Guessing Game

Daddy Hunting



Telling Amber that he is Yunjin's real father goes well but I don't know if same goes to Yunjin. I am sure that he will get confuse when we will tell him out of a sudden that Amber is really his real Appa. Amber told me that we will going to tell it to Yunjin during our breakfast. Our son is enjoying his meal while Amber and I were pushing each other on who will gonna tell Yunjin about it. I glared at Amber to do it and he nod his head and sighed.


"Yunjin, Appa and Umma have very important to tell you."Amber started which made Yunjin looked at us.


"Hmmm, what is it?"he asked innocently.


"Well you see, Umma and I had a secret that we didn't told you."Amber continued.


"Secret?"Yunjin repeated while tilting his head on the side in confusion.


"Yes son, Appa and Umma had a secret that we didn't tell you."I said to him.


"And we want it to share to you now."Amber added. Yunjin's eyes brighten and he got excited.


"Really? Tell me, tell me now."he said in excitement while tapping the table.


Amber and I looked at each other and we both nod our head.


"Our secret is, I am your real Appa, buddy."Amber said to him.


There was a moment of silence first, we are waiting for his reaction. Then slowly, his eyes widened and gasped. It's obvious that he is totally shocked right now. He look at me and then to Amber. Amber flash his dorky smile at him. I thought my son got angry because I told him that his Dad died but I got surprise when he walk near Amber and he hug Amber tightly. Amber lift him up and hug his son too.


"I knew my real Appa is cool and really love me and Umma."Yunjin mumbled while he cry.


Seeing how happy my son is brings joy in my heart. I can't help myself not to cry.


"Hey, you should not cry. Liu's are cool and are not crybaby."Amber comforted Yunjin. "You too, you're gonna be a Liu soon so don't cry, okay?"he said to me as she wipe my tears. He then flash his dorky smile to us.




Yunjin sleep with me tonight. I watch him sleep peacefully beside me. Seeing his innocent face made me think how he looked like when he is still a baby. How it felt like to hold your son in your arms while he is still a newborn. I know he had been waiting for me in his entire life. I promise to him, to Krystal that I will be a good and responsible head of the family. I will work hard and provide them a comfortable, happy and full of love life. No more fooling around for me. I told them that I will bring them back with me in America to introduce them to my family and meet Krystal's family too. I wan't to face them and personally ask them Krystal's hand in marriage.


"Appa, do you think Grandpa, Grandma and Auntie will like me?"Yunjin asked worriedly while we are on our way into his kindergarten.


"Of course they will. Especially your granparents. I'm sure they are excited to meet their handsome grandson."I said to him with a smile as I pat him on his head. He smiled back at me.


"How about Umma?"he asked me again.


"They will like your Umma too because she is your Appa's love."I answered to him and he chuckled.


"Since Appa and Umma are together now, can I have a dongsaeng?"he suddenly asked with sparkling eyes. I got a bit surprise about it.


"Uhm, about know I really love to give you a dongsaeng but I am not sure if it goes the same way too to your Umma."I said to him.


"I will ask her too to give me a dongsaeng."he said to me with a big grin.


"I like that idea."I answered to him with a smirk.


From the kindergarten, I headed to Key's house to spread the good news. I press his dorbell for I don;t know how many times in excitement. He opened the door with an annoyed face.


"Aish! Do you know how annoying you are?!"he said to me.


"It's your fault for taking too long." I said to him as I pushed him beside and enter his house.


"Yah! This is my house so you should respect me!"he yelled behind me.


"Yeah, yeah."I answered lazily and scoffed as I slumped on the couch.


"What brings you here? Have you confessed to Krystal? Did she accept your feelings?" Key bombard me with a lot of questions when he sat down on one chair.


"I came here to spread the good news. Yeah I confessed to Krystal and she accepted my feelings."I answered to him and grinned.


"No wonder your arrogance is up into your head right now."he said and scoffed. " Well, congratulations bro. I'm, happy for you!"he added.


"Thank you!"I replied and chuckled.


"Now that you had told me that good news of your's, you may now take your leave."he said to me with a sarcastic tone of voice.


"Who told you that I already share to you my good news?"I asked him with a raise brows.


"Isn't Krystal accepting your feelings was the good news you are talking about?"he replied with furrowed brows.


"Well, it is but there is this other one."I said to him with a smirk.


"That smirk in your face made you look scary. What is this other one you are talking about?"he asked curiously.


"Guess who is Yunjin's father?"I asked him.


"Just tell me directly. I have no time for this guessing game of yours."he answered lousily.


"Okay, if you will guess it right, I'll give you 5 grand."I said to him. His lousy attitude becomes an enthusiastic one.


"Are you sure about that?"he asked me.


"Yeah, but only three attempts. If you fail to guess it right, then, you will be the one who will pay me 5 grand."I stated.


"How about this, if I guess it right, right away then you pay me 10 grand." Key said to me.


"If it is wrong, you won't get anything even if you get the right answer in 2nd or 3rd attempt."I said to him.


"Okay, no problem."he replied with a big grin.


"So who do you think it is?" I asked him.


"You, of course!"Key answered and laugh.


I was dumbstruck when I heard his answer. This bastard know all along that I am Yunjin's father and when I asked him before if he knew who he just pretended that he didin't.


"10 grand, okay."he said to me and continue to laugh.



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GEoRuth #1
Still rereading this
Chapter 39: Awesome story
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 39: One of my faves..thanks for this amazing story
ed_peniel #4
Chapter 39: Simple
27Shinobi #5
Chapter 39: good job on this story! It was a very interesting read.
Chapter 39: Your story always interesting author-nim.. Thank you for write this story.. :)
ALKimC #7
Chapter 28: Chapter 28: In terms of this chapter in particular I don't see the problem. Krystal is still part of the family (albeit basically disowned) but the minute they hear there's a child. Overjoyed that's what's gonna happen
vic_uk612 #8
Chapter 39: Smiles of happiness is all I have for this fic, awesome one
Chapter 39: this story is so amazing.chapter by chapter make me laugh.
thank for write this story author-shi
you never fail to amazed me with your stories author-shi