My Royal Romance

Yuri's POV


I sat down in the garden, as I picked flowers. It was a rather quiet and peaceful day, which I didn't mind (even though there were so many bugs flying around me, oh my gosh, I'm about to die). Since the other bouquet was dying, I had decided to pick fresh flowers, and unfortunately, Baekhyun couldn't accompany me because he was busy being trapped by his assistants to do an important assignment. 

"Have fun without me," he whined loudly, pretending to cry, as I walked out of his office. 

I laughed softly at the memory and plucked a lily. Kris was just doing whatever, and the guys were busy, and I was sure that they didn't favor picking flowers, so I just went alone. Since everyone was deemed busy, I assumed that no one would be in the garden, but me and some gardeners, and I was free to do whatever I wanted and that usually meant that I was able to do whatever I wanted freely. I hummed while I scanned the field for flowers, setting aside the ones I've already picked at my side. After a while, I was done making a bouquet, but since I had nothing else better to do, I was just absentmindedly making a silly flower crown. It was almost done; I just had a few more flowers to go. As I was busy fixing the last flower in, I heard a rustle, so I turned my head. What was that?

After a moment of staring intensely, I saw no one there, so I turned my head back, and hummed some more. Yet, there was another rustle and  alarmed, I turned my head once more. There was nothing again and I dismissed it, thinking it was a stray cat or something. I probably should've been expecting this, but I jumped as I heard another rustle. There was no way I was just hearing this in my head. There were actual noises, and being the only one in the garden at the moment -- or at least in the area because the garden was tremendously big -- I felt fear sink into my stomach. 

"Wh-who's there?" I stuttered, and cleared my throat. "Who's there? I can hear you." I tried to sound strong, but there was nothing, so I just shrugged and went back to my wreath, admiring the finished product. Then, out of nowhere, something wet grabbed my shoulders, and I screamed, while jumping up at least two feet. I scrambled to stand up, but I wasn't even properly standing up. It was more or less like a jumbling big mess, as I scurried up a small tree, and hid beneath the leaves. 

"Wh-who're you?!" I demanded, freaked out, biting my lip to prevent me from screaming anymore. A familiar laugh rang out and I felt myself frown with small, tight lips, letting out an annoyed sigh.

"H-hey, did you hear yourself scream?" The voice laughed hysterically. "It could've been heard all the way to space."

I glared at Kris. 

"I thought you were busy!" I accused with narrowed eyes. 

He grinned at me, making my heart thump, and my face heat up, as he replied, "I finished early so I can play with you!"

"Play with me? You scared the freak out of me!" I hissed. 

"Okay, sorry," Kris laughed some more. "Ahaha, sorry for scaring you. Just get down. I won't scare you again."

"You better not," I mumbled, and struggled to get down at first, only to find myself sitting sideways on the branch, with my legs hanging off.

"What's wrong?" Kris asked, looking up at me. 

I looked down at him from the top of the tree, before staring down. 

"I can't get down," I said plainly, my eyes clear and serious. Kris looked up at me and sighed. 

"You're troublesome, you know that?" he shouted loud enough for me to hear. 

"So are you!" I replied back, just as loud. 

He rolled his eyes. I just sat on the branch, swinging my legs casually. 

"I swear, Yuri, if you weren't wearing pants right now, I probably would've ditched you!" Kris mocked, and I blushed wildly, ripping a tiny branch from the tree and throwing it at him. 

"Sh-shut up, ert!" I replied back embarrassedly, shutting my legs together. "Anyways, just get me out of here! You're the reason I'm stuck in this tree!" 

"You're the one who decided to climb, ." Kris rolled his eyes and I furrowed my brow, frowning. 

"Whatever," I mumbled loudly. 

"Jump," Kris offered out his arms. I looked down with wide eyes, feeling my face heat up. 

"What do you mean by that?" I asked dreadfully, clutching onto the branch. 

"I'll catch you! You're my wife after all! I promise I'll catch you." he answered, keeping his arms held out firmly, making me blush and I just gulped nervously. 

"But... I'm fat..." I tried objecting. 

"It doesn't matter! I promised didn't I?" he interrupted.

"Pinky promise?" I asked, holding up my right pinky. 

He rolled his eyes and nodded. 

"Pinky promise," he said, holding up his pinky as well. 

Kris went back to the position where his arm were spread out wide, and I hesitated, but jumped out of the tree, squeezing my eyes shut. The next thing I knew, I was in his arms, like he promised. I slowly opened my eyes and saw his smiling face, making my face heat up and blush.

"See? What'd I tell you?" Kris grinned cheekily.

"Whatever, idiot," I mumbled, not daring to meet his gaze.

My heart was thumping uncontrollably, and I wondered if he could feel it thump against his hands.

"You're suprisingly light," Kris said tossing me lightly in the air.

"H-hey, Kris!" I said.

Once he stopped, he stared at me, and I stared back, and we just started laughing.

"Instead of putting you down, I should just drop you," Kris teased.

"Kris!" I whined.  

"Haha, just kidding," he laughed.

"Yah," I mumbled, pouting. "You're so lame."

"Lame? Do you really want me to drop you right now?" Kris threatened playfully. 

"Don't do it!" I clung onto his neck, squealing in alarm and he just laughed. 

"Alright, fine, I won't drop you, I promise." Kris said reassuringly. 

"You better not," I mumbled under my breath. 

"Hey, what'd you say?" He whined loudly.

"No, nothing!" I answered back. "P-put me down."

"Okay, okay," Kris said, easily putting me back on my feet.

I sighed and frowned again. 

"Hey, why were your hands wet when you were scaring me?" I complained. "It scared me even more! I thought a freaky monster was gonna get me."

"Oh, I thought it would make the scare experience better, so I dipped my hands into water before I saw you," Kris grinned mischieviously. 

"I thought you were a nice guy!" I complained loudly. "That's what everyone says at least."

He just shrugged. 

"I don't know. I'm different around you. You make me act weird cause you're so weird." He said nonchalantly, making my heart skip a beat. What was this kid saying? I just shook it off, and sighed.

"Hey, I was in the middle of doing something too!" I whined loudly.

"And what is it?" Kris asked, grinning. 

"I was making a flower crown," I answered reluctantly. 

"Oh? Let me see," Kris grinned. 

I walked towards my work space and pointed to the finished product. He laughed as he bent over to pick it up. He straightened up and admired it, brushing his fingers on it. 

"Looks nice." He smiled faintly. The compliment made me blush slightly and I softly replied with "thanks."

"Mhm," Kris answered absentmindedly. Suddenly, he put the wreath on my head and adjusted it a bit, before stepping back and glancing at me. "Looks cute on you," he grinned, making my heart thump.

Then, he glanced at the bouquet of flowers, and he asked, "Did you pick those?" 

"Ah, yeah," I nodded. 

Kris bent down again to pick them up, and he held them carefully in his arms as he stood up. I just stood there, blinking at him and then, he turned to face me, cautiously handing it to me. 

"For you," he teased, and I took them, unsure if I should blush or hit his arm playfully. In the end, I just decided to spare him and give a soft smile. 

"Thanks," I replied cheerfully. 

"Mhm," Kris smiled back.


▲ △ ▼ ▽


Meanwhile, a lone figure stood near a window, watching them. Hajoon was clutching a newly bought bouquet in his hands, biting his lip. Sighing, he looked down to the ground, and debated whether or not to intrude between the two.

In the past, he really liked Yuri a lot, but he was really scared that he was just stuck in the friendzone, so he never really said anything. It came as a complete surprise to him when he found out that Yuri was married. Then, he looked back up to see Kris chasing her with a bug, which she was deathly afraid of, and he chuckled sadly. Hajoon sighed once more and decided to leave, but then a voice called out to him.

"I know how you can get her." 

It was a female voice, and it was rather quiet, but fierce. He turned sharply to see a lithe girl walking towards him with a cold expression on her face.

"What?" Hajoon asked, startled that someone had caught him. He feverishly hid the flowers behind his back. 

"I know how you can get that girl to be yours." Eonjeong spat. 

"That girl is Yuri," Hajoon corrected defensively and she just rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah, okay, well you can get her." Eonjeong said. 

"Why should I trust you? They're married anyways." Hajoon muttered bitterly. 

She narrowed her eyes and scowled. 

"Because I want Kris. This way, you get your girl, and I get Kris." She said. Hajoon blinked, considering this deal. 

"Are you sure?" he asked with uncertainty. 

Eonjeong nodded firmly. 

"As sure as I like Kris," she answered.

After a small pause, he looked at Eonjeong straight in the eyes, and replied, "...So what's your plan?" 

▲ △ ▼ ▽

I had such an awkward writer's block hAHAHA but I hope you liked this chapter, even though it's kinda short! Thanks for reading and have a nice day!


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[8/16/16] and i just wanted to say thank you so much to everybody! this was a time where i was lacking in writing, so it's quite nice LOL anyways, i love you!!!


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Chapter 17: Aaaw the end was so sweet!
Chapter 15: I'm in between "aww that's so cute" and "Kris has finally lost his mind" when he's talked to Ace HAHAHA
Chapter 13: HAHAHA Listen to your son Kris!
Chapter 12: When will she be gone?!
Chapter 10: I'm glad he did not gave in to Eonjeong's talk hahaha
Chapter 5: I can already tell I will hate Eonjeong! And I fell like Kris will take her side when Eonjeong and Yuri clashes!
Chapter 1: HAHAHA These two!
Maddle #8
Chapter 17: TT_TT
Beautiful story!!!
I want to
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 17: Gosh rereading this story again :D
annielinster #10
Chapter 13: whose ace?