Walk. Walk. Walk.

Bitter Sweet Memoirs


Mr. Jang immediately sent us home after he talked to us even though we still have another class until the school ends for the day. I wanted to see Minwoo 'cuz I felt bad that we didn't get to talk, I barely even looked at him before I left. He must be really sad now :( Well, anyways, because of that, I decided to make an excuse so I could go back and see him-- at least say Bye before I head home for my "beauty rest" as Mr. Jang called it. Mr. Jang said "Ok. You can go" But Niel, not getting what I really wanted to do stubbornly raised his hand and told me that he could go back to my class and get whatever I left there. I face palmed myself mentally and pretended to think. "O. right, Umma is going to the Bookstore later, maybe she could just buy me another set since those old ones are already worn out," I said not letting him know what I was talking about because I myself don't know what it is :/ I'm so stupid and that idea just popped up in my mind, I couldn't think of anything better. I was so disappointed beacause of all the times that Niel could misunderstand me, he chooses this one. Aish. Pabo Niel. Pabo :/
Niel's POV
Lime said that she left something in her classroom and that she needed to go back there. "O please. Really? Lime? Forgot something? Surely you can do better than that." I thought. I know her too well. She didn't forget anything. She just wanted to see Minwoo before she goes home. Haha. Poor boy. He must be really upset right now 'coz I saw Lime a while ago in the  classroom when Mr. Jang asked for us. Minwoo was smiling at her probably anticipating for her to smile back. But she didn't. He looked so disappointed and sad. Well, I don't know why but I suddenly didn't want her going back there and see Minwoo. I didn't want them to argue or to have some misunderstandings or not talk to each other. Lately I just felt greedy of Lime's attention. NO. I'm not starting to like her 'coz if I did, I'm in soooooooooooooooooo much trouble. :/ BUT. Guess what? I unconsciously raised my hand for everyone's attention and said that I can go and get her "stuff", whatever it is that she "left". I could see through her eyes, she just mentally face palmed herself. She's probably panicking now, thinking of what excuse she should make to get away with what she just said a while ago. She finally spoke up after some time of pretending to be thinking. keke. She's soooo cute :D  Then she finally spoke up and said that I didn't have to go since her Umma is going somewhere. I didn’t understand where since I got lost in her eyes. It’s a good thing I snapped back to reality before she finished her explanation. She didn’t notice me spacing out. :D
Minwoo’s POV
She didn’t even mind coming back to see me. Aish. I’m so upset. She’s doing it again. They’re doing it again. Stealing My Lime away from me D: But like what I said. I will always be here for you Baby. Because I love you that much :D ~teehee. I’m becoming sooooo cheeeezy. Is it bad? No. I’m just saying how much I love Lime <3. 
Your POV
Since I didn't get to see Minwoo before I went home, I immediately texted him and said that Mr. Jang sent us home earrly 'coz h wanted us to have some "beauty rest". I didn't expect any response from him since he's still in class. I took the bus and immediately fell asleep.
After some time...
"Miss. We're already here. Wake up." The driver shook me lightly. It was a good thing he's been driving for quite some time now and I always manage to take the that he drives whenever I go home so he's pretty much familiar with my place already. I moved a bit and realized I was in front of my house. "Wow. You must have been really tired these days." He said with a smile. "Mianhae. I really am. This won't happen again. I promise... well, kind of" I said flashing a smile in my face. "O. No, don't worry. It's nothing, really. Just make sure you take this bus or the other drivers won't wake you up." He said chuckling. "Ah. Arasseo. I'll be going now. Annyeong!" I waved and got off the bus. Before I knew it it's already out of sight. 
I went to open the gate and greeted my Grampa. (We live in the same compound together with my Umma's brother's family. So basically, there are three houses in there :D)
"You're early?" He said as I kissed him in the cheek. "Ah. Ne Harabeoji. Our teacher sent us home early." "Arasseo, get some rest then. Do you have something to do tomorrow? Let's go fishing." He said smiling at me widely. Lol. He still treats me like I am one of the boys. My grandfather has always done that. And I also know he still thinks I'm just a kid. But I am not. :D I am already a young lady. not to mention a fine one :D ~teehee. Ok. That was just too much. 
Anyways, his smile faded when I told him I had something important to do. "Even more important than me?" He complained. I just chuckled and told him that it was something regarding school. Well IT IS. Isn't it? haha. Truth is I don't want him to know about me joining the pageant. I love the way he treats me like a guy (but I am certain I am a girl. Believe me :D). I feel more free being like this. Haha. Unlike how my Halmeoni (Granny) treats me. "You should always be in good posture." Do this, not that and everything. Well, I understand that she wants the best for me but it would have been a lot better if she didn't control me like some kind of a doll. But I love her. She knows that. That's why I do what she says without complaining. haha. Anyways, I told Harabeoji that I need to get going 'coz I want to get done with some school works already. After I took a quick bath, I cleaned my room, set things in place and when I finally got contented with the cleanliness of my room I jumped to bed and checked my phone for the first time since I fell asleep at the bus. 
34 messages. 27 of them were from Minwoo. 1 from Niel, 1 from Eunbi-unnie (she will also join the pageant) and the rest are just group messages. Minwoo was complaining because I was not responding to any of his texts. 
"Mianhae again Oppa. I was cleaning my room. I'm sorry 'coz I didn't get to see you before I left school."
Minwoo's POV
After some time of waiting, I finally got a response from Lime.
"Mianhae again Oppa. I was cleaning my room. I'm sorry 'coz I didn't get to see you before I left school."
"Ne. Gwenchanayo. Just don't do that again. I was so sad D:"
"You didn't even look at me before you went out of our classroom. Were you that excited about the pageant?" Or maybe
about seeing someone.
"Ani Oppa. I was that NERVOUS. What if I can't even make it through the screening? T.T"
"Am I getting this right? You are finally in to this pageant?"
"Ani. Not like taht. I was just worried. Maybe they're expecting too much from me. You know. And then they will end up disappointed. I don't want that to happen."
"I know. And it won't happen, believe me. You can do it."
It went like this for hours and we finally had to eat. I told her my parents are here so I can't really use my phone anymore. They'd get suspicious. "You know how my Umma and Appa are so strict about me having girls around right? I'm really sorry. Just get to bed early so you won't be late for tomorrow. You know. For once :D Saranghaeyo! ~Ppyong!"
"Yah! Oppa! I am not always late. D: Arasseo. Bye. I love you :*"
"You are Baby. accept it :P Anyways. Give me some news about the screening tomorrow. I'll see if I can reply :D Good night :*"
Your POV
I didn't respond to his last text anymore since he's already saying goodbye and his parents might just catch him using his phone too much and get suspicious. Haist. Our situation is just so complicated. We treat each other like we're a couple. But we are not. I hate to be in this position. I'm starting to get tired getting messages like "My parents are here, I have to go, don't respond to this message" already. Sometimes His message is not even clear anymore. You know, typos, no spaces between words, incorrect puncuations and the like. Maybe because he's just that nervous of getthing caught. But because I love him, I am still holding on to whatever we have between us-- love.  
After dinner, I was not in the mood to text or have a chat with anyone anymore. I did all the school works that I had to finish and after that, I brushed my teeth, put on my PJs and went to bed. I was hoping I could sleep right away but I couldn't. For no particular reason,I stayed wide awake until who knows what time. I'm guessing probably around 2 am? AND I AM SUPPOSED TO BE HAVING MY BEAUTY REST.  Aish. And just to make this clear, I am not excited about the pageant. It's not the reason.
After some time, I finally fell asleep. The next thing I know was that my Umma is softly patting me trying to wake me up. "I thought today was the screening and you were supposed to be there by 9? It's already 7 and you still have to travel. Wake up and get ready." After hearing about my "schedule" today, I jumped out of bed like a Ninja and immediately went to the bathroom. After getting my stuffs ready, my clothes, shoes, hair and everything, I went down and kissed them all goodbye. Umma wanted me to eat something before I leave but I refused to. I said I am going to get late. I went outside and waited for a ride for about ten minutes. And finally I was at the meeting place Eunbi-unnie told us last night (this is pretty much why she texted me). I saw so many beautiful ladies at a part of our assemply place. I'm guessing they're here for the screening too 'coz they are wearing high heeled shoes. They really are pretty. There were about 50 handsome young men already there and for the ladies? I think there are 30 us already. Well you know how ladies can get so long just picking up a dress, right? keke. 
Anyways, Eunbi-unnie asked me why I was wearing my sneakers, haha. "I'm just not used to wearing heels, Unnie." I said. "But you have them with you, right?" she said a bit nervous. I gave her a two thumbs up and a smile. "Then you have to wear them now  Dongsaeng." She said." Arasseo." i replied as I started pulling the box out of the paper bag I am holding. 
"Here, let me help you with that." A voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere. 
"Ani. I can do it myself." I said politely.
"But I want to." The voice protested.
" I can do it Niel, really."  I said awkwardly. Lately he's been such a weirdo and I don't know why.
"Aish. fine. Just be like that."  SERSLY. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY?
To all the candidates, please be ready now. The gentlemen shall stay at the right side of the stage while the ladies are on the other side. Please prepare to say something about yourself. And practice your walking too. The coordinators will teach you the routine and by that, the judges will choose who among you shall qualify to the next round. 
Asdfghjkl. That was the time I realized that I don't know anything about me. o.O I was like "Who am I?" :O
"Ok, guys. Just be yourself out there and don't be nervous. Remember to smile sincerely. we  can do this. It's for our school. Remember that. Not for us." Eunbi-unnie said with so much determination in her voice. It was also evident in her eyes. You can see the burning passion inside. I did several breathing exercises to wash the nerves away but it took me quite a while.
Some of the coordinators walked over to us and we had a brief introduction. Then they made us walk. We walked back and forth around the wide studio for what felt like about an hour. We were so exhausted ('coz you know, we're wearing heels). They noticed it and said that we should take a rest and just be prepared. "It will start in about 20 minutes, God Bless." One of them said which made my heart skip a beat. I look over to where the guys are and noticed Niel looking at me, I waved hi and he smiled in return. They are still rehearsing their routines so I just watched them from where I am. Then I noticed a familiar figure before my eyes. But he was not facing me so I can only see his back. I wondered how I could think that he's familiar when I can only see his back. I waited for him to turn around, after about five minutes, he did. At that moment I thought he was cute. And then they started calling us by number. I was Number 6 so I pretty much had to go right away. 
"Hello! I am Kim Hye-Lim..." I began and it kind of turned out smoothly in the end. I caught one or two of the judges looking at me as if I were to vanish if they blink their eyes even once, I flashed a smile and they did too. After my turn some of my schoolmates walked to the judges. After all the girls are done with the introduction, it was the guys' turn I silently cheered my friends too making a 'Huwaiting!' sign. They smiled in response and went off. Then I remembered the cute guy a while ago. I'm gonna find out who you are really soon. I told myself and unconsciously smiled. Niel must have seen 'coz he tried to call me, I was shocked coz  my phone is in my pocket and it suddenly vibrated.
"Yah! what's with the smile? You find someone cute, huh?
"Ani. Why do you care anyways?"
"Pabo. Don't you realize you are carrying the name of your school. Not yours. And everyone pretty much knows I go to the same school that you do. Then they might think I am also crazy like you. Why do you have to ruin my reputation like that? what have I ever done to you?! T.T"
"OA. And am I not too cute to be a crazy person :P"
Niel's POV
"OA. And am I not too cute to be a crazy person :P"
When I read her text I smiled a bit but held on to it so she wouldn't notice. Yes, you are too cute. Beautiful even. I thought. But I guess I am not good at holding that smile 'coz I received another text from her.
"See, you even smiled. Haha. I must be really that cute :P"
I looked up to where she was and flashed what probably was the most sincere smile I showed her this past few days. Since I was quite uncomfortable seeing her and Minwoo.
"Just concentrate now Oppa. Bye now." She said.
I waited for my turn, I was kind of nervous and still stunned about the number of people inside this huge studio not to mention the intimidating looks of SOME coordinators and the judges. But when I had my turn, I tried hard to calm down and it ended up smoothly. While I was  walking back to the waiting area (of course, still in to the proper walk thing) I was looking at Lime and she was giving me the sweetest smile that she always had. This amazing girl. Minwoo is just so lucky with her. He better not make this girl cry. You see, my family and Minwoo's are great friends so I kind of know how strict his parents and siblings are. My parents are quite strict too so I can kind of relate. But not as strict as his. I can't help but feel sorry about them since I know how they will end up once Minwoo's parents find out about them. *sigh*
Isn't it funny how much I've thought by just returning to the waiting area? ~teehee. NO. The studio is just really this huge.
Your POV
Right after Niel Oppa's turn, I noticed that cute guy getting ready from his seat. He stood up next to some guy. He'd be  introducing himself after three guys. I watched him carefully not to get caught. haha. I really think he's cute. And then it was his turn. "Annyeng haseyo! I'm Jo Youngmin. A senior student..." that was all I could understand since everyone around me was murmuring how cute he was and the like. I was kind of pissed off not to get much information about him. But I just shook it off and got readfy for the final walk. After that, one of the judges took the mic and said that they shall be sending messages to our school coordinators to inform them who among us qualified for the actual pageant. That was when reality hit me again. O yea. the pageant. *sigh*
There! An update! haha. I hink it's boring but that's all I've got for now :( Please leave your comments. And tell me what I must do to improve the story :D Kamsahamnida! Saranghaeyo! :3 ~Ppyong!
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Chapter 26: I totally understand Lime... :'( This chapter is so great!! :D Feeling of true love and pain..
Chapter 25: Its been a long time :)) Sorry, too busy with life, I cant always read the updates.. However, I really really love this story :)) more updates author-nim :) Hwaiting!!
Chapter 23: haha. That scene is the reason why parents are not allowed to go to the Prom night of their children.. xD Minwoo's mom is such a ruiner.. :P

By the way, I am a Filipina :D
Chapter 23: ^o^/ I'm a Filipina~ and i support your fic! :D fighting author-nim :3
Chapter 22: Ahh~~ so nice^^
Update soon author-nim!!

Love this update :)) as well as the previous updates^^
Chapter 21: I'm a new reader here~ :)
Hi! I just want to say that i really like your story!
fighting author-nim! :D hihi :3

Please update soon! <3

Chapter 20: Oh no.. Minwoo, why can't be a man and stand for your girl... aiisshh.
Chapter 19: Don't think like that. the updates were nice^^

Keep on writing :)
Chapter 15: Lime.. haha. she really admits that Youngmin is cute^^ ahaha