Unexpectingly Stalking Infinite

Expect the Unexpected

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgnEFTKFxck (Yozoh-Honey Baby)

It was another weekend, after studying and munching some breakfast that your mom cooked, you decided to go out for a little walk and explore the outside world.

*Hmmm I can go in the mall for a while.* You thought.

You rode in your bicycle and off you go to the mall.

When you reached your destination, you parked your bicycle on the corner and locks it there.

You walked and looked around.

"Its been months I havent been in here." You mumbled. You walked inside the mall and passed various shops. 


Myungsoo's POV

I'm in the COEX mall hanging out with my friends (Infinite).

"Yah Myungsoo Hyung! Lets go in Aquarium." Sungjong nagged.

"Eh? As long as the others approves. Lets go all together neh?"I said.

"Fine fine I'll ask Sunggyu hyung." Sungjong said and run toward Sunggyu hyung.

"Hyung hyung hyung! Can we all go in Aquarium." Sungjong pleaded.

"Don't you wanna buy clothes first? I mean our clothes are boring already...we might wanna check out some new suits." Sunggyu rubbed his nape.

"Hmm fine." Sungjong pouted. Sunggyu hyung patted his head. "Good boy."Sunggyu smiled.

"HYUNG! Im not a dog." Sungjong crossed his arms.

"I was kidding. Ok come on now so we can go in the Aquarium." Sunggyu said.

We all followed him in the clothes store.

We found a lot of suits but I dont wanna buy one. I wanna save my money for some reasons. I wanna actually save it..so incase me and Minhae loses in the competition I can share her my savings. I admit I feel sorry and sad for her to hear her in such situation, that she and her family is buried with debts. I feel like a helping hand will be the best.


Your POV

While I was looking at the shops I suddenly saw a familiar face to me. If I'm not mistaken I see Myungsoo and the rest of his friends that me and MoonJung saw the other night. I quickly hid from the corner and sneaked on what were they doing. They were picking out some clothes to buy I guess.

Somehow I have a strange feeling about them and I wanna find out what it is.

I quickly put my hood on and acted cool while turning my back when they came out from the shop. I hope they didn't notice me especially Myungsoo or I'm dead.

I slowly followed them trying not to be obvious. Whenever they look back or turn directions I always pretend im looking at the clothes in the clothes shop. All of a sudden my phone rang. I checked who it is, it was Moonjung.
*Why now?*I thought but I answered it.

"Yoboseyo? Why did you call Moonjung?" I asked while still stalking Myungsoo and his friends.

"Are you doing anything today?" Moonjung asked.

"Uhm..nothing...just studying I guess." I lied and I admit I feel bad for lying.

"Studying?Hmm you sure? Why is it noisy there? Is there a party over there?" Moonjung said suspiciously.

"No..well..I'm in the mall right now and it's a long story. I'll talk to you later bye." I quickly shut my phone off.

*OTL sorry Moonjung but I promise Ill talk you after this stupid random mission -.- why am I suddenly stalking them? Oh well...I wanna make sure if they can be trusted I guess and myungsoo I guess.*

I lost track of them after, the place where I was standing at is so crowded that their nowhere to be seen right now. I rubbed my forehead and wondered where they could be. I bit my lip in frustration and rubbed my nape. I stood on my toes trying to search for them everywhere then suddenly my phone rang again. This time I didn't look at my caller ID I just answered the phone immediately...expecting it was MoonJung again who called but I guess I was wrong.

"Moonjung ah I'll call you later I still have something important to do. I wont be long kay.." Before I could say anything after, the voice sounded familiar. My eyes widened and I swallowed my throat hearing Myungsoo's voice.

"What something important?"Myungsoo asked over the phone.

"Myungsoo! It's you again!!! Why did you call? I'm doing something so please call later." I lied and quickly slipped my phone inside my pocket. Hopefully he didn't see me or else I'm so dead. When they were nowhere to be found I turned my back in the other direction and kinda gave up following them around but then I bumped into someone. I looked up to see who it was. He was tall and he has a long light caramel like brown hair,he was wearing a shade and lots of piercings . I suddenly recognized his face. He was one of Myungsoo's friends. 

*O_O Omg did he find out? I'm dead. I knew this was gonna happen x_x PABO PABO MINHAE!* I thought and gulped again.

"Mianhae!!! I didn't mean to. I will leave now." I bit my lips with embarrassment and tried to walk away but before I can reach any further, he grabbed me by the shoulders and handed me something.

"Its yours right? You dropped it." He gave me my wallet and mini-booklets.

"Oh  jeongmal komawoyo! hehe I'll take my leave now. Sorry for bothering you." I apoligized again and took my stuffs from him.

"Wait! Uhmm I know this is awkward but can I ask a question?"The tall guy asked.

"Uhmm sure go ahead." I smiled nervously wanting to badly run away already.

"Do I know you cause it seems like weve met each other before somewhere." He asked curiously.

*Did we? Wait let me remember*. The first time I met Myungsoo was on the theatre, I think I recognize this tall guy already. He was also with Myungsoo that time.

"Oh umm sorry but I dont think so. I better take my leave hehe...sorry and thanks again."I lied and akwardly walked away. I saw him snapped and shrugged.

I hid behind the store and waited for him to walk away. As soon as he walked away I began following him for I have a feeling, following him will lead me to Myungsoo and the rest of his friends.


Myungsoo's POV:

Right now were at the Aquarium where Sungjong was keep on nagging to go to. I stared at the fishes for a long time and it wasn't that bad I guess. 

"L!" Sungyeol called.

"Oh hyung! What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing, haha! Just feel like calling you." Sungyeol stuck his tongue out.

"Wow hyung. Nice." I said sarcastically.

"Say? Aren't you bored of staring at those fishes. I noticed you were staring at them for almost 30 minutes." Sungyeol nodded.

"Nah! It ain't that bad is it?" I shrugged as I responded to his question.

"Oh you . Well it's kinda boring to me...you wont see anything much but waving fishes." Sungyeol pouted.

"Okay..." I looked at him.

"By the way, I met this girl a while ago, she dropped her wallet and then I gave it back to her." Sungyeol randomly said.

"Oh I see...and let me guess you like that girl ?" I smirked and nudged him.
"No L! What the heck are you saying? -_- I just gave it back to her and nothing more but she seems so familiar to me and I feel like I've seen her somewhere already." Sungyeol tried to reminisce 
"Where?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I even asked her and it was really awkward. She said no and then she just started walking away. Weird girl haha!" Sungyeol chuckled and shrugged.

"Okay? Maybe it's your love at first sight?" I winked and kept teasing him.

"Dont get me wrong L." Sungyeol used a poker face against me. I raised my brow.

"I was just kidding." I said.

"I know you are and you better be." Sungyeol laughed a bit.

For the meantime, I went to buy a donut in the Dunkin Donuts store. I ordered for a one Boston creme. 

"Can I have one boston creme?" I asked the lady who was working in the store.

"Coming up!" The lady politely responded. While waiting, I was looking around and someone just caught my eye. It was a girl sitting overthe spinning chair/seat and she was just next to me *Minhae?*. She was wearing a thin grey jacket with a hoodie on. She was drinking a cup of coffee.

When I was about to approach her the lady from the cashier called out for my order so I can get it. I quickly took my order and went back to my friends. 


NoOne's POV:

After eating ice cream you finally walked out the store. You got tired of stalking Infinite. 

"I admit this day was kinda fun. Heh. Why am I so interested in finding stuffs about them? They dont seem like a bad people at all from what I observe. Wow I guess this is my 2nd time seeing Myungsoo hanging out with his friends, funny how I see him smiling a lot that time cause I rarely see that jerk smile." You said to yourself. 

You were walking looking all tired, once you exit the mall you went in the place where you parked your bike but it wasn't there.

"Im pretty sure it was here. Weird." You raised your brow.

*Dont tell me it got stolen O__O My House is like 45 minutes away from here. You've got to be kidding me plus I dont have enough money to bus home or use taxi.* You facepalmed and sat on a seat next from the fountain. You sighed with disappointment and was thinking of what to do.

"I should probably walk home, Oh well I'll think of this as an exercise." You said to yourself confidently as you stood up and started walking like nothing even happened.

You walked for 20 minutes and your leg started to feel numb that you cant barely feel them anymore. Your knees suddenly gave up and so you sat in the corner.

*Damn this...why does this have to happen now?* You groaned slightly as you massage your legs and thighs. You tried standing up again and leaping but then you ended up falling again. 
Suddenly a black car stopped by. It was Myungsoo's car. Myungsoo recognized you and when he did, he carried you up immediately in bridal style and dropped you gently inside his car.

"How did you?.." You scratched your head. "I can walk alone you know. I have a leg. You dont need to drop me." You said.

"Shut up! I'll drop you whether you like it or not. I mean look at you...what if something happens to you while you're in a situation where you leg is all cramped up." Myungsoo scowled.

"You're telling me to shut up?! Make me! Aishh...why do you care anyways? And besides it's embarrassing." You looked away.

"You dont need to be embarrassed..it's not like you asked permission for me to do it. You should be grateful I know you and you know me cause if not I might have left you laying down on the street like that." Myungsoo smirked.

"Yah! Who said I needed help anyways? You're the one who came and randomly picked me up." You said back.

"Well I have no choice...can't you please just appreciate what I just did for you. You talk too much." Myungsoo said.

"Jerk." You mumbled.

"I heard that missy."Myungsoo responded.

"Whatever."You rounded your eyes.

"Anyways, what happened to you down there? Why are you walking alone...isn't your house far away from this place?" Myungsoo asked while driving.

"Well it's not like you care right?" You rudely responded.

"Listen I'm just asking you what happened, and you're talking rude to me like I did something wrong. You're such a bipolar girl. If I did something again, I'm sorry okay just let me know what happened." Myungsoo sighed in frustration. You finally gave up of talking back at him and felt sorry for being mean.

"Well...I was just hanging out in the mall since there's nothing to do much at home and when I noticed it was kinda getting late I went outside to pick my bike up but it wasn't there anymore. I guess it got....Stolen." You explained. Myungsoo didn't say a word but he was listening to your whole explanation and inside he was disappointed. He finally drops you at home and carries you again in bridal style.

"YAH! Put me down I can walk now. My leg is perfectly fine okay." You yelled. Myungsoo ignored you and knocked at your house's door while still carrying you. 

Your mom finally opens the door. "Oh my goodness! What happened to you?!"You mom asked with shockness in her voice.

"Dont worry mom it's not much of a big deal. I'm okay." You lied.

"No she's not...her bike got stolen and well she tried to walk home but then  I saw her laying down so I helped her up. Would you mind if I put her inside already?" Myungsoo explained the whole thing. Your mom opens the door widely for Myungsoo to enter in. Myungsoo puts you down on the couch.

"Uhm thanks!" You pressed your lips together.

"No problem. Next time you got a problem just call me." Myungsoo said and left.





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Chapter 13: Uopdate soon!
shoelaceuu #2
Chapter 12: I love how you let us pick! ^_^
shoelaceuu #3
Chapter 11: Update soon! ^^
Chapter 10: Update soon >.<
Chapter 6: UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhhh<3? So good please update soon!