L to the Rescue

Expect the Unexpected

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdAaYT1955c - (Xiah- Tarantallegra)

No One's POV:

MinHye walked in the playground for a while, still can't get over of what happened.

*Should I apologize? I guess not...afterall it's not my fault.* You thought as you looked up in the skies, sitting on the swing.

Suddenly someone called you. You picked up the phone call.

"Yobeoseyo?" You greeted.


"It's fine there's nothing much to worry. You know me, I'm strong, I punched him before he can kiss me. You dont need to beat him up for me, you'll just get yourself into trouble." You shrugged."But are you sure you're alright?" Moonjung asked."Yep, never been better." You smiled widely.

"Ok if you say so but dont hesitate to call me anytime okay." Moonjung said.

"Don't worry I'll let you know." You answered.


On your way home, a strange car just suddenly blocked your way. Its front lights flashed in your face, not enabling you to see who owns the car. A guy stepped out from the car and grabs you. You stepped on his foot but then he grabbed you again and handcuffed both of your hands while covering your mouth with his palm.


Your POV:

When I woke up I saw my surrounding so dark. My head was spinning around...it felt like i was going to collapse anytime. I found myself sitting on a chair with my hands handcuffed together and tied in the back of the seat. My mouth was covered with tape. I struggled trying to take the handcuff off but it just got tighter and it hurted both of my wrists. 

I'm kidnapped. 

"Oh you're awake now my princess." Someone called. I lifted my head up to see who just called me. It was...Wooyoung. I knew it. Did he kidnap me due to rejecting him? What a bastard?! I swear if I get out from this I'll kick his harder than what I did to him in school. -___-

"Your Princess? Excuse me I have a appropriate name." I hissed.

"Woahh easy there, its better calling you that rather than a pauper or a beggar. You should be grateful...someone still manage to call you that even if you're mean and cold." Wooyoung smirked.

"Tch that's one of the words I hate "Princess". I refuse being called that. I'd rather be called or whatever bad rather than princess. Plus I'm not your princess okay, stop fantasizing and let me out already before I break your neck if I ever get out of here." I warned and scowled. 

"Nuh-uh, you're staying here till you learn an important lesson." Wooyoung said.

"Maybe you should be the one who needs to learn a lesson." I said back and raised a brow.

Wooyoung suddenly walked towards me and knelt down at my level. He leaned his face near mines and so I leaned away. *What does this guy want from me?!*

"Seriously?! what is it that you want from me. Just let me go!" I demanded.

"Well you have to approve to be my girlfriend first before I let you go and not just that, you also have to treat me like im your Real Boyfriend, no acting and no pretending." Wooyoung crossed his arms and smirked again.

"Seriously?! Will you wipe that smirk off your face before I kick you! And No way! Why are you so stubborn?! I said no and never. Should I throw a dictionary in your face to read the definition. I dont like you KANG WOOYOUNG! and I seriously admit it. Dont make me hate you more so please let me go." I said.

"I guess all girls are same. Stubborn and annoying. Fine, if thats why you want then you stay there for the rest of your life. Dont worry though, I'll be feeding you a lot." Wooyoung winked.

"Tsk I dont need your care or whatever, I just need to go out from this place and stay out from you. YOU! BASTARD Urghh." I screamed. "And you say girls are all annoying and stubborn. I guess you don't understad much about girls then. You just look freakin pathetic Wooyoung because not all girls are like that. We have different personalities and so does guys...most guys might be annoying too but I know not all." I explained.

"Whatever you say my princess." Wooyoung ignored what I just said and kissed the top of my forehead.

"AHHH!!! I swear I'll kill you if I'm able to escape from this place." I yelled.

Wooyoung left and ignored all my screams. I got tired all of a sudden, I felt like my throat is dying. I need someone right now. I can't contact MoonJung because I dont want her involved in trouble. 

I realized I have my phone in my pocket. I tried reaching it but my hands were handcuffed at my back and it was hard to get my phone from my position. I need to keep trying while Wooyoung is not around.


Myungsoo's POV:

I wonder what and how Minhye is doing right now. I should've dropped her off. What if she trips again and hurts herself again. She's strong but she's clumsy. Tsk that girl. 

I tried contacting her but she wasn't answering. Guess she's annoyed at me or she needs some space. I just texted her saying:

"YAH! Pabo why aren't you answering your phone? To be honest I'm worried and anyways, I just want to say sorry about earlier for being annoying to you. I just want to help you out, I can't stand seeing you in that situation. I understand if you're trying to have some space. Just text or call me back anytime if you need someone or help. And oh about the Math competition....when can we meet up again to help each other...its pretty soon. Take care! 


I hope she receives the message in time. 

After 30 minutes my phone rang and I was excited to see it. When I checked whose the message from it was from....MINHYE. Thank goodness she replied. I opened the text message she sent me.


I didn't know how to react after I saw her message. My eyes widened in shock...my heart pounded from the nervousness I felt. I need to save Minhye asap. I stood up immediately from by bed, dressing up and then I went inside my car. I called Minhye once again. She answered not for long.

"Myungsoo! I need you here right now, I'm not even sure where I am right now...just..."All of a sudden she paused as I've heard someone have grabbed her phone.

"Yah! Whoever you are...if you dare bring a police, you wont be able to see your little friend here anymore." A guy spoke.

"Who's this?" I asked while driving.

"I should keep that confidential. Anyways, if you wanna see your friend here, go in the back of the Kyunghee School and you'll see a creepy looking burned apartment. You'll find us there. Dont forget, No cops and no nothing. Just you! Arasso?" The guy said. I'm guessing it was someone from our school who just spoke with me in the phone. I hurried my way in the place where they were.


Your POV:

I was caught calling Myungsoo. Just great! Now he'll get himself intro trouble too. *Why are you such a troublemaker Minhye?!* I facepalmed. I need to find a way to get out of here.

"Will you mind telling me who's that dude you just called. Is that your boyfriend?" Wooyoung asked. I blinked having no idea what he's asking me.

"Eh?" I said and then all of a sudden I heard a car stopped by. That must be Myungsoo...Omg Myungsoo please go back...I dont want you to get hurt because of me.

"Minhye!" He called for me name several times. I dont know if I should answer. Should I? I just looked down and started crying. What's this? Urghh I hate crying at these situations. I need to be strong.. Myungsoo can't see me cry he will kill me...wait ._. maybe I can make him go back since he hate seeing someone cry.

He found me afterwards and run towards me trying to break the handcuffs.

"What are you doing here Myungsoo? I want you to go back. I don't want you to hurt yourself because of me." I said trying to keep myself not to cry.

"Yah! Didn't you ask me to come?! And plus how can I go back when you're in such situation. I can't!!! So dont stop me." Myungsoo scowled. 

"MYUNGSOO! BEHIND YOU!" I screamed as Wooyoung almost hit him with a metal pipe. Myungsoo quickly turned back and kicked Wooyoung's stomach near his ribs. Myungsoo blocked the metal pipe that Wooyoung tries to him with with. Finally Myungsoo punched his face harder until it bleed and he fell down. After he fell down, he went to me and continues trying to break the handcuffs off. 

"You can't get away with the key so give it up." Wooyoung evily chuckled.

"Give me the key!!! NOW!" Myungsoo demanded.

"Nuh-uh why should I?! She needs to agree first to be my boyfriend." Wooyoung said.

"Are you stupid?! She said no so don't force her and if you do love her, you'll respect her feelings. Look at what you're doing with her right now?!" Myungsoo answered.

"She deserves it for embarrassing me in the public." Wooyoung said while coughing up blood.

"And this is your revenge for her yet you want her to answer you? For sure she's not that stupid to answer yes to you."Myungsoo nodded. How come this guy knows me a lot? He's been acting weird lately.

"Is she your girlfriend? You act like you know so much about her." Wooyoung raised a brow and looked at Myungsoo. Myungsoo stared at me for a while and looked back at Wooyoung.

"Yes she is. She's my girlfriend." Myungsoo lied. 

"YOU LIAR!!!" I gasped.

"Shut up babe! You can't deny now at this time." Myungsoo winked and smirked. BABE?! That's it!!! I'm going to rip this guy's head off when I get out of this.

"Wow, you could've told me Minhye rather than leaving me all clueless and setting yourself in danger." Wooyoung laughed.

"But he isn't my boy..." Myungsoo cut me off. "Anyways give the key back now." Myungsoo reached for his hands

"Here get it!" Wooyoung smirked, handing him the key on top of his palm. Myungsoo slowly gets it and used it for unlocking my handcuff. FINALLY IM FREE!!! 
"YAH! WOOYOUNG! You wont get away with this. Im letting you off for now so you better be grateful." I said as I blew my bangs off from my face.

"And you myungsoo!! You're such a terrible liar." I crossed my arms looking at him in an annoyed face.

Myungsoo ignored me and grabbed my hands as he walked us out from the buliding. I looked back to see what Wooyoung was doing. I saw him lifting up a gun and pointing it towards Myungsoo's back, just before he shot Myungsoo. I blocked him.

The bullet hit right at my back on my shoulders, I felt myself collapsed on the ground and my head drifted into sleep. All I can hear was a voice calling me.

"Minhye!!! WAKE UP!" An angelic voice called me. I tried to wake up but then my eyes felt heavy. My breathing started to decrease. I feel pain and fire burning in my shoulders, it's as if the weight of the world has collapsed too. Am I dying?

I hear loud sirens everywhere and voices asking if I'm fine. I cant even speak, my body was totally numb.

"Minhye! Please wake up." The angelic voice pleaded as I closed my eyes again and the last words Ive said vaguely was "M-my-m-myung-soo" I softly said and heard myself.




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Chapter 13: Uopdate soon!
shoelaceuu #2
Chapter 12: I love how you let us pick! ^_^
shoelaceuu #3
Chapter 11: Update soon! ^^
Chapter 10: Update soon >.<
Chapter 6: UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhhh<3? So good please update soon!