Everybody Knows It

Daddy Hunting



Well, I am not surprise that Krystal will reject my proposal. I mean, who would agree to pretend as my girlfriend in front of my family. I hope she didn't get mad at me because of it. But I don't want to get marry to a girl whom I don't have feelings with. I know I have it for Krystal but I am not sure if she have the same feelings for me. I went to Key's house to get his car and money. I need to practice for my race. I told Key what my parents were planning to do.


"You asked Krystal to pretend to be your girlfriend and Yunjin to be your son?!"Key excalimed in disbelief and I nod my head. He then shook his head. "You are really stupid, Am."he continued.


"Watch your mouth Key."I said to him and glared at him.


"It's a fact man, you are really stupid. Why ask her to just pretend when you really have real feelings for her?"he answered.


"What do you want me to do, ask her to be my girlfriend at that moment. She will think that I will just use her to stop my parents from forcing me to marry their partner's daughter." I reasoned out.


"She will probably think that but just show to her that you really have feelings for her."Key adviced.


"Wow, you are really expert on this. It makes me wonder why you don't have any girlfriend until now." I said to him.


"I just don't meet the girl yet that meet my standards."he answered to me with a smirk.


"Pfft! Standards. It won't be applied if you love someone,Key. Everybody knows it." I said to him and scoffed.


"If you use your brain and not entirely your heart, it will be applied and followed."he answered to me and girnned.


"Yeah, whatever."I replied. "I got to go now, I still have to pick up my future son."I continued and laugh.


"He won't become your future son if you seal your mouth to Krystal."he replied and laugh.


"Just wait, Key. Me and Krystal, were gonna be together sooner than you think it will."I remarked raising my brows with a smirk before I get inside the car and close the door.


"Win your race and pay your debt. And please, don't scratch my baby."he said dramatically.


"Not even a micrometer scratch bro." I said to him before I turn on the engine.




I told Sulli about I and Amber's moment earlier and last night. She keep on squirming and hitting me on my arm. I laugh because of her reaction. But when I told her that I rejected what Amber had proposed to me, she stop from her squirming nad frowned.


"Yah! You should have agreed to it. You already know that he have feelings for you so there is a possibility that it is his first step of courting you or starting a relationship with you."she said to me sounding annoyed.


"If what you said is true, then, I don't like his way,Sull."I answered.


"Aish, then what do you want? He will seranade you,give you some chocolates and flowers  or ask you in a romantic date?"she asked me sarcatically.


"All of the above." I answered to her with and laugh.


"Can I ask his number so I can inform him about it."she replied to me and giggled.


"That guy is just too dense to notice my feelings for him. If only he will set his eyes on me, then I'm sure he will be able to see it."I sighed.


"Cheer up, Sis. Who knows, maybe he already knows it but he just waiting for the right time to ask you to be his girlfriend."Sulli stated.


"Anytime can be the right time,Sull. Everbody knows it."I retorted.


"Well not to him, Krys."she answered back. "Maybe, it's the best if you will be the one who will confess to him first, you already know that you won't get rejected, right?"


"I notice that you are really encouraging me to confess to him."I said to her while eyeing her suspiciously.


"Well, it's because I ship you guys. I mean, I think Amber will be perfect for you and Yunjin. He might be a lazy bum for now but I know he will become a responsible man once he have you and Yunjin."she replied to me with a smile and I smiled back at her.


"If only he is Yunjin's real father then everything will be so easy."I stated and sighed.


"Well, he can be his father, right?"Sulli said to me.


"It's impossible, Sull." I answered and scoffed.


"It's not impossible. Especially if the doctor who handle you is his relatives. I mean, Vic-unnie knows that you have a big crush on his cousin."she answered and laugh. I got surprise of her statement because I didn't know it.


"She did?!" I exclaimed in disbelief.


"Yeah, everybody knows. Except that dork. Even Myungsoo knows it and I think he feels threatened now that Amber is just around you. Haven't you notice that he becomes more aggressive in pursuing you right now than before?" Sulli said to me.


 I do notice about Myungsoo's changes but about everybody knowing my feelings for Amber, I really didn't know about it. Amber, could it be that, but it's impossible. I better asked Vic-unnie about it first. Oh my God, what if he is?! How will I explain it to them?! 

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GEoRuth #1
Still rereading this
Chapter 39: Awesome story
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 39: One of my faves..thanks for this amazing story
ed_peniel #4
Chapter 39: Simple
27Shinobi #5
Chapter 39: good job on this story! It was a very interesting read.
Chapter 39: Your story always interesting author-nim.. Thank you for write this story.. :)
ALKimC #7
Chapter 28: Chapter 28: In terms of this chapter in particular I don't see the problem. Krystal is still part of the family (albeit basically disowned) but the minute they hear there's a child. Overjoyed that's what's gonna happen
vic_uk612 #8
Chapter 39: Smiles of happiness is all I have for this fic, awesome one
Chapter 39: this story is so amazing.chapter by chapter make me laugh.
thank for write this story author-shi
you never fail to amazed me with your stories author-shi