Protective and Thoughtful Myungsoo

Expect the Unexpected Shinee- Sleepless nights

After 1 week had passed...

"I just wanna get out of this place. It's making me sick." You said.

"You need to wait a little more. 1 week had passed anyways so.."MoonJung said.

"But still..I still have to do that math competition thing. Stupid Wooyoung, it's his fault for this." You crossed your arms.

"Aishh that guy, I'll kick his once I see him." Moonjung cracked her knuckles.

"Yah! Don't! You'll hurt yourself." You warned.

"He hurt my best friend so he deserves to get beaten up." Moonjung said back.

"Yeah but still, I'm hoping he learned his lesson already cause if not I'll be the one beating him up and for sure he'll regret it." You smirked evily.

Suddenly Myungsoo came inside.

"Hello! Can I come in?" Myungsoo asked.

"You're already IN Jerk." You answered and made a face.

"Aishh this girl never got tired of being mean to me. Well whatever, incase I interrupted your little girl talk with you best friend and I need to step outside." Myungsoo said back.

"Yeah I want you outside but who cares my mom will probably scream at my face if she knew I'm treating you this way." You pouted.

"Oh I get it, you're scare of your mom, what if I report you to her whenever you act mean towards me." He smirked evily at you.

"YAH!!! JUGULE?! ( Hey! you wanna die?!)" You curled up your fist and showed it to him.

"Too bad, you're still not recovered fully." Myungsoo sticked his tongue out.

"Ooooh i see couple fighting." Moonjung suddenly interrupted and raised her brow as she gets the newspaper and pretends not to notice them both.

"Shushhh Moonjung were not a couple. Were more like RIVALS." You corrected.

"How can you be mean to the guy who's already treating you nicely. Be nice Minhye." Moonjung demanded.

"You're siding up with this jerk?! He gets into my nerves, now it will feel awkward because he have to stay close to me all times." You crossed your arms and looked away rolling your eyes on him.

"Well don't worry, it's not like im also going to invade your privacy, it's just my job being there for you. Aren't you happy someone cares?" Myungsoo smiled in a teasing way.

"Care my . I don't need it. I can handle things on my own." You said.

"You almost got yourself killed because of that Wooyoung." Moonjung said.

"Can you please don't bring Wooyoung up anymore...change subject." You demanded covering your ears.

"What should we talk about then?" Moonjung asked unable to think of a new topic.

"MATH CONTEST! I need to go there like it's urgent. I don't care if im not fully recovered, but right now I'm just really aiming for that price." You said in a determined way.

"I'll get it for you." Myungsoo suddenly said setting up the food on the table that he brought.

"What do you mean you'll get it? I need to be with you, they wont allow you alone doing that contest yourself." You said.

"I can make an excuse, don't worry they should accept my excuse. I can win that contest alone." Myungsoo said.

"Are you out of your mind? I bet they still won't  allow you. I need to get out from here and even if it kills me I'll still do it." You said.

"You're the one who's out of your mind Minhye, you're saying EVEN IF IT KILLS YOU, you still would do it. I understand its for your family but if you're gone, you're family will have a hard time more. It's just a freakin math competition, I can assure you that I'll get it, just stay safe because thats what your family wants. I mean think about it you're mom is worried and so is your sister, what if you die? What do you think will happen? It's like killing yourself and the price you get back is Death. It wouldn't change anything." Myungsoo blurted.

You were speechless and was almost teary, you wiped your teary eyes before it falls completely from your eyes. 

"I- I'm sorry...I didn't mean to.." Myungsoo apologized.

"Don't say sorry for you've done nothing wrong. I hate when someone says sorry when they didn't even do anything wrong. You now what you're actually right. I'm a freaking clumsy girl, I always think im so strong when probably I ain't even one. I think about everyone that I forget to think about myself already. That's who I am though, selfless most of the times. I don't care about myself anymore but the people I love." You explained and sniffed.

Moonjung rubbed your back and told you to stop crying. 

"Yah! L you made her cry, she's not yet fine so probably just leave her for a moment." Moonjung insisted.

"Okay." Myungsoo sighed and noddedas he walked out of the room.

Myungsoo's POV:

Why don't she get it? She's really a stubborn girl ...Ugh, why does she always force herself to get into tough situations. I don't understand why she always makes me worry, I've never been this way before around someone especially a girl. I must be just feeling concerned.

I need to win that contest and I mean I will. I'll get that freakin price for her.

I walked out outside of the hospital building and drove straight home to my house. I quickly took out my math notes and textbooks, I didn't write as much notes in the class but I had the notes that Minhye gave out when we studied together that one day. I studied the calculus lesson we had. It was pretty easy for me, I don't get why most people is having a hard time understanding these things. 

I studied all the way up to 12:30 am in the midnight. My eyes were hurting but I still kept going on. My head felt like it was gonna explode any minute, I'm not really used of studying....I dont even understand what made me determined to do this. 


I woke up after I fell asleep studying calculus last night. I found my head leaned in the table, my things and materials were all scattered on the table. I stretched and stood up- I fixed and organized all my stuffs and put it inside my bagpack and got ready for school.  

As I drive to school a flashback crossed my mind, 

"I'll get it for you." I suddenly said setting up the food on the table that he brought.

"What do you mean you'll get it? I need to be with you, they wont allow you alone doing that contest yourself." Minhye said.

"I can make an excuse, don't worry they should accept my excuse. I can win that contest alone." I said.

"Are you out of your mind? I bet they still won't  allow you. I need to get out from here and even if it kills me I'll still do it." Minhye said.

"You're the one who's out of your mind Minhye, you're saying EVEN IF IT KILLS YOU, you still would do it. I understand its for your family but if you're gone, you're family will have a hard time more. It's just a freakin math competition, I can assure you that I'll get it, just stay safe because thats what your family wants. I mean think about it you're mom is worried and so is your sister, what if you die? What do you think will happen? It's like killing yourself and the price you get back is Death. It wouldn't change anything." I blurted.

I shook my head and focused on the way where im going, I still feel sorry after making her cry, but its true tho. 

I finally got into school early and as I got to school early, girls started following me like the usual times when I was in Woolliment Highschool. 

I walked in my classroom and sat in my seat to study, all of a sudden Minhye's seat caught my attention. I turned toward its position and imagined Minhye sitting there. I must not be used of not seeing her. SNAP OUT of it MYUNGSOO! You need to focus now. I really can't stop thinking of her no matter how hard I try, she's like that magnet attached to my brain and I don't know how shall I react. Somehow she was the most unique girl and person ive ever met and since I met her it feels like a part of me wants to get to know much more about her. Strange I know.


T/N: Sorry for the late update again D: its just that I get busy at random times >< and I have 2 essay proj coming up and to be due sooner or later. I promise right after my essay proj...ill update my story :)) keke thanks for those who subcribe and please look forward for the next upcoming exciting chapters >8D.

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Chapter 13: Uopdate soon!
shoelaceuu #2
Chapter 12: I love how you let us pick! ^_^
shoelaceuu #3
Chapter 11: Update soon! ^^
Chapter 10: Update soon >.<
Chapter 6: UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhhh<3? So good please update soon!