
Daddy Hunting



The mother and son had been ignoring me. I think they are both mad at me because of me not coming with them in the amusement park. Neither of them talk to me and I feel like I am invisible inside the house. Krystal is walking pass me and Yunjin won't even go near me. I felt like I had committed a very serious crime against them. When they went outside, I was left behind, lonely and alone. I feel grateful when Key came to visit me today in the house. I think he got worried about his car. I told him what happened last night. 


"You are really pathetic, Amber!"Key said to me giving me a cold expression. "That's what you get in always acting cool and having too much confident in yourself."he continued.


"What's the difference anyway? Krystal love Yunjin's father and I promised to myself that I will find that man for Yunjin."I answered him as I lean back on the couch.


"Tsk! Are you really going to keep that feelings of yours inside you? Do you think you can rest in peace if you won't let that out?" Key said to me sounding like an angry mother. I got surprise of his reaction.


"Hey, chill out. Don't be strong."I said to him as I move back a little away from him. He just rolled his eyes.


"Your stupidity really annoys me."he said to me.


"I admit I am stupid in this matter but I am smart in other aspects of my life." I said to him and he raise his brows.


"I doubt it."he answered sarcastically and scoffed. "Be a man Amber and confess your feelings to Krystal. If she won't accept your feelings, then so what? At least you have let that out."he said to me.


"Then, it will be awkward between us. Everything will change between us. She will starts to avoid me and get uncomfortable around me."I retorted.


"Then move out. Get yourself a new place to live."Key said to me.


"It's easy for you to say to me to confess to her. You don't have any idea how I feel everytime she's near."I said to her.


"Yeah, right!"he replied in monotone as he rolled his eyes. "Just say to her that you love her while looking straight into her eyes."Key said to me. "It's only three short words, Am."


"I don't know, Key."I said to him as I sighed.


"Aish! You are really helpless. You love to show off and act cool but you are coward in confessing your feelings to the girl you love."he remarked, looking and sounding annoyed. "Okay, let's practice."he said and sit down close to me.


"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked him.


"Imagine that I am Krystal. Sitting her on the couch just a little far away from you."he said and move a little away from me. "Now, how will you approach her to tell her how you feel?"


I imagine that Key is Krystal and then began to think how will I approach her. Key is looking straight in front, probably waiting for me to make my move. I think he got impatient in waiting for me to do something because he turn to me with furrowed brows.


"Seriously bro?"he said to me with raise brows.


"I got nothing in mind, okay!"I defended myself.


"You are really impossible!"he said to me as he shook his head. "Okay, I will teach you some moves."he said to me.


"You should have suggested it earlier."I said to him and scoffed.


"Sit closer to me."he said to me and I followed him.


"Then?" I asked curiously.


"Hold my hand. My left hand which is on your side."he ordered.


"Like this?"I asked him as I hold his hand.


"Tightly but gently."he said to me and I did. "Of course, she will turn her head to face you with widened eyes because she will surely get surprise by it, right?"he continued.


"Yeah."I answered and nod my head.


"You should meet hier eyes. Practice it to me by looking at me deeply in my eyes."he said to me.


"I feel so gay right now." I said to him.


"Just do it. it's for your sake."he said to me.


"Okay." I sighed and look him straight in the eyes.


"A-Amber, w-wha...."Key said while making his voice sound like a girl. He put a surprise expression on his face. I quickly let go of his hand and got up from the couch.


"What the hell was that?!" I exclaimed to him.


"I'm making Krystal's dialogue.So just go with it. I'm sure she will going to say something when out of nowhere you will hold her hand. "Let's continue, you're wasting our time."he said to me. I sighed and sit back.


"I hope your method will work, Key."I said to him.


"It never fails, dude!"he answered me and scoffed.


I hold his hand and look at him deeply in his eyes again. I imagine that he is Krystal so I can go on until the end of it.


"Krystal will sureley say something to you but you should cut her off by sealing her lips with your forefinger and tell her to listen to what you are going to tell her first. Now do it."he said to me. I place my forefinger on his lips with my free hand.


"Krys, listen to what I am going to say to you first."I said to him and he nod his head. I pulled my hand back.


"That's good. Then you tell to her that you love her. Look deeply into her eyes, like you are looking into her soul."he said to me.


"I love you." I said to him while we are both looking deeply in each other's eyes.


"Then, you slowly lean closer to her for a kiss."Key said to me.


"Is that necessary?" I asked him.


"Yeah, you will know if she accept your feelings or not if she will going to let you kiss her or push you away."Key answered to me. "Okay, let's do it from the top until the leaning your face close to mine so that you won't forget it."he said to me.


We did everything that we practice again and again. I think Key's method is kinda cool. The last practice that we have, I decided to really imagine him as Krystal. Thinking that he is Krystal makes my heart starts to pound. I take a deep breath and swallowed a big gulp before we start. Everything goes well at first until the end.


"I love you." I said with full of love and look at him straight in the eyes. I then slowly lean closer to him and my eyes just automatically close.


I and Key's attention were shifted to the sound of the object that fell on the floor. We both turn our heads and saw Krystal and Yunjin. Krystal is covering Yunjin's eyes, while she is looking at us with widened eyes. A bag of grocery was on the floor and it's contents where scattered. When I relaized that I am still holding Key's hand and my face is closer to him. I quickly let go and got up from the couch.


"Y-You guys are....gays?"she said while looking at us weirdly.


What the hell! Why does she have to see us in that scene!




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GEoRuth #1
Still rereading this
Chapter 39: Awesome story
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 39: One of my faves..thanks for this amazing story
ed_peniel #4
Chapter 39: Simple
27Shinobi #5
Chapter 39: good job on this story! It was a very interesting read.
Chapter 39: Your story always interesting author-nim.. Thank you for write this story.. :)
ALKimC #7
Chapter 28: Chapter 28: In terms of this chapter in particular I don't see the problem. Krystal is still part of the family (albeit basically disowned) but the minute they hear there's a child. Overjoyed that's what's gonna happen
vic_uk612 #8
Chapter 39: Smiles of happiness is all I have for this fic, awesome one
Chapter 39: this story is so amazing.chapter by chapter make me laugh.
thank for write this story author-shi
you never fail to amazed me with your stories author-shi