Captive I




He had been sitting patiently beside the drawers of medicine all day, in hopes that his mother forget about his existance. Her attention usually resulted in her calling him over towards the huge metal tray. He scooted further into the crack left by the large piece of furniture as footsteps clicked towards his direction "Do Kyungsoo" she enunciated sternly, "come out from under there…now" she hissed. He didn't reply, pulling his knees tighter to his chest in fear of what would happen next. His shield was removed with a soft groan; kyungsoo glanced up nervously at the squinty mean eyes. Her thin face,and frail features washed out to a pale pasty peach color due to age. He shook his head stubbornly, only to feel bony fingers bite into the tender flesh of his forearm.He was dragged towards the silver tray that's contents usually made his belly churn, she placed a stool before the metal table. Picking him up by the arms and propping him onto it carefully, she forced latex gloves onto his hands, handing him ‘the sticks’ he had always seen her use.  "Now, do what I taught you" she snapped impatiently, the nearby nurses glanced at each other in panic. He looked down, curling his chubby fingers tight around the metal rods as tight as his hands would allow. He punctured into tender intestines, cutting open carefully at the designated area. He quickly searched for the 'thing' he had pulled out the last times he had been asked to do this. Catching a glimpse of the silver pill, he went to grasp it, dropping the scalpels inside the fresh wound. His eyed widening at the sight of a fresh red liquid that shot out from the cut, he panicked hopping off from the stool when the nurses shrieked in panic. Those same bony fingers bit back into his skin, tugging him back violently. "I give you ONE OPPORTUNITY AND YOU MESS IT UP?!" she yelled, "I'm sorry- I'll try harder next time" he choked in-between tears and sniffling. “How old are you now?!" she hissed, "6 years old ma’am" he whispered carefully, "That's right 6 years old, and incapable of completing such a simple procedure such as removing a bullet" she sighed "you are no son of mine" she finished venomously shoving him away. Before heading back to the silver table to assist the frantic nurses who worked on the dying man. Kyungsoo crawled back into his safe heaven behind the medicine cabinet. Bringing his knees to his chest, allowing soft sobs to escape his tiny chest.















“Proceeding to remove the substance,” he breathed into the mic; as he slowly slipped his slick fingers into the gaping whole left in the androids stiffened corpse. He wrinkled his nose at the mental-image of the possible inhumane event that led this. A life-less drone to lie dismembered over this metallic deathbed. Pulling back, just the slightest, to observe the neon residue left in the specimen’s abdominal cavity. It slipped from his fingers slowly and into the test tube that he had prepared for evidence recollection. Keeping all containers labeled and marked was important, more for the sake of The Order’s short-tempered feds' sanity than for himself. He smirked to himself; pleased with his snarky thought and preceded to set it down next to his disarray of utensils. Kyungsoo rubbed his eyes furiously with his wrist, peering up just in time to notice the clock strike 3 AM. He closed his for a fraction of a second, only to be spun back into reality as a result of at an earsplitting static boom.


The explosion had him hurled towards the ground, fire dancing and at the objects around the room. Air thickened by the fumes; he gasped for oxygen as the smoke asphyxiated him. The doctor hoisted himself feebly onto his forearms, perception blurring, along with the fresh feeling of an injury. He froze, realizing the room was sickeningly silent and that he could no longer hear the static noise. The doctor pressed a heavy hand against his ear, only to feel them glide along his now slick skin. He pulled back to examine the familiar iron-smelling liquid that coated his fingers. Peering over just in time for his eyes to catch a dark figure emerge from the smoke; his heart rammed itself against his chest in feeble attempt to distribute adrenaline. Clothed from head to toe in black, with guns hoisted by a belt. The man carried black cords, wrapped securely around strong arms.


Kyungsoo scrambled in the opposite direction, but was drawn to his feet by the said stranger. A pang of fear struck him numb, as the masked man scooped him up by the waist. Screeching and kicking furiously, he clawed viciously at the perpetrators arms. The man swiftly locked a belt around his waist and through his legs, rudely brushing his hands over sensitive areas. Kyungsoo brought his fists down hard onto his kidnapper’s chest; unfazed by his useless attempts the man easily tossed the doctor over his shoulder. Striding towards the gaping hole in the wall created by the explosion. Kyungsoo heard a muffled click prior to being tossed down towards his sure death; he fell for a few horrifying seconds. Turning to face the concrete that invited him with open arms to his demise. Before he could kiss the cement a loud grunt escaped his throat as the cord jerked him away from the concrete violently. He coughed, waiting for the burning in his lungs and throat to subside.


 The line vibrated and swung as the skilled kidnapper landed gracefully next to him. The man unhooked him from the black ropes only to shove him into a slick-black convertible that roared to life as he was tossed in. Kyungsoo crawled towards the passenger seat, pulling at the handle exceedingly. The vehicle dipped as his keeper slid into the driver’s seat, leaving him with no other alternative than to fight. Before he could do anything rash he was pressed against the leather seat as gravity pinned him down. The stranger circled his way out of the parking lot, tires screeching and engine growling in rebuttal to his sudden acceleration. He swerved into the express-lane, dodging vehicles like a madman. The city lights whisked by and modern metallic structures grew in size as they shot through the highway. Kyungsoo clung to the leather for his dear life afore the vehicle chanted:


“Stabilizing Pressure within Vehicle” the machine chanted, immediately releasing the tightness of the air.


 Kyungsoo gasped, letting the liquid that was his brains retain its initial solid-shape. His captor pulled off his helmet to peel back the elastic mask that clung to his face. Sharp- eyes scanned over the doctor’s frightened physique curiously. What had captured the doctor’s stare initially were the coal-colored eyes yet he couldn’t ignore the effortless appeal that radiated off the man. A thin crease folded naturally over his eyes giving him an arrogant yet appealing look; Exotic skin- chocolate hair accentuated by thick lips that curled into a electrifying smirk.


 “You don’t have any questions for me? Doctor?” he asked with a slight tone of mockery, compelling chills to climbing up the shorter man's spine.


 The doctor then resumed his frantic mantra of kicking and clawing at the car's door, after a few minutes he huffed in defeat. Turning back to glare at the handsome man's face, considering to clawing off that smug grin instead. His captor chuckled at his effortless attempts to escape, "you find this amusing?" Kyungsoo snapped.


"I assume your a smart man Dr.Do, given that you are still alive and unharmed, you should be able to figure out that I currently cause no threat to you" answered the tan-skinned man with a smile plastered on his lips.


"Now, just because I haven't caused you any harm doesn't mean I can’t,” warned the stranger.


 Kyungsoo stiffened at his words, calculating the odds of his survival if he leaped out of a racing car traveling at approximately 250 mph.


 "Where you sent to kill me? The doctor asked carefully. 


"No" the latter responded.


 "How do I know your speaking the truth?" Kyungsoo eyed him suspiciously.


The stranger pulled at the black fabric that clung to his neck to reveal a familiar brand of what seemed to be a serpent and avian hybrid. The letters S.I.C in the centered in the brand; the initials of a reliable corporation that every educated citizen knew.


Kyungsoo swallowed thickly at the sight of the latters revealed neck, creating the polar opposite effect intended.


 "F-Fine!...I'll cooperate" he stuttered, rebuking himself mentally for becoming aroused in such a ungodly moment.


“Well now that we’re on the same page, I’m going to need your assistance”


The doctor eyed the man wearily, having a bad feeling before hearing the latters request.


“Can you shoot doc?” he asked calmly


“Shoot?!” kyungsoo squeaked


“Yes doc, shoot,” he answered before pushing inwards a silver button.


The car wheel parted to sink into the vehicle, from the middle raised a new set of controllers of glowing buttons and complex functions. Along with a long disarray of small screens and switches for shooting, assumed the doctor.


“Your not even going to teach me how to use them?!” the doctor panicked, gripping the controls frantically.


“Shoot on my command only, Aim properly and try not to hit civilians-and please...don’t puke in my car” he retorted playfully.


“what?!” kyungsoo shrieked


He jerked the wheel violently to the left; in the motion of a half crescent moon to face they’re followers accordingly. The man shifted the clutch skillfully,


“You might want to put those on” he proposed, kyungsoo swiftly clicked them on and secured the belt and tight at possible. He lifted his head to give one last menacing glare when they’re eyes locked. His eyes lit by a glowing shade of purple, split down the middle by a striking vertical pupil. Kyungsoo inhaled sharply, he was a combat drone.


Tire shrieks filled the air as four SUV’s accelerated towards them, additionally two jet-black motorcycled zigzagged before splitting up and taking they’re respective spots by the convertible’s sides. Kyungsoo turned to face the masked killers; going pale at the sight of a TEC-9 being pointed at his face.  The car steered sideways towards the motorcycle, forcing the man to drive into a guardrail.


“Shoot, dammit shoot already” the droid hissed, snapping kyungsoo back into reality. He rushed the other motorcycle towards the opposite side railings, sending sparks in all directions as the metals met. The convertible pulled away just enough to gain acceleration and charge at the other masked man. Sending the driver and motorcycle skidding under one of the SUV’s. The first SUV flipped and exploded in mid-air as the bike was flattened under one of the tires, starting a chain reaction. Causing the truck behind to charge at full force against the rear end of the flipped vehicle.


“Any second now would be nice,” the stranger pressed.


Kyungsoo gripped the handles trying to position the enemy under the reticle; his hands shook terribly making it impossible to get a clear shot.  


“NOW DAMMIT NOW!” the stranger yelled desperately.

Kyungsoo felt his dinner climb it’s way back up his throat, he pressed the button with closed eyes. Hoping for the best. A miniature missile-like explosive was propelled towards the road in front of the enemy, blowing up on contact. The tan-skinned droid swerved the vehicle into a sharp arc, hitting the nitro immediately. Once again, gravity had them flattened against the seats as the explosion boomed behind them; sending waves of flamed at the cars sides before blasting straight out of the flames.




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updating soon!!!! hopefully still havent done much planning lol


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krazi_Muzique #1
* 3 * Just enough angst to hurt! I love it! I will wait for this I don't care! The au is everything! Thank you for writing~
kuruta_2050 #2
Chapter 15: Wow it's been 4 years now..
yrffobd #4
Story seems very interesting so far! Looking forward to reading about how the plot will further develop ^^
Chapter 14: omg omg omg fangirling here, please hurry ^_^
kuruta_2050 #6
Chapter 14: i'm so excited for the next chapter \(*~*)/
when are you gonna publish it (0~0)?
can't wait :(
solace #7
Chapter 14: Yeah..I think I know what do you mean. Right now, we obviously can see that kyungsoo is a manly guy, whereas jongin is the cute puppy
Omg you'back!"!OMGGGGGGGGG autor-nim ;0;finally!!
kikinana #9
Chapter 14: showing just fine