Sleeping habits 7

Sleeping habits
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I always liked 'Rusty nail' but I fell in love with Changmin's version <3333

pfiouuu he's hot in it, isn't he ? By the way, it was a good inspiration for the chapter ~

Sorry again for the late update guys, another story came to my mind and I began to write it so I forgot this chapt >< Hope you'll like it, I tried to make it better than the last one ^^



After the live show they had tonight, they were exhausted but the adrenaline was still flowing into their veins to maintain them awake. When they got in the car, they talked about the performance, the public, the mistakes nobody noticed … Yoochun was the first one to fell asleep.


Yoochun had been a very bad hyung lately, Changmin thought. Teasing and always saying thing he better keep for himself. He needed to get his small revenge with his own teasing session. He stood out from the discussion and waited for the three other to focus on their own stuff. He hated the peaceful and cute face Yoochun usually had when he was sleeping in his bed. But luckily, everybody had weirder face when sleeping in a car.


Silently he took his mobile phone out of his pocket. Already planning to post the photo he will take on their fancafe. It wasn't so bad, still it would be funny. It was the perfect plan to accomplish his revenge.


He raised his arm to adjust the visor when a hand lowered it. He looked at the right and met Jaejoong's eyes.


-No ugly pics of Yoochun when he's sleeping.

-He? Why?

-It's a long story, but we promised we'll never take or let take ugly pics of each other sleeping, Jaejoong explained, his hand still laid on Changmin's.

-Why that ? It's unfair.

-Soulmates deal.


Jaejoong smiled, Changmin pouted. He put back his mobile in his pocket and look in the opposite direction.


-Owww. Jaejoong squirmed on his seat and giggled. Our magnae is vexed.

-Are you laughing at me ? Changmin scowled.

-Not at all.


Jaejoong stopped smiling and tried to put a serious face but his eyes were still amused. If eyes could kill, Jaejoong would be dead under Changmin's glare.


-I can't help it, the eldest whimpered. You look so childish when you pout, it doesn't match your ahjussi features. But it's so cute and lovely, it makes me want to eat you, he added jokingly.


Changmin's heart skipped a beat. It was weird. He heard him say those supposed-to-be-compliment so many times that he can't count. How come today he felt warm with such common word ?


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Bigeast88 #1
Chapter 18: The ending is so sweet!!
kyrakawaii #2
Chapter 18: Woah..thanks for making this
AmyDick #3
Chapter 1: You could be a dead dolphin if Changmin not too tired... What's happening Min for wake up in midnight? I thought u're heavy sleeper
Chapter 18: I knew I would shear a tear but I am actually a crying mess... so cute and angsty perfect combination of both.
Thanks for writing that fic !!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Jaemin somehow slept with each other! !! YEEEEES! !!!! will jae live min too? Need to read more but later. .. tomorrow :) I'm so excited! !! Great fic @.@
Chapter 3: Jaemin and bed.... I choose great fic to read!
Chapter 18: I love the confession so much. But jaejoong was really frustrating at times...
Chapter 11: ttt... and I wanna say the same... wow! What a discussion. I like jm discussion in ur stories
Chapter 10: They kissed.... eekk
Chapter 5: JaeJoong is such a erttt...