First Race

Daddy Hunting



Because I still have a race to compete to, I decided to set aside my feelings so that I can concentrate to it. I need to win, I must win for myself and for them. Even though I am not the man that Krystal love, at least, I can have a good memories with her and Yunjin that I will treasure forever. I promise to myself that I will find the man that they had been waiting for so long to come back in their life. It is quarter to 6 when I arrive at the location where we will held our little competition. It is an old road and no one used it. There are already a lot of people when I arrive. Our race starts at 6. I meet Myungsoo and his friends. He introduced them to me. I met Kris, Henry and Luhan. They are racers too.


"Hey bro, how long have you been racing?"Kris asked me.


"Maybe, it's been four years now." I answered to him.


"I'm excited to compete with you. I think our race tonight will gonna be awesome!" Henry exclaimed happily.He give us a thumbs up and wink.


"Awesome and exciting!"Myungsoo followed and chuckled.


There are eight of us who will compete against each other. Other people already place their bets. I feel excited about this race. I know that my opponents are good racers. I roll down my windshield when Myungsoo signaled me to do it. I think he got something to talk to me.


"Am, why don't we have an extra competition between us."he said to me which made me furrowed our brows.


"What do you mean?" I asked him.


"Aside from others, let's compete. Let's see if it is you or me who will get the first place or any higher place."He explained to me.


"That sounds interesting."I replied to him with a smirk. "But I don't have any money with me now. I already bet it all."I said to him.


"It's not money I want us to place as a bet."he answered to me and chuckled.


"Really? Then what do you want?" I answered raising my brows.


"Let's bet our feelings for Krystal. If I win, you forget your feelings for her. If you win, I will forget my feelings for her."he said to me.


"Your kidding me, right?" I said to him and scoffed. I can't believe that he will say those things now.


"I'm serious here. I know that you have feelings for her too so, let's settle this through racing. Whoever lose will back off."he said to me. "But don't worry, we will consider her feelings too. Even if she choose to the person who will lose in our race, then, the winner can't do anything about it."he explained to me.


"Alright, I think it's fair enough."I answered to him. He smiled to me before he roll up his window.


I know that Krystal doesn't feel the same way to me that is why I accept Myungsoo's challenge. I want to see how determined and serious he is about her. I won't go easy on him too. I heard that he is the best racer here and I want him to show me all that he've got.




I can see that my son feel lonely when Amber wasn't around. Instead of watching cartoons, he asked me to switch the channel into sports. His face lighten up when it is car racing. He focus his attention to it and cheer on the black car. I think he is imagining that it is his Appa who is driving it. I feel worried about Amber, I know that racing is prone to accidents. He can surely die if something goes wrong. I decided to go to the kitchen and cook something to distract my thoughts.


"Umma, do you think Appa will win?"Yunjin asked me while we are having our dinner.


"I think he will. He is one of the best racer."I answered to him with a smile and he smiled back at me.


"I hope I will become more taller than you quickly so that Appa will teach me how to drive."he mumbled before he starts to eat his food.


"I know you will grow taller than me, someday."I answered and scoffed.


Yunjin fell asleep on the couch. It is already 9 o'clock and Amber is  not yet home. I think he tend to forget the time when he is having so much fun. I carried my son to our room and lay him on the bed. It made me smile when he mumbled 'Appa' during his sleep. I think he is dreaming about that dork. I kiss him on his forehead before I step outside the room. I got startle when I saw Amber walking towards his room. He got startle too, maybe because of my reaction.


"Jeez, what's wrong with you?"he said to me sounding annoyed.


"What's wrong with you?" I throw back his question at him.


"You startled me."He remarked.


"No, you startled me."I retorted.


"Okay, we startled each other."he replied. I think he is tired to argue this time.


"How was you race? Did you win?" I asked him curiously.


"I lose in my first race, but win the others. "he replied to me and then sighed.


"What's up with the sigh?"I asked him. "You looks like you lost all your game."


"Because,I could have won that first race if that stupid rabbit didn't suddenly cross the road. I should had hit it."he replied.


"Yah! Don't be so heartless! Just be happy that you won your other race. At least you just lost once."I said to him.


"I don't mind losing the others, just not that first race. I really hate my brain. it's always realized things late."he said while hitting his head.


"It is because your stupid."I answered and scoff.


"Yeah, I admit I am."he replied to me. "Anyway, Myungsoo will be the one who will accompany you and Yunjin in the amusement park next weekend."he informed me which made my smile to fade.


"Why?" I asked him with furrowed brows.


"Uhm,.. I got something very important to do that day. I'm sorry."he replied to me with an apologetic smile.


"Why Myungsoo? I mean, me and my son will be fine on our own."I said to him. I start to feel annoyed because of what he said to me.


"Well, I ask him to substitute me. I think it will be more fun if Yunjin will be close to his future Dad."he said to me with a faint smile. "I know he is courting you, so yeah."he continued.


"Nevermind! That cancel that day!" I said to him with a raised voice and walked away.


If there is someone who is more stupid than the stupids, then that is Amber Joseph Liu. If he have feelings for me, he should not be rooting to his rival for me. That idiot! I don't understand him at all!

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GEoRuth #1
Still rereading this
Chapter 39: Awesome story
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 39: One of my faves..thanks for this amazing story
ed_peniel #4
Chapter 39: Simple
27Shinobi #5
Chapter 39: good job on this story! It was a very interesting read.
Chapter 39: Your story always interesting author-nim.. Thank you for write this story.. :)
ALKimC #7
Chapter 28: Chapter 28: In terms of this chapter in particular I don't see the problem. Krystal is still part of the family (albeit basically disowned) but the minute they hear there's a child. Overjoyed that's what's gonna happen
vic_uk612 #8
Chapter 39: Smiles of happiness is all I have for this fic, awesome one
Chapter 39: this story is so amazing.chapter by chapter make me laugh.
thank for write this story author-shi
you never fail to amazed me with your stories author-shi