On The Run I


Kyungsoo jolted upright as the car dipped under Kai's weight; tossing a bag of beverages at kyungsoo's stomach bringing out a grunt from the latter. Kyungsoo rubbed his injured belly with a glare,


 “What was that for?” he pouted


“We’re almost there, and I need you awake” Kai responded as he peeled the black turtleneck off his body. Kyungsoo squeaked at the sight Kai’s toned torso, as he stretched towards the back seat to retrieve his clothes. Kyungsoo felt a deep blush bloom on his cheeks; he trained his gaze onto his lap to avoid goring at the man’s godly body. Kai looked over the tensed doctor, only to snort at his childish reaction.


“Are you serious?” he laughed, “What, It’s not like I have anything you haven’t seen before” Kai took out a plain black tee and a leather coat from a duffel bag. Before tossing back into the rear of the convertible.


Kyungsoo choked on his salvia, coughing violently at the others shameless declaration. The tanned man snickered,“You act like such a ” he cackled; Kyungsoo bit his bottom lip and turned to look out the window, “....Oh , Are you serious!? I was just kidding but–you’re a ?! Ha!  I can’t believe it,” he pressed.


“Well I’m sorry,I don't exactly have the sort of time in my hands” Kyungsoo argued feebly.


“oh wow, this is priceless” Kai mused, stretching out his arms in front of himself to but his black shirt on.


Kyungsoo glanced over at the latter, eyes catching the red lines that ran down his left arm.


“Kai…Is that blood?” he pointed out




“Blood, is that blood on your arm” Kai looked over at his arm “hm…I guess your right it is blood” he observed carefully.  The atmosphere suddenly felt very cold Kyungsoo shivered in return, “Is that…your blood?” he asked carefully as he leaned foreword to grab his arm.


“I don’t know…” kai answered quietly. Kyungsoo paled at the sight of a deep gash running into the drone’s flesh, deep red blood had dried around the injury.


“I think I’m going to throw up” Kyungsoo shuffled away, pressing his back against the chair.


“WHAT, Why–you’re a doctor!” kai panicked


“Kai–…….Android’s don’t bleed, they don’t have blood” he shivered, swallowing  nervously


“What…are you?” he asked in horror. Kai’s face-hardened as the swiftly put his shirt on, “I’m sorry I changed in front of you I won’t do it again” he responded carefully, pressing his finger into the print scanner. The vehicle roared to life, growling deeply as they drove out of the gasoline station.


“I expect an answer Kai, what the hell is going on” Kyungsoo demanded


“We’re not talking about this, it's not important” he responded monotonously


“Yes, this is ing important, why the hell are you bleeding?!” Kyungsoo yelled


“We are not talking about this so drop it!” Kai deadpanned; as the car sped up


“No, Kai I won’t drop it” “I’m not allowed to question anything you do or say, I can’t call anyone, I can’t go back home and YOU EXPECT ME TO JUST BLINDLY FOLLOW YOU?!” Kyungsoo bellowed.


“I do. End of discussion” Kai answered coolly.


“Your not fair–” Kyungsoo huffed, biting his lip to refrain from crying in frustration.


“Life isn’t fair” Kai mumbled to himself, as they entered the broken down city.


It was dawn and the city was lively as ever, deep rap music bellowed from parked cars, the streets where swarming with civilians. Rugged looking men–arms thick and muscular, adorned with multiple tattoos stood outside of the neon colored club. They parked just outside of the brothel, almost immediately a beautiful woman made her way towards their vehicle. Kyungsoo’s eyes enlarged at the sight of the approaching woman “Why are we here” he asked nervously.


Kai smirked “We are collection information”, Kyungsoo gulped “call her over to your side I don’t want her to–” almost instantly his window began to roll down.


“ya! Kai–”


“How can I help you two on this fine night~” the woman cooed as she leaned into the window of the vehicle.  Kyungsoo swallowed thickly, pressing himself into his chair more. Kai grinned at Kyungsoo’s reaction “I’m here to see Yong-min” Kai answered “think you could get one of the guys to keep an eye on my girl?” he mused.


“Yes of course” she replied as she waved over one of the bulky men


“Lets go~” Kai teased as he slipped out of the car, Kyungsoo struggled with the door frantically trying to get out. They followed the woman inside; at the opening of the door a strong alluring aroma filled the air.  The booming slow music vibrated in they’re bones as they made their way towards an office at the back of the club. 


“Right here” the woman purred, as she stepped aside. Kai nodded at her before walking into the room, he stopped to put a hand in front of Kyungsoo’s chest.


“Not you, stay out here” Kyungsoo’s eyes enlarged as he was filled with dread “why not?!” he asked.


“Business only Kyungsoo, plus your not going to be any help wait out here” Kai smirked “you’ll watch him for me right?” he asked the woman. She nodded as a Cheshire grin invaded her physique, “sure, I’ll just sit him with some of the girls over there, and it’s a slow night anyways”


Kyungsoo peered behind him at Kai with a begging plea in his eyes as the woman led him away from the office. Kai only waved and mouthed ‘have fun’


“He’s one of Kai’s friends girls, watch him for me will ya? And don’t get too touchy the poor things already shaking” she mused. A harem of girls sat around what seemed to be an oversized couch, the prettiest one patted the space in the center. Kyungsoo hesitantly sat down, there where easily about 6 girls on the coach with him. Legs crossed and chests pushed outwards, with they’re revealing clothing. Kyungsoo swallowed thickly “what’s your name sweetie?” he black-haired girl asked as she ran her long nails down his pail cheeks. “K-Kyungsoo” he stuttered, she hummed “your so pretty for a boy and pale” she responded. Kyungsoo’s cheeks reddened “T-T-Thank you” he stammered as the brunette raked her fingers through his hair and down the nape of his neck.  “His eyes are so big and cute, he’d be a great sell here” she added towards the list of complements as Kyungsoo fidgeted.

The youngest-looking one leaned in from behind wrapping her arms around his neck,


“What’s wrong? Never been around women before?” she breathed into his ear.


Kyungsoo lowered his head, trying to escape from her grasp


 “N-not really” Kyungsoo responded nervously.


 The women giggled at his reaction, squeals of ‘he’s too cute~’ filled the air.  Two of the girls handed him a pink liquid in a champagne glass, “here, this will loosen you up” the shorter one pressed. Kyungsoo was no child he knew it was alcohol but he took a sip anyways. It burned as the liquid made its way down his throat, making him feel light-headed by the second sip.


 “Why is this so strong?” he rasped out,


still feeling the tingling in his throat. The alcohol was strangely addicting, Kyungsoo has about 3 cups before he was slurring words together. The women naturally took advantage of this; as they become touchier.


“ah…”Kyungsoo shivered as a soft hand traveled down his thigh to his knee


Feeling lightheaded and confused he laid back onto the soft tiger printed couch. The black-haired woman sneaked a kiss on his neck, making him shudder at contact. Kyungsoo looked up to find Kai staring down at him, more amused than anything.


 “Kai…” Kyungsoo sighed, as he opened his arms in front of him; Kai chuckled “Thanks for watching him ladies, and not completely violating him while I was gone” he joked.


They batted their lashes and smiled “of course any time” the brown hair one answered.


 Kai pulled the doctor to his feet, only to have him stumble shortly after. He wrapped an arm around the shorter one’s waist, pressing him against himself protectively.


 “Geez, why did you drink? That stuff is strong” he hissed as the stench of alcohol seeped into his nostrils.


 Kyungsoo smiled up at him, giggling and mumbling under his breathe as they exited the building.  He helped the shorter one into the vehicle, paying the man as he went around towards the drivers seat. He drove around the block in search for a pharmacy, or a gas station.


“Kai~Kai~ why are you so mean?” Kyungsoo whined; pouting his lips childishly.


 Kai snorted, not bothering to answer the alcohol induced man. He eyed a gas station to his right; he parked the car at the entrance and stepped out of the vehicle. An annoying voice yelled out from behind him, making jump at the noise.


 “Kai~ where are you going? Don’t leave me alone again” Kyungsoo slurred as he poked his head out the window.


 Kai scowled and entered the gas station; he looked around for pain medication and drinks. He froze as he walked past the food section, Kyungsoo’s going to be hungry later… he thought to himself. He quickly dumped some crackers and sandwiches into the basked along with the pain medicine


“Stupid shorty and his human needs” he grumbled to himself.


Swiftly grabbing some beverages before going to pay for his items, he looked outside.  Only to be met with the hilarious sight of the doctor trying to crawl out the car window, he had one leg thrown over as he helplessly tried to crawl out. Kai paid and ran out,


“You stupid midget, what the hell are you doing?” he huffed as he shoved the latter back inside.


 He circled around to enter the car, “you left me again~” Kyungsoo frowned, tugging at his shirt gently.


 Kai cringed, shoving the drunken man away from himself.  He sighed, “looks like we’re going to have to stay at a hotel…” rubbing his temples in frustration as Kyungsoo whined and tried to climb onto his lap. He gave the doctor another shove


 “Stay there. Don’t move you hear?” he said sternly


Kyungsoo nodded slowly, giving a last crooked grin before falling asleep against the car window.




OMG, So thanks for all the subscribers and beutiful comments! you guys are the best, Usually I update sooner if i get nice comments LOL Cuz i'm a comment ho. ANYWAYS!! It's 1:30 and I'm not in my right state of mind soooo any mistakes I'm sorry I'll edit it later~~ ENJOYYYY LEAVE ME SOME BEUTIFUL COMMENTS PLZZZZ AND UPVOTE ^^ DRUNK KYUNGSOO FTW~~

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updating soon!!!! hopefully still havent done much planning lol


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krazi_Muzique #1
* 3 * Just enough angst to hurt! I love it! I will wait for this I don't care! The au is everything! Thank you for writing~
kuruta_2050 #2
Chapter 15: Wow it's been 4 years now..
yrffobd #4
Story seems very interesting so far! Looking forward to reading about how the plot will further develop ^^
Chapter 14: omg omg omg fangirling here, please hurry ^_^
kuruta_2050 #6
Chapter 14: i'm so excited for the next chapter \(*~*)/
when are you gonna publish it (0~0)?
can't wait :(
solace #7
Chapter 14: Yeah..I think I know what do you mean. Right now, we obviously can see that kyungsoo is a manly guy, whereas jongin is the cute puppy boy.lol
Omg you'back!"!OMGGGGGGGGG autor-nim ;0;finally!!
kikinana #9
Chapter 14: showing just fine