The Keeper

Bitter Sweet Memoirs

***Next School Year***

We're now officially seniors! as in graduating students! i cannot believe this! I'm only about a year away from college! Months have already passed and we all had a smooth ride with our lives. Ryan and Jazz kept their promise and came over to visit from time to time. For the past months, nothing much happened and Minwoo and I are doing well. Of course, we can't avoid some petty fights, that's normal for couples, right? And the last time I checked, I still am normal. Idk about Minwoo tho. But hey, my point is I AM NORMAL. And about Youngmin Oppa? We got a lot closer. Whenever Minwoo and I fight, I run to him and just like what older people do, he tries to enlighten me with stuffs. Well those fights were all my fault, I must admit. I don't know what is wrong with me but I am having some issues with his time for me lately. Like I would get mad whenever he plays DotA. One time, he even went to play with his friends, well, that was the original plan but I found out about it and so I got mad.

"Ok. I'm not gonna play but can I just stay here? I'm just going to watch." He said. I got pissed even more but still, I said "OK." hoping he would realize that I don't really want him to stay there. Wth. I want him to go home. I said OK because I didn't want him to stay and watch. It just pissed me off even more when he said "Thanks, I'm going home as soon as the game's over." Wth! I want him to go home. NOW. Damm*t! So I forgot how hard I was trying just to hold my frustrations back and I said: "No. Go on and play. YOU CAN EVEN STAY THERE FOREVER. Go marry your computer!" I think he got pissed too and asked me what is wrong with me. What is wrong with me?! Wth! Of all the people I know he must be the one who knows what is in my mind! He should know when I am pissed and when I am mad. When I am telling the truth, when I am pretending and stuffs like that. He must know the things that piss me off. Those things he does that upset me and those that would make me happy. Ok I'm totally pissed so I stopped texting him. And then my phone rang, I must be crazy 'coz I expected him to call me. To say sorry, that he realized what just happened. But to my surprise, it wasn't him! And guess what? It's Youngmin Oppa! He's like a superhero! Always there when you need him! So I heaved a deep sigh and counted to 10 before answering the phone.
"Hello?" I said with no hint of what just happened. I was even convinced with my own act!

He chuckled which made me confused. "Great act! What is wrong?"

I was surprised with his statement. "What do you mean?"

"O please Hye Lim. I'm your brother. I don't know what's going on but I can feel your frustration."

"I am not frustrated."

"Go on. Fool everyone else. But you can neither fool yourself nor me."

I don't know what's going on but I felt a familiar sensation within my body. Something so familiar because it happens everytime he makes me feel important because he shows that he pays so much attention to every little detail I say, either the things he usually asks about or the things I randomly say. And to my frustration, he always makes me feel like he knows me better than anyone except my family. Anyone else including my so called "BOYFRIEND". That familiar sensation I always feel everytime I see him. Yes, it's so familiar but I never got used to it. I will never get used to it. It's like something is poking the walls of my stomach and intestines! It's like my liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidney and uterus aren't in their right location! It's like my insides are turned upside down!

"Hey kiddo. Are you still there?"


"Speechless, eh?"


"Hey. You don't need to share everything to me. But, you know, the first step to solving your problem is to admit that you have one. You can just tell me what's bothering you. I'll be here to listen."

"Oppa..." I started and told him the entire story. He told me i can't hold his world and direct him to do the things I want him to. I can't be his master. "He has his own mind. When the one you love, loves you back, it doesn't give you the right to own them. They have a life of their own." For a second there I realized that he's right. Then I thought "hey! Who's side are you in?!"

He chuckled. "I'm in no ones side, Baby. let me finish everything first! What he did is still wrong. He should've known what upsets you and how he would make it up to you." The exact same thing I was ranting. "So don't text him until he texts you! As for now just enjoy my "company"." He said with authority in his voice and emphasis in the word COMPANY.

"Baby huh? Haha. Ok then Baby." Isaid smiling like a total idiot.

I am not cheating. Right? I don't think so. I hope not.

---end of Flashback---

So that incident made our relationship stronger. Me and Minwoo's of course. After that we rarely fought and we didn't really have a serious fight after that.

But wait, guess what? Remember the pageant I joined along with Niel Oppa and Eunbi unnie? Minwoo also joined it! And he won! Wow! Haha. But I'm not really sure. Should I be happy or be more bothered? 'Coz he has become more conceited ever since! He has been conceited before tho. Ah well. Hahah. But I remember one time during their practice, I still go there because he asks me too, and one time we also had a tune up game in badminton. I saw my crush 😍😍😍. Anyway, back to the topic. Jazz and Ryan usually come to visit and they've been joining me watch Minwoo's practices so I won't get bored just by sitting there. You know. Alone. Ryan always says "We're here to keep you safe. To make sure you won't get into any fight when you notice a lot of girls trying to flirt with your boyfriend *insert HIS evil laugh*." Psh. I am not a warfreak! Someone hold my hand! I might punch him really hard! Ugh!

Minwoo texted me the night before their practice.

"You're coming, right?"

"If you want me too."

"Of course I do!"

"Ok! I'll just text Ryan and Jazz if they can come too."

"Sure Baby. Hey, I have to go. My Mom's here. Don't text back."

Here we go again. And he even told me not to text back this time. Wow. Just wow. Anyways I tried to shake that thought off and texted Jazz to ask her if they can come. She said yes and I was just glad to see them again. I missed them already!

The next morning, I was a little late and I didn't get to talk to Minwoo before the practice and he was a little upset about that. Ok. I'm sorry I got out of bed late ok! :/ I was already irritated. Like why is he upset because of me being late? It's not like I'm needed in the practice! -.-" But I didn't really mind it. Just the thought of being with Jazz and Ryan again made me feel excited!

But! I received a text from Ryan saying that they can't come today because something came up and they both have to do something about it. I said it's ok, but IT REALLY IS NOT. Minwoo's mad at me, I'm kinda mad at him too, I am with no one here! Pissed, I grabbed my phone from my bag and sent a group message saying how pathetic I look right now because I am alone but just laughed it off. I didn't mean to make Ryan and Jazz feel bad tho. I am not disappointed with them 'coz they were actually on their way here when they received a call. I'm just annoyed at the situation, not at anyone else. Right after I sent the message, my phone beeped *Well, that was fast* I thought. And I saw Jo Youngmin's name on my screen.


"Woah. Pretty intense there, huh? Chill. XD"



"For it to sound INTENSE. Hahaha. Kidding aside, WHERE ARE YOU, Baby?"

Before i can even text him back, I received another text from him.

"I typed 'Baby' normally so it would sound rather sweet than intense. Haha."

"Silly. Haha. I'm here at *****."
- Me

"You want me to come over?"

"You don't have plans?"

"I have. That is to see you. ^.^ I'm such a sweet Oppa. I know. You don't really have to thank me :)"
- YM

"I can feel the breeze. Brrr-- it 's so cooooold :P"

"I'm so sorry for radiating coolness. My body just can't handle it any longer."

"Stop it. I can feel myself flying! Hahah."

And just like that folks, once again, he made me smile like a total idiot. He always does this. I hate it T.T

"Hey. You look silly!"
-Yoona, one of the dancers said while approaching me.

"Haha. Sorry. I can't help it."
- Me

"Who are you texting with? I thought Minwoo's in practice?"

"Oh. Just some friend."

"And this friend's name is?"

"Ah! Youngmin!"
- I said with a smile. I didn't really mind her asking me so many questions, we've been friends for years now.

"Youngmin?! JO YOUNGMIN?! The dancer?!"
-Yoona said, HOLDING MY ARMS.

"Ah. Yea. They said he is a dancer."
- I said casually but when I looked up to see her reaction, I literally saw her eyes sparkle!

"I'm his number 1 fan! He's my number one CRUSH! No. I think this isn't just a crush! I AM IN LOVE WITH HIM! I have to meet him!"
- Yoona said while literally shaking me! Ok. I feel dizzy. Wooooooh!

"I thought you know each other? I mean you're both dancers!"
- I said looking at my phone, I forgot about our last conversation already because of all the shaking! Then I saw he's reply.

"Don't worry, I'll hold you so you won't get away from me. Hahaha. Nothing can set us apart! *hug*"

"Hey. You ok? Did I hug you too tight? Haha."

"Hey. Can I still come?"

"You don't want Oppa to come and see you? T.T You're too harsh 3"


"Hey. Please. Let me meet him! :O"
- Yoona said, still shaking me. Ok. I literally and seriously feel sick.

"Ok. I'll tell him. Just. Please. Stop. Shaking. Me."
- I said that like a robot 'coz SHE IS STILL SHAKING ME!

"Oops. Sorry."
- Yoona said. Omo. She's so cute! >.<

I looked at my phone again and I saw another text from him.

"I don't care if you don't want me to come, I'm still coming to see you! :P But I still have to take a bath! Wait for me. DON'T GO ANYWHERE, KID."
- woah. Here comes the AUTHORITY IN HIST TEXTS again. Haha.

"Yah! I just talked to a friend! Of course you could still come! Haha. Thanks in advance!"
- I texted him. And then looked at Yoona whose eyes are still sparkling, waiting for what I am going to say like a pup.

"Sooooooo?! :))))))"
- she said, I can see all her teeth!

"He's coming. But let him take a bath first, ok?"
- I said, laughing because as soon as I said HE'S COMING SHE STARTED JUMPING UP AND DOWN.

We sat on the bleachers and waited for Youngmin. I'm really not calling him Oppa. Hahaha. He always complains about it. He says I only call him Oppa when I am sad or if I need something. Aish. He's such a brat. Hahaha.

I was busy playing with my phone when someone's head suddenly popped within the spaces of the bleachers. Saying "Hye Lim!"

"Ahy! Hye Lim!"
- I exclaimed in surprise, causing my phone to fly somewhere. It hit his head but he still managed to catch it.

"Aw! What was that for?" He said caressing his forehead.

- I said, continuously hitting him with my hand.

"Yah! I didn't mean to! Haha. Stahp et kid!"
- He really had the nerve to complain? Ugh!

"Hey. Move a little. I'm going to babysit you. I mean sit next to you, Baby."
- If looks cou---

"If looks could kill, a lot of girls would've been crying by now. Haha."
- he said as he sat beside me, giving me back my phone.

- *insert sarcasm*

"Hey there Baby Girl. Don't be mad at Op---"
- whatever was he talking about was cut by a gasp coming from Yoona.

"As much as I hate to admit this, you two look great together! I can go crazy just by looking at you! Don't get me wrong. I support you and Minwoo but... I CAN'T FIND THE RIGHT WORDS. YOU JUST LOOK TOO GOOD TOGETHER."
- Yoona said, her eyes still sparkling.

"Really? Wow. That's the first time someone said that. Thanks Yoona!"
-YM said putting his arm around my shoulder. I looked at him puzzled with what he is doing.

"That's because this is the first time that we are together."
- I said, still not in the mood.

"Wow Baby. What a way to say you want us to go out again some time."
- he said, smiling.

"Yea right."
- I said without any interest in my voice. Yoona really likes him ha? The way he looks at him, her eyes say it all. I can feel her overflowing feels, just by being this close to him gives her the joy.

They were chatting there but Youngmin wouldn't forget to check on me and say sorry every now and then. After about a series of Sorry's, I finally said it's fine. I joined their conversation and wow. He actually is a fun person. They got a little close I must say. I nudged him when they called for all the dancers and Yoona had to go.

"What now?!"
- he said with a hint of irriation 'coz he is playing with my tablet. YES. MY TABLET. AND HE CALLS ME KID!

"You came here to see me, or just my tablet?"
- I said, raising one of my brows.

"Let's just play!"
- he said, and as he placed his tablet between us.

"C'mon. Let's just play so we won't get bored."
- he is like a kid. Omo. He's so cute!

"What are we gonna play?"
- I said, then I heard an unfamiliar sound from his tablet and saw some white and black goat.

"What's with the goats?"
- I asked. A little curious.

He looked at me straight into the eyes, no hint of whatever is he thinking of. And you wouldn't believe what happened next! He burst out laughing, so loud that we almost caught everybody's attention. Someone recognized him and looked at our direction. The guy doesn't look familiar tho.

"Hey. Youngmin Hyung, what is it this time?"
- the guy approached us.

"She's so cuuuuuuute!"
- he said and pinched my cheeks.

"Heey. It huuuuuurtsssssh. Oppa!"
- Me

He froze for a second and looked at me again. I don't know about other people but when he rubbed the back of his neck, and looked to his right side, I totally felt like the time stopped. Ugh. And then that familiar yet still strange feeling inside me came into action again, making sure I notice its existence.

"Yea. Such a cutie."
- the guy said and I think i blushed at his remark. The way he said it, it was so dreamy, he even looked silly.


"You said she's cute. And I totally agree with that."
- guy

"We'll talk later at practice. Get lost."
- wow that's new. I've never imagined he could be this rude.

"Ok. Chill. Hi, I'm Bryan. And you are???"
- the guy said, offering his hand for a shake.

"Hye Lim. Kim Hye Lim."
- I said as i accepted his hand.

"How are you related with Grumpy? I mean Youngmin hyung?"
- Bryan

"She's a friend from my batch. Go."
- before I can even open my mouth, he already answered his question.

"Ok. No need to be rude. Bye hyung. Bye Ms. Beautiful!"
- he said and winked at me.

"Aish. Even Bryan has a crush on you."
- he said, his arms crossed on his chest and face wrinkled. What is wrong with him?! And then realized.

"A friend from your batch? You are older than me!"
- I said hitting him again in the arm . Hahaha. I am so sorry but I am enjoying this.

"Yah! Stop hitting me! Well, you don't call me Oppa. So that's your punsihment. Plus! Let him lose his mind asking about you. Hahahaha."
- He is crazy. I was looking at him unbelievably when he shifted his attention to the tablet. AND LAUGHED AGAIN. O yea!

"Why were and are you laughing?!"
- I said, furious.

He looked at me again and laughed. AGAIN. When he finally recovered, he said that he was laughing because I said tey were goats. According to him, those aren't goats. They are sheeps. Which I didn't really care about since it wouldn't kill me. -.-" Apparently, it is killing him because he is laughing too much.

"You should go back to kinder! Haha."
- He said, still smiling. Kdot. -.-"

After about three rounds of the game, which he said was 'Bump Sheep' we stopped playing since our fingers seriously felt numb. But I must say I enjoyed it! Haha. He was so animated while palying the game. He is such a joy to watch. We played a lot of different games and didn't realize what time it already was. In one of the games, he furiously shook me saying: "YOU SAID THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME PLAYING THIS! WHY DID YOU WIN?!"

Now it's my turn to laugh. Hahahaha. "It is my first time! Calm down! Aish. Hahaha"

"Don't laugh! I'm serious here."
He said, arms crossed liked a kid.

"Yea. Seriously overreacting and ridiculous."
- I said trying to stop him from shaking me.

"Haha. You're such a joy to watch."
- he suddenly said and packed his tablet and stood up.

I looked at him, asking what he's doing. "Are you leaving?" Disappointment kind of evident in my voice.

"Silly. I won't ever leave you. Let's go grab some snack? My treat."

"Woah. And the most generous award goes to... JO YOUNGMIN."
- I said clapping.

"Haha. Silly girl."
- he said, ruffling my hair. And then he took my hand and curled it around his arm.

"So you won't get lost. *wink + tapped my hand"
- I let him drag me wherever he wanted to go not because I wanted to but basically because I didn't have control over my body. I was too stunned by his gesture I couldn't even think straight for a second. Ok. Woooooh. Calm down Hye Lim. That's just your brother. You're siblings. Yea yea. That's right. Siblings. C'mon heart! Cooperate! Stop beating so fast!

We ate some snack and I tried really hard not to be awkward about what he just did. It was kinda easy not because I was doing a good job but because he is good at making the atmosphere so light I forgot about it for a second. We were already heading back to the where we were a while ago when my traitor stomach suddenly craved for something. Unconsciously, I linked my arms around his and said "Oppa. I want some ice cream."

He looked at me and stayed like that for a few seconds. Omo! That gesture a while ago! He's doing it again! That rubbing the back of his neck plus turn to his right side thingy! And wait! Is he blushing? Omo. So cuuuuuute!

"Ah. Y-you w-want some? O-ok. L-let's go g-grab you one." And so we went to buy our ice cream. While walking towards the ice cream parlor I heard him cuss and say something else but I couldn't understand it. -.-"

And we finally got back to where Minwoo and the others are practicing. This time no linking of arms whatsoever because I got too busy with my ice cream. He didn't buy himself an ice cream since he said he was already full AND I DON'T HAVE PLANS OF SHARING. Wahahahaha.

"Hey. You might get lost!"
- he said gesturing me to link my arms to his.

"Nope. I'm good :)"
- I said not even looking at my him. Just my ice cream. Hahaha.

When we got there, Minwoo was standing there looking at us. He nudged me and looked at Minwoo's direction.

"You want some?"
- I said without a hint of the irritation I was feeling a while ago.

"Woah. You'll share?"
- MW

"Nope. ;)"
- I said and they both laughed.

We went inside and Minwoo's extra clingy. Like in front of other people. I should be happy, right? Nope! Why? Because he only does this when he recognizes a threat! So when they were called once again for practice, I walked out of the gym. When I was outside. I couldn't fight my tears anymore. They started flowing unstoppably. I wanted to go home but I didn't have the strength to. I wanted to get out amd leave right there and then but I was too weak to even stand on my own. I sat there, still crying like some kid who got lost in the supermarket, perhaps even worse. I felt somthing got thrown to me and found out it was a handkerchief. I looked up to see who was it from and saw Youngmin approaching me. He sat in front of me (indian sit) and wiped the tears on my cheeks.

"Who took the candy from my Baby?!"
- he said acting like an angry father.

I smiled but tears are still flowing from my eyes. Geez. I must look stupid.

"Ok. I won't tell you to stop crying. But please. Stop trying to smile. You look crazy. And it hurts me to see you like this." He said ttrying to fix my hair. Well, basically my face. He's still wiping my tears. He looked kind of silly because he just gave me his hanky but we'ren't really using it. Just his hands.

"You don't deserve to be treated this way you know."
-YM. I was about to open my mouth when he spoke again.

"Ah-ah! No talking for you kid. I do all the talking right now. Sssshhh."
I bowed as a sign of defeat.

"Sure he's all serious about you, he loves you and all. But you're not a toy." He turned to me and cupped my face. "He must have thought I was a threat huh?! I'm so sorry Baby." This time there was a hint of sadness in his voice. Like he really thought it was his fault. I shook my head and opened my mouth to say something.

"Don't be disrespectful Hye Lim! I didn't raise you like that! I am still talking. No talking back!"
- I am not sure who he really is, my brother or my Dad? He looks silly! Haha. I laughed but my tears still betrayed me and fell from my eyes. What is going on.

"I know you love him so much. And I know I don't have the right to tell you what to do. But just by seeing you in this situation hurts me a lot and makes me feel like I am in it too. It breaks my heart to see you cry like this. Hey. I worked hard to make you smile and laugh a while ago! And now you're crying. All my hard work put to waste. But I don't care about my feelings. If it eases you to cry, I won't stop you. I know it hurts that he treats you like that when he recognizes a threat to your relationship. You told me back then that he is not normally sweet when there are people around you because he's afraid soneone might see you. And then he acted all clingy a while ago. Then I got furious! I thought "this little kid lied to me! He is sweet!" And then I saw the sadness in your eyes. That's how I figured it out. Yup. You looked happy but your eyes said otherwise."

Was I really that transparent? But why didn't Minwoo recognize that? Why is he always the one who knows what I am feeling? Minwoo and I, we've been togeter for years now. And yet he still doesn't know me this much.

He heaved a deep sigh and continued talking.

"But your love for him is so great. You don't want to be away from him right? You like it better this way than be separated, right? Then you should understand. He is afraid to act like that in front of other people because he too is afraid of losing you. He's doing this to protect your relationship. Although I hate his way of protecting it I can't think of another way. I know this is hard. But if you don't feel pain, there is no love at all. Trust me, in the end, all of these will be worth it. You will just laugh at it."

I rested my head on his shoulder and stayed like that for I don't know how long. The next thing i know, i'm alreading lying on my bed. WAIT! MY BED?!

"Umma!" shouted and looked for my phone. Ok what just happened?

"Yes Baby?" My Mom said as soon as she stepped into my room.

"How did I get here?" i said rather clam, opposite to what I am feeling inside.

"Oh. Some nice guy dropped you by. He said you weren't feeling fine so he decided to get you home, then you fell asleep in his car."

"Oh. Did he stay for long here?"
-I asked.

"Ya. Kinda. He's got a great sense of humor, Appa enjoyed talking to him. I offered dinner but ge said he needed to do something."

"O. Ok..."
- I don't know but I found myself wanting for him to stay.

"O. He asked me to tell you to text him when you wake up."
- he said, walking out of the room.

"Ok Mom."
- I said reachin for my phone.

"Oh. Lime? I guess you found yourself a keeper huh? I hope you too would keep him. I mean. I know You have Minwoo. But people like Youngmin? They shouldn't be ignored."

And with that, She left me dumbfounded.

- an update! Haha. Sorry it took me this loooong. School is killing me!

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Chapter 26: I totally understand Lime... :'( This chapter is so great!! :D Feeling of true love and pain..
Chapter 25: Its been a long time :)) Sorry, too busy with life, I cant always read the updates.. However, I really really love this story :)) more updates author-nim :) Hwaiting!!
Chapter 23: haha. That scene is the reason why parents are not allowed to go to the Prom night of their children.. xD Minwoo's mom is such a ruiner.. :P

By the way, I am a Filipina :D
Chapter 23: ^o^/ I'm a Filipina~ and i support your fic! :D fighting author-nim :3
Chapter 22: Ahh~~ so nice^^
Update soon author-nim!!

Love this update :)) as well as the previous updates^^
Chapter 21: I'm a new reader here~ :)
Hi! I just want to say that i really like your story!
fighting author-nim! :D hihi :3

Please update soon! <3

Chapter 20: Oh no.. Minwoo, why can't be a man and stand for your girl... aiisshh.
Chapter 19: Don't think like that. the updates were nice^^

Keep on writing :)
Chapter 15: Lime.. haha. she really admits that Youngmin is cute^^ ahaha