The Big Day

Bitter Sweet Memoirs


No One’s POV

So it has been around a week since the big announcement. The time allotted for the sports events has already passed. You were the champion, both male and female category. You were very happy that the pageant kind of slipped off your mind for a while. But when the night before the pageant came, it you. AGAIN. You were very nervous but your Umma is very excited. She already bought everything you need, talked to a make-up artist and got you trained to walk with heels. And your Appa? He’s just there, watching you trip on your shoes because you’re not really used to them. But sometimes you can see him smiling at you, either he thinks you’re a fool or you’re already grown up that you’re joining these kinds of stops. J


After my last game, which I won (insert evil grin), I talked to my teammates, and told them that if we all win, we should celebrate. I know it’s too early but just to give them something to look forward to. Haha.

“Is it your treat?” Niel said with a big smile written on his face.

“Ani. But the drinks will be on me. IF WE ALL WIN.” I emphasized the last sentence just so it’d be clear.

“Ok. I’ll do my best!” LJ and Des said in unison.

We ended up victorious (all of us—yes that means I had to pay for our drinks) over the seniors. We were all very happy so we went to a fast food chain. The four of us are really close already even if we belong to different classes so we were kind of noisy and we can feel everyone’s furious eyes looking at us so we decided to leave. And besides, we were all starting to feel exhausted. After the games we felt so hyped and energized like no sign of exhaustion, really. Why? I don’t know? Maybe because of the win? Or just Adrenaline rush.

Anyways, Minwoo didn’t come with us to celebrate because he told me that he always feels kind of a fish out of water when he’s with us. I didn’t convince him to come because I don’t want him to feel uneasy. So after our celebration, I texted him and said that I’m going home. As usual, he told me not to text him or anyone yet.

After 45 minutes…

“I’m home!” I exclaimed as I enter our house. My sister came running towards me, saying: “Unnie! We will watch you tomorrow!” I kind of forgot that tomorrow was actually the big day. I really can’t believe I am in this. I just smiled at my sister because she was so excited, even more excited than I am. Well, I really am not excited. I’m nervous!

“Chaeri-ah, can I just rest? Unnie is really tired. Tell Umma I’m home. Nae?”

“Nae Unnie. Rest well!” and she gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek.

I went in to my room. I immediately texted Minwoo.

Hey Buddy. I am really tired right now. Can I sleep?

Ani. You can’t.

Waeyo? L

Because I have your bed. I stole it from you.

Aish. You’re so childish. Can I just sleep?

Ani. You were so busy today. We spent so little time together L I miss you. T.T

I’ll make it up to you later. I promise.


Yep. I promise.

What will happen if you break it?

All the chicks will die.

But you hate chicks!

Exactly. J I wouldn’t mind if they die. *insert evil grin* kekeke.

Hey that’s unfair!


Aish. Iloveyou L

Iloveyoutoo Pabo :P mmmmwaaaah!

J Rest well Jagiya :*

At the auditorium…

“I was just really pissed off. I’m so sorry if I ruined your plans.” I said sincerely.

“It’s ok. This is no big deal.” He wasn’t facing me but I can feel that he’s smiling.

“I’m really going to make it up to you next time, Oppa. Gomawo J” I said slightly blushing at his KINDNESS.

“I told you it’s nothing.” He said, still busy with whatever he’s doing.

“Seriously, why am I talking to your back?” I said raising one of my brows.

He was about to turn around when…

“Unnie! Unnie! Dinner is ready! Umma said I have to wake you before I could eat. Please get out of bed! I’m really hungry! If I starve to death it’s your fault!” Aish. Sersly. This kid.

I got out of bed kind of disappointed not knowing who the guy in my dream was. I am certain he’s not Minwoo. I also had the strong feeling that I haven’t met him yet, since his back was not really familiar to me. It was a big puzzle and I was in deep thought when my sister (once again) interrupted. “Yah! Unnie! You can’t just let me starve! Can you? You’re such a bad Unnie. I’ve been waiting for like 100 years already and I swear if thoughts about food could make you fly? I could’ve flown to Neptune and back here on Earth with stop over on each of the planet!” Yes. She talks a bit too much for a 5-year-old kid. We both went down and I know she’s happy now.

“Who taught her about the Solar System?” I snapped as we entered the dining area. Umma, Appa and our maid (we’re not that rich but our parents are usually busy and they need someone to look after us -- it’s even strange that we are all eating together today) were just laughing while my other sister, Gaein is busy chewing her food. She’s usually silent.

After the dinner, I decided to go to my room and text Minwoo. I told Umma that I am tired because I was sure she’s going to make me walk with the heels again. I’m just so sick of it. Good thing tomorrow will be the last time I’d wear it, for a while at least. J

Hey. J

Hi. Eaten dinner yet?

Finished! How about you?

I’m done. And full J

Good. So, how was your day?

Great. It could’ve been better if we were together though L

I’m sorry.

Don’t worry I know you badly wanted to be with me too. It’s ok. Don’t cry now Baby J

Look who’s talking. I know you miss me so much. Don’t deny it :P

Ok. Ok. I really missed you, happy?

Yes! J haha.

But tomorrow will be our day, right?

Tomorrow’s the pageant, right?

O! I nearly forgot! Aw L so I guess there’s no time for me again? L

Don’t worry, it’s almost over J

I know J now get some beauty sleep. Arraso? I want my Baby to be the prettiest tomorrow J

What if I’m not? L

Just do what you can, you’ll always be the prettiest for me J Iloveyou :*

Thanks. Iloveyou :*



I set my alarm at 5 am so I can have enough time to eat and get myself ready. I can’t believe tomorrow’s the big day. Our (me and my partner, Chris) make-up artist told me to just stay at home and she and Chris will just come over so I really didn’t have to travel. I don’t know why but tonight I felt a bit more calm than usual—I mean ever since I found out that I’m going to be in this pageant. I fell asleep immediately.

At the auditorium…

“I was just really pissed off. I’m so sorry if I ruined your plans.” I said sincerely.

“It’s ok. This is no big deal.” He wasn’t facing me but I can feel that he’s smiling.

“I’m really going to make it up to you next time, Oppa. Gomawo J” I said slightly blushing at his KINDNESS.

“I told you it’s nothing.” He said, still busy with whatever he’s doing.

“Seriously, why am I talking to your back?” I said raising one of my brows.

He was about to turn around when…

“Yah!” I jumped out of bed like a ninja (again). I was so shocked at the sound of my phone. It was exactly the same dream I had last night before dinner. I wonder what that means. My train of thoughts was interrupted when Chaeri knocked at my room and told me that breakfast is ready. I went downstairs. And it took me about half an hour to finish my food, not because I eat a lot. It’s because e I move so slowly in the morning. Yea. Slow motion it is. After that, I took a bath. Not long after that our make-up artist and Chris arrived. Umma made breakfast for them so they ate it first. After the meal, she asked me to wear that damn heels again and practice my poise. They sure take this seriously you know, well I can’t blame them. It’s already 10 o’clock and the pageant is only 3 hours away and we still have to travel so she started to do her magic on my face. O, and Chris? I was surprise that he and Appa went along really well. They were talking about some basketball games. Time to time I would in and say that “Bryant is still the best!” and the make-up artist would just say “hold still!”

This is it. Everything is set. We are now on our way to my school. Everyone is coming since it was Saturday and my siblings have no classes. And Umma and Appa, they cancelled whatever they are supposed to do today. I’m so nervous! When we got inside the Pageant Hall, they told us that some changes were made in the choreography so I had to practice together with Chris. And guess who came to check us out? It was Minwoo J And I swear I saw his jaw drop when he set his eyes on me J As for me? I felt my cheeks burning at his reaction. I don’t know why but I somehow managed to keep myself calm though I know the pageant will start in less than an hour. . .

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Chapter 26: I totally understand Lime... :'( This chapter is so great!! :D Feeling of true love and pain..
Chapter 25: Its been a long time :)) Sorry, too busy with life, I cant always read the updates.. However, I really really love this story :)) more updates author-nim :) Hwaiting!!
Chapter 23: haha. That scene is the reason why parents are not allowed to go to the Prom night of their children.. xD Minwoo's mom is such a ruiner.. :P

By the way, I am a Filipina :D
Chapter 23: ^o^/ I'm a Filipina~ and i support your fic! :D fighting author-nim :3
Chapter 22: Ahh~~ so nice^^
Update soon author-nim!!

Love this update :)) as well as the previous updates^^
Chapter 21: I'm a new reader here~ :)
Hi! I just want to say that i really like your story!
fighting author-nim! :D hihi :3

Please update soon! <3

Chapter 20: Oh no.. Minwoo, why can't be a man and stand for your girl... aiisshh.
Chapter 19: Don't think like that. the updates were nice^^

Keep on writing :)
Chapter 15: Lime.. haha. she really admits that Youngmin is cute^^ ahaha