The End... NO MORE :D

Bitter Sweet Memoirs


Lime’s POV

Hey. I’m sorry.

Ok. So this is what I get after holding on for so long? I seriously hoped for something much more than this. I expected to receive “I really love you but I guess we’re not yet meant to be. I promise you when the right time comes I’d be the guy for you. I’d be way better than who I am now. I’d be your knight in shining armour. But I’m sorry I have to do this.” But what did I get? “Hey. I’m sorry.” Are you kidding me?! Do I sound like I’m angry? Well, I’m telling you. I’m not. I’m not angry, I’m sad. I’m so broken. I am in so much pain right now I didn’t even notice tears streaming down my cheeks. I also forgot that I at least have to say something. I faced my phone, and begun to punch in but before I can even send my message, my tears started to fall even more. I want to stop crying but I can’t seem to hold all the pain any longer. Instead of fighting it, I just let it all out. I was still crying when my phone vibrated again, he’s calling. I gathered my composure and tried not to make him notice that I have been crying for some time now.

 Yobosseyo? -L

Hey. Are you crying?! –M

 Noo! -L

Are you kidding me? –M

How come you’re so calm? Do you really not care about me anymore? *angry tone* -L

Why? Should I panic? –M

You should’ve told immediately when you realized that you are already falling out of love! –L

What are you talking about? –M

Like seriously? How can you be so calm? Is it really that easy for you to break up with me?! –L

Who said anything about breaking up?! –M

Ahh. Yea. I’m sorry. We’re not even together. –L

I am not breaking up with you.-M

It’s Ok. I know this is for our own good. Don’t worry I understand. –L

What?! I love you! –M

I’m fine with ------. –L

We’ll still be together, nothing will change. I love you. So much more than you can think of. –M

Yes. I will miss you and I only wish you--- wait, what?! –L

So you finally get it? Your Wernicke’s area is doing its job well now? –M

WHAT?! – L

I have been trying to tell you that I am not breaking up with you. Gaaaah. I didn’t even mention the word BREAK UP. –M

But you said You’re Sorry. –L

Yea. So? I said I’m sorry ‘coz I know you’re having a hard time already but I still want this to continue. But of course, it would depend on you, if you want to end this, then… -M

Are you kidding me?! You know the last thing I want to do is to be away from you. L -L

I know :D haha. That’s why I love you soooooooooooooooooooo  much! :* -M

So I guess everything’s clear now? No one’s giving up right? Haha. YES. :D We’re fine now. And guess what? It has been months since then and its finally summer! :D I know I said that we always lose communication during vacation but this time, it’s different. I don’t know what came into him, but whatever it is, I’m grateful of it :D

O. And have I mentioned? The great Niel told everyone that I have a crush on one candidate during the pageant I know! It’s so embarrassing! Like Oh My G! Sometimes Minwoo and I would have a fight and he would always mention that I am having a crush on someone. Like he doesn’t have crushes! Hmpft!

Anyways, school is ending and Eunbae-Unnie greeted everyone a happy graduation, I did the same to her. She sent this message and I can’t help but to notice the mentions. It included Cute Oppa and Bora-Unnie. Do you remember them? :D haha. And yes, Niel Oppa was referring to the Cute Oppa when he sadi I had a crush on one of the candidates. :/ Well it was kinda true. Haha. I just realized I really did have a crush on him about a week after the pageant. I just woke up one day wondering when and how I would see those cute smiles again. Well. It’s just a crush. It’s not bad, right? Uh. Right :D

Anyways I mustered all the courage I have inside my body and asked for both of their numbers (so I won’t get caught. ~teehee) and Eunbae-unnie oblivious as she’ll always be gave me their numbers without hesitation.

So I texted both of them.

~~to: Bora-Unnie :3

Hi Unnie! This is Lime! I just wanted to congratulate you! Happy graduation! Happy Celebration too pretty unnie! :D

And to the Cute Oppa:

~~to: Jo Youngmin

Congrats handsome Oppa! XD

(if you’re all wondering, I really saved Oppa’s number without honorifics. I don’t know I just didn’t want to. :D)

Bora unnie was first to respond, she thanked me and she called me pretty dongsaeng too ^^. Haha, and I was quite fluttered, but I kept it for myself and didn’t respond since I know my real reason for getting their numbers :D haha. If you know what I mean :D

But it has been 15 minutes and 32.4 seconds since I texted him but I still got no response L I was already losing hope but then a name appeared in my phone’s screen which made my heart skip a beat.

~~From: Jo Youngmin

Kamsahamnida! But, may I know who I am thanking? :D

~~To: Jo Youngmin

O! Mianhae! That was so rude of me. I am Lime, from the pageant, do you remember?

~~From: Jo Youngmin

Ah! Yea! The Kid.


Excuse me?


The green girl :D haha. I’m sorry, but I always see you as a kid so I’ve always thought like that :D


Green Girl? Haha. Now you’re rude. XD And kid? Am  that playful/annoying? XD


Annoying? No. I guess? Haha. We haven’t really talked to each other you see. XD


I know. That’s a bummer right? Haha. Especially for me. You’re so handsome! How could I miss such a chance to talk to you!


Haha. You’re funny :D Nad pretty :D


Woah! Don’t say such things! I might believe you! :D


Little did I know I was already talking (thru text) to him sooo comfortably. Minwoo wasn’t texting me that time so I had all the time to respond to his texts. We’ve been texting for a whole 3 hours now and we haven’t run out of topics yet and I’m telling you I still have so much in store. Haha. I mean I AM TALKING TO MY CRUSH. WTH!

And then I received two messages, the first one I read was Youngmin Oppa’s message saying “You need to sleep, aren’t you sleepy yet pretty dongsaeng?” so without thinking I replied: “Ani Oppa. How about you? Are feeling sleepy already?” and pressed send.

I have been waiting for his response for 5 minutes already which was so strange since he usually replies fast when I remembered that I still have to open the other message that I received and I was surprised that when I opened it, it went to Me and Oppa’s conversation and what was even more strange was that I can’t find the last text I sent him! So I went to the conversation list only to find out that the other person who texted me was Minwoo Oppa and I mistakenly sent him my message for Cute Oppa! I am in so much trouble am I not? :O T.T

Im sorry for the long wait! I hope you’re still reading this! :D Thank you so much! :D

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Chapter 26: I totally understand Lime... :'( This chapter is so great!! :D Feeling of true love and pain..
Chapter 25: Its been a long time :)) Sorry, too busy with life, I cant always read the updates.. However, I really really love this story :)) more updates author-nim :) Hwaiting!!
Chapter 23: haha. That scene is the reason why parents are not allowed to go to the Prom night of their children.. xD Minwoo's mom is such a ruiner.. :P

By the way, I am a Filipina :D
Chapter 23: ^o^/ I'm a Filipina~ and i support your fic! :D fighting author-nim :3
Chapter 22: Ahh~~ so nice^^
Update soon author-nim!!

Love this update :)) as well as the previous updates^^
Chapter 21: I'm a new reader here~ :)
Hi! I just want to say that i really like your story!
fighting author-nim! :D hihi :3

Please update soon! <3

Chapter 20: Oh no.. Minwoo, why can't be a man and stand for your girl... aiisshh.
Chapter 19: Don't think like that. the updates were nice^^

Keep on writing :)
Chapter 15: Lime.. haha. she really admits that Youngmin is cute^^ ahaha