My Royal Romance

Kris's POV


I sighed worriedly, and paced around my room. It was already 2 in the morning and Yuri would be usually be done by now and she would've been in bed, sleeping like a good girl. But nooo, it's 2 in the morning and she's worrying me. That idiot. Doesn't she know that tonight was about to be the best night of her life? I sighed. Then, I just shook my head. 

It's no use worrying. I had to know where she was. I am not impatient, but I've been waiting for a while, and it feels like I'm treading on the line between happiness and anxiousness, and it sort of feels like wanting to go to the bathroom and barfing. 

Does Chanyeol feel like this all the time? Quickly striding out of the room, I looked left and right. Since it was a Friday, and we had nothing to do any ways, the boys were surely up, playing video games or just messing around. I looked for them first, and found them in the game room, just playing around. Tao was playing with Lay, while Xiumin and Chen battled it out on the game consoles. Baekhyun sat there, talking to Chanyeol, who was just derping. The rest of the guys were just screwing around and Suho was the first one to notice me. 

"Hey Kris, what are you doing here?" he asked pleasantly. 

"Have you guys seen Yuri? I've been looking for her all day." 

Baekhyun raised a brow. 

"Really? She's not back yet? That's weird." He frowned. 

"Yeah..." I said slowly, furrowing my brows, and putting my finger to my chin. 

"I'll go find her?" Baekhyun suggested. 

"I don't want to bother you right now though..." I answered and Baekhyun let out a soft laugh. 

"You're not bothering me. It seems important if you really want to talk to Yuri at two in the morning," he remarked and I smiled slightly, nodding.

"Okay, if you want to." I replied. 

"I wanna help! I wanna help!" Chanyeol shouted as he raised his hand up high, making him look like a tiny boy, except that he was a giant and I sighed, but nodded. 

"Anyone can help," I said and being the caring guys they were, they all agreed to help me find Yuri. We split out, and I felt that with all 12 of us looking for her, I'd be able to confess soon. I decided to search around the bedroom again. Hopefully, she'd be there. I quickly strode over there, as the other guys searched wherever.


Baekhyun's POV 


I was supposed to check around the entrance to see if she had left, and when I walked out to the front steps, her shoes were missing. I shrugged, and opened the door, poking my head out to see if she was just having a short stroll. She wasn't to be seen anywhere, but I wasn't expecting much; the front gates and the front door was a huge distance. I put on my shoes, and gingerly stepped out, shivering at the sudden coldness. Closing the door, I turned, and smiled to the body guards surrounding the entrance. 

Then, I walked around and found myself at the front gates. Curiously, I poked my head out, and my eyes widened when I saw what was there. Eonjeong and this one guy were talking and I only heard a tidbit of their conversation, before I quietly poked my head back inside and reminded myself that it wasn't good to eavesdrop.

"We finally did it," Eonjeong breathed, not seeming to notice me.

"Yeah..." The other guy said it nervously, as if he wasn't sure he should be doing this.

"Yah, aren't you excited? You get her and I get..." Eonjeong's voice disappeared as I walked away.

Jeez, Byun Baekhyun, it's not nice to listen to people's conversations. Yet, the curiosity kept me wondering about what they were talking about. It didn't sound like a love confession at all, and Baekhyun was still aware that Eonjeong liked Kris still, so that wouldn't be it. So what was it?

He shrugged, and told himself not to mind other people's business; he didn't even like Eonjeong in the first place, always clinging on Kris and giving him false hope. I sighed, as I remembered when they were dating. It was a slightly grim time for everyone because Eonjeong didn't want to hang out with everyone; only Kris, so that basically means no Kris+group time for like, a year and that's why I like Yuri better.

Where could she be? I walked inside the palace, and removed my shoes, before just walking around. When I turned a corner, I bumped into a rocklike figure and when I looked up, Kris was standing right in front of me.

"Oh, hey," I greeted him with a wave.

"I can't find her anywhere. I looked up and down, left and right." Kris put out firmly.

"Yeah, about that, I think she left." I said andhis eyes widened.

"What?" he asked.

"Her shoes are missing," I shrugged. "Oh, and I saw Eonjeong with some dude."

Kris raised an eyebrow.

"What dude?"

I looked up as I tried to remember his features.

"Well, he had brown hair, sort of like a hot chocolaty color, pale skin, um, he's really tiny for a guy. He looks weak. He's shorter than me." I said, trying to describe him the best I could, but I stopped as I saw that Kris's face had paled to a color that wasn't even considered white.


Kris's POV


Brown hair, pale skin, tiny and weak guy? This sounded so much like Hajoon, Yuri's beloved oppa.

"Did Eonjeong say his name?" I asked urgently.

"No, she just said something about him getting 'her,'" Baekhyun replied.

"Did Eonjeong mention any names at all?!" I started biting my nails at the tension.

"No." Baekhyun said slowly, taking it all in.

"That guy you were describing... he sounds like Yuri's childhood friend, this guy named Hajoon. What business does Eonjeong have with him?" I quietly mumbled, mostly towards myself and Baekhyun raised an eyebrow.

"Wait..." he said, and started paling as well.  

"What is it?" I looked up at him, worried. 

"Dude. I think Yuri was kidnapped." 

My world crashed at that moment, and my knees buckled from the surprise. 

"K-Kris!" Baekhyun stuttered. 

I figured the guys must've heard Baekhyun's shout because they came rushing in a minute later, watching me in awe. 

"What happened?" Suho asked, worriedly. 

"Kris!" Baekhyun pulled me up, even though I was reluctant to get up. 

"What's going on?" Kai demanded, concerned. 

"I th-think Yuri's... kidnapped," Baekhyun struggled to talk as he tried to carry me up. 

The boys just stared at him, speechless. 

"C-can you guys help?" 

"O-oh, of course," Chanyeol stuttered and immediately went to my other side and stood me up. I just stayed there, watching the ground, my eyes hazy. 

"How can she be kidnapped?" Sehun asked, worried. "Who would want to kidnap her?!" 

Baekhyun looked at him grimly. 

"Eonjeong." He spoke firmly, and his eyes were resolute. 

"What? Why?" Kyungsoo asked, his eyes wider than usual. 

Baekhyun's eyes darkened, and he quietly replied, "Because she likes Kris still, and Yuri is married to him."

"She probably convinced Hajoon to kidnap Yuri..." I slowly said, biting my lip in worry. ", I have to find her!" 

Just when I was about to bolt out the door, the guys held me down. 

"Kris, don't do this. You don't know where she is. It'll just be like a maze. You have to calm down," Tao pleaded, his face lined with worry. I stared up at him, and softened. 

"Okay..." I mumbled. "But where can she be? The city is huge!" 

"Think man, think!" Lay encouraged, but I just shook my head weakly. 

"I-I don't know..." I stuttered. "I need to think in my room for a second." 

"When you're ready, just come out. We'll be here," Tao added reassuringly, and I nodded solemnly. 

"Thanks." I numbly said, and trailed off to my room. 

Looking around, I was literally about to cry. A grown man, standing in a room, about to cry. It was an unsightly scene. 

"N-no," I sniffled. "Yuri wouldn't want me crying." 

I wiped up the tears that formed in my eyes, and blinked, wondering where she could be. After ten minutes of no success, I just vented out my frustration, and punched the thing that was next to me; the closet. 

"Where is she?" I sighed, punching it once. 

To my surprise, a box toppled on top of me, and I stared at it, awed, as it hit the floor. 

"What's this?" 

I grabbed it, and figured that it was a past birthday present for Yuri. The tag that mentioned who it was from, however, surprised me. From: Rin Eonjeong. 

I immediately opened it up, and when I saw what was in it, I just dropped the box. A letter fluttered out, and landed a few inches away, but I was just staring at the lipsticks in the box. Yuri's kept this present since her birthday and... she's never told me about it? I dismissed a pang of hurt, and I picked up the card, grunting as I squatted down. 

"Wh-what?" I widened my eyes, as I opened it up and read the writing. 


Hello Yuri! 

Did you step on glass on your birthday? (A/N: Yuri = glass in Korean) By the way, you must be wondering about the present hm? Well, you see, you're the dirty lip stick and I'm the pretty one! Haha, anyways, enjoy your time at the palace before I take your place as Crown Princess!

From, Rin Eonjeong. 


I was surprised. How can Yuri not tell me about this incident? Aren't I her husband? Shaking my head, I was relieved at the thought of not marrying Eonjeong. I hesitantly picked up the box with the lip stick in it, and closed the lid on it. Realization shot through me. If I needed to know where Yuri was, I needed to get to Eonjeong. 

"Guys!" I bolted out of my room, only to see them sitting outside in the hallway. They looked up at me, surprised at my sudden appearance. 

"Did you figure it out yet?" Suho asked worriedly. 

I gulped, as I replied, "We need to find Eonjeong." 


The guys and I just piled into the car in a rush. Suho was driving, and I sat in the back. The guys couldn't stop worrying. I just grabbed my cell phone from my pocket, and started running through the contacts. 

Where is her number, where is her number...

I panicked, and bit my lip, until I saw her name on the list. I didn't even hesitate to press the call button. It rang for what seemed like forever, and I was just in agony, as I waited. Finally, she picked up after what I thought was about an eternity. 


"Eonjeong, can we talk?" I asked, trying to sound calm. I could feel her smile on the other end. 

"Sure," she said, trying out her cutest voice. "Meet me at my house?" 

"Okay," I answered. "See you later." 

Once I ended the call, Suho asked, "Her house?" 

"Yeah." I replied. 

"Where is it?" he asked, furrowing his brow. 

I sighed, and quickly gave him the directions, as he just drove. Shortly, we reached her house, and Eonjeong waited by the door. I bit my lip, before reaching for the lip stick present, and getting out of the car. 

"I didn't realize that you brought the guys," she smiled pleasantly, not seeming to notice the box I was holding. 

"They wanted to tag along." I answered quickly. 

"What brings you here?" Eonjeong asked innocently. 

"Where's Yuri?" 

She looked at me, confused. 

"What? Why would I know where Yuri is?" She cocked her head.

I just shot a glare at her. 

"Don't lie to me, I know you were in front of the palace with Hajoon." I hissed. 

"Hajoon? Who's that?" 

The whole confusion act was really pissing me off. 

"Eonjeong!" I shouted loudly, causing her to flinch. 

"Wh-what?" she asked.

"I know you kidnapped her. Where is Yuri?" I snarled. 

"And why would you think I kidnapped her?" she narrowed her eyes at the accusation. 

"You didn't even deny it. And," I said, pulling out the box to show her. "this." 

Her eyes widened at the sight. 

"I--I didn't give her that... Someone framed me!" 

"I didn't even say what was in here." I glowered at her, and Eonjeong quickly caught her mistake, yelping a little. 

"It--It wasn't me." Eonjeong stuttered, turning her head to avoid my gaze. 

"Stop lying and tell me where she is!" I demanded. 

"I don't even know where she is! Why do you expect me to tell you!" Eonjeong defended. 

"I know you have her somewhere. Eonjeong, tell me right now. This is an order." I said quietly, but sternly. 

Eonjeong just stared at me nervously. Her eyes shifted from left to right, and she seemed to shrink back. 

"I can't tell you." She said, and my eyes widened with fury. 

"It's an order!" I objected, keeping my voice at a minimum, so that I wouldn't disturb the neighbors. Eonjeong looked up at me anxiously, and she fumbled with her fingers. 

"I can't tell you." She repeated. 

"Eonjeong." I sounded out each syllable firmly, making her wince. 

"Fine. If you want to know so bad, kiss me." She stared at me defiantly. 

My eyes widened at her proposition. 

"I... I can't." I said, after a moment, my face hardening. "You know that I don't love you anymore." 

She flinched at my words and stuttered, "I--I know that..." 

"I love Yuri." I added plainly, and she bit back tears. 

"I know." 

She put her head down and refused to meet my gaze. 


"She's in the old factory that shut down. The one that we passed by, on our anniversary. You wanted to have a look inside, but I disagreed." Eonjeong said bitterly. I blinked at her sudden cooperativeness, but just nodded. 

"Thanks." I said, and she didn't give an answer. "Lay! Suho! D.O! Sehun, over here!" 

The four guys ran over to us, and stared at the awkward scene. I waved my hand, and they came closer to me. 

"Take Eonjeong to the station," I whispered to them, and they nodded understandingly. "Don't say anything until I come over." 

"Be safe, hyung," Sehun piped up, worriedly. I sent him a soft smile and nodded. 

"I will. You guys take care too. I have to get going now," I said, and dashed off, getting into the driver's seat in the car. 

"What? What's Sehun, Suho, D.O, and Lay doing?" Kai asked, and I started driving immediately. 

"Taking Eonjeong to the police station," I answered. 

"Where are we going...?" Tao asked, slightly lost.

"This old factory. Eonjeong says that Yuri's in there." I replied. 

"Eonjeong told you where she is?" Chanyeol raised a brow. 

I nodded. 

"Was kinda frustrating though, trying to get the information out of her," I confessed. 

"Must've been," Baekhyun scoffed. "She still likes you." 

"Yeah..." I trailed off awkwardly.

"I can't believe they kidnapped Yuri," Kai mumbled. "If they hurt her, I will hurt them." 

I slightly laughed at the maknae's adorableness, but focused on the road. I had to quickly get there. I had to save Yuri and confess. 


Yuri's POV


I cracked open my crusty eyes, and felt my head throb. Where was I? I sat somewhere, in a dark place, and it didn't feel like a good dark place. It felt more like a ghostly dark place, where people get killed. As I tried to rub my hair, which was a complete mess, I tugged at my hands, which were tied up tightly. I tried to speak, but everything was muffled. There was a cloth tied on my mouth, not letting me say what I wanted. 


I flinched at the familiar voice and looked up to a dark stature that became familiar with every step. 

"Mhammm (Hajoon) ..." I blinked, surprised. 

I struggled, squirming, trying to show him that I was tied up, hoping that he'd untie me and save me. He just stared at me quietly, however, and didn't move from his position. 

"Sorry. If I could untie you, I would." He apologized, and I froze, wondering what he meant. My stomach grumbled, and I turned away, embarrassed. A moment later, Hajoon approached me, and I tried scooting away in fear. 

"Come and eat," he said softly, and I turned my head, seeing him place a tray with two buns in front of me. He squatted down, and I warily scooted back.

"Good girl," he grinned, and ruffled my hair. 

I stared at him, confused on what to do, and he just untied the cloth from my mouth. Coughing at the distasteful bitterness of it, I just turned to Hajoon again, and silently asked what was happening. He just laughed, and started talking. 

"I'll feed you," he grabbed a baozi, which sent me a pang in the heart because it reminded me of Xiumin. He gently put it in front of my face and I observed it for a moment, judging if it was safe or not, and after a moment, I just shrugged and bit into it. 

It was still warm, and I chewed silently. 

"What am I doing here, Joon?" I asked quietly, after I swallowed it. 

He didn't answer me, and instead, put the bun in front of my face again and I hesitantly bit into it again.

"I'm so sorry," Hajoon oppa suddenly spoke up, and I stared at him, waiting for more words to come out. Instead, nothing followed his apology, so I decided to speak up. 

"What happened? Where am I?" I asked, worried. 

"I can't answer your questions." He responded, not meeting my gaze. 

I narrowed my eyes, but because of the coldness of the place, and my hands being tied up tightly, blood wasn't circulating well into my hands, and I was rather weak. Even my voice was hoarse and croaky. 

"I thought you said you'd save me whenever I was in trouble, when we were kids," I reminded jarringly.

He paled, but quickly replied, "That was when we were children and children say things. You shouldn't... mind much of our childhood." 

Tears briskly filled my eyes, which was rather unusual for me. I never cried. Maybe it was my uncontrollable vulnerability right now; being weak like this reminds me of having a period, except for the fact that I was tied up and stuck in some creepy place. Now I just had to wait for the snappiness and anger to come and then I'll turn into the hulk and maybe get myself out. 

Biting into the bun, I just sighed in defeat and remained quiet. Oppas, Kris... please just save me soon. I shut my eyes, and prayed silently, a tear falling from my face. I'm waiting.

I blinked open my eyes, and just sat there, not daring to meet Hajoon's gaze, and instead, kept my focus on the bun, which painfully reminded me of the resident bun back at the palace. Exhaling softly, I just looked beyond Hajoon, into the outside, where I anticipated for them to come shortly. 


Kris's POV


I bit my lip as I drove as safely, but rapidly as I could. Please be safe, please be safe... I silently prayed to myself, as I, along with the other guys, worried for Yuri. The street seemed to go on forever, and I felt more anxious by the second; my head was in a completely messy swirl, just like ice cream, and my chest was just a giant knot that kept on knotting and knotting. My stomach dropped and rose and repeated that action about a billion times, and my palms got sweaty, making me feel sorry for the steering wheel. I couldn't keep still, knowing that the one I love is in danger. 

"Don't die on me, Yuri..." I prayed quietly.

"God, I am so worried," Baekhyun's voice cracked. 

"I--I think we all are, hyung," Tao stuttered. 

"How dare they do this so late in the night?" Luhan hissed, grumpy because of the lack of sleep. This is great, maybe he'll kill them with his looks and his fists. I sighed, and Xiumin groaned. 

"They are so evil!" he frowned. 

"I think we established that already, hyung," Chen answered with sass. 

"I felt that we needed to establish it some more," Xiumin retorted. 

"Settle down guys," I warned.

"Fine," Xiumin sighed, and looked out the window. "Where is this factory anyways? It seems so far away..."

"We should be there soon," I replied, trying to reassure myself. 

Xiumin must've sensed my unease because he softly answered, "It's okay, Yuri's going to be alright." 

I bit my lip, but nodded. 

"Y--you're right. I should believe that she's okay," I breathed, trying to calm myself down. 

"We'll save noona!" Kai encouraged, and I laughed frailly at his remark. Even in the darkest times, Kai manages to say something reassuring.



"W-we're here," I stuttered, parking in front of an abandoned shack. 

"This is it?!" Luhan demanded, huffing. "They better have a good reason to choose this place, or I'm gonna get mad that they put her in such a dirthole."

We got out of the car, and I quietly walked towards the entrance, trying to keep hidden. Pressing myself to the wall, and the guys following suit, I saw Yuri sitting there pathetically, all tied up. She was deathly pale, and I felt a pang in my heart. 

"You guys stay here. I'll go in first," I ordered quietly, and they nodded understandingly. "Don't come until I call you guys."

I took a deep breath, and braced myself, putting on a steely face and then, I walked in, and shouted, "Yah, where are you, Hajoon?!" 

Yuri looked at me, her face paling even more. I stared back sympathetically, but I didn't budge. "Hajoon!" I called out again. 

"I'm here," A calm voice spoke out. Hajoon walked out, and we stood face to face. 

"I want Yuri back." I hissed. 

"You can't have her." He argued. 

"Why not?" I asked. "She doesn't even want you." 

Hajoon smirked. 

"If you want her, you have to fight for her."

"I'd win against you any day," I replied. 

"No, not me." Hajoon shook his head. 

"Then who?" 


With that one simple word, about a dozen buff guys jumped out of their hiding spaces, and dashed towards me. 

"Guys! Help here!" I hissed, and my eight guys came out of hiding as well.

"Well, Kris, seems like you thought this out," Hajoon smirked, and then dashed away. 

He grabbed Yuri, and I couldn't chase him because his fighters were practically in front of me. I blindly threw punches and kicks, while they did the same. It was a wild fight, and I was desperate to win it. 

Suddenly, one of them pulled out a small knife. They pushed it towards me, and luckily, I dodged at the nick of time, panting heavily. Falling to the ground, I just kicked the guy with the knife's hand, and tripped them with my other leg. They fell, and I rushed to grab the knife before them. 

"Don't move," I warned, and they both froze in their spots. 

I was a fair distance away, but my long arms were capable of stabbing into them easily. The one on the right narrowed his eyes, and suddenly pulled out a knife of his own. He lunged for me, and while I dodged, he managed to cut a thin line on my nose. The blood trailed down my face, and I blinked, taking a moment to realize what had happened. 

But then, by the time I regained myself, the guy lunged again, and I didn't have much time to dodge, so I just covered my face with my arms, and jumped back as fast as I could. It resulted in a sharp laceration on my forearm, and I frowned, wincing at the pain, but I charged undiscerningly, and striked my knife. There was a long, thin line carving into his stomach and the man held his abdomen weakly, as the other one stood up. 

"You messed with the wrong duo," he laughed gingerly, and ran towards me. 

Before I could think, I just threw a punch and a kick, and my foot happened to accidentally land on his balls. 

"Um, oops." I blinked, processing what had just happened. 

The man doubled over in pain, grabbing his balls, and I stared with guilt. 

"Uh, I'll just leave you here," I said, poking him with my foot which just made him curl up into a tighter ball. 

I flinched back in surprise, and just hopped over him. 

"Gotcha!" The guy whose stomach had been cut, lunged towards me, and I was caught by surprise, so I didn't have time to dodge. Instinctually pulling my right arm over my face, the man managed to stab into my forearm. I gasped at the pain, and bit my lip to keep from screaming. Then, I just punched into his stomach, without thinking, shutting my eyes.  I peeked them open, I realized that I pummeled into his wound. My hand was had punched near the stomacha and tore a bit of the skin and my face contorted to a 'this-is-so-disgusting-I'm-freaking-out-right-now' face; it was basically a face where I scrunched up my nose, my mouth was wide open, my head was pushed back, creating a few double chins, and my eyes were basically squealing at the sight, if that made sense.

Basically, I looked like a girl that was smelling something disgusting.

I quickly ripped my hand away, making the guy fall to the floor, holding in his cry of pain, tears welling in his eyes. My hand was bloody and I grimaced at the sight, but in a more 'ew-ew-ew-EW' way. After shaking my hand to remove the blood dripping from my fingers, I made a tiny yelp, and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. Then, I looked over to the guys, and they didn't seem to have been beaten really badly. Tao had a few scratches here and there, Luhan was kicking a considerable amount of , Chen was being Chen, and I think Xiumin's killing them with his baozi faces literally. I don't know how he's doing it, but he's doing it. Shaking my head, I turned my focus on where Hajoon was, and I noticed he tossed Yuri onto his shoulder. 

"Hey!" I shouted, dashing after him, throwing the knife in my hand somewhere random. 

He seemed to notice me because he looked back, and his eyes widened and then, he ran off a split second later, with me chasing behind him. I noticed that Yuri had a cut on her cheek and it was bleeding. That fueled my anger, making me run faster. 

"Hajoon, I see you!" I called after him. "Fight me like a man!" 

That didn't seem to stop him. Jeez, don't people remember that I'm the Crown Prince, and I have absolute orders? Am I just going to be ignored? 

"Hey, Hajoon, don't reject me!" I shouted. 

Hajoon looked back worriedly, and I looked at Yuri. She looked back at me, and nodded, but I wondered what the heck she was even planning, but the next moment had me stifling my laughter. 

She actually jabbed into his back with her chin. Her chin.

Hajoon gasped at the pain, and stopped abrubtly. He dropped Yuri, and that's when I stopped laughing. 

"Hajoon, face me like a man!" I yelled after him, and Hajoon scornfully glared at me, as he turned around. 

"This whole fight would've never have happened if you hadn't had married her!" he screamed, shutting his eyes. 

I blinked. What? It wasn't even me that decided to get married to her...this guy was a complete idiot. He's definitely a certified idiot, and it's not really a compliment. 

"It's your fault for not marrying her first," I objected loudly. 

Hajoon frowned. 

"I wasn't even in contact with her!" He hollered back. 

"Your faaault!" I mocked playfully. 

If I was gonna save Yuri and get to beat up Hajoon, I might as well make a fool out of the kid. He bit his lip. 

"Fine! You, me, now. We're going to fight over Yuri! Winner gets her, loser doesn't!" He hissed immaturely. Okay, I was so not going to lose this battle now. 

"Fair play man! No weapons!" I said, approaching him. 

"I should say the same for you." Hajoon answered, and charged towards me. He threw a punch and  because I was being cocky, he actually hit me on the lip. 

"Hey! I'm the Crown Prince, how can you hit me!?" I glowered, and he glared at me. 

"You're not the Crown Prince here. You're a nobody fighting over someone as handsome and cool as me over a girl you'd never win." Hajoon answered. I scoffed at his arrogant speech, but then smirked. 

"Then come at me. I'm only a nobody anyways." I taunted, and Hajoon didn't hesitate to leap towards me with his fist. I grabbed it with one hand, and socked his cheek with my other hand. Hajoon bounced back, holding his injured cheek, while I felt my lip throb. I automatically knew that it was swelling. 

We grabbed onto each other, seeking dominance, and then fell to the ground. At first, Hajoon was wrestling me, and I was on the ground, but I quickly rolled over and he found himself on the ground. We stayed like this for a minute, and then the boys came out. Luhan, who ran out first, stared at me with wide eyes. 

I pinned him down, as I ordered him, "Grab her and go to the hospital! All of you guys go to the hospital!" 

Luhan nodded, while Hajoon let out a surprising shriek, "No! Don't take her!" 

Luhan hesitated, and then Baekhyun grabbed her, with him and the bloody guys following suit. They looked over at us, before quickly rushing to the hospital, and I frowned as Tao and Chanyeol stopped. 

"Hey, Kris! I thought we said fair play!" Hajoon looked at me with wild eyes. 

"Yeah. No weapons," I replied smartly, and Hajoon seemed to have a surge of strength, as he pushed me off of him and then quickly stood up and raised his fist, while I struggled to get up. 


Tao's voice quickly travelled closer to me, and I found him standing over me, holding Hajoon's fist. He had his serious, dark face on, which usually scared everyone, excluding me. I stared at Hajoon, and he seemed to have a cold sweat just staring at his eyes. Scrambling to get up, I quickly thanked Tao. 

"Go," I urged quietly. 

"No," Tao answered firmly. 


"I'm gonna fight this dude with you." Tao pouted. 

I sighed. Tao was serious, and when he's serious, he doesn't budge at all. 

"Fine," I replied reluctantly. 

"Are you guys going to keep me waiting?" Hajoon glowered. 

"Not at all," I responded, and striked his cheek with my fist. 

Hajoon stumbled back, blinking, as his surroundings whirled wildly around him. 

"Kris, can't I just get a tree and whack him..." Tao asked, watching Hajoon walking weakly and I laughed at his comment. 

"No," I replied. "It'll kill him for sure." 

Tao frowned, but didn't say anything after that. When Hajoon finally regained himself, he lunged towards Tao, who sent out flying punches and kicks. I didn't question Tao's wushu. It kind of scared me because he's sort of like a flying squirrel. 

Correction, he's sort of like a flying Chanyeol.

A second later, it seemed as if Hajoon had lost all of his energy, mostly just watching and avoiding Tao's flailing arms and legs. He panted heavily, and so was Tao. I stood up, and weakly wobbled towards them.

"I... don't think... I can win this battle anymore. You... took... Yuri away... anyways," Hajoon mumbled, as his knees buckled, and he hit the ground.

Sighing in relief, I turned my head to face Chanyeol.

"Can you take him to the police station?" I croaked, using up all of my strength to talk. 

It seems as if I had lost a lot of blood, and my arm was feeling rather swollen and sore, from the knife cut and the guy's blood was still on my hand, which made me frown, horrified. I weakly buckled to the ground, and Tao leaped to pull me up. Dang, that maknae had a lot of strength. 

Chanyeol nodded obediently at my request, and picked up Hajoon, throwing the bruised guy over his shoulder. Luckily, Chanyeol wasn't gravely injured and didn't need immediate medical assistance, like I did. 

"You want a ride to the hospital?" 

Chanyeol eyed me, inspecting my wounds. I nodded with a small, tightlipped smile. 

"Sure." I answered, and we slowly got into the car, with Tao driving. It wasn't long before Chanyeol was reunited with Suho, Sehun, Lay, and D.O at the station, and Hajoon and Eonjeong saw each other again, Eonjeong gasping at his horrid state. I sighed, and closed my throbbing eyes. 

"You're pretty bloody, Kris. Do you think you can hang in there for a little bit?" Tao asked, biting his lip nervously, as he drove out of the parking lot, eyeing me.

"Yeah, I think I can," I hoarsely replied. Tao nodded, but drove as fast and safely as he could. 

"I hope Yuri's okay." He mumbled softly. 

"Mhm. She probably... is," I weakly sputtered. 

"Hey, don't speak so much or else you'll bleed out more." Tao instructed worriedly. I nodded to reassure him, but Tao just kept glancing over at me, concern in his eyes. 

It wasn't long before we both arrived at the hospital. I struggled with my seatbelt, but Tao's swift hands quickly reached over, and pressed the unlock button. 

"Thanks," I mumbled, and Tao nodded, before getting out. 

I slowly turned my body to face the door, and right when my hand was about to touch the metal handle, the door had already opened, and Tao was anxiously standing there. 

"We need to get you to a doctor quickly," he said. 

"I wanna see... Yuri first," I grunted, grabbing his hand, and sluggishly got out. Tao rolled his eyes. 

"Do you think she wants to see you all bruised up and gross?" He asked, holding onto me, as he shut the door. 

"I want to... see her, even if I'm all... bruised up and gross," I groaned and Tao laughed.

"She'll kill me though. 'Why didn't you take him to a doctor?!' she'd say. Then, she'd hit me, and I can't use my wushu on her because she'll come for me afterwards," he joked. Despite his light words, I knew that he worried his core out for me and I just sighed. 

"Fine," I whined reluctantly. "I'll go see... a doctor." 

Tao's face lit up, as he locked the car, and quickly dragged me inside. Once the nurses spotted us, they gasped, and immediately put me in a room, while putting Tao in another, to see if he was internally injured, or if there was an injury that he didn't know about. The doctor quickly game to me and sighed.

"What'd you get yourself into?" he asked sympathetically. "You know, you're the Crown Prince. You should be responsible."

"I know...," I mumbled in reply. "But I... had to... protect someone."

He rolled his eyes, but checked my wounds, disinfected them, and bandaged me up.

"Here's your prescription," he said, as he handed me a sheet of paper.

I frailly took it from his hands, and the doctor gave me a crutch to lean on. He helped me pull my arm over it, and watched me walk with it, before putting me in a hospital room.

"I... I wanna see my friends," I croaked.

He sighed.

"Okay. Just don't reopen those wounds by laughing or doing anything that requires a lot of energy." The doctor instructed and I smiled softly.

"At least you're not my mom," I chuckled weakly. "I wouldn't be able to walk, run, or even breathe. I'd just sit in bed." 

The doctor rolled his eyes. 

"If I was your mother, I'd keep you in complete lockdown! You look like you went into the blending machine!" He pointed to my tattered clothes, which laid on the counter, replaced by my fresh T-shirt and loose jeans. 

"Sorry," I answered, and he just sighed. 

"Well, aren't you going to see your friends?" The doctor asked, and I beamed, limply walking out of the room. I went towards the counter, and the woman there looked at me worriedly. Did I really look that bad? 

"May I please know the rooms of..." I told her everyone's names, including Yuri, and she just wrote them down for me. "Thanks." 

Then, I first walked towards Luhan's room, since it was the closest. No one was in there, so I tried Chanyeol's room. There was nobody in there either, so I went to Tao's room. I should've expected this, but no one was in there. 

Hey, where was everyone?!

I went to the rooms of everyone, and Yuri's room was the last one. Please be in here, please be in here... I prayed silently, and the door clicked as I slowly turned the knob. Luckily, as I looked in, all of the guys were in there. 

"Yo, Kris!" Chen grinned brightly, and I noticed that he was lightly bandaged, giving me relief. I looked over at the other guys, and I saw that they weren't as bad as me. 

"You look bad," Kai said, scrunching up his face as he stared at me and I rolled my eyes. 

"Chanyeol? You came from the station already?" I asked, turning to him. He gave me one of his signature smiles, and nodded. 

"Yeah," he answered. "Luckily, I'm not that bad."

I nodded and my eyes landed on Yuri, who was sleeping. 

"Oh, Kris... Yuri hasn't woken up yet..." Tao mumbled. 

"What? She's just sleeping right?" I asked. 

I wish I hadn't asked. 

"No," Baekhyun answered glumly. "She soon collapsed after we got her, and once we got here, the doctor said she had hypothermia because the shack was too cold. That's why she looks so pale. And the ropes cut her circulation, so it's just a really weird process." 

My mouth dropped, forming an 'O.'

"Sh-she's not gonna die right?" I stuttered, alarmed. The guys didn't answer me, and instead, looked down at the ground.

"Right?" I repeated, but they still didn't answer me. 

Gulping, I slowly made my way towards her, and the guys stepped back, mostly because they didn't want their foot under my crutch. Sitting in the chair next to the bed, I placed my crutch on the wall, and gently gazed at her, gingerly reaching for her small, yet slightly cold hand. 

"Yuri." I called, tears welling in my eyes. 

She didn't reply. 

"Yuri." I called out again, but more louder this time.

She didn't even blink. 

"Yuri!" I yelled out, shutting my eyes, and putting my face into my free hand. 

Not even a single twitch. 

"Yuri... Yuri... Wake up Yuri," I constantly repeated her name, hoping that I wouldn't lose her forever. 

"Yu-" I weakly called out again.

"Stop... calling my... name... idiot..." she hoarsely whispered. 

I stared at her, wondering if this was just a dream. To my happiness, it wasn't. Her eyes fluttered open shakily, and she slowly turned her head slightly. I bit my lip in pure joy, as I knew she didn't die, and she blinked, her gaze still slightly hazy. 

"Scared you... didn't I?" she breathed quietly. 

I nodded, letting tears fall down my face. After all, I already looked that bad anyways. She laughed weakly. 

"So-sorry," she said. "You... look... awful though."

I shot a glare at her, but softened at her weakened state.

"Yu... Yuri," Kai quietly whispered, tears also welling in his eyes. 

She laughed softly. 

"Hi oppa," she answered. "I look horrible... don't I...?"

"Hey, don't say that," he replied, his voice cracking. "I'm just glad you're... okay."

At that moment, he burst into tears, and ran to her, the other guys following suit. Even Chen the troll teared up a bit. 

"Hey, how can you troll me!?" he demanded. "Don't make me think you're going to die."

Yuri chuckled. 

"Sorry," she voiced out. 

I squeezed her hand gently, and she sent me a soft smile. After everything got settled down, and a nurse scolded us for being too loud, we all calmed down a bit, and wiped up our tears away. Yuri seemed to be feeling much better as well. She wasn't as pale, and she could sit up now. 

"Y-Yuri, you worried me," I stuttered. 

She raised a brow. 

"I worried you? Kris, your face right now is worrying me." She answered, pursing her lips. 

I chuckled, and replied, "It's that bad?" 

"Yeah," Yuri answered.

It's time to confess Kris... Just do it! Be a man!

"Y-Yuri, I've been meaning to talk to you." I said anxiously, not meeting her gaze.

"What is it?" she asked delicately. 

I bit my lip nervously before looking up at her. She looked back at me expectantly, waiting for me to speak. 

"I... Yuri... I... um, I..." I stumbled with my words, unsure what to say. 

"Kris, just say it right now!" Tao hissed, causing me to let out a small laugh. 

Yuri looked at the maknae amusedly, before turning back to face me. 

"What'd you want to say, Kris?" 

I took a deep breath -- like, a deep one. A really deep one. Sort of as a deep as -- N-no, Kris, don't distract yourself now!

"Y-Yuri..." I paused slowly, anticipating her answer, and also giving momentum.

"Yeah?" she asked, started to get annoyed.

"I... I like you," I confessed, blurting it out quickly.

The air was silent, as I nervously looked up at her. Her eyes were wide, and I knew she was processing what had just happened. Then, in the next moment, the guys hooted loudly.

"Woooo Kris! You go, girlfriend!" Chen cheered.

"Wow Kris. You have actually do have balls," Luhan commented, making me turn to give him a quick glare.

"Uh..." Yuri stuttered, making me turn back, nervously waiting for the answer.

She fumbled with her fingers, and didn't meet my gaze, and my heart sunk. This is when she'll reject me, I've seen it all the time in the dramas!

"I... I like you too," she confessed and I literally almost fell from my chair. 

"Wh-what?!" I looked at her, excited. "Really?!" 

"Y-yeah," she said, looking at me in surprise as I burst out. 

 "Is this real life?" I asked. 

"Woah Kris, you actually got a girl." Xiumin joked, making me send a glare at him. 

"Does this mean that the marriage isn't fake anymore?" Yuri asked. I turned my head to look at her, and sent her a soft smile. 

"Yeah," I answered. 

She looked at me happily, and grinned brightly. 

"Hey, just kiss her already!" Luhan hooted, and I shot him a warning stare. 

He just gave me one of his innocent smiles, acting as if he did nothing wrong and then, I turned back to Yuri, and noticed that she was blushing softly, making me blush a little.

"What are you waiting for?!" Kai hissed teasingly, and I sighed, then looked at Yuri. She sent me a reassuring smile, making me smile as well.

"I love you," she whispered, making it loud enough for me to hear, but unhearable for the others and I grinned.

"I love you too," I mumbled back, and slowly leaned in, softly pressing my lips over her pink ones.

I heard cheering in the back, and Yuri smiled into the kiss. We pulled away, and I beamed like an idiot at the kiss while Yuri just blushed, and looked away shyly.

"Finally," Luhan huffed. "Just don't be all lovey dovey. I don't need Sehun seeing that."

He shuddered at the thought. 

I laughed, and replied, "No promises."

"H-hey, we have to protect his innocence!" Yuri argued. 

"Okay okay," I grinned, wallowing in my own happiness. 

I felt like a whole brick wall was lifted off of my shoulders. I finally confessed. 



Third Person's POV


Meanwhile, as the boys partied, and got scolded by the nurses (again), Chanyeol, looking as lost as ever, stood, wondering where Baekhyun had gone. Looking at the group, he shrugged, and left the room. Surely no one would notice because frankly, everyone was just partying over everything. 

"Baek?" Chanyeol called out softly.

There was no reply, but Chanyeol almost died when he turned to a corner. He clutched his chest as he jumped.

"B-Baek, what are you doing here?" he asked. Baekhyun looked at him glumly, as he leaned on the wall. 

"Nothing...," he replied sullenly. Chanyeol softened at the sight of his best friend's saddened state. 

"So you heard us cheering?" he asked gently and Baekhyun scoffed. 

"Yeah." He replied, looking down at his shoes. Chanyeol sent him a soft smile. 

"Baek, you'll get over her," he said reassuringly, reaching out to pat his shoulder.

"Not today I won't," Baekhyun replied bitterly. 

"Well yeah, that's because you have your wounds to think about," Chanyeol replied optimistically. Baekhyun shot him a look, before looking down at the ground again.

"There'll be other girls out there," He added quietly, unsure what to do now.

"But... You know that I really like her." Baekhyun said, his voice cracking. Chanyeol took this as a signal for 'Baekhyun's-gonna-start-sobbing-like-a-baby,' and just gave him a brotherly hug. 

"There, there," he pat his back encouragingly, as Baekhyun leaned on Chanyeol's shoulder now. "You can cry. I won't tell."

"Have I ever told you that you are the best?" Baekhyun whispered.

Chanyeol smiled warmly, ignoring the warm, wet spots starting to form on his sweater.

"You have now," he laughed. 

Then, he softened, and gently kept on patting Baekhyun's back. 

"There'll be other girls out there. I promise." Chanyeol repeated firmly, but in that childish and warm way of his, and stood there, comforting his favorite friend. As they stayed in the hallway, Kris was glaring at the guys who were still partying, despite the nurses' constant scolding. 

"Hey, settle down," he ordered. 

"Kris, don't get too uptight; your wounds will reopen," Yuri said worriedly. 

Kris sent her a small smile, and reached for her hand. She smiled back, and wrapped her fingers around his. 

"I love you," he whispered, as he leaned closer to her.

"I love you too," she replied, and Kris squeezed her hand, not letting go. 




Ahh I finally finished the main story. Thank you everyone for all of your support, I am really glad you guys stuck through it all. I love you all, have a great day! ♥


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[8/16/16] and i just wanted to say thank you so much to everybody! this was a time where i was lacking in writing, so it's quite nice LOL anyways, i love you!!!


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Chapter 17: Aaaw the end was so sweet!
Chapter 15: I'm in between "aww that's so cute" and "Kris has finally lost his mind" when he's talked to Ace HAHAHA
Chapter 13: HAHAHA Listen to your son Kris!
Chapter 12: When will she be gone?!
Chapter 10: I'm glad he did not gave in to Eonjeong's talk hahaha
Chapter 5: I can already tell I will hate Eonjeong! And I fell like Kris will take her side when Eonjeong and Yuri clashes!
Chapter 1: HAHAHA These two!
Maddle #8
Chapter 17: TT_TT
Beautiful story!!!
I want to
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 17: Gosh rereading this story again :D
annielinster #10
Chapter 13: whose ace?