Surprise Proposal

Daddy Hunting



This is the first night that we will spend our night together, share the same bed to sleep. I didn't ask him if I can sleep with him tonight for any romance to happen. I asked him because I am kinda lonely alone in my room, besides, I have mine now so it's safe. I laugh at him when I saw the disappointment in his face when I informed him that we can't do that stuff in his mind tonight. All we did is kiss and snuggle, nothing more and nothing less. I comfortably sleep in his arms. It is already morning when I open my eyes again. First thing I've seen is his dorky smile. He is lying sideways, facing me while leaning his head supported by his hand resting his elbow on the bed.


"Good morning, Princess."he greeted me with a smile and peck on my lips.


"Good morning, Llama."I answered and scoffed.


He pouted and I plant a quick peck on his lips which make makes him smile again. I got up and stretch my hands before I get off from the bed. Amber followed, walk behind me and hug me from behind.


"I wish my morning will always be like this."He whispered to my ear with gentle voice before he rested his chin on my left shoulder.


"Make that wish of yours come true." I answered and giggled. "I want to shower, so save your hugs later."I continued as I take off his hands around my body.


"Okay, Princess."he scoffed.


After we had our breakfast, we roam around the city and look for a perfect present for our son.Of course, I also do some shopping for myself. We decided to have our lunch in Kozue. It has a great view and they have a fine cuisine. 


"Oh, have you been to Tokyo Tower?"he asked me while we are having our lunch.


"Nope."I answered.


"Let's go there tonight. I heard it has more beautiful view to see at night because of city lights."he said to me with tint of excitement is his voice.


"Okay."I replied to him and smile.


Our attention were shifted to his phone when it buzzed. He pulled it out of his pocket and answer the call. It is Yuri-oppa who is on the other line. I continued eating because I don't understand what they were talking about. I didn't expect that this Llama knows how to talk in Japanese. He got this big smile on his face after the call.


"Why you two speak in Japanese?" I asked him.


"I just want to practice my Japanese. I decided to work in our next month and we have Japanese investors so, yeah."he explained.


"So what did you two talked about?" I continued.


"About our plan. We can't tell you because you are related to Sica. Yuri is afraid that you might accidentally spill it out. You know your sister, she can easily read you, right?" He replied and chuckled.


"Yah! I know how to keep secrets too, you know." I whined and pout.


"I'm sorry Princess, but Yuri really wants it to keep this between us."he said with an apologetic smile.




"Okay, I'll tell you now so don't sulk,okay?"he stated as he caress my cheek. "Yuri and I is planning a surprise proposal to your sister. We will meet later to discuss the remaining details of his plan."He explained which made me got a little bit surprise.


"Yuri-oppa will going to propose to Unnie?" I asked in disbelief.


"Yeah. So I hope Sica will say 'yes' to him this time."he replied.


Hearing this makes me feel happy. I hope my Unnie will finally be happy this time with Yuri-oppa and our parents will not hinder her happiness. After Amber had take me back to the hotel, he immediately left to meet up Yuri-oppa. I got annoyed when I received a message from Amber. He told me that we will just meet up at the Tower. When I got out from the hotel, there is this car already waiting for me. It reallys surprise me when the driver handed me a bouquet of red roses. I said my thanks to him then he took me into my destination. A man is waiting at me outside and he is the one who lead me going inside the tower where my dork boyfriend is waiting for me. I admire the beautiful view that I see while we are going up. I don't know what this dork is up to now.


"Where are we going?" I asked the man who is with me in English.


"To the special observatory, Miss Jung." he answered.


I just nod my head because I don't have any idea where is that. The view that I saw becomes more and more beautiful as we go higher and higher. The elevator finally stop and we arrive in this one room. I thought there will be a lot of people inside but I got surprise to see a band, a table, one waiter and my dorky boyfriend who meet me. The entire room is decorated with beautiful lights creating a romantic atmosphere and the band play a sweet melody of song.


"What's happening?" I asked him because I really got puzzled about everything.


"We are going to have a romantic dinner date tonight."Amber answered me with a smirk on his face.


"You should have informed me earlier so that at least I should have wear an elegant dress and not just casual cothes."I said to him and he just scoffed.


"Nah, you still look beautiful and perfect to me. Besides, simplicity is beauty."he answered and grinned. "Come."he continued as he grab my hand and lead me into this only table inside the room.


I can't believe that he prepared all these things tonight. We enjoyed our dinner with the pleasant music in our ears and a breathtaking view outside. After we eat our food, he hold my head across the table and he looked at me. I know we are looking each other with gogo eyes right now, but whatever. I am so touched about what he prepared for me. We slowly lean our face closer for a kiss.


"I love you, Krystal Jung."he said to me sweetly when we broke our kiss while looking deeply in my eyes.


"I love you too, Amber Joseph Liu."I replied to him with a smile and he smiled back.


"Uhm, I heard they will have fireworks display tonight."he stated as he glance on his watch. "They will start it at any minute now."he said.


We stand near the glass wall so we can have a better view of it. I feel excited to see the fireworks this close. My eyes sparkles when it started. The fireworks painted the dark sky. I furrowed my brows when the next explosions, words were formed.


", Krystal Jung?" I read it which makes my eyes widened.


I then find Amber, kneeling beside me offering me a small box with a diamond ring in it.


"Will you marry me, Krystal Jung?"he asked me with his dorky smile.


My heart is beating so fast and my eyes becomes blurry. I thought we will really have a romantic dinner tonight but I didn't expect that it will be more than that.


"Of course, stupid!"I yelled at him and a big smile was drawn to his face.


He slip the ring in my finger, then we kiss and hug each other. My tears began to escape from my eyes. Tonight is the happiness and most memorable night in my entire life.


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GEoRuth #1
Still rereading this
Chapter 39: Awesome story
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 39: One of my faves..thanks for this amazing story
ed_peniel #4
Chapter 39: Simple
27Shinobi #5
Chapter 39: good job on this story! It was a very interesting read.
Chapter 39: Your story always interesting author-nim.. Thank you for write this story.. :)
ALKimC #7
Chapter 28: Chapter 28: In terms of this chapter in particular I don't see the problem. Krystal is still part of the family (albeit basically disowned) but the minute they hear there's a child. Overjoyed that's what's gonna happen
vic_uk612 #8
Chapter 39: Smiles of happiness is all I have for this fic, awesome one
Chapter 39: this story is so amazing.chapter by chapter make me laugh.
thank for write this story author-shi
you never fail to amazed me with your stories author-shi