My Royal Romance

Yuri's POV


I sat in the garden, when Kris joined me, squatting down curiously. 

"What are you doing?" he asked, crossing his legs. 

"Picking flowers. The other bouquet's dead." I explained.  

"Ah." Kris nodded quietly. I don't know why, but I could tell he wanted to say something. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"What's what?" 

"You seem like you wanted to say something." I pointed out.

"Oh, uh..." Kris looked at me uneasily, and I was starting to get worried. "You like Eonjeong right?" 

All my worry was for nothing and I felt like such an idiot for even having worry in the first place. Of course it was about Eonjeong! What's not about Eonjeong to him?! I sighed silently to myself, and cursed silently to myself. 

"Yeah," I lied. 

"You sure?" Kris asked, confirming what I said, and I glanced over at him suspiciously.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I replied. 

"Okay..." Kris trailed off, only to say something again. "So you wouldn't mind if I went on a date with her?" 

"Wh-what the hell?!" I stuttered, surprised. 

"No, I mean, uh, we're not going on like, a date-date... It's more of a college reunion date!" He explained quickly, so that I wouldn't grab a shovel and beat him up into mash.

"What are you gonna do at your college reunion date?" I asked, feeling rather protective and jealous. 

"Uh, watch a movie and go out for dinner." Kris answered. 

I went back to my work before curtly and reluctantly saying, "Fine."

"Really?" Kris said excitedly. 

I flashed him a look and said, "I already said it was okay."

Kris didn't notice how irritatedly I replied to him, and instead beamed, too caught up in his happiness. 

"Cool, I'll be gone tonight then!" he said, stood up, and happily strode away. I scoffed, and frowned, working some more. 

"Hey, what's with the long face?" Baekhyun asked, appearing after a while. He squatted down and joined me as I grouchily plucked flowers from the dirt. 

"Ah, it's nothing." I said.

He raised a brow at me and cocked his head. 

"That's not what your face is telling me."

"It's nothing!" I protested loudly. "Anyways, are you going with Kris tonight and his friends?" 

"To the movies? Nah, I'm staying. I wasn't really friends with them. It'd only be awkward." Baekhyun explained with a sigh, waving his hand dismissively. "Why? You're going with him?" 

"Ah, no, I was just wondering if I was alone tonight." I answered and he laughed at my response. 

"Alone?" he smiled widely. "Don't worry, only Kris is going! The rest of the group's staying. Wanna hang with us tonight?" 

I paused for a second, then I nodded, beaming. 

"Okay cool. I'll pick you up later on, then." Baekhyun said, and we shook hands on it. 


That night, Kris left at around 5. 

"I'll be back soon," he said, wrapping his scarf around his neck. 

Since the butlers and maids were around, he leaned down, and kissed my forehead. I smiled, trying not to freak out, and replied, "Okay, have fun. I'll be waiting, then." 

He left, and I sighed in relief. I looked at the door once last time, before turning stubbornly, and walking away. 

"Ah, Yuri, there you are!" Baekhyun said, as I turned around a corner. I blinked, and jumped back, startled. 

"Did I scare you? Sorry," Baekhyun grinned adorably, making me grin back.

"No it's cool," I replied. 

"Well, let's go?" Baekhyun suggested, before grabbing my hand, and leading me towards the other guys. They were sitting in Suho's room, and they were on the floor, just talking. 

"Hey guys, here's Yuri and I," Baekhyun announced as he walked in. 

"Ah, noona!" Kai said excitedly, as the members saw me. I laughed softly and smiled, greeting all of them, settling next to Kai and Sehun. 

"How come you guys didn't wanna go with Kris?" I asked, glancing at all of them.

Kai whined, "Because Kris' group of friends aren't really our friends, and you're much more fun, noona!"

"You're older than me though!" I protested. 

"Yeah," Kai laughed. "By a few months. But you're like a baby and you're cute and it sounds cuter anyways, so I'm calling you noona!"

"Yah, you're so silly," I laughed.

"If Kai's silly, that means we're all silly, Noona!" Sehun said adorably.

"Hey, you called me noona too." I groaned.

"What should we call you then? Oppa?" Luhan teased.

"Actually, you should," I joked, giggling.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't think you'd really answer like that," he laughed. 

"Ah, why not?" I whined. 

"I feel so bad for Kris," Sehun joked. "You're so cute at night."

"Ah, Sehuuun," I whined some more, adding extra cuteness in that. 

"Haha you're really cute at night," Lay grinned and I laughed. 

"Of course I do," I answered confidently. "I'm gonna be Korea's Crown Princess!" 

"Hey, don't be so conceited," Luhan hit me at the back of my neck playfully. 

"Hey, don't copy how I hit people!" Suho scolded, hitting Luhan at the back of his neck. 

"Ow, okay." Luhan mumbled back, glaring at Suho cutely, while rubbing his throbbing neck.

"See?" Baekhyun grinned. "Kris is probably bored, while we're having fun!" 


Kris's POV


I met up with the group for dinner at the entrance of a decent looking restaurant. 

"Hey!" I greeted them excitedly, high-fiving the guys, and waving to the girls.

"Hi Kris," Eonjeong smiled, and I smiled back.

"Ayo," I said, before turning to say hi to some more of my friends. After our wonderful reunion out in the cold, we all huddled together, and squeezed inside. We all got seated, and Eonjeong sat to my right, while my guy friend, Hyun, sat to my left. 

"Hey, how are you? Haven't seen you in a while!" Hyun said, slapping my back playfully.

"Yeah, how's it been going?" I asked, grinning widely.

"It's been pretty good. You? I heard you married that girl... um, Kim Yura? Not the figure skater but the other one?" Hyun mumbled slowly, trying to remember her name and I chuckled.

"It's Shin Yuri, and yeah. Have you seen her before?"

Hyun shook his head. 

"Nope. She doesn't go out much? The reporters are always at the palace, but they can't take a picture of her?" Hyun laughed. 

"Ah, she's more of an inside-the-palace person," I explained, suddenly feeling defensive. "She doesn't really have a reason to go outside because we have everything in the palace." 

"So... she doesn't hang out with friends?" Hyun asked, awed. 

"Ah, well she does, but they're all in the palace, so it doesn't really matter." I shrugged.  

"Well, more importantly, is she cute?" He grinned, with a twinkle in his eyes. I smiled uneasily, as I reached for the picture of her in my wallet. When he looked at it, his jaw dropped. 

"Whoa, she's a cutie!" He admired. "Is this really her? I heard that people are cuter in person!"

"Ah, yeah, she is," I admitted. 

"Hey look guys, this is Kris's wife!" Hyun said, grabbing the picture and flashing it around the table. 

"Hey-" Before I could grab it back, Hyun passed it to the others. 

"Dude, Kris, she's a cute kid! How old's she?" My other friend, Saeryun, asked. 

"Uh... 19." I reluctantly answered. Saeryun's eyes bulged right open. 

"N-nineteen?" He stuttered. "She's even older than Eonjeong!" 

"Ah, yeah." I said, reaching over the table for my photo, snatching it successfully. 

"Hey Kris!" The rest of the table whined. "I wanna see her!" 

"No way!" I replied firmly, putting the photo away. 

"Aw, why?" A girl named Jungah whined. 

"Because you all are nosy," I joked. Before anyone else could interject, the waiter came and took our orders. 

"Hey Kris, you and Eonjeong broke up?" Kim Haera asked.

"Ah, yeah, a long time ago." I answered, trying to not show my uncomfortableness. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Eonjeong tensed up. 

"Aw, what why, you two were cute," Haera pouted. 

"Ah, things didn't work out," I explained vaguely. 

"It's okay, Haera," Saeryun reassured. "Yuri's cute and they look amazing together." 

"Really?" Kang Yunseo asked with wide eyes, looking at Hyun for his confirmation. He nodded expertisely.

"It's true. She's adorable. She looks like she has a lot of cute in her!" He said. 

"Ugh," I groaned. "Don't get me started on her cuteness." 

"See!" Hyun pointed at me. "I'm right!" 

"For once," Yunseo scoffed, then looked at me. "Way to go, Kris! I didn't know you had this in you!" 

"Um, it was an arranged marriage," I laughed awkwardly. 

"Oh, well then, I guess it makes sense now." Yunseo teased. 

"Ay, you're as mean as ever," I teased back, rolling my eyes. 

"Wait, what about your parents?" Woo Chiwoong asked. 

"What about them?" I asked back. 

"I mean, aren't they still you know, Crown King and Queen?" he asked. 

I mentally facepalmed myself. 

"You are an idiot," I laughed. "Of course they are. Yuri and I are taking their place when they want to retire."

"When's that gonna be?" 

I shrugged. "Who knows."

"Kris, you're so laidback. If it was me, I'd freak out!" Chiwoong said, biting his lip. 

"What's to be worried about? I've got a cute wife and my palace friends." I joked. 

"Wait, so we're just peasants?" Jungah asked. 

"Yeah." I laughed. 

She pouted, and the waiters came by with our meals. I ate it while it was still hot, and joked around with them some more, enjoying myself a lot.


Yuri's Pov


I watched as everyone did aegyo, after my attempt at being cute. 

Right now, it was Xiumin, and he was doing his baozi faces adorably. After watching him, I frowned playfully and whined, "Oh my gosh, Xiumin, why are you so adorable and have such a baby face? You could be my little brother!" 

Xiumin just looked at me playfully. 

"Well, if you feel that way, I guess I should call you noona." He joked. 

"Ah, but you're four years older than me."

"But you said I have a baby face," Xiumin pointed out.

"Just call her noona, everyone already does anyways," Kai laughed. 

"Hey, you're so impolite." I turned to look at him. 

"Oh my goodness, you are like, the cute ladybug queen of the palace." Sehun commented. 

"Yeah," Chanyeol agreed. "You act cuter than Tao." 

"It's not my fault," I mumbled, turning my head to face him.

"If she's the cute ladybug queen, am I the cute king?" Tao asked innocently and Chanyeol laughed. 

"Normally it would be Kris, but his cuteness , so sure." He grinned. 

"He should take some of your cuteness away," Tao joked. "Even if he took some, you'd still be the cutie ladybug queen."

"Too bad we can't do that. I'd take some of his height if I could," I joked back. 

"Me too,  I feel you," Xiumin said, patting his chest in understanding, and even pretending to sob a bit. 

"Ay, Xiumin, you really are a baby," I laughed. 

"Ah, can we keep playing the cuteness game?" Sehun whined. "I wanna show how cute I can be!" 

"Oh my, Sehun, you being cute scares me," Tao said playfully. 

"Really?" Sehun said, attempting to be cute. 

He tried to do the gwiyomi, but was interrupted by Lay, just when he was about to do three.

"Hey,  no one wants to see the gwiyomi here," he muttered, clamping Sehun's hands together and Sehun frowned. 

"Laaay," he whined. 

"Okay, let's look at Tao's cute act, why don't we?" Lay sighed and Sehun pretended to gag. 

"Yeah, I so want to see his cute acts, even though I see them everyday." He rolled his eyes with a frown, and I couldn't help but pinch his cheeks. "Wha-what are you doing?"

"Aw, you're adorable," I smiled.

"Aw, you're more adorable!" Sehun protested. 

"No way!" I argued, pulling my hands away from his cheeks, so that I could ball them into fists. "You're more adorable!" 

"Both of you guys are adorable," Lay chuckled. "Let's just keep on going with the game."

"Hey you're such a party pooper," Sehun complained. 

"Hey, just let Tao do his cute acts so we could get over it!" Lay scolded playfully. 

"Don't yell at my baby like that," Suho said, protectively wrapping his arms around Sehun. 

"Hey, I'm his most favorite friend, I should be hugging him!" Luhan argued. 

"Can I do my cute acts yet?" Tao whined.

"Ah, okay okay, let's watch your cute acts then." Suho said excitedly. 

"You're choking me," Sehun croaked, tugging at Suho's arm. 

"Oh sorry," Suho answered, removing his arms away from Sehun's neck, which were quickly wrapped into Luhan's arms. Tao did his cute stuff, which was a series of 'bbuing bbuing's and winks. 

"Hey all of you are adorable," I whined. "Why can't I be as adorable?" 

"Yuri-" Sehun's mouth was quickly covered by Lay's hand.

"Who's next?" He quickly asked, hoping that Sehun wouldn't blurt anything out. 

"Can we play in the garden?" Chanyeol asked, leaning on the windowsil and staring out in awe. "It's amazing outside." 

The sun was a setting and it looked really warm outside

"Ah, I wanna go outside," Baekhyun mumbled, leaning gently against Chanyeol's giant frame. 

"Yeah, let's!" I said excitedly. 

"What are we gonna do outside?" Chen asked. 

Chanyeol shrugged. "Pick flowers, skip while holding hands... you pick." 

"Dang it Chanyeol, why'd you have to give us the hardest decisions? I mean, both of them are fun. Ugh, you're horrible." Chen joked sarcastically, rolling his eyes. 

"Says the troll." Chanyeol replied back. Chen just pouted, as Xiumin suggested that we'd go bug catching and I immediately paled. Bugs were one of the worst things ever and if I saw one right now I would probably set it on fire.

"Yeah, that's be great!" Luhan said. "I haven't caught bugs in ages." 

Then, everyone raced out the door, excluding Baekhyun, who walked calmly. Once he reached the door, he looked at me, and smiled. 

"You coming?" he asked. I blinked, but smiled back. 

"Of course." I said, quickly getting up, and racing towards him, laughing cheerfully, as we both walked to the garden together. 


Kris's Pov


We quickly finished dinner, and arrived at the movies on time. We bought our tickets, and a couple cups of coffee that was sold a few feet away from the theatres. I was slowly sipping my coffee, careful not to burn my tongue and noticed Eonjeong approaching me. 

"So," she said. "How's your day been?" 

"Um, pretty good, I guess." I shrugged. Then, I turned away, but she started talking again, so I turned back to face her.

"Um, you excited?" She asked. 

"For what?" 

"The movie," she replied awkwardly. 

"Oh, oh yeah." I answered. 

It was quiet between us and I assumed that the conversation was over, so I turned again, but apparently I was wrong, cause Eonjeong opened again. 

"Yes?" I asked, waiting for her to say something. She looked at me, hesitatingly, and then looked at the ground. 

"No, um, we should go!" she said, changing the subject quickly. 

"Ah, is it time?" I asked, checking my watch, my eyes bulging when I realized the time. "Aw crap. Hey guys the movie's starting!" 

"Ah, really?" Jungah sighed. "Let's go everyone!" 

We quickly made our way inside, and sat in a row, right next to each other. I sat at the end of the row, with Eonjeong to my left and I leaned onto my armrest, getting comfortable. As the movie started, Eonjeong started talking to me of all people and times.

"Ah, Kris oppa, it's cold here," Eonjeong whined, wrapping her arms around herself and scooching closer to me. 

"Ah sorry, I don't have another jacket. Why didn't you bring a jacket?" I replied, wiggling away.

"Ah, but I didn't think it'd be this cold," she mumbled poutingly.

"Oh, well you should've been prepared though," I replied, keeping my eyes on the giant screen.

"Ah, but I haven't gone in a while, so I didn't bring one," she answered.

"Sorry I don't have an extra one."  

Can't the woman shut up? I paid a good eleven dollars for this movie; I don't want this part to be wasted and I have to spend another eleven dollars watching the whole movie again!

"But I seriously didn't think it was gonna be this cold," she murmured. 

"Sorry" I replied again.  

"You're a tease." Eonjeong said. 

"That's what they call me." I replied, uninterested. "Now if you're done, can I get back to watching the movie?" 

Eonjeong just huffed, and crossed her arms, sitting back into the seat. I just glanced at her for a second, and sighed, averting my gaze back to the movie. Just when I thought she'd shut up, she started talking again, and that's basically how it was for the whole movie, and I ended up not even watching any of it.

"That was a good movie, huh?" Jungah grinned, stretching, as the credits started rolling. 

I was extremely annoyed at this period of time. Not only did I waste a solid, good, eleven dollars, I'd have to come back to the theatres and spend another eleven dollars just to watch this movie, all because of that girl! I sighed, and stood up, yawning.

"Ah, I'm tired Kris," Eonjeong mumbled, grabbing onto my arm.

"I am too," I said, subtly shaking her off.

"Ah, do you think you can take me home?" she asked, batting her eyelashes.

What? After wasting my money, you want me to take you home? Ask another guy to do it! I wanted to say that, but instead I just mumbled, "You live in the opposite direction though. I really have to get home."

Her face fell.

"Oh... Well then... Nice hanging around with you then," she muttered, downcasted. I sighed again, and walked to the exit. Once we were outside, and our eyes properly adjusted to the light, we said our goodbyes.

"Today's a fun day! Hope we spend it together again!" Yunseo yawned, causing more people to yawn.

"Yeah," Chiwoong smiled cheerily. "It's been really fun. Well, I gotta go. See you guys!" 

We all walked out together, and I got into my car quickly, before Eonjeong could attempt to get in, and drove away.


Yuri's Pov


The garden was dark, but the moonlight made the flowers glow. Even though the only light can from the moon and a few lamps, it was as if we saw each other clearly.

"Hm, this is weird. I thought the fireflies were supposed to come out now?" Chanyeol muttered, his deep voice even deeper.

"In a moment, Chanyeol," I replied.

"Ah, okay," he answered with a nod.

Shortly after, the fireflies did come out. They glowed as brightly as the flowers, and flew by rather gracefully.

"Ah, they're so pretty," I breathed, staring at the light they produced, but managing to keep my distance from them.

"Right?" Baekhyun agreed quietly. I squatted down, and he followed suit.

"Hey, who's prettier, the fireflies or me?" I asked, laughing softly and Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"Of course it's you," he answered.

"Ah, what?" I whined. "These fireflies are prettier!"

"They're pretty, but in my eyes, you're the prettiest," He smiled.

I blinked, and felt embarrassment in my chest, and warmth flushing through my cheeks. 

"You're just being nice," I protested. 

"Or truthful," Baekhyun laughed. Before I could say anything, Chanyeol oppa suddenly came out of nowhere and flashed a firefly in my face, surprising me. 

"Look at this, Yuri! Isn't it cute?" he grinned, and as it buzzed closer to my face, I squealed and grabbed Baekhyun's shoulder. I wiggled and hid behind him as the bug flew away because of my sudden movement.

"Ah, Yuri, you scared it away! Even after I named it Baconliner..." Chanyeol pouted. 

"You named it what?" Baekhyun mumbled.

"Um, I named it Yuri." Chanyeol answered quickly.

"Aw Chanyeol oppa, you named it after me?" I grinned. "That's so adorable."

"Hey, you should've said you were scared of bugs!" Baekhyun scolded. 

I whined and released my grip from him. 

"It's cause I didn't want to ruin your guys' fun!" I protested and he sighed

"Fine." He answered, and patted my head gently. 

"Aw, this is so cute, I wanna pat your head too!" Chanyeol grinned, also patting my head. I just blinked, sitting there, letting them pet my head with a small smile on my face. 

"Hey, I'm gonna go inside the palace for water okay?" I suddenly said, making them stop patting my head. 

"Ah, okay, come back soon." Chanyeol oppa smiled, and I got up, and quickly skimped away. I walked inside, and to my surpriseI saw Kris at the end of the hallway. 

"Ah, Kris, you're back!" I called to him, my voice echoing in the empty hall. He didn't answer, and instead, looked downcasted and sighed. 

"Hey, you okay?" I asked, once I was close enough to him. He looked at me, and sighed once more. "How was the movie?" I asked, atttempting at conversation. 

"I don't even know..." Kris groaned. "Eonjeong kept on talking to me during the whole thing, so I have no idea." 

I blinked, and laughed softly. 

"What?" Kris pouted. 

"No, it's nothing." I smiled warmly. 

Kris stared at me for a moment before asking, "Since Eonjeong totally ruined the movie for me, would you like to go with me so I could watch it again?"

My eyes widened in surprise, but then, I grinned happily, and nodded. "Really? Okay cool! I'll go"




Hi! I think I updated kinda quickly this time?? Haha I hope you guys liked it! I'll try to update quickly! Thanks for reading, have a nice day!


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[8/16/16] and i just wanted to say thank you so much to everybody! this was a time where i was lacking in writing, so it's quite nice LOL anyways, i love you!!!


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Chapter 17: Aaaw the end was so sweet!
Chapter 15: I'm in between "aww that's so cute" and "Kris has finally lost his mind" when he's talked to Ace HAHAHA
Chapter 13: HAHAHA Listen to your son Kris!
Chapter 12: When will she be gone?!
Chapter 10: I'm glad he did not gave in to Eonjeong's talk hahaha
Chapter 5: I can already tell I will hate Eonjeong! And I fell like Kris will take her side when Eonjeong and Yuri clashes!
Chapter 1: HAHAHA These two!
Maddle #8
Chapter 17: TT_TT
Beautiful story!!!
I want to
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 17: Gosh rereading this story again :D
annielinster #10
Chapter 13: whose ace?