Unexpected First Date

Expect the Unexpected

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FzshDf_1Uk - A-pink- My My 

After 3 weeks had passed you got bored at home. You had 2 weeks of break. You already finished all your homeworks, projects, and did advance reading for the next lessons you're going to take up when you come back in school.

You decided to text Moonjung asking her if she's free.

"Yah! Moonjung-ah...I just want to ask if you're free today? I'm bored. I don't know what to do. I finished everything."

You waited for he reply and not for long she texted back and you were excited to see it. You opened your phone to see what her reply was.

"Uhm...I wish I was but then I have a lot of stuffs to finish ;__; huhhuhu sad life 3 screw homeworks and apparently my groupmates are here in my house, were all helping each other finish our assignment. I guess I'll hangout with you some other day as long as I finish this homeworks and project early ;A;"

You head desked not knowing what to do and so you went downstairs and watch TV while your mom was at work and your sister was cooking. While watching a TV show you thought of asking your sister to come with you.

"Uhm Jihae! Are you busy today?" You asked.

"As you see eonni im doing chores and so if mom comesback she wouldn't have to fix it all by herself." Jihae said while washing dishes and cooking food at the same time.

"Do you want help with it?" You asked.

"No im almost dont anyways. Dont you have anything to do eonni?"Jihae smiled and looked at you when she asked.

"Not really thats why im asking you out." You pouted.

"I wish I can eonni but I still have assignments to do." Jihae rubbed her nape.

"It's fine I guess next time then." You chuckled.


You're POV:

Urghh Im stuck here at home bored and all a loner. Moonjung is busy and so is Jihae.

My phone beeped and it was a text message when I checked it. I opened it.

It was from Myungsoo. *This jerk why he text now?*

"Hey Minhye! Are you busy? I'm bored right now...I'm wondering if we can probably hangout just for a bit. My friends are all busy, they got stuck with a pile of projects LoL! so yeah...Txt back ASAP." Myungsoo texted.

._. This would be awkward wouldn't it? I facepalmed but replied to his text asap.

"Hey there too MyungJerk! :3 I'm not busy right now and in fact im bored like maybe super duper bored than you. I finished all my projects and assignments that i can just hand them in today -.- or whenever. Where we going though?" I replied and sent it to him.

seconds later...

beep beep...

"I know where to take us both. Leave it to me." Myungsoo replied. *hmmm should I really go?...I guess okay then." I nodded to myself.

I texted back to him saying yes and his last message was he's going to call me at 1:30 when he's there. 

I got myself prepared within 15 minutes. I dont care if my clothes look all Boyish but I love it though...I dont really enjoy wearing dresses, skirts, gowns, or whatever that's lady like. I wear jeans or shorts at home and then shirts and other simple clothes. 

Finally it was already 1:25 and just 5 minutes he'll be there. I stepped out from my house and waited in my porch for him. I was looking at my phone so I could answer it immediately when he calls.


My phone isn't ringing still and I bit my lips in furstration. *If that guy doesn't come and changes his mind I will tear his..* Just before I continued my thoughts in my head, Myungsoo did call and I picked it up quickly.

"Over here in the corner." He said. I looked around and saw him waving his hands to me. *I can see your clearly jerk, dont need to wave your hands at me*.

I run towards him and went inside his car, unbuckle my seatbelts and felt as if it was home. 

"Excited?" Myungsoo asked as got in and closed his door and unbuckled his seatbelts.

"Just go on. Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see."

T/N: ( now guys Ill make two places and you need to pick which ONE would you wanna go out for your date with Myungsoo ;)) kekeke )


                                                Yeouido Park                                                  Han River


Click one of the title under the pictures and it will direct you to that place owo;;

ENJOY! ^_^




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Chapter 13: Uopdate soon!
shoelaceuu #2
Chapter 12: I love how you let us pick! ^_^
shoelaceuu #3
Chapter 11: Update soon! ^^
Chapter 10: Update soon >.<
Chapter 6: UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhhh<3? So good please update soon!