⚔ Review For Miss No Label ⚔

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Author | Co-Author | Title | Story Link | Genre | Reviewer
selinne | N/A | Miss No Label | Link | Romance | 9pm_forever
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Title: [4/5]
Your title is interesting and it makes readers curious as to what your story is all about. It also isn’t excessively long nor is capitalised to ‘grab’ readers’ attention, which is what most authors do these days. It’s very simple and many would want to click on your story. Based on first impressions, your title doesn’t have that really powerful drawing-in factor that make readers want to automatically pick it up and have a look. It’s more like one that they’ll linger around and maybe after a few seconds of deciding, will click on it. The title almost describes the story to one that is very cliché and one that is going to be all fluffy. But your story does match your title as the plot generally follows labelling a relationship and defining it (or in this case, the lack of labels).
Story Layout: [10/10]


Your story layout is the way your story looks, which I must admit, is flawless. The colour, the font, the poster and the gifs you use all fit together so well. It’s like a puzzle that all fits in together nicely. I don’t think that there is anything wrong at all with your story layout which explains your full marks. 
Foreword & Description: [7/10]

Our foreword and description looks so good. It’s so well presented and it looks so… professional. It’s practically perfect in terms of how it looks. Of course, not everything is perfect. There are a few sentences in there that don’t make sense or have incorrect spelling. Overall, there aren’t a great deal of problems with this section and most importantly, your foreword and description wants readers to continue reading. But be careful though, some of your sentences are slightly confusing because most don’t really know what your story is about because all they can draw from it is a love story of some sort when it is so much more than that. It’s only when you look at the trailer that readers get a better understanding of what your story is about. Readers do want to find more about your story but what you’ve put there in your foreword/description doesn’t have, once again, that powerful drawing-in factor that really big hook that make readers go: ‘Oh my God! I have to read this!’ 

Plot: [14/20]

The plot for the whole story is not the most original plot out there because it’s a love story. I mean, how many AFF fanfics are there that are love stories? Probably, at the very least, half of all the stories on AFF are romance-related. But you have definitely spun it into something that is uniquely yours. You throw in different twists and surprises that readers never see coming.
Characterization: [8/10]
While for every character you don’t lay down all their characteristics but you let the readers draw conclusions based on their actions and thoughts. I hate it when authors give us all the personality traits of their main characters and I get really annoyed whenever I see that. It’s nice to see that you haven’t done that. We can safely say that Krystal loves Lay and gets emotional very easily. She also has a lot of insecurities, as far as Lay is concerned. She is open about everything and values her self-worth and prides herself in doing things her way or independently. Lay, on the other hand, is uncomfortable when it comes to talking about his past. He obviously loves Krystal and adores her from the bottom of his heart. He also gets extremely jealous when he sees Krystal having a good time with other guys. I can’t help but think that he’s got some weird problem in his head, thinking that Yixing is weak and all. He wants to bury another side of him and doesn’t want that side to ever surface. That’s good. But there are a few flaws. Keep in mind that there are minor points that have been elaborated upon a lot. So don’t take it the wrong way.

Firstly, the explanation as to why Lay helps Krystal in the first place – buying medicine and paying for her cab, then letting her live with him is a little bit unrealistic. At first it’s mentioned because of respect but it’s very hard to earn someone’s respect, highly unlikely within a matter of seconds. I don’t think respect allows you to be so generous, considering that all Lay’s ever wanted was to be left alone and by inviting Krystal to live with him, it isn’t exactly ‘being left alone’. Most people would see it as an invasion of privacy. While Krystal doesn’t complain and actually does a lot of the chores in his house, considering how he acts and how silent he is I doubt that he would be so open to letting someone come in and live with them. If he already liked her back then, then it’s also highly unlikely because it’s only over time that people start to like another. It doesn’t happen with a day or two. I get that Lay does this because he is reminded of his supposed first love, but later Lay is portrayed as having seen both sides to his ‘first love’ and therefore, he must’ve had a bad experience with her. So if he had a bad experience with her and that experience appears to still be etched in his brain, why would he help Krystal so readily when it contradicts with his past and personality? Maybe there’s another reason, but as of right now, I don’t know what that other reason might be.

Secondly, this is a bit of a minor character but I can’t help but feel as though she’s supposed to play a bigger role in this story. If not, then she does in the beginning. I don’t get why Jiyoung is suddenly friendly towards Krystal after having ignored her for however long it is that she’s ignored her before the story. I don’t really understand why she apologises and promises to help Krystal find a really cheap dorm so that she can live. She is initially mean and won’t defend Krystal against her other friends whenever they say nasty things about her. It’s either she’s really naïve and doesn’t really that her ‘lousy’ friends are insulting her other friend or it’s because she suddenly pities Krystal because she’s homeless and wants to help her and yet, she doesn’t help her when she is verbally insulted. A bit of a contradicting personality, don’t you think? I understand that people can change their perspective but based on what she does right now with dieting and talking about hot guys and all, it’s likely for her to enjoy the lifestyle that she used to have with her ‘friends’.

Thirdly, Krystal realises that she has feelings for Lay but we never really see that being explored further. We’ve moved from friends to something that is possibly more than just that because they are physically intimate with each other and then to something even more (Is that wedding bells we hear?). During the time when they progress to something more which is yet to be named but for argument’s sake is called, ‘before-they-become-girlfriend-and-boyfriend’ (they have just confessed), we understand that Lay has feelings for Krystal but we don’t know if she feels the same way. It was to be expected and yet, it was also very sudden that she was in a state of euphoria when he kissed her on the forehead because we don’t see those little changes happen to her as they start being physical intimate with each other.

Lastly, I would like to point that liking somebody and loving somebody are two very different things. Yes, we knew from the get-go that Lay liked Krystal, but Lay falling in love with her already? And Krystal is feeling the same? I know that this is how classical romance stories go but I think that there needs to be a bit of gradual progression towards that point. It seems a little rushed if you asked me. Maybe that’s because it wasn’t really mentioned a lot.

Originality: [3.5/5]
As mentioned in your plot, your story line about romance is seen almost everywhere in AFF. While there is some originality in your story, there are also very obvious clichés. But for every single cliché there is you’ve done something to change it up a little and put a little bit of originality in your story.

At the beginning it sounds very cliché because the main male character and the main female character are both at university and bump into each other. One of them, in this case the girl, rushes to class because she’s late (which is normally why the girl rushes off in the first place) while the other, in this case the guy, is shocked that the girl didn’t take their offer for help like most people, or more specifically girls, do. They are like this because they are never used to being ignored like that in their whole life because they’re either ridiculously rich or dashingly handsome. In most cases, it is both put together and Lay, in this story, makes no exception. It is only later Krystal realises that the guy she bumped into the hallway was actually hot and that she doesn’t know his name. Does this sound a little bit familiar? It should because it’s probably in every story out there. You could’ve had a different first meeting. Everyone sets it in a university and it’s always bumping into each other and then the male character is shocked that the girl doesn’t talk to him like normal girls do and the girl thinks that the guy is an absolute jerk. What you’ve changed about it is the last detail but the change is also a little bit cliché because Krystal finds herself a little bit attracted to Lay.

Also, fiancés and getting engaged is very commonly seen. It’s probably in every single story here on AFF. It’s like the twist for the story – they’re going to get married, and guess what? It’s not to each other. One of them is going to get married to a second lead and the main love story will be destroyed because the main character in the engagement is too honourable to go cheating on his wife and the female character doesn’t want to be a mistress on the side (I’m surprised that none of the male characters on AFF have actually thought up of that). The whole getting engaged plan has happened so many times, I don’t think it’s a twist anymore. If anything, it’s highly predictable. But what I don’t think I have ever seen before on AFF, apart from you, is the male character setting up his own engagement before he realises that he shouldn’t have because now he has found love and doesn’t want to get engaged anymore.

What I also must point out is that the characters are a little bit overused. In a typical AFF love story, there is always a girl who never really gets noticed (Krystal) and is poor and at the beginning, is living in below standard living arrangements because her family is in debt. There is always a guy (Lay) who is absolutely perfect in everything he does but he has a mysterious past and doesn’t want to tell anyone. There is also the other guy/girl (Kris) who comes in between the main leads’ relationship and has a romantic past with one of the characters and tries to destroy the possibilities of the chance of them ever getting together. There is a change because Lay has an odd personality because he’s got two different sides: Lay and Yixing. Even you’ve made Feng Sara have a really bad side to her (not really, but you’ve mentioned it), but that’s to be expected from the antagonist of a story. I can’t help but feel as though she has a much darker side to her than normal protagonists do. Is it just me or does it feel like all Chinese people have double personalities which contradict each other? Not really so in the case of Lay, but now I can’t help but feel as though Kris is going to have another side to him as well. Maybe he’ll be revealed as a mafia member or a gangster.

Anyway, while the main plot as a whole is a little bit common, there are twists because authors don’t normally focus on labelling and what their relationship is called between another character and how it is defined. Labelling the relationship or the lack of it is a recurring theme for your story and hence, the title Miss No Label. While in a love story like yours there are always mysteries and the discoveries that the characters make aren’t that surprising because we’ve seen it before, but it also is the last thing that readers would expect from your story. We were expecting all of the secrets to come from Lay because he’s the mysterious character here, but Krystal discovers a few things that she never knew before.

The plot itself is a bit borrowed but all plots are, but you’ve made it somehow original and something that is uniquely your own.

Flow: [7/10]
I can’t help but feel as though your story was a little bit rushed because not everything was explained properly. This is seen mainly in your characterisation because everything dramatic is because of a character’s fault and because of their actions, feelings or thoughts. Krystal and Lay liking each other is very sudden. I also feel like there is something disrupting your flow and how fluently your story is written. Confusion is one of the main factors that prevent pieces of writing from flowing. In your case, it would be your switching of tenses. Please pick one tense and stick with it all the way through your story because you constantly switch between the two which confuses readers who have English as their first language or live in an English-based country. It disrupts your flow because as a result, readers have to look over what you’ve written and reread the sentence because it doesn’t make sense to them initially. Your sentence structure and the way you word certain things can also create confusion and readers need to read back over what you’ve written in order to understand where you’re coming from. They can’t be absorbed as they’d like to be in a story.


Grammar & Spelling: [16/25]

There are both mistakes of grammar and spelling in your story. I understand why authors might get grammar mistakes because it comes down to their English background. I don’t understand how you can get spelling mistakes though. There is a function that allows you to, while you are creating your chapters, run it through a spell-check and then you can correct all the spelling there. Anyway, let’s focus on grammar first.

I know that I have already pointed this out in Flow but I need to point out here as well because this is the category it belongs to. It is so much easier for readers to lose themselves in the story and to prevent confusion if you use the same tense. Originally I thought that as you switched POV’s, you switched tenses as well. However as I read your story more I realised that that wasn’t the case. You jump from one tense to another, sometimes it’s in between paragraphs and sometimes, I really hate to say this, but you do this in the middle of a sentence as well. It’s like half of a sentence is in past tense and then you add a comma and the other half of the sentence is in present tense or vice versa.


Before Correction: Ironic as to what I have planned all those years, when I had already set foot of what used to be simply the object of my dreams, I started to feel the need to get away – to escape and go home.

After Correction (past tense): Ironic as to what I had planned all those years, when I had already set foot of what used to be simply the object of my dreams, I started to feel the need to get away – to escape and go home.


Just choose one and stick with it otherwise your story isn’t going to flow. It doesn’t matter which tense you choose but past tense is the easier tense to follow. For the most part though, you stick with past tense but somewhere present tense does slip in. I would recommend rereading your story out loud because trust me, the mistake I just pointed up there isn’t the only one.

What I am going to point out next was also briefly mentioned in Flow but it’s going to ‘fleshed out’ in this category because this is where it belongs. Sometimes the way you structure your sentence or the way you word how the characters are feeling or their actions, it prevents your stories from flowing because it doesn’t make any sense. Sometimes you change words such as ‘are’ and ‘have’ into present tense which makes the sentence not make sense. I recommend reading over your story and seeing where the mistakes are because there are a few. A sentence, in its most basic form, has to have a noun and a verb in order for it to be classified as a sentence. Sometimes you have words on their own and the one word by itself is a sentence. You do this a lot with the word, ‘There’. You could always include this word in the previous sentence or in the next one after adding a comma after the word. I understand that you’re emphasising the word by putting it in a sentence by itself but you can always make it into italics or make it bold.

You also have a tendency of using the wrong preposition such as:


Before Correction: I walked through heavy steps along the corridors of Sungkyunkwan University.

After Correction: I walked with heavy steps along the corridors of Sungkyunkwan University.


Because you technically can’t walk through heavy steps, you can only walk with heavy steps. This is just one example in your story but I recommend that you read your story out loud and you’ll easily find the errors because the sentence may sound a little ‘wrong’.

Now, let’s go to spelling. There are a few mistakes for spelling which are spotted in one of the places where you don’t want spelling mistakes. I have spotted some in your foreword, most of them are scattered in the chapters and there is even one on one of your posters. Some of the words that you misspell are probably just a typo but believe it or not, AFF has this function that allows us to check our spelling. It’s called a spell-check and it lists all the possible words that could be what you’re looking for. You should use that function: it’s there for a reason. This mistake is in your foreword.


Before Correction: To my dispair, I always arrive at the same answer.

After Correction: To my despair, I always arrive at the same answer.


This mistake is on one of your posters. It’s the poster that you use for even-numbered chapters, I believe. You should ask the designer for a re-do.


Before Correction: I never wanted a label so badly until there became you an me.

After Correction: I never wanted a label so badly until there became you and me.


For some chapters there are hardly any spellings mistakes, while in some there are plenty. The chapter that I think has the most spelling mistakes is Chapter 36. I recommend that you read Chapter 36 again or run that chapter through a spell-check because you’ll be surprised at how many mistakes there are.


Overall Enjoyment: [3/5]
While the general plot for the story is quite cliché and borrowed, you’ve added in your own twists that are unexpected for a story like yours. Did I enjoy your story? At times I found it a little bit too sweet and I awed when Krystal and Lay had really sweet couple moments. At times I found myself cringing but when I finished reading, I felt that the story was really sweet. It was very cliché but also very sweet at the same time, but you have added in little twists in the story and that’s why I’m keeping an eye on your story, even though I don’t ship Laystal in particular. 


Bonus points: [3/5] 


​Hi, Selinne! Thank you so much for requesting at Crisx-Trix Review Shop, it's entertaining working with you. I've something to explain, this review wasn't done by me, it was done by my co-author, 9PM_Forever. And I believed she had done a very wonderful job. I only edited the paragraphing format of the review and all the credits go to her. I had to pass her this review because I could not cope, sorry for any inconvenience caused. I wish that we'll be able to work together in the future! If you enjoyed this review, please share this shop with your friends and an upvote is appreciated. Most importantly, please return some feedbacks at the comment box down below. Bye! ^.~ 


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Chapter 15: Thank you so much for the review! I will be sure to credit you once i get on a computer! c:
sunset812 #3
Chapter 11: Thanks for the review. I never did like my foreword and description. So now I know what to change. Keep up with your writing too sweetie! I look forward to reading it.
Chapter 10: Thanks for the review Krissy :)
I'm happy with the result x3

I'll try to focus on my mistakes and write better stories *fighting* :D
Of course I'll credit you :)

The poster? Uhmmm I need to ask the person who made it for me if she can send me the linl again :)
Chapter 9: Thank you for your review! Thank you BlackPearl96 and Krissy. :) Haha, yes, I really when it comes to tenses. :D I'm happy I had a good review over all though. :*
Chapter 6: Thank you so much for the review...
It doesn't matter how many chapters, my fanfic has?