Full Of Surprises

Daddy Hunting



I know that Amber is Yunjin's biological father. Vic-noona told me and Sulli everything. But she made us promised not to tell anybody that we have knowledge about it. I lied to Amber at first when he asked me if I knew who Yunjin's father was. But today, I think there is no point of keeping it secret. I know both party had already knew that Yunjin is their product.


"You son of a..... you knew all along that he is my son, didn't you?" Amber said to me while grabbing my collar.


"Hey chill out. Vic-noona wanted to keep it secret you know."I reasoned out as I took off his hand. He back off and sat back on the couch.


"Well, forget that 10 grand."he said to me and glared.


"A promise is a promise. bro. Wether you like it or not, you still have to pay me."I answered and scoffed.


"How about I kill you first here now?"he replied with an evil smile.


"Okay, I choose that forgetting it."I answered and smile nervously.


"I can't believe that you lied to me."he said while looking at me sternly.


"I'm sorry bro but it's Noona's order. I promised to her that I won't tell anyone, even to Krystal."I answered. He calm himself and blow out a deep sigh.




I really want to strangle Key right now but lucky for him,my mind is keeping it's sane state. I lie on the couch because I got stressed. Key went to the kitchen and came back with two can of beers. He offered one to me and I accepted it. I sat back and open the can then take a few drink.


"So, what is your plan now? Marry Krystal here or in America?"Key asked me.


"I will bring them back to America. I will introduce them to my parents and we will look for Krystal's parents."I replied to him and he nodded his head in understanding.


"I heard her family now is living in San Francisco."Key informed me.


"Really? How did you know that?" I asked him when I looked at him.


"I know from my cousin Taeyeon. She is one of Krystal's sister's friend."he replied.


"Jessica and Krystal are close right? Why did she let Krystal to be left alone her?" I asked him curiously.


"I think she was just forced to leave with her parents that time. I heard that Krystal wants her sister to leave too. Maybe their parents threaten Jessica to disown her too if she won't listen to them."Key explained.


"Did Krystal didn't let her parents know about her condition that time?"I asked again.


"You know, my answers are all presumptions. Why don't you asked Krystal herself."Key said to me with an annoyed ton eof voice.


"I don't want her to feel uncomfortable."I answered to him and drink the rest of my beer.


"I heard that Krystal informed her parents about it but after she took the treatment. Well, her parents didn't believe her and they already left when Dr. Song decided to tell them herself."Key replied.


"And where did you hear that from?" I asked him as I narrowed my eyes.


"From Sulli."he replied shortly and drink his beer.


"Krystal really did suffer because of it. My poor Princess." I sighed.


"Yeah, she did. So you better filled her with happiness and joy starting today and the rest of her life."Key said to me with a big grin.


"I will surely do that."I answered with assurance.


"Well, now that you two are couple, have you thought of you know, doing it?"Key asked me with erse smile.


"It's too early for us, Key."I answered and scoffed.


"It doesn't matter. Besides, you will marry her soon. right?" he replied and chuckled.


"Yeah, but I will marry her first before doing it. I don't want her to get pregnant again before we get married."I answered to him.


"Contraception is out in the market today Am and I know that you can afford to buy one."He said. "I can look after Yunjin, so you can leave him to me."he added while wriggling his brows.


I almost give in to this devil but I quickly get rid of the thought that he is giving me. I know Krystal and I are couple now but I don't think that we should do 'it' as early as now. I also want to respect my cousin's house.


"Shut up Key! I know that we will have plenty of that after we got married so I will just patiently wait for that day to come." I replied to him.


"Well, it's up to you."Key answered and scoffed.


After Key's house, I decided to go home. I got a little bit surprise when the door wasn't lock anymore. I began to think that maybe Krystal is home too but her out is always at six. I slowly close the door and my eyes widen when I saw two girls who are talking inside the livingroom. One of them look surprise to see me too.


"Oh, couz!"Vic jumped from the couch and walk over to me to hug me and she peck me on my lips.


"Hey, what was that?"I whined as I wipe my lips.


"Jeez, it's a way of greetings in Europe. Don't give malice to it." she replied as she rolled her eyes.


"Well, we are in Korea so don't do that!" I said to her and she pout.


"Your hurting my feelings."she said dramatically.


"Aish! Okay, okay. I'm sorry. But you know, you have a lot of explaining to me to do. Why are you here anyway? I thought you will stay there in one month?" I asked her curiously.


"We will talk about that late."She replied to me with her sweet smile. "Greet our guest first. It's been a while since you two had last met, right?"she continued.


I bowed politely to the girl who is sitting on the couch, looking at us. She looked beautiful as always. Her mature version is more beautiful than her young one. But Krystal is still the most beautiful for me.


"You are now a man, Llama."she said to me and scoffed.


"And you are now a woman, Hellsica!"I replied to her with a smirk and I laugh when she glared at me. "I missed that death glare of yours." I added.


"Unique way of greeting each other."Vic mumbled.


I think it will be a great family reunion. I wonder what Sica came here for now. Today is full of surpises for me.

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GEoRuth #1
Still rereading this
Chapter 39: Awesome story
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 39: One of my faves..thanks for this amazing story
ed_peniel #4
Chapter 39: Simple
27Shinobi #5
Chapter 39: good job on this story! It was a very interesting read.
Chapter 39: Your story always interesting author-nim.. Thank you for write this story.. :)
ALKimC #7
Chapter 28: Chapter 28: In terms of this chapter in particular I don't see the problem. Krystal is still part of the family (albeit basically disowned) but the minute they hear there's a child. Overjoyed that's what's gonna happen
vic_uk612 #8
Chapter 39: Smiles of happiness is all I have for this fic, awesome one
Chapter 39: this story is so amazing.chapter by chapter make me laugh.
thank for write this story author-shi
you never fail to amazed me with your stories author-shi