehun but I have to go get Kyungsoo settled in, we’ve had so many…beautiful encounters” he mused as he led the shorter male out the room.


“Ah of course, go ahead” Sehun bowed politely as he led them towards the exit.


“A-ah! It was nice meeting you!” Kyungsoo bowed politely and walks towards the exit.


Only to stop half way out the door, he heard hushed voices argue behind him. He swallowed thickly in fear of what he would see; and how it would affect him.


He glanced over his shoulder, and like usual: his chest throbbed painfully. Kai pressed himself against Dr.Oh , pulling the latter up against himself as the other squirmed in his embrace. Sehun’s feeble attempts to get away ended abruptly when Kai forcefully smashed his lips against the other in a rough manner.


Kyungsoo walked out knowing Kai would be on his heels in just a few moments…






“Where you scared? ‘cuz I left you all alone for .3 seconds?” Kai jabbed playfully at kyungsoo’s side as they walked side by side down the desolate halls.


“I was not!” the doctor argued


“Ha! Your eyes where as big as an owl’s when you came in; don’t even try to hide it~”


“It wasn’t because I was scared it was -” kyungsoo swallowed nervously,




Kai slowed down his steps, as he looked kyungsoo over quizzically “Because of what” he questioned.


“Nothing, It’s nothing never mind” kyungsoo paled as he began to walk swiftly in an unknown direction.


“ What do you mean it’s nothing, now I want to know” Kai pressed


“It’s nothing Kai just drop it” the doctor responded sternly


“Oh Jeez what got his in a bunch…” Kai muttered under his breathe as he watched the shorter practically stomp down the halls.


“Where are you going? Ladies dorms? As much as you seem to belong over there I can’t allow you to go; men go over here” Kai pointed to the right, Kyungsoo stopped dead in his tracks; before scampering over towards Kai’s side in embarrassment.


His cheeks burned a deep shade of red as Kai messed his hair up with a chuckle.


“C’mon doctor your rooms this way” Kai laughed as they walked down the halls together.









Kyungsoo let his fingers brush through the soft fabrics that clothed his new bed. It was a simple room, white walls, a TV, what seemed to be a ‘house phone’ programmed into the wall, a computer, a bed, and a bathroom.


“ Database, register Doctor Do Kyungsoo as this rooms new keeper” Kai commanded


“Registering…Do Kyungsoo…Registration complete…would you like to customize now?” the room chanted.


The drone scrunched his nose distastefully, before glancing over at the doctor who simply shrugged in return.


“Sure” he responded


“Registering…water temperature…” the shower overhead came to life instantaneously. Kai walked over towards the bathroom “Hey doc, come feel the water you have to choose the temperature”


“Coming” Kyungsoo responded straightaway


He hurriedly treaded over, “hmmm how about we start atttt…102*F?  or maybe 107*F?” Kai offered.


The water heated promptly after his command was registered  “ow..Ow! OW OW OW!” Kyungsoo yelped as he pulled his hand out from under the running water. He carefully cradled his scorched hand against his chest, his finger tips and hands an angry red. He glared up at Kai “What?” Kai asked innocently as he continued to hold his hand under the sizzling water.


“Are you trying to burn my hand off you dumb toaster?! EH!?” the doctor exploded.


“What?! This waters perfectly fine!” Kai argued defensively


“It practically burned my skin off!” Kyungsoo argued


“What!? You’re so dramatic jeez, let me see” he took kyungsoo’s reddened hand into his. Completely oblivious to kyungsoo’s equally red cheeks; that seemed to complement his fingers well. Kai noted the once milky skin was an angry red, was it too hot? He asked himself.


“Your just a pansy that’s why” Kai retorted with a snort as he dropped the others injured hand “okay how about 85*F” he offered.


The water was cooled dramatically, causing the drone to shiver and yank his hand away with a scowl.


“There, it’s freezing, just for you” he grumbled as he stepped away from the shower; granting the doctor his space.


Kyungsoo skeptically eyed the running water, before waiting for kai’s ‘ok’ sign


“I’m not sure if I trust you anymore” Kyungsoo muttered as he slowly put his hand under the overhead hose.


A smile swiftly invaded his physique, “see this is normal water temperature!” he chirped gleefully.


Kai grimaced “Is it? I’m used to 107* on good days…maybe 120 on bad days?” he nodded to himself thoughtfully.


The doctor looked at him quizzically “why? Why would you burn yourself?”


Kai’s gaze seemed to drift away, “ Maybe I’m hoping this skin will shrink and finally fit me” he muttered.


Kyungsoo winced at this; he nervously glanced up at Kai as he sat next to him on the covered toilet.


“Hey kai…”




“when…are you going to tell me?”


“not now” he responded quickly.


“but kai-”


“No, not now” he interjected as he stood up to leave, “would you rather have me find out from someone else!” Kyungsoo yelled after him.


“Someone like Dr.Oh?” he whispered


The drone spun on his hills sending another a menacing glare “Don’t you DARE bring Sehun into this, you don’t know ANYTHING” he growled as he roughly pinned the doctor against the nearest wall.


“Then when are you going to-”


“NO!” he bellowed


The doctor bit into his lip as he feebly attempted to control his trembling lower lip, Kai pulled back slightly.


“Kyung- I didn’t mean to yell…”


“No…I shouldn’t have asked” he said numbly, as he pushed the other away “I’m going to bed…”


“Kyungsoo…” Kai called after the shorter


Kyungsoo hid himself under the covers as his body shook with each tear that rolled down his cheek.


Kai stood next to the doctor’s bed as he heard the softest of sobs shook the shorter body.


Kai pulled the chair away from the desk; lining it up beside the bed.


“ I’m stuck in my creators skin…” he confessed, he felt the lump next to him stiffen.


“My creators name was Kim Jongin, he was very fond of your work, mostly your cyborg theory that you won your first award with in the National Science convention. So he had tried to copy your work and bring it to life, most of his attempts didn’t work but he had finally got it…. at the moment there where no available test subjects willing to go through with the procedure, so he asked for it to be done on himself”


Kyungsoo listened carefully as the latter slowly spoke.


“Can you imagine stealing someone’s body? Everyone that knew him? What happens when he is no longer himself? I’m a parasite Kyungsoo…” he chuckled sadly.


Kyungsoo shoved the sheets off himself as he sat upright, “don’t say that” he choked out.


“It’s true…that’s what everyone things of me, Chanyeol, baekhyun, suho, ….sehun” he added glumly.


“It’s not true! You’re my savior, you’re the only reason I’m alive right now so I won’t allow you to say that about your self!” he argued as a fresh trail of tears trickled down his red cheeks.


Kyungsoo leaned forwards, in the heat of the moment; he wrapped his arms around the other’s neck. Pulling him in to a tight embrace.


 “Do you want to know what the worst part is?” he whispered against the doctor’s noisy chest


“What…” kyunsoo mumbled back


“I’m never satisfied…I take his body and his lover; aren’t I a terrible person aren’t I Kyungsoo? Can you still say I’m not evil even after that?”


Kyungsoo put two in two together, as his mind wandered off to the scene he had witnessed before. Dr. Oh. He was Kim Jongin’s lover.


“No, even so I don’t”


“Why won’t you hate me too?” Kai muttered in frustration


“Because I don’t know any Kim Jongin, all I know is Kai, all that matters to me…is Kai” he mumbled against the others hair.


To that the drone stayed silent, leaning away from kyungsoo.


“Stay…please” he begged quietly


Kai didn’t think much, he let himself be dragged down towards the bed, towards a warm body. An intoxicating warmth of forgiveness, and understanding, how could he say no? He didn't have the right to object, so he had no other alternative than to comply.







For the first time in 4 years he had slept, curled up against a stranger because the idea of losing this fantasy would be too great.





BAM. KAI HASN'T SLEPT IN 4 YEARS. WE WILL FIND OUT WHY LATER. wink wink. HELLOOOOOO I AM ALIVEEEEE. for now. XDDD It's 11 and i have to be up at 6, this is a good 1.5k words. sorreh i promised 2k e- e;; cant. Hope you guys enjoyedddddddd. I honestly don't even know this was pretty rushed I wrote it in about 1-2 hours? I just wanted to update now while i had this golden/rare amount of free time. ^^ soooo yea! leave me some comments, and stuffs and upvote or something idek. that would make me happy!!!! o 3 o/




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updating soon!!!! hopefully still havent done much planning lol


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krazi_Muzique #1
* 3 * Just enough angst to hurt! I love it! I will wait for this I don't care! The au is everything! Thank you for writing~
kuruta_2050 #2
Chapter 15: Wow it's been 4 years now..
yrffobd #4
Story seems very interesting so far! Looking forward to reading about how the plot will further develop ^^
Chapter 14: omg omg omg fangirling here, please hurry ^_^
kuruta_2050 #6
Chapter 14: i'm so excited for the next chapter \(*~*)/
when are you gonna publish it (0~0)?
can't wait :(
solace #7
Chapter 14: Yeah..I think I know what do you mean. Right now, we obviously can see that kyungsoo is a manly guy, whereas jongin is the cute puppy
Omg you'back!"!OMGGGGGGGGG autor-nim ;0;finally!!
kikinana #9
Chapter 14: showing just fine