Meeting the Liu Family

Daddy Hunting



Days had passed and now we are on our way to America. I feel nervous. I don't know what will happen to me and Yunjin there. I am worried too about how Amber's family will react about us. I wondered too why Yuri-oppa didn't come to Korea. I thought he is going to meet my Unnie there. Everytime I asked Amber about it, he always just shrugged his shoulders. We headed to L.A while Unnie head to San Francisco. She told us that my parents will meet the Liu's next week. A middle aged man, which I think a chinese one, is already waiting for us in the airport. He bowed to Amber and Amber just lightly hit him on his arm.


"I told you not to greet me that way, Jie."he said to him in Chinese and chuckled.


"Just let mo do my job, Yiyun."Jie answered with an awkward smile. He then shifted his eyes to me and Yunjin who is holding my hand. I smiled at him and greeted him politely. Yunjin did the same too.


"Oh, by the way Jie, she is my finacee, her name is Krystal and this little guy here is our son, Yunjin."Amber introduced us in English. He carried Yunjin in his arms which made my son smile timidly.


"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Krystal and Little Sir Yunjin."Jie said to us in English with a warm smile. " I finally understand now why Yiyun didn't have any girlfriend before."he added and scoffed.  


His statement made my brows furrowed and got me confused.Didn't had Amber told me that he already dated ten girls? Was it just a lie? I turn to look at Amber and he is giving me an awkward smile.


"I think it's time for us to go home."Amber remarked then grab my hand and we walked ahead of Jie. Jie was just following us behind, pushing the cart with our luggage in it.


We got in the car, sitting at the backseat while Jie take the front seat. I am sitting between Amber and Yunjin. I think my son got tired because he fell asleep, leaning his head on my side.


"Got ten ex girlfriends, huh?" I nudge Amber.


"Huh? Who said that?"he replied to me, pretending to be clueless and laugh.


"You are really a liar."I scoffed.


"I had my reason why I lied that time."he replied.


"And what was that reasons of...."


"Sssshhhh. Be quiet. Our handsome son is sleeping."he said to me cutting me off in a low voice and smile sheepishly.




Well, I got embarrassed about the lie that I told about Krystal of me having ten exgirlfriends. I forgot to take it back. She had been teasing me in our whole ride on our way into our house. When the driver parked in front of our house, I notice that Krystal got tensed. I  open the car door and got out first. I walk around and open the other door on Yunjin's side to pick him up. Of course, I informed my parents that they will be having a guest. I'm holding Krystal's hand and while carrying the sleeping Yunjin. We meet my family in our livingroom. It's been a while since I last came home. My parents, my sister Jackie,my grandparents and the Song's too. I got surprised to see them all here now, and they were surprised to see us too.


"Brother, I don't think you have to force Yiyun to marry the Jung's eldest daughter because he already have the youngest one." my Uncle told my Dad with a smirk on his face. I raise my brows at him with a smile.


"Family, she is Krystal Jung, my fiancee." I introduced Krystal to them and I can hear some of them gasped. The females.


"It's nice to meet you all."Krystal said to them and greeted them politely. They greeted her back while bowing slightly bowing their head. 


"And this sleeping little guy here is our son, Yunjin."I said to them and I can see the visible shock expression on their faces.


"Y-Yiyun, k-kindly explain that to us?"my sister Jackie, managed to ask.


"Auntie, will explain it to you."I said to them and look at my Auntie who is lookingg confused at me. Her eyes dilate when she finally understood what I meant.


"Oh my God! Are you..."


"Yeah." I smiled shyly.


"Mei, what's going on here?" My Mom asked her. "Yiyun, you got Miss Jung pregnant at young age?" she asked me when she turn to me.


"Of course not,Mom."I quickly answered her.


I bring Yunjin in my room for him to comfortably rest. Krystal and Auntie explained everything to my family while I'm gone. When I came back, my parents are looking at me sternly. I looked at Krystal and she got comforted by the rest. Auntie is looking at me with straight face. It seems to me that she is concealing her laughter inside.


"Uhm, if you don't mind, can I asked why are you guys are looking at me that way?"I asked to my parents with an innocent smile.


"Sit down."Mom said to me with stern voice.


"Mom, there's no more...."


"I said, SIT DOWN!"she said raising her voice. I sit down on the same spot where I was standing because there is no more seat avilable for me. I got surprise for the sudden changed of my Mom's voice. I really don't have any idea why she seems angry at me right now.


"Mom, why are you acting like I did something wrong?" I asked her curiously. I sit in indian sitting position.


"You!"she exclaimed and quckly got up from her seat and started to hit me on my head.


"You shameless man! You live your life in carefree while Krystal is working hard to raise your son."she said to me while continuousy hitting me on my head.


I use my hand to protect my precious head.Dad pulled my Mom back on her seat as he stop her from hitting me. I rub my head to ease the pain because Mom hit me really hard.


"Honey, calm down."My Dad said to her in a calm voice.


"Yiyun, I want Yunjin to carry my last name as soon as possible." Grandpa said to me.


"You two should get married as soon as possible."grandma stated and then turn to my father. "Chen, you talked to Krystal's parents and Mei, you explain to them what's Krystal's real condition about that time."she added calmly.


"Yes Ma."Dad and Auntie answered in unison. 


"Yiyun, you will work as one of the board of directors from now on." Dad said to me and I nodded my head.


"You need to work hard,son." Uncle Song said to me with a warm smile.


"No more racing for you!"Mom said to me with a sterm voice and glared. She really got strong about this whole matter.


"I understand, Mom." I answered her and smile nervously.


I look at Krystal and she mouthed 'sorry' to me with an apologetic smile. I respond to her cooly by winking at her while blingking my brows then flash her a charming smile.








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GEoRuth #1
Still rereading this
Chapter 39: Awesome story
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 39: One of my faves..thanks for this amazing story
ed_peniel #4
Chapter 39: Simple
27Shinobi #5
Chapter 39: good job on this story! It was a very interesting read.
Chapter 39: Your story always interesting author-nim.. Thank you for write this story.. :)
ALKimC #7
Chapter 28: Chapter 28: In terms of this chapter in particular I don't see the problem. Krystal is still part of the family (albeit basically disowned) but the minute they hear there's a child. Overjoyed that's what's gonna happen
vic_uk612 #8
Chapter 39: Smiles of happiness is all I have for this fic, awesome one
Chapter 39: this story is so amazing.chapter by chapter make me laugh.
thank for write this story author-shi
you never fail to amazed me with your stories author-shi