Let Me Breathe I



Kyungsoo panicked at the thought of having to spend the next few hours alone with Kai, he was practically hyperventilating. He gripped his shirt nervously, bunching it up in one hand- only to smoothen it out afterwards.


"Ok we're all set" Kai murmured as he sat into the growling vehicle, he modified the position of the clutch. Driving out of the hotel quickly, they had already spent too much time in one given place. Kyungsoo felt his lungs burn, begging for the slightest bit of oxygen. He realized quickly that yes; humans did need to breathe every now and then. He inhaled deeply and exhaled just as deep. Kai glanced over at him in interest, "heyby any chance....do you have heart problems or something?" he asked. Earning himself a wide-eyed stare from the latter "what?" he squeaked.


"Do you have heart problems" Kai repeated


"Um…no-I mean…at least I don't think so, you know- not that I’m aware of. I haven't really checked or anything so I wouldn't know, but if you think something is wrong than maybe there is…maybe I should get checked-maybe I’m dying!"  Kyungsoo panicked.


"Whoa whoa, It was just a question, chill out" Kai chuckled "I asked because I can hear it from here" he mused.


"Ah" Kyungsoo’s cheeks burned furiously, heart clenching painfully in his chest.

I'm just embarrassed about last time, that's all he reassured himself


He stole a glance at the tanned man, "How do you hear it if your not…you know…" Kyungsoo asked.


Kai's gaze didn't strain from its current spot on the road, he remained relaxed and composed.


"It's loud, that's how" he responded evenly


"That’s not what I mean- I mean-"


"I know what you mean, I'm not stupid" Kai responded, as they're gazes met for the first time today.


Causing the doctor to drop his glance towards something less intimidating like his shoes. He fidgeted uncomfortably in the leather chair "I just wanted to know…" Kyungsoo whined to himself quietly.  He glanced up but was caught staring, he immediately turned towards the window; in attempt to coax his heart to be silent. After a few moments his curiosity spiked again, being stubborn had it's perks but it was definitely not a good time right now. Even so he mumbled under his breath " stupid toaster knows everything about me but I can't know anything”

He pouted childishly, as he resumed his wrinkling and un-wrinkling of his shirt.


Kai sighed


Kyungsoo opened his mouth to object but was silenced with a raised finger; he shrunk back into his chair obediently.


The remainder of the ride to the S.I.C headquarters; was a clutter of one-word responses and soft grumbles from the doctor. They arrived at the black fortress, surrounded by heavily equipped guards and drones circling the perimeter. Kyungsoo gulped nervously as he scanned his surroundings carefully. The convertible growled angrily; as it headed towards the fortress walls at an alarming speed.


“ya-yah YAH!!” Kyungsoo shrieked as they charged at the metallic walls.


The fortress disintegrated into thin air, merely seconds before they could ram into it. Kyungsoo remained frozen, half-on and half-off the chair as he clutched at the leather chair in fear. The tanned man cocked his head sideways to give him his signature smirk before charging straight at the next gate. Kyungsoo screamed on the top of his lungs as each door disintegrated just inches from the tip of the car. Kai jerked the car side-ways coming to an immediate stop; he looked down towards the doctor. Kyungsoo huffed as he crawled out from under the glove compartment, “Are you out of your mind?” Kyungsoo spat feebly.


Kai hopped out of the vehicle as he walked around pearly black fountain, heading for the doors immediately. Kyungsoo scrambled out of the car, shutting the door and dashed after the Kai.


Kai walked by swiftly, not stopping to greet the employee’s and fellow agents that stopped to bow. Kyungsoo bowed like a madman, stopping for everyone and even introducing himself occasionally.  Kai stopped in his tracks to frown at the shorter man, “yah, doctor, you could at least TRY to keep up” he commented. Earning himself a glare from the latter “at least one of us should be polite” he responded.  Kai shrugged and made his way further into the building with his impossibly long strides.


“Kai!” a deep voice bellowed


“Yeol” Kai responded going for a high-five but swinging his fist low, hooking into the others stomach. He doubled over, staggering just the slightest as he laughed and coughed simultaneously.


Kyungsoo stood a few feet behind watching the man interact with someone other than himself.; He almost seemed normal for a second there.


“You sending me on a suicide mission for this midget” Kai declared as he pointed an accusing finger at Kyungsoo.


“I didn’t know!-It-It was Baekhyun.” he mused, “YAH! Don’t blame it on me!” a musical voice yelled out. A more petite male strode towards Kai and the taller man, resting a hand on his hip to glare down disapprovingly at the giant.


“Ahaha I’ve been caught! Create a diversion-take Baek not me” the crazy eyed man yelled as he shoved the shorter brunette at Kai.


Only to stop in his tracks to yank the shorter boy away, “On second thought, you can’t have him either. RUN BAEK RUN!” and drag him with him as he ran.


Kai chuckled as he followed the two, with Kyungsoo trailing closely behind.  They entered a white room, b with wires and computers with intricate functions.


“Chanyeol” the man said, as he held out a hand to Kyungsoo.


“Ah! I’m Kyungsoo, Doctor Do Kyungsoo” he reached out for the Chanyeol’s grasp, giving it a firm shake.


“It’s finally nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you” Chanyeol answered slyly


“Ah- really? Good things I hope” Kyungsoo answered nervously as he recalled this mornings event.


“Baekhyun” the short brunette said abruptly as he bowed, “Ah-It’s nice to meet you too” Kyungsoo replied evenly.


“Yah It couldn’t have been that bad, maybe your just loosing your touch” Chanyeol mused as he shoved Kai playfully in the ribs.  The latter shot him a menacing glare as a slither of emotion came forth , only to disappear just as quickly.


“Aha, well you might have wanted to die in they’re hands rather than being strangled by ‘The Hun’” he joked nervously.  Kai scowled distastefully, “” he sighed under his breathe as he left the room “The Hun?” the wide-eyed doctor asked.


“Ah, of course you don’t know, how rude of me” Chanyeol cooed “Sehun, He’s Kai’s, ahem, heart throb” Chanyeol whispered “But you didn’t hear it from me!” his eyes formed crescents as his lips pulled back to reveal a rather frightening smile. Kyungsoo tried not to cringe but failed miserably; he nodded “ah. I see, um I should probably catch up with Kai now I don’t want to be left behind” he mumbled too quickly as he dashed out of the room. He Glanced down the dull hallways in search of the tan-skinned male, “Where could he have gone?” he mumbled to himself softly. The doctor wandered around the building aimlessly for what had seemed as hours, before huffing and leaning against the nearest wall. “Just left me…like nothing” he pouted as he felt his emotions take a plunge into depression. Hushed voices mumbled to one another, catching the doctor’s attention. He scrambled to his feet, following the familiar voice. Stopping just in-front of the doorway, “Ka-“ he froze. Body Icing over, making his blood run dry and throat burn at the sudden loss of air. He had successfully found Kai, just not in the most favorable situation. He had a blonde haired boy wrapped in his arms securely as he cradled him close to his chest. Soft mumbles left Kai’s lips before he pressed them against the blonde’s forehead tenderly. His violet eyes darted towards Kyungsoo’s; holding his gaze for what seemed to be an eternity. Before pulling away to speak up “Kyungsoo?” 

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updating soon!!!! hopefully still havent done much planning lol


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krazi_Muzique #1
* 3 * Just enough angst to hurt! I love it! I will wait for this I don't care! The au is everything! Thank you for writing~
kuruta_2050 #2
Chapter 15: Wow it's been 4 years now..
yrffobd #4
Story seems very interesting so far! Looking forward to reading about how the plot will further develop ^^
Chapter 14: omg omg omg fangirling here, please hurry ^_^
kuruta_2050 #6
Chapter 14: i'm so excited for the next chapter \(*~*)/
when are you gonna publish it (0~0)?
can't wait :(
solace #7
Chapter 14: Yeah..I think I know what do you mean. Right now, we obviously can see that kyungsoo is a manly guy, whereas jongin is the cute puppy boy.lol
Omg you'back!"!OMGGGGGGGGG autor-nim ;0;finally!!
kikinana #9
Chapter 14: showing just fine