
Expect the Unexpected C-Clown- It was like that

Your POV:

I was overwhelmed by the fact im going to be released today in this boring hospital. I miss school, outside, the fresh breeze and the sunshine and sky. Stupid accident, I'll so kill Wooyoung for this. I wonder how everyone is doing especially in school and I hope no one knows about this bad situation I've been. 

Today's the Math competition and I bet I wouldn't even be able to catch up and win that price. Oh well, guess there's a lot of ways to earn that amount of money. I gasp for some air as I was able to step out from this hospital building. My Sister was with me. Moonjung and Myungsoo has classes right now, Mom has work and so my sister is here with me. 

To be honest I don't even feel like going home yet but my mom ordered my sister to take me home immediately after getting released in the hospital for safety purposes. 

"Eonni! Is there anything you want before we head home? Like buy food or drinks?" My sister asked while raising a brow.

"Uhmm..nothing really, I wanna visit school and watch the competition but then I'll get both of us in trouble." I stuck my tongue out as I responded.

"Well since it's early maybe you can just take a short visit and then we head home." My sister insisted.

"True say, okay then go with me just to check what's happening in the Math competition. I wonder if Myungsoo is really serious about competing alone in the competition." I looked down and bit my lip with curiousity.

"Why don't you check eonni? I'll go with you." My sister smiled gracefully.

I nodded in respond and then off we go to my school. We sneakily walked inside the school and searched for the A-5 Classroom where the competition is getting held. As soon as we found it, I slowly opened the door a bit peeking through the small space. I tried to check the students who are competing. While I was looking around I saw a familiar face. I tilted my head and widened my eyes as I quickly recognized it was Myungsoo.

He was biting his pen while thinking hard. I wish I was there to help him out, why does he need to do this? I feel like he had helped so much and while I'm here doing almost nothing -.-; 

"Eonni! Are you done checking?" My sister poked me as she whispered in my ears. I looked back and nodded with a smile.

"Let's go." I grabbed her wrist as I pulled her out of the school building. We walked together in our way home. I kept hoping Myungsoo will win that price and I do believe in him. It's okay though if he doesn't, I really do appreciate all his help he'd done for me. I used to think all boys were the same but then Myungsoo is kind of different from them which I'm happy and relieved about. 

I went upstairs in my room and shut the door. I lay down on my bed. How I miss my soft and bouncy bed. All of a sudden after 1 hour my phone beeped for a message. As I unlocked my phone's password I received a message from Myungsoo. I opened it immediately.

"Hey! Minhye! I bet you're at home already at this time. I just wanna ask how are you feelin'? Txt back."

From: Myungsoo

It wasn't the message im expecting to get but who cares. I replied back to him by texting...

"I'm feeling a lot better. Thanks for your concern. How was school?" From: Minhye

I asked trying to make him tell me about what happened in the Math competition.

"I see I'm glad you're feeling well better now. ^^ And school well..umm it's normal. Same old same old. So when are you going to return back to school?" From: Myungsoo. He texted back.

Okay, that wasn't really the answer im expecting for again. I bet he didn't win it, with that nervous tone of his voice I am 100% positive he didn't. It's alright though. 

No One's POV:

You started fixing your stuffs for school tomorrow and went down to eat some dinner that your mom cooked. After you finished eating you went back to your room. It was night time and you tried to fall asleep but you can't so you stood up from the bed and walked towards near the window opening your curtains.

You looked up on the sky. *I'm standing on this ground yet I feel like I'm flying up the skies about to fall down. I wonder how that feels like. Will it be overwhelming or painful.* You thought and sighed as you closed your eyes. Myungsoo was pretty much doing the same thing. He can't sleep due to worrying about you.

*On this ground I feel like Im expecting something to fall down from the sky and land in my arms like an unexpected blessing.* Myungsoo thought.

You went back to sleep and so did Myungsoo.


Next day as you get prepared for school, you went downstairs and walked out of the house. You were looking around expecting for something to come. You rubbed your nape and all of a suddden someone pressed the car's horn. It made you cover your ears and your heart jumped a bit. You turned around to see where that loud sound came from, it was coming from a grey car. You realized it was Myungsoo's. You widened your eyes in shock and quickly opened your gate and ranaway.

"YAH!! Where do you think you're going again?" Myungsoo yelled.

"Obviously, going to school -.- ." You coldly replied.

"You and your mean words. Anyways get inside." Myungsoo ordered.

"Pfft! I can.." Before you finish your sentence he cut you off.

"Nuh-uh, from now on I'll be your bodyguard like what Mrs.Jung had told me to do." Myungsoo smirked.

"Urghh, fine." You gave up and stomped on the ground like a kid, walking your way towards Myungsoo's car.

You got in and so did Myungsoo.

" are you now?" Myungsoo asked while driving the car.

"Better." You answered while crossing your arms.

"I see thats great to hear then." Myungsoo said and smiled.

"H-how was ...umm..the..How was the contest?" You asked awkwardly.

"You watched?" Myungsoo looked at you all of a sudden and stepped on the break pedal to stop the car.

"Why did you stop?! We might get late!" You yelled.

"You watched didn' t you?" Myungsoo faced you and leaned towards you. You pushed him back.

"I did but just for a minute then I left. My mom might get worried of me." You nodded as you admit.

" was the contest?" You asked.

"It was good. Nothing really exciting." Myungsoo answered and continues driving the car.

"Ahh...good to hear..I guess?" You faked a smile.

*I knew it..but it's fine though...maybe I just don't deserve it right now* You sighed.

Myungsoo pulled off his car and turned his engine off.

"Were here." Myungsoo helped you unbuckle your seatbelt. You stepped out from the car and made your way inside the school and run to your classroom. By the time you opened the door, everyone's eyes were just staring at you like you did something wrong or as if they couldn't believe you're back. You gulped but you continued your way in your seat. Myungsoo followed as well as he ignored everyone's stare. All of a sudden everyone started mumbling and talking behind your back.

"She left L do the competition alone...or I think she asked L to do it for her cause afterall she's not really smart." One of the girls murmured to someone.

"Yeah...I pity L for doing it all alone by himself..the teacher should've chosen someone to help L out. After all Minhye is lazy." One of the guys said. Everyone was pretty much mumbling the same words and same stuff about you. You tightened your grip and clenched your teeth in anger. You stood up from your chair and pulled the guy's collar, lifting him up in the air. Everyone widened their eyes and swallowed their throats.

"EVERYONE OF YOU..YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IVE BEEN GOING THROUGH DURING THE TIMES I WAS GONE SO KEEP YOUR MOUTH FREAKIN SHUT OR ILL SHUT EM' FOR YOU...GOT IT?!" You let the guy go finally and returned to your seat. You noticed an eye blinking at you.

"That was such a bad ." Myungsoo said in disbelief.

"Whatever." You rolled your eyes on him.


Moonjung was absent and you have no one to eat lunch with. You walked in the hallways looking around. All of a sudden you heard footsteps following you. You widened your eyes and had a strong feeling it was Myungsoo so you ran as fast as you can carrying your lunchbag with you. You ran out till you reach the drinking faucet. You panted and turned the faucet on, drinking the water for thirst. After you drink you turned the faucet off and turned around. You saw Myungsoo right infront of you all of a sudden. You screamed in shock and almost punched him but he caught your fist just before it hit his face.

"Relax, it's just me." Myungsoo tried to keep you calm.

"How can I relax when you just popped out of nowhere?!" You yelled.

"Aishh...fine sorry okay." Myungsoo apologized. You tried to take your hands off from him but you struggled.

"Wha-...let go of me." You said. All of a sudden he pulled you in a hug and you're body felt frozen.

"Don't ever runaway....or you might hurt yourself again." Myungsoo whispered into your ears. You blushed right after he said those words but you pushed him away immediately while trying to hide your expression towards his words.

"Whatever." You crossed your arms.

"Got no one to eat lunch with?" Myungsoo asked.

"I got me myself and I to eat lunch with. How about you Mister?" You asked.

He pulled your hands again and this time he dragged you inside his car turning on the engine.

"Where are you taking me?" You asked in a curious voice.

"Don't worry we'll get here in time. Eat lunch with the coffee shop." Myungsoo answered.

"BWOH?! YAH! I have my own lunch mister, I have no plans in buying food there." You said.

"I didn't say you'll buy food there. I said ...Eat Lunch With Me Silly." Myungsoo corrected while driving his way in the coffee shop.

"Aishh whatever." You crossed your arms and leaned back in the chair waiting for him to reach the destination.

"Plus I've got something to tell you so be expecting for it." Myungsoo winked.

*What could it be?* You asked yourself.




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Chapter 13: Uopdate soon!
shoelaceuu #2
Chapter 12: I love how you let us pick! ^_^
shoelaceuu #3
Chapter 11: Update soon! ^^
Chapter 10: Update soon >.<
Chapter 6: UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhhh<3? So good please update soon!