Yunjin's Kindergarten

Daddy Hunting




I force myself to wake up early to prepare some breakfast for Yunjin. It is now Monday and he got a morning class, as early as 8 a.m. In America, I usually wake up at 10. It is the earliest time that I wake up. I woke up Yiyun, give him a bath and help him put on his uniform. I really look like a single dad now. His school is only a walking distance from the condo. His classmates that saw us outside the school and some parents looked at us. Their eyes followed both of us. Yunjin is walking ahead of me.


“Good morning Yunjin.”a lady greet him with a lovely smile which I suspect his teacher.


“Good morning Ms. Park.” Yunjin greet her with a sweet smile.


“You must be Yunjin’s dad. I am Park Luna, it is a pleasure to finally meet you Sir.” she said to me when she turned to look at me. Yunjin just went inside his room.


“The pleasure is mine, Ms. Park.” I answered to her with a gentle smile.


I take a peek on Yunjin’s classroom. There are many small tables inside and a lot of pictures posted on the wall. I take a look at him, he is just sitting in one corner, without hanging or chatting to other kids like what most of his classmates are doing.


“Does Yunjin have a friend here?” I asked Ms. Park.


“Honeslty Sir, Yunjin is having a difficulty in making friends. He always isolate himself from his classmates.”she answered.


“Isolate his self?” I questioned with a furrowed brows.


“Yeah, it seems that he prefers to be alone than to hang with his classmates.” she said.


I look at Yunjin and he is just hanging his head low. I left the kindergarten school. I went back to the condo just watching some random shows on the TV. My mind was occupied with the thought of Yunjin. He looks like a loser in his school, having no friends at all. All kids love to play to other kids, right? No kids on earth wants to be alone. They enjoy playing more with others. My thoughts was broke when suddenly, my phone rang.


“Yeah?” I answered.


“Yiyun, how are you? How is Yunjin?” Victoria asked me on the other line sounding like a worried mother.


“We are both fine. Yunjin is in his school right now.” I answered to her.


“Good.”she said, sounding happy. “I expect you two get along well now?”


“Not really that well. I sometimes don’t like that kid. He had this attitude which makes an adult  get annoyed and irritated.” I replied and Victoria just laugh.


“Just scold him. He needs to be discipline too.”she said.


“Yeah, probably that kid needs some spanking.” I said and laugh.


“Just don’t spank him that hard.”she answered. “Okay, I gotta go, I will call you again later when Yunjin is already with you.”she said then said her goodbye and hang up.


Victoria looks like Yunjin’s real Mom. I got bored doing nothing so I decided to wander in the town. I went to different places admiring the beautiful streets, structures and scenery that I saw.  I was so fascinated of what I see and lost track of the time. It is almost 3 p.m and Yunjin’s class is already over. I feel relieve when I saw that there are still other students there. It surprised me when I saw Yunjin with this group of kids. It makes me feel happy to see that he already choose to hang with his other classmates.


“We know that he is not your Appa!”one of the kid told Yunjin which makes me halt from walking towards them. Yunjin just keeping his head low.


“Stop saying that to him!”a little girl sounding angry defended Yunjin.


“I’m just telling the truth Kana! Umma and Appa said that he got no Appa.” the boy replied.


I think I know now why Yunjin doesn’t hang out with his classmates. They always pick on him. Good thing he got this one girl which seems to be his true and only friend.


“Yunjin!” I called him which caught all of their attention. I walked towards them. “Sorry if I’m late.” I apologize to him. All the other kids look at me with a widened eye. “Who among you is my son’s bestfriend?” I asked them then I turn to look at the girl. “It must be you.”


“I am not his best friend.” the girl answered.


“But you look like his best friend to me.” I said to her flashing a smile and she somewhat blush. “Sorry kids but Yunjin needs to go home now.” I said to them and picked up Yunjin.


“Are you really Yunjin’s Appa?” the boy asked me with a furrowed brows.


“We are both handsome right? So, yeah.” I lied. I am good in lying.


“I am more handsome than you.”Yunjin protested.


“Okay, because your Appa and Umma are both handsome and beautiful that is why you become more handsome than me.” I answered and chuckled. “Anyway Kana, tell me who always make fun of either of you and Yunjin because I will definitely hang them on the wall.” I said to her and left with Yunjin.


“I wish my Appa is as cool as you.”Yunjin mumbled.


“I bet he is cool too but maybe he is cooler than me.” I answered.


Everyday that goes by, Yunjin and I become close to each other. Ms. Park noticed that there are kids who played with Yunjin in their school now. Yunjin and Kana always hang around, I think they become good friends. One week already had passed, and Yunjin looks really excited and happy because his Mom is coming home soon. It is now Saturday and I woke up early. I was preparing some breakfast when I heard a knock on our front door. When I open the door, I saw a girl, standing outside looking surprise.


“Amber.” she said.

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GEoRuth #1
Still rereading this
Chapter 39: Awesome story
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 39: One of my faves..thanks for this amazing story
ed_peniel #4
Chapter 39: Simple
27Shinobi #5
Chapter 39: good job on this story! It was a very interesting read.
Chapter 39: Your story always interesting author-nim.. Thank you for write this story.. :)
ALKimC #7
Chapter 28: Chapter 28: In terms of this chapter in particular I don't see the problem. Krystal is still part of the family (albeit basically disowned) but the minute they hear there's a child. Overjoyed that's what's gonna happen
vic_uk612 #8
Chapter 39: Smiles of happiness is all I have for this fic, awesome one
Chapter 39: this story is so amazing.chapter by chapter make me laugh.
thank for write this story author-shi
you never fail to amazed me with your stories author-shi