What Is Love?























credit to: ilovevi @ rebloggy.com


Days became weeks, as weeks became months; but never once did the anguished boy make an appearance. He avoided the newborn like a plague, scurrying away at the mere sound of his voice.


Sehun sighed to himself, as he sat at his desk doodling subconsciously onto lab sheets. Lazy smiles accompanied by a set of pearl whites, air fraught with the soothing rumble of his laughs. He was his reflection; all he could see was Jongin, in his eyes. In the dip of his collar, in the pink of his lips, in the sparkle within his eyes.

It was too late to run, too late to withdraw him from this; he had been branded deep into his being.


 As much as he’d like to believe that everything was all right and go running to the Jongin look-alike he knew it was wrong. No-no he only ‘looked’ like Jongin, he wasn’t him even if he wore his skin around.


Sehun shivered at the thought of the drone walking around in his boyfriends skin. It was disgusting, wrong-in so many levels…


“You have a visitor” the room chanted


“Who?” Sehun asked indifferently as he squiggled onto a fresh lab sheet


“Scanning face…Searching for voice recording or name….One file found…Playing….”


“It’s me! The love of your life, Kim Jongin! The one and onlyyyy, …open up babe” the room fell silent as the recorded file came to an end.


His blood ran cold, It wasn’t Jongin, It wasn’t possible. The saddest of smiles invaded his physique as he recalled Jongin recording this and installing it to Sehun’s database, in hopes to annoy the younger.


“Should probably change that…”Sehun spoke to himself glumly as he stood up slowly.


He made his way towards the door, stopping just centimeters from the handle. All sorts of thoughts plagued his mind, filling him with doubts.  He jerked the knob quickly, opening the door up to a familiar figure. Their eyes met immediately, almost as immediate as the pang Sehun felt in his chest. The familiar dark eyes softened, as he spoke: “Sehun…I’ve been meaning to talk to you” the drone said softly.


Sehun swallowed thickly, “Can I come in?” he asked cautiously.


He nodded and stepped to one side, giving the cyborg access into the room.  He closed the door behind him once he was inside; he glanced around curiously taking in his surroundings.


“I’ve been here before” he mumbled as he glanced at the walls.


 Sehun observed him carefully.


“About before-I’m sorry, I didn’t know“ 00830 sputtered randomly


“You didn’t know what?” Sehun snapped


“I didn’t know you and my creator where in…’That’ sort of relationship” he answered carefully and he kept his gaze trained towards the floor in embarrassment.


Sehun’s eyes burned with hesitation and confusion, “How do you know that?” he questioned skeptically.


“I’ve come to the realization that my creator and I share memories, I recall things sometimes- and everything seemed to point to you so I-I had to come find you” the drone said dejectedly


Sehun had an overwhelming desire to pull him into a tight embrace, to shower him with reassuring kisses in hopes of making the frown that occupied his face disappear.


“My chest keeps hurting, and I feel anxious, I HAD to come see you,…” he explained


Sehun let his hand wander towards the male’s cheek; he rubbed his thumb against his face soothingly.


“Hey, don’t make faces like that” he mumbled  


The drone stiffened at the sudden intimacy, why was this boy making his chest clench like this?


“S-Sorry” Sehun stuttered as he yanked his hand away.


A few awkward seconds passed by before Sehun spoke up “So did Suho name you?” he coughed nervously.


“Yes he did…Subject 00830” the drone recalled


Sehun’s face twisted with distaste, “A number is not a name” he informed


“I do not need a name, I am a drone” he reasoned


“You not a drone! Your Jon- I mean…Your not a drone. And your not Jongin. Your…”  he thought carefully.


“Your Kai, that’s what I’ll name you, Kai” Sehun smiled in triumph


“Kai?” the drone questioned


“That’s right, that’s going to be your new name, do you like it?” he smiled


“I-um, If it pleases you then I shall use it” he answered shyly


“So what have you been doing all this time Kai?” Sehun asked as he flopped down onto his bed.


“Ah, Exams and training mostly” he answered stiffly, as he shifted from foot to foot awkwardly.


“Hm, sounds boring” Sehun mused


Kai frowned, “It must be done, whether or not I enjoy it”.


“Oh jeez so uptight” your not like Jongin at all Sehun observed


The air was thick with sadness once again, as Sehun came into realization.


“Is he dead Kai?” he whispered




“Jongin…Is he dead…” Sehun repeated stiffly as his eyes began to water


 “Jongin is alright-really! He is alive I hear my masters thoughts every now and then” Kai explained as he sat next to Sehun.


“Really?” Sehun croaked as the salty droplets trickled down his cheeks


“Really, he’s fine, everything’s going to okay” Kai said soothingly as he rubbed Sehun’s back carefully. Sehun seemed skinner, smaller, younger. Kai then realized that Sehun was younger than him, his mind had told him so.


“Sehun you’re younger than me?” Kai questioned


“What? Younger? Ah, Yes Jongin is older than me…” he replied softly


“Jongin is…but I’m not?”


“Well you where born recently so, no your not older than me” Sehun said mischievously.


“Well this body is older than you” Kai challenged


“I am NOT using honorifics with you” Sehun deadpanned as he wiped away tears from his eyes


Kai laughed, and god did it feel good. His eyes crinkled into crescents and his lips pulled back to reveal a breathe taking smile.











Sehun spent most of his days sneaking into Kai’s champers and using him as an errand boy or as an assistant. They would spend hours in Sehun’s lab, testing experiments and making discoveries. Kai enjoyed their time together but something felt off, he couldn’t help but feel greedy.









With time the selfish thoughts resurfaced, they became stronger and more frequent than before. It happened when he was observing a certain bacteria with Sehun, he was glancing over the youngers shoulder. When Sehun smiled, turning his head to the left to speak to Kai; they froze. An overwhelming force seemed to pull them together and before he knew it, Kai had the younger pressed into the wall. He kissed the younger desperately, hungrily- it was something he had never done before but some how he knew what to do. Sehun was so lost, his body craved for this, he had wanted this for so long. His fingers dug into Kai’s sides and he pressed himself harder into the elder. Kai pulled away suddenly, as he came into realization of what he had just done.


“I-Im sorry” he stuttered, “I didn’t mean to-” Sehun cut him off short as he pulled him roughly against himself; Devouring the lips he had dreamt of constantly. Things quickly became heated as Kai finally gave into lust and chose to go along with what ever this was.


Sehun’s breath escaped him in quick puffs, lips swollen and hair tousled. His mind swam in confusion, was this wrong? It was Jongin he kissed he tried to convince himself. Only to have his mind interject quickly, reminding him that no, that was Kai he had kissed.


The only problem being: he didn’t want reason, he wanted pleasure, he wanted comfort, and most of all he wanted love.


“It’s ok” he whispered before pulling Kai in for another kiss


Kai wanted nothing more than to feel those addicting pink lips against his own. Even so, he couldn’t help feeling guilty; Sehun was with Jongin not him. He was kissing him because he ‘looked’ like Jongin, not because he loved Kai…the real question was would he be okay with this?


Authors note:

I dont even know...like whut is this? lawl ok yes i do. It's more of a filler chapter to sort of give you an insight on what kai and sehuns relationship is sort of like??? I'm going to be uploading another one of these sekai chapters and then I think we're good to go back to kaisoo~~~~ lol. Sorry for the super late post. I've been in a deserted island with no internet access with my family.... to be me. but yeah. I enjoyed it so....yah. :)

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updating soon!!!! hopefully still havent done much planning lol


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krazi_Muzique #1
* 3 * Just enough angst to hurt! I love it! I will wait for this I don't care! The au is everything! Thank you for writing~
kuruta_2050 #2
Chapter 15: Wow it's been 4 years now..
yrffobd #4
Story seems very interesting so far! Looking forward to reading about how the plot will further develop ^^
Chapter 14: omg omg omg fangirling here, please hurry ^_^
kuruta_2050 #6
Chapter 14: i'm so excited for the next chapter \(*~*)/
when are you gonna publish it (0~0)?
can't wait :(
solace #7
Chapter 14: Yeah..I think I know what do you mean. Right now, we obviously can see that kyungsoo is a manly guy, whereas jongin is the cute puppy boy.lol
Omg you'back!"!OMGGGGGGGGG autor-nim ;0;finally!!
kikinana #9
Chapter 14: showing just fine