My Royal Romance

Yuri's POV


I rubbed off all of my tears, and went to my room, doing my makeup again. 

"Yuri? What are you doing here? What happened to your makeup?" Subin asked, as I passed by her. 

"Um, nothing, I just needed to do some touch ups to my makeup. Please excuse me for a moment." I bowed, making sure she couldn't see my face clearly, and briskly walked away. I reached my room shortly, and sighed in relief, when I saw it was empty. 

"What are you doing here?" 

I jumped and turned to face who was talking to me. It was Baekhyun. He leaned against the frame of the door, his arms crossed. 

"Nothing, just going over to fix my makeup, that's all." I said, turning to avoid his gaze and going over to where my makeup was, picking up a brush and dabbing it on my eyelid, gently. 

"I think you're cute enough without makeup." Baekhyun said, despite all of this. I blushed a little bit, and the corners of my lips curved upwards. 

"Th-thanks, Baek," I replied, bashfully. 

"Yeah." He replied, smiling a bit. "Why don't you finish up, and I'll take you back to the group?" 

"Ah, yeah, thanks again, Baekhyun." I turned to face him, and flashed a gummy smile. "You're so kind." 

Baekhyun just smiled back to me, and replied, "Ne, no problem. Anything for you." He waited outside the door as I dabbed finishing touches, and fixed my hair. Once I was finished, I poked my head out the door, to make sure Baekhyun was still there. He smiled at me, standing in the same position he was earlier. 

I grinned, and said, "Thanks for waiting. Did I take long?" 

He shook his head. "No, you weren't, but I didn't mind at all." He replied. "Anyways, we should get going. I bet Kris and the others are waiting for you right now." 

Hearing his name sent a pang to my heart, but instead of showing it, I just smiled and chuckled a little bit. 

"Yeah, they probably are. We should hurry." I suggested, trying to change the subject a bit. Baekhyun nodded. 

"Okay, then." He smiled to me, as we hurried. 

My long strides turned into brisk walking, and soon, we spotted Kris and the group. Once he saw me, his eyes flared. 

"Where have you been?" he asked, annoyed. 

"Kris, it's her birthday. Don't get so irritated at her." Baekhyun said defensively. 

Kris shot him a look, but didn't say anything. Instead, he turned back to me, and I tried not to challenge him.

"I was fixing my make-up." I answered. 

"Why? It was fine." Kris narrowed his eyes. 

"I smudged it." I said vaguely. It was true, though. Kris just looked at me warily, but accepted my response. 

"Kris, where were you? I practically had to pick up your wife. Isn't that your job?" Baekhyun looked at him with disapproval. 

"I was with a friend..." Kris said awkwardly, as if he wasn't sure how to phrase the sentence. 

Baekhyun raised an eyebrow. 

"Wait, weren't you talking to Eonjeong?" Xiumin asked, looking at Kris quizzically. 

I played with my feet, pretending not to care, and instead, rocked forward and back. My eyes were fixed on the ground, and I didn't dare meet any of their eyes. I knew they were watching me awkwardly, it was obvious, I could feel it; I just didn't want to face their eyes. 

"It doesn't matter. Anyways, don't you guys have things to do?" Kris asked quietly, trying to change the subject. I blinked, suddenly registering the hurt I felt from his statement. 

He could've at least said a simple yes! It's like he's trying to imply that they did something together! This is so ridiculous, why do I like him. Why do I even like any guy, oh my gosh. Baekhyun must've sensed my disappointment because he gave me a quick rub on my back, comforting me instantly. I looked up at him, and blinked questioningly, but he just kept on smiling to me, as if nothing ever happened, and I just smiled tiredly, understanding what he meant.

"Ah, nope, except for bothering you Kris." Chen replied jokingly. 

Kris shot him a look, and rolled his eyes. 

"Whatever idiot." 

Suho checked his watch and gasped loudly. 

"Oh gosh! Shouldn't the birthday girl get ready? It's almost six! The party's about to start!" he exclaimed loudly. 

"Ah, ugh, really?" I asked, surprised. "Time goes by fast, gosh, I've got to go see if everything is ready!" I bowed politely, and said good bye to everyone before rushing off. 


Kris' Pov


I silently groaned to myself. Why was I being so evasive about Eonjeong? Oh my gosh, Yuri must be sulking right now. 

"Hey, dude, why are you being so quiet right now? Is it because Yuri left?" D.O. joked, as we started to walk away. 

"Wh-what? I'm not being quiet!" I objected loudly.

He just chuckled. 

"Yeah you are." Kai told me with a smirk.

I shot him a look. 

"Yeah, huh? Kris, you're being a little kid today!" Luhan exclaimed rather loudly, receiving a few looks from the staff. He just sheepishly looked down, but occasionally shot glances at me.

"Wait, does it look like I'm being sulky right now?" I asked, staring at all of them. They all nodded without hesitation."You guys should've lied then..." I grumbled under my breath.

"No can do! You'll just be an even bigger idiot!" Xiumin said cheerily.

I glared at him.

"Do you want me to punch your stomach so that the pastry is gonna fly out of your eyeballs?" I threatened. Xiumin shook his head innocently and held his stomach with his hands with a frown on his face. 

"Aigo, Kris, don't get so sensitive. Maybe you like Yuri?" Chanyeol suggested. I suddenly widened my eyes, and stopped. 

"How can you say that?" I demanded. "You guys know that the marriage is-" I stopped myself before everyone else heard. Baekhyun raised an eyebrow. 

"Fake? If it's so fake, why don't I take her?" He said challengingly. I was suddenly speechless.

"You... can't be serious, right?" I said, barely managing to say the words. 

"Try me." Baekhyun glared at me. I was rather surprised because he was always calm and smiley to me and even the other guys looked at him surprised. The air had a strong tension to it. But even though Baekhyun was like my brother, I still couldn't back down from this fight. 

"Yeah? How are you going to do it? She's my wife." I said, glad that the strength in my voice was getting better. 

Baekhyun just narrowed his eyes and scoffed. 

"Wife? You treat her like trash. Do you even know how many times she's caught you talking with Eonjeong? I've seen her disappointed more than I've seen her smile." He countered. 

I couldn't deny that since it was true, but the part where Yuri's seen me with Eonjeong shocked me. I've never seen her spot me, so this was the first time I'm hearing about this. 

"Why do you think you can still be her husband now?" Baekhyun asked, his voice fierce.

"I don't think you can do any better." I countered back, my mouth dry. Baekhyun just gave me a strong, menacing look, and I felt a cold sweat down my spine. Why did he seem so intimidating right now? 

"I think I can, Kris. I think can do so much better." he said, his voice quiet. 

I was about to retort, but then a servant came over and said, "Your Highness, I need you for a moment." 

I nodded obediently, turning my face to the servant so I didn't have to meet Baekhyun's eyes. "Okay." I said, and turned around, somewhat relieved that I was leaving the argument. I wasn't scared of Baekhyun... I just didn't want to fight him. He's been my brother since forever and I just can't imagine fighting with him, since he was so happy and cheerful all the time.


Baekhyun's POV


I felt everything reel as I fought with Kris. Believe me, I didn't want to fight him, but I just needed him to set his priorities straight. If he didn't like Yuri, then he should just leave her, and save her the pain. If he did, then at least he realized his feelings. If Yuri's happy, then I'm happy. I have never dared to tell anyone about that moment when I caught her crying; it's sort of like my secret, but as I watched Kris walk away, I only felt more disappointed with myself. He probably didn't even think about his feelings and that's just sad.I did not fight him just for that. I mean, I really really like Yuri. I've liked her since I met her. She's beautiful, she's kind, and her laugh is beautiful and she's just so perfect and amazing in every single way possible. Her personality is addicting and I just can't help but like her. She's just so... great. If I could, I would use an infinite amount of words to describe how beautiful she is. I just can't describe her so easily. She's just undescribably gorgeous. 

Yeah, I like her a lot and if Kris isn't treating her right, then I'll take her for myself. There's still such a thing as divorce. 

I just walked away from the group, after Kris left. "I just need to calm down... Excuse me." I explained. 

The group let me go, without saying a word. Maybe I scared them too much. As I roamed the castle, I passed by Yuri's room, and curiously looked in. The sight of her made me smile with happiness. 

You know that wonderful feeling you get when the girl you like compliments you or does something that you like? Yeah, I felt like that. 

Her back was leaning on the wall, and her eyes were gently closed. She breathed deeply, and I watched, as her chest rose and fell. A pang of sadness hit my heart. Why did she have to be Kris' wife? Why couldn't she be mine? I bet I like her even more than Kris...

Why did she have to be proposed to him? It was depressing that fate didn't work out the way I wanted, but hey, life's no fair. I held my breath as I stepped closer to her, making sure my steps were quiet, so that I wouldn't wake her. Once I was close enough, I just looked down at her sleeping face. I pulled out my hand, and held a lock of her hair. It was dark brown, and was slightly wavy today. 

I stayed there for a moment, my eyes scanning her. Her heart-shaped face, her small lips... she's just perfect. I sighed in deep content, and then dropped the strands of hair, careful to not wake her up. Then, I backed away, still keeping my eyes on her. Before I left the room, I stopped, and leaned by the door, and tried to look cool. 

"Yuri. Wake up... Yuri," I kept on calling her until she woke up. Her eyelashes fluttered up like butterfly wings, and I swore my heart skipped a few beats. 

"Hn? Baekhyun-ah... What are you doing here?" she blinked, rubbing her eyes, and stretching in a catlike pose. I smiled. 

"I was just walking by, and I noticed you sleeping." I explained. Her eyes widened. 

"Oh... Oh! Snap, I dozed off! Thanks for waking me up Baekhyun oppa, agh, I've really got to get ready." She jumped up and I just chuckled. 

"Well, I'll be going out okay? See you later." I waved good bye, and she flashed me one of her perfect smiles. 

"I'll see you later. Thanks again, Baekhyun oppa." She said.

I just nodded, and left with happy feelings.


Yuri's Pov


I groaned silently as I changed into another hanbok that the maids set out for me. It looked just as nice as the last outfit they gave me; it another silk made outfit that was pink and purple. I quickly dressed again, and the maids did my hair once more. They tied it into a cute, fishtail braid, and stuck a fancy floral hair clip on my head.

"Thank you," I smiled, as they finished. "It looks beautiful."

They smiled back and replied, "You're welcome."

Then, I quickly walked out to check the kitchen. The chefs frantically prepared the food, and some stopped to wave and say happy birthday to me. I shyly smiled and thanked them and walked out of the kitchen to check on the ballroom. It was fully decorated, and looked absolutely dazzling. I sighed with accomplishment as I saw that everything was done. The party could finally start.

Soon, people started filling the ballroom, but I didn't really care for them, since there were more things on my mind.

Where was Kris? Wasn't he supposed to be with me? Ugh, where could that idiot be? Hopefully, he won't be with Eonjeong, right?I was really nervous, but I roamed around everywhere in the palace. Finally, I found him lying on the bed inside the room. Giggling to myself, I couldn't help but smile as I saw him nap. I studied him closely, and searched the contours of his face. Then, I shook my head, and reminded myself that I needed to wake him up for the party.

"Kris... Wake up." I said that loudly, and he only twisted a little bit. "Kris, wake up, idiot!" I called again.

He still only twisted one more time. Rolling my eyes, I personally went over there and gave him a good punch to the arm. Kris' eyelids fluttered open, and he looked up at me, his eyes boring at my face with anger. Then, he blinked, and stared at me normally.

"What are you doing heeere," he whined.

I just smiled, supressing my laugh.

"I'm here to wake you up, idiot." I said. He blinked, registering the time.

"Oh, , is it time?" he asked, looking at the clock.

I rolled my eyes again and nodded.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I just dozed off, and yeah..." he trailed off, rubbing his eyes.

"It's okay." I said.

He then stood up and smoothened his fancy hanbok, before he held out his arm for me to take. I grinned, and took it politely. He walked me to the ballroom, and the amount of people alarmed me. Royals were everywhere, and I stared at them in nervousness, although I didn't want to show it on my face.

"Don't worry... They won't hurt you." Kris said, as if he sensed my hesitation. I looked up at him, and nodded.


We walked together, and greeted people. We just had small chat with some of them, but then, after we finally greeted everyone, we were alone.

"You know..." Kris started to say.

I turned to him, and blinked innocently.

"Ne?" I asked.

"You... You, uh, look... You look very pretty." He said bashfully.

I blushed and looked at the ground. 

"Thanks," I grinned.

Kris nodded. 

"No problem."

I was satisfied now that he actually recognized how cute I can be. At least everything was good. We shortly joined the group, and Baekhyun looked at me warmly. 

"You look very pretty," he commented. 

I smiled and replied, "Thanks." 

Maybe it was my imagination, but Kris and Baekhyun just acted awkward with each other... as if they were strangers or something. I shrugged it off since it must've meant that they had a quarrel. 

"Did you guys help yourself?" I asked. "I think the chefs did really good tonight." 

Chen nodded. 

"Everything's delicious. Happy birthday Yuri!" He said. 

I laughed. 

"Thank you," I replied, bashfully. 

We all talked, and soon, it was all over. I sighed in relief as the last person left the room, and I fell to the floor in happiness. 

"Are you okay?" Kris approached me, and squatted next to me. 

I nodded. 

"Yeah! Today was the best," I grinned, unable to contain my happiness. 

"Good." Kris smiled, and I literally melted. 

"Present opening time!" Luhan announced loudly, and I laughed. 

"Oh gosh, there's so many," I groaned jokingly, and giggled. 

"Oh my God, where are we going to put all of that stuff?" Kris stared at the pile that filled up the tables. 

"I'm going to have fun opening them." I smiled, looking at the boxes in awe.

"Here." Kai tossed me one easily, and I fumbled, trying to catch it. 

They laughed at me, and I looked down, embarrassed, but Kris rubbed my shoulder reassuringly.I untied the ribbon, and gently took apart the wrapping paper.

"Ugh, your wife's slow!" Sehun teased.

Kris rolled his eyes. I finally unwrapped it, and out came a face mask and a card from Kai, which made me laugh when I read it to myself. No wonder it was the first one he threw at me. 

"Oh God, Kai..." I laughed, and started to read his letter aloud. 

"Yuri! Ah, you're going to read it! I'm so embarrassed!" Kai said, holding his cheeks cutely, trying to look flustered. I laughed softly at the dork and started reading it. 

"Hi Duck Face- oh my gosh Kai, you're so weird!" I joked. 

"Oh my gosh, I knew I sounded too much like one of your lady friends!" Kai said, mimicking a girl's voice, making everyone laugh. 

"Kai, what are we going to do with you?" I giggled. 

Kai bat his eyelashes and said, "Give me candy?" 

I rolled my eyes, and kept on reading the letter.

"Hi Duck Face! You're very kind, but you don't give me candy, insert sad face. Yuri, I really like candy. Anyways, you're turning 19 today! That's like, my age! You should give me some of the respect I deserve from you. Well, Yuri, have fun today! Enjoy your life now, or else you'll be powdering your wrinkles later on, and I'm definitely not going to help you with that! And by the way, use these face packs to clean up your face. Not saying that it's dirty or anything, but maybe some freak accident will happen where I, Kai, will attack you with whipped cream and smash a pie into your face. I love you, happy birthday!" 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Kai oppa! You're such an idiot," I looked at him in playful disgust. 

"I'm always a idiot." He winked. "Next!" 

He tossed another present, and this time it was from Luhan. He grinned excitedly, watching me unwrap the present. Once I successfully got the box out of the wrapping paper, I saw that it was a makeup kit, which made me gasp. 

"Luhan," I whined, trying to supress my smile, but failed. "Thank you." I tried to speak normally, but it all came out as a giggle. 

"Ah, no problem!" He smiled pleasantly, and I gave him one of my best grins. 

This went on and so far, I got face masks from Kai, make up from Luhan, a stuffed panda from Tao, hair accessories from Sehun and D.O., tea bags from Suho, a pork bun from Xiumin, a handbag from Chanyeol, and shoes from Chen and Lay. 

"Oh God, thank you guys so much, I'm so happy," I grinned, unable to stop the happy feelings. 

"My turn," Baekhyun smiled, and Kai tossed me his gift, rolling his eyes. 

By this time, I had gotten pretty good with catching things, so I didn't have as much trouble as the first time. After I unwrapped Baekhyun's gift, I gasped. 

"Baekhyun... You really shouldn't have." I said, and pulled out a sparkling diamond bracelet. It shone under the lights, and it could've blinded someone. 

"Anything for you," he smiled. I smiled back shyly. 

"Thanks Baek. I love it," I flashed him a gummy smile, and Kris helped me put it on after I struggled a bit. 

"So, Kris, what'd you get her? I don't see your name in this pile." Kai teased. 

"It's a secret." He grunted. I wondered curiously what it could be. After more present opening, I got tired, and after a few yawns, Baekhyun suggested that we all go to bed; it was pretty late. I didn't object to that. Kris led me to our room, and I held my presents rather fiercely in my arms, careful not to break them. Once we got to our room, I gently placed the gifts on the cabinet table, and sighed, flopping on the bed. 

"Today was super tiring, huh?" I mumbled. 

"Yeah." Kris agreed. It was quiet between us, but for some reason, it wasn't awkward at all. 

"Yuri." He suddenly said. 

"Hm?" I asked. 

"Happy birthday." 

"Thanks, Kris." I sat up and smiled to him.  

"Yuri, come here," Kris gestured to me. 

"Hm?" I watched him pull out a present from behind him.  

"Here's your present," he smiled. 

I stared at it with wide eyes. 

"You don't want it?" 

"No, I do, it's just that, I'm surprised." I answered. 

"Surprised?" Kris chuckled. "Why?" 

"I don't know... It doesn't seem like you, maybe?" I said. 

"Maybe I should take this back then?" Kris teased, and I objected. 

"No, no, sorry, I didn't mean that, I just meant that it's surprising!" I replied, flustered. 

Kris just laughed at me.

"It's okay, it's okay. Just open it." He gave it to me encouragingly, and I took it. 

I unwrapped it, and gasped when I saw the contents. There was a pair of tiaras, and a navy box beneath them.

"What's this?" 

"Well, obviously tiaras. And a box." Kris teased again. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Way to go, captain obvious." I scrunched my nose playfully.He just laughed and I opened up the squarish box, and gasped again. 

"Kris, I swear." I shook my head, and blushed softly. 

"You don't like it?" 

"Aigo, I love it!" I exclaimed. 

It was a diamond necklace that had a bow on the center. 

"Good. I spent a long time picking that out for you," Kris teased some more. I rolled my eyes and hugged him. 

"Thank you so much," I said bashfully. 

"Hm, no problem." 

I flashed him a gummy smile, and he smiled back. That night, I slept with a content smile, and happiness still surged through me. I can easily say it's the best birthday ever. 




ayyy this is HVB! I hope you all liked the chapter LOL thanks for reading it!


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[8/16/16] and i just wanted to say thank you so much to everybody! this was a time where i was lacking in writing, so it's quite nice LOL anyways, i love you!!!


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Chapter 17: Aaaw the end was so sweet!
Chapter 15: I'm in between "aww that's so cute" and "Kris has finally lost his mind" when he's talked to Ace HAHAHA
Chapter 13: HAHAHA Listen to your son Kris!
Chapter 12: When will she be gone?!
Chapter 10: I'm glad he did not gave in to Eonjeong's talk hahaha
Chapter 5: I can already tell I will hate Eonjeong! And I fell like Kris will take her side when Eonjeong and Yuri clashes!
Chapter 1: HAHAHA These two!
Maddle #8
Chapter 17: TT_TT
Beautiful story!!!
I want to
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 17: Gosh rereading this story again :D
annielinster #10
Chapter 13: whose ace?