Safe in your Arms

Expect the Unexpected (Boyce Avenue- Without you)

No one's POV

You were rushed in the hospital. Myungsoo was panicking, his heart felt like exploding in any minute.

He kept calling you to wake up.

"MINHYE YOU PABO YOU NEED TO WAKE UP! BE STRONG!" Myungsoo shaked you while yelling your name.

Myungsoo called your residence number. He spoke to your mom saying you're in this hospital. 

"WHAT?! What happened?!" Your mom screamed on the phone.

"Minhye needs you, just come." Myungsoo was afraid to say what happened to you because your mom might collapse just before she can reach the hospital.


After 3 hours of waiting the doctor finally came out from the E.R. Room and your mom and sister came on time.

"Are you Mrs.Jung?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes! How is she? and what happened?" Your mom asked worriedly.

"She got shot on the back but dont worry, she didn't get shot on the spine...just in the shoulders. We already took the bullet out and she's fine. She needs to stay in the hospital for a week.

"Thank you Doc!!! Really thank you!" Your mom cried for joy and so did your sister.

"Yah! Myungsoo! Tell me...what happened?! Who did this to her?" Your mom shaked Myungsoo while pulling his collar.

"It was one of the students in our school Mrs.Jung but dont worry the police dealed with him already. Don't worry about it, just worry about Minhye's situation." Myungsoo nodded.


Meanwhile, inside the patient's room, you finally were able to open your eyes. Your sight was blurred at first but then it got clearer. You tried to sit back but your shoulder hurted so you got back to a lying down position.
"Where am I?" You asked yourself while touching your forehead.

The door open all of a sudden and you looked up on who it is. It was Myungsoo along with your mom and sister.

"Umma! Dongsaeng!" You called in a soft tone.

"MINHYE!" Your mom immediately run towards to hug you tightly.

"Ahh-ahh-appeo.'re hurting me umma." You pouted.

"Oh mian, I didn't mean to. Where have you been to go in such situation?" Your mom asked you.

"Someone kidnapped me and eventually...he shot me. Thats all I remember..Myungsoo saved me too." You said while looking at Myungsoo.

Myungsoo didn't know how to react. He was mad and relieved at the same time.

*She shouldn't have saved me...she wouldn't be in such situation if she didn't do such a stupid thing. Why Minhye? You keep hurting me and yet at the end you always try to make things good? What are you really?* Myungsoo thought.

"Is that true Myungsoo? You saved our Minhye. I..I dont know how to thank you. You've done so much for our daughter. How can I repay you back?" Your mom whipped.

"Aniyo! You dont need to repay me anything. Its my pleasure being with Minhye all times. I will never leave your daughter's side from now on." Myungsoo bowed his head.

"BWO?! YAH! I don't..." Your mom cuts you off.

"Aigoo keep quiet, you're still not fully recovered and I do agree Myungsoo should stay with you. He should be your bodyguard. You're one clumsy girl." Your mom put her hands on her waist.

"Bodyguard?! I can take care of myself umma...sorry if I keep worrying you but...things just happen." You said.

"Shushh..just follow what I said and dont complain anymore." Your mom crossed her arms which means she ended the convo already.


After 3 days passed, you were still at the hospital, lying down the bed. You got more bored as time passes by.

"I wanna get out of the hospital already. I can't miss that competition." You said to yourself not knowing Myungsoo was awake beside you and heard what you just said.

"Right now, your situation is the one that matters here. I'll try to call Sonsaengnim and ask her if we can postpone the competition in another week." Myungsoo said.

"Please do that, I dont even have a money to pay for my hospital fee. I guess I'll be stuck her for a little while." You smiled sarcastically and blew your bangs again and again.

"Can I ask you something?"Myungsoo asked.

"You're already go on." You looked at him.

"Why did you save me?" Myungsoo asked.

"Do you really need to know?" You answered.

"Just answer my question." Myungsoo said in a serious tone.

"I..I didn't want you to get hurt. Honestly, if that was anyone I would save them too. I couldn't bare seeing ayone getting hurt so instead I cover for them." You answered.

"I was just wondering, you hurt me, you shout at me but yet in the end you regret it. Why?" Myungsoo tilted his head while looking at your eyes for an answer. You blinked and looked away as you try to search for the answer.

*Why regret?* You thought.

Before you can answer, your mom and sister barged in the room carrying some snacks with them.

"Whats that?" You asked pointing at the bag they're carrying.

"Well Myungsoo lend us his money and we figured out we ca buy some snacks for you." Your sister answered.

"Yah! Why are you doing this? It' and my family haven't done anything good for you." You said towards Myungsoo.

"Don't worry about it. Like I said, it's my pleasure helping out." Myungsoo nodded.

"Komawo." You bowed your head.

*Please dont hurt yourself again Minhye. From now on, you don't have to endure the pain alone in this world because you have me and I'll assure'll be safe in my arms.*


A/N: Hi guys ^^ check this MV trailer I made for this story. XD It's been ages i haven't editted a video so yeah I thought I could make an MV trailer for this story. Hope you enjoy it guys



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Chapter 13: Uopdate soon!
shoelaceuu #2
Chapter 12: I love how you let us pick! ^_^
shoelaceuu #3
Chapter 11: Update soon! ^^
Chapter 10: Update soon >.<
Chapter 6: UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhhh<3? So good please update soon!