No Where To Hide II



Kai exited the battle chamber and into the lab room before Kyungsoo could mentally prepare himself.

 After all he did act like a fool just the night before, not to mention his previous acts of foolishness.

The doctor dusted away the non-existing dust from his plain black attire and looked up expectantly.

"You might want to give the receptors on the drones a quick look over Chanyeol i saw a few twitches and hesitations in their maneuvers" Kai said.

"THIS ISNT OV- wait what? The T3K's or the bulkier T6K model? Because if your talking about the T6k then you know they're just in their testing modes right? BUT you cant really expect much given that their creator is just as imperfect" he mused with a meaningful smirk.

"YAH! I'll show you imperfect you little pri-"Chen bellowed in his not so indoor voice before being cut off by Baekhyun "I never gave Chanyeol the keys to your lab you know i wouldn't Chen!! We all know what Chanyeol does when he get's access to things that are off limits!" Baekyhun argued.

"Oh trust me I'm well aware" Chen quips.

Baekhyun flushes at the sudden quip that was tossed his way;

"Chanyeol you asked me to come here because you needed something from me correct?" Kyungsoo said meekly.

Chanyeol turned around in his spinning chair with a crooked grin "Oh Dr.Soo- when did you get here?? yea we need to run over some protocol with you, nothing serious, just the usual".

All the attention was suddenly focused on the doctor, as he fidgeted uncomfortably, pressing out the wrinkles on his shirt.

"I see, well I'm here..." He smiles weakly.

Chanyeol eyes his prey approvingly, definitely an easy target "WELLLLL, Your going to need THIS" he tossed a heavy baggage his way "Proper combat clothing, proper outing attire, your lab coat of course, etcetera- AS WELL ASSSSSSSSSSss this" He hands Kyungsoo the loaded gun.

"I hope you know how to shoot" he adds with a lopsided grin, the doctor's hands begin to shake as he chokes on his saliva at the sight of the weapon.

Kai scoops the firearm from his hands and sends Chanyeol a quick, yet effective, glare "Are you trying to give the poor doctor gray hair before he even hits his thirties Chanyeol?" Chanyeol sends him a mock pout "Why do you always have to ruin my fun Kai, go away".

"You've got a lot of catching up to do, I'm sure you can do that on your own, if you need any help you can ask Baekhyun, Chanyeol, or myself" Kai says softly, as if talking to an injured animal. As much as Kyungsoo appreciates the softness he doesn't like being belittled either, "I can manage" he says in a determined voice.

Kai looks him over, in search of a flinch or sudden look of remorse but finds none "Ok then, here you go doctor" he says with a smirk as he hands him the USB chip.

Kyungsoo stares down at the tiny chip, It's probably not too much, look at the size of this thing...

At that same instance Chanyeol adds "sizes may be deceiving!!" Chen agrees with a slight nod.

"Well then I'll be off" Kyungsoo states as he mindlessly hauls his newly acquired items out the door; his independent facade ends when he rounds the corner of the corridor.

"Why is this" *HUFF "SO" *HUFF "Damn" *Huff "HEAVY!!" 

Kyungsoo drops the duffel-bag dejectedly, glaring at it's pointy corners, containing god knows what.

Baekhyun comes  up from behind glancing down worriedly at the current state of the doctor "We're going to breakfast now Kyungsoo but I can lend you Chanyeol if you'd like"

"No-NO! I got it, thanks Baekhyun" Kyungsoo shakes his head quickly

"You sure??"

"Positive" Kyungsoo reassures him, Baekhyun eyes him carefully "ok..." he walks down the end of the hall with chanyeol before the taller hooks an arm around him and pulls him close. Landing a sloppy kiss just at the base of his neck, a high pitched yelp accompanied by a loud slap echoes through the hall.

Kyungsoo watches the duo walk away longingly, he sighs deeply as he tries to pick the duffel-bag back up.

"Need some help?"

Kyungsoo glances up to find Sehun peering down at him, the doctor stares up at the latter dumbly.


"Help" Sehun offers "With that bag?" he  repeats with an amused smile dancing around his lips.

Kyungsoo blushed profusely "That would be nice", Sehun bobbed his head and hauled the duffel-bag over his shoulder.

"What room you staying in?"

"Um!" Kyungsoo shoves his hands into his pocket, pulling out a crumpled up paper "Room 111" he reads.

Sehun begins to lead the way,"This way" he points at the opposite direction.

"R-Right" Kyungsoo blushes a darker shade of red if humanly possible; Sehun waves his hand "It's ok, we can expect you to know your way around in only one day now can we?" he smiles.

"Right" Kyungsoo agrees.

"You'll learn to appreciate and hate it later on" Sehun mused, Kyungsoo's ears perked at that "how so?"

"Sometimes you just have to get away from all the crazy" he mused, Kyungsoo nodded sadly "I think I've already begun to appreciate it".



Kyungsoo pulled his hair with a loud yowl "OH MY GOD IT NEVER ENDS!!!!!" he sobbed, "I thought Chanyeol was just kidding" he let his head drop against the cool table.

Case 346 Lab failure, Case 444 Chemical explosion, Case 576 Drones created, Case 776 Battle Drone, Case 888 Kai

Kyungsoo jolted from his laying position and typed furiously, ' K - A - I ' ..... he stared at the cursor hovering just over the file.

was this wrong? would this upset kai? should he not read this file...would it change things? no no Chanyeol handed the chip to me knowing I would read through them all. I was meant to know.

He glared at the screen, and with a deep inhale clicked onto the file,


Procedure:Human organ transplant, Replacement of the consciousness.

Requirements: Willing donor : Kim Jongin

Kyungsoo hovered over the attachment file cautiously, there was no going back...

He immediately regretted opening the file, images, graphic images of Kai- no. Jongin cut open, utensils spread around, tubes, metal, skin pealed back, his stomach churned unpleasantly at the sight.

He slammed the computer shut, too much too much, a knock on the door jolted him upright with a yelp.

"Y-Yes?!" he called out.

"Dr. Do? It's me Kai" he rasped; Kyungsoo froze in front of the door.


"Something came up they want us in the meeting room, immediately" he said sternly, Kyungsoo opened the door quickly. Effectively running into Kai as he dashed out, "Sorry" he apologized shyly as he dusted off the imaginary dirt of the taller mans toned chest. Which he soon realized was not too good for his heart "Lets go".


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND THAZ  A WRAP, what did i even write IDK This unfortunately Is a filler chapter. LOL. It's the build up to more bigger events and stuffs but like every story, this one needs a few fillerssss. ^ U^ I tried to write as much as i could for you guys i know you've been deprived. I'm trying to get back into the story, try and keep true to the characters even if i no longer agree with them lol butttttt i hope you enjoy it still ^^ as always comments fuel my fics! So let me know what you think!



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updating soon!!!! hopefully still havent done much planning lol


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krazi_Muzique #1
* 3 * Just enough angst to hurt! I love it! I will wait for this I don't care! The au is everything! Thank you for writing~
kuruta_2050 #2
Chapter 15: Wow it's been 4 years now..
yrffobd #4
Story seems very interesting so far! Looking forward to reading about how the plot will further develop ^^
Chapter 14: omg omg omg fangirling here, please hurry ^_^
kuruta_2050 #6
Chapter 14: i'm so excited for the next chapter \(*~*)/
when are you gonna publish it (0~0)?
can't wait :(
solace #7
Chapter 14: Yeah..I think I know what do you mean. Right now, we obviously can see that kyungsoo is a manly guy, whereas jongin is the cute puppy
Omg you'back!"!OMGGGGGGGGG autor-nim ;0;finally!!
kikinana #9
Chapter 14: showing just fine