On The Run II



Kai sat silently back pressed against the icy glass of the balcony, taking a long drags from his cigarette. He peered down at the black-suited androids that scaled up the hotel’s walls at an alarming pace, stretching out in long animalistic motions. His eyes flared and angry shade of violet as he glared down at the offending androids. Leaning forward just enough to fall over the edge; plummeting rapidly. He reaching out just enough to snag a droid by the throat. They fell down 2 floors before landing on the next balcony, smashing in the androids head in the process. Kai unhooked the handgun from his belt, aiming up at the remaining drones. Shooting them down one by one before an arm slipped around his throat. He maneuvered his arm behind himself getting a grip on his attackers arm, crushing bone as he flipped them into the metal bars.  The man’s back arched in pain, as a muffled cry escaped his masked face. Kai reached down getting a firm hold on the man’s throat, giving him a warning squeeze.


“Tell me, what makes your target so valuable?” Kai asked, loosening the man’s throat the slightest bit.


“Kill Me,” rasped the suited offender


The tan man clicked his tongue disapprovingly, “now why would I do that? You think I’m the best for nothing?” a dangerous glint in his eyes made the masked man shiver.


Kai whipped out a dull blade, hovering it over the assassin’s thigh. He smiled at the man before plunging the knife into his flesh. The man shrieked, convulsing in pain as a deep crimson pooled around his legs. At that exact moment a drone flew in from the side, fists raised ready for combat. Kai ducked his punch, before ramming the head of the gun under his chin. Shooting straight up into the android’s jaw, making it to go limp against the glass. He kneeled down, giving the buried blade a sharp tug downwards producing another yell from the masked man.


“Answer Me,” he growled, the man simply smirked, only to be punched shortly after. Kai leaned back exhaling; “So you’re not going to talk huh?” he nodded. Aiming at the man’s forehead


“You have one. Last change, what makes your target valuable?” Kai repeated calmly. The man swallowed thickly, as his lower lip trembled with fear and conflicting emotions. 


“He has the blueprints…” he man mumbled, kai removed the safe lock from the gun. Pulling back the slide to let it go, emitting a quick snap from the revolver.


“IT’S FOR THE DRIODS!!—a-a-ah sort of- SUPER SOLDIER- that’s what it is- he has the basics- what we need to create these soldiers!” the man informed frantically. Kai nodded placed a hand on his mouth in thought; he straightened himself as he stood up.


“Thanks for the info~” he cooed, as he pulled the trigger. The man froze, crumbling onto his side lifelessly. The loud hums of running machines seemed to be growing louder in the darkness. Kai inhaled deeply as he leaned over the railing; glancing at the incoming armada of yellow-eyed drones. This is going to be a long night…







Kai slipped back into the room, breathing roughly as he lazily slid the glass door open. He stepped into the room soundlessly; making sure not to wake  the sleeping doctor. He made his way to the bathroom, stripping himself down and entering the bathe. He let the water pummel against his bare chest, washing all of the crimson evidence off his body. The bathe smelled like pure iron, he noted as he glanced at the bloody water pooling around his feet. He scrubbed at his skin violently; almost as if trying to scrub his very skin off. He turned off the faucet, stepping out to dry himself and slip on some boxers and pair of jeans. His phone vibrated softly in his bloody pants, he scooped them up. Pulling out his abused phone, the caller ID read ‘sehun’; he inwardly groaned before answering the phone call. Making his way towards the balcony once again.


“Hello?” a soft voice answered.


“…Hey” Kai responded, equally as soft


“ Kai- where have you been?” he voice hissed


“Around” Kai deadpanned


“Around isn’t good enough Kai, you jus disappear for 3 months- you never call- you don’t even tell me how you are doing” he corrected. Kai chuckled humorlessly


“Cut the crap Sehun you don’t give two ’s about me, It’s him you want to know about”


“…That’s not what I said kai, don’t twist my words” Sehun responded sternly


“I’m just saving you the trouble of having to tell the truth” Kai responded sourly


“Kai-“ Sehun started


“no, Sehun don’t give me the false hope, making me think that you care...Not again”


“That was a mistake Kai- I was confused then- I needed answers and I just got…I got too close” Sehun whispered


“Got too close? Oh I’m sorry I confused you-misled you-”


“We’ve been through this already…let’s not do it again…” Sehun answered quietly


“So what? What could you possibly want from me- no wait! I know- you want to know, if he’s said anything- done anything differently- shown any signs because all you care about his him him HIM” Kai fumed


“Don’t do this to me Kai- don’t push me away- you know…you know I care about you too…”


“No Sehun. Your wrong. All you care about…. is Jongin” Kai balled his fists angrily, as the silence grew deafening.


“See? You won’t even deny it…” Kai whispered sadly to himself.


“But don’t worry, I’ll probably die soon. And you can have your precious Jongin back, you would like that wouldn’t you?” Kai chuckled humorlessly, as he bent the railings of the balcony with his grip.


“Kai! Don’t say that- you know I would never wish that-” Sehun retorted quickly


“You don’t have to say nor wish that…I already know, and no he hasn’t said anything since the last time, he’s healthy. I’m not…Don’t worry Sehun I’ll be gone before you know it-and Jongin…well; Jongin can have everything I can’t. A body to call his own…reunite with his friends” and you…He thought bitterly before hurling the cellphone into the air, he huffed angrily. Cursing and yelling, as his body pumped adrenaline making his eyes glow purple immediately. His senses sharpened, each noise, smell, color, and heartbeat enhanced. He rubbed his temples, taking deep breathes in attempt to calm his growing aggression.  He walked back into the room, to slash ice water against his face. He glared at the mirror, soaking in the face he wore that never seemed to stop haunting him.  A soft thump sounded from outside the bathroom where Kai currently was. He glanced at the door, before slowly stepping out. He saw the doctor slumped against the wall just outside of the bathroom; he wrinkled his nose in confusion.


“What are you doing up?” Kai questioned


“Feel weird” Kyungsoo mumbled


“You feel weird? What kind of weird?” he responded carefully


“mmm- feels…hot?” Kyungsoo staggered forward carelessly; only to be pulled flush against Kai’s bare chest. He looked down at the drowsy doctor, soaking in all his current reactions. His body temperature was rather high, he seemed drugged? And a little delirious Kai noted.  Kyungsoo turned up to face Kai smiling with his signature heart shaped grin before pressing his forehead against the latters collar.


“Your nice and cold…” Kyungsoo breathed against his chest.


“Kyungsoo what color was the drink…you had?” Kai asked stiffly


“ummm….pink?” he slurred, pulling back just enough to face Kai.


“Well ” Kai cursed under his breathe “out of all the ing-”


Kyungsoo leaned forward on his tiptoes just enough to brush his lips against Kai’s; causing him to freeze over immediately. Kyungsoo smiled lazily “You look even better when you’re confused” he giggled.


Kai scowled “Don’t do that Kyungsoo” he warned “right now’s not a good time to be pulling off stunts like that- drunk or not”


Kyungsoo fidgeted uncomfortably, “but I feel hot…and dizzy” he pouted, “Just sleep it off” Kai suggested. Kyungsoo slipped his arms a around Kai sneakily “can’t I just cool over for now? Just for a little bit” Kyungsoo mumbled.


“No Kyungsoo, this is getting a little uncomfortable okay?” Kai said as he reached back to pry off he shorter mans hands. He froze promply, as he felt something wet against his neck; Kyungsoo resumed to plant soft-wet kisses against the latters neck. Kai shivered, tearing him away immediately “No-“ The doctor reached upwards just enough to snag a real kiss, this time holding himself up with Kai’s shoulders. He softly on his lower lip, tugging just enough to earn a growl from Kai.  


“Stop it” he breathed


“What If I don’t want to? I can try can’t I?” he quoted Kai cleverly, “ Kyungsoo, no you cant- I can't, you don't even know what your doing” Kai deadpanned


“I don’t know what I want” he huffed in frustration, “all I know is that for now I want just want to try” he pressed


CLIFF HANGER, LOL YES I'M EVIL SORRY. I stayed up late today to finish this for you guys(SO IGNORE THE MISTAKES TILL I REREAD AND CORRECT), cuz it's been a while. I've been super busy with my SAT and stuff but I will hopefully be updating soon. Look forward to the next chapter LOL. anddd fiesty kyungsoo is back.lolol I can't wait to upload the next chapter rofl. don't be afraid to leave a comment, your comments make my day ^^ and upvote If you like where this next chapter is going LOLOLOL

Next chapter hint:



i need sleep.


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updating soon!!!! hopefully still havent done much planning lol


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krazi_Muzique #1
* 3 * Just enough angst to hurt! I love it! I will wait for this I don't care! The au is everything! Thank you for writing~
kuruta_2050 #2
Chapter 15: Wow it's been 4 years now..
yrffobd #4
Story seems very interesting so far! Looking forward to reading about how the plot will further develop ^^
Chapter 14: omg omg omg fangirling here, please hurry ^_^
kuruta_2050 #6
Chapter 14: i'm so excited for the next chapter \(*~*)/
when are you gonna publish it (0~0)?
can't wait :(
solace #7
Chapter 14: Yeah..I think I know what do you mean. Right now, we obviously can see that kyungsoo is a manly guy, whereas jongin is the cute puppy boy.lol
Omg you'back!"!OMGGGGGGGGG autor-nim ;0;finally!!
kikinana #9
Chapter 14: showing just fine