Sleeping habits 13

Sleeping habits
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It's a short chapter but sorry I couldn't do more for now or I'd have killed someone xD

Still, enjoy !

Comments are love <3



When the alarm clock resounded in his pillow _ he was always setting his mobile phone in buzzer mode _ Changmin woke up slowly. He breathed deeply and smelled soft effluvia of alcohol. It took it moment to remember where it came from. Then the images of the soft brush from Jaejoong's fingers appear behind his close eyes.


He could still feel it burning his skin and beside him, as if he never left his bed. The night had been filled with his memory, his skin, his kisses and hugs... Changmin didn't know if he slept particularly well or not. Opening his eyes with the reminiscence of those dreams was very pleasant, but in the other hand, he didn't sleep that much in the end.


After a moment he looked on the second bed to see the man still sleeping for once. He stayed there, watching him until he saw the heavy eyes open slowly. It took Jaejoong a moment to realize the situation. He blinked and when his eyes were finally wide open, he watched back at Changmin in front of him, still laid on his bed.


-Hi~ Changmin whispered softly with a smile.

-Hi, Jaejoong answered back, still with his sleepy voice.


They didn't say more nor move, not wanting to break the sweet bubble they created around them. They did remember each event, each moment, and everything that made things awkward between them. But barely awake, as they looked each other, they couldn't care less about all those things. They just wanted to enjoy the quiet moment they had the chance to share right now.


-You're cute when you just wake up, Jaejoong said as he smiled from the sigh of Changmin's messy hair.

-You're always cute, Changmin said back, feeling bold on the morning.


Jaejoong chuckled and Changmin did the same, just because it felt comfortable. They heard noises downstairs and Jaejoong turned toward the clock.


-We have to get up, he said.

-We have to, Changmin agreed.

-Let's go, Jaejoong whispered as he stands up.


Changmin skilfully caught his wrist and prevent him walking away. Jaejoong watched him surprised and sent him a wondering gaze.


-Let's stay a bit more.


Jaejoong's lips stretched and he sat back on his bed. Changmin pushed the covert and sat on his own bed, in front of Jaejoong. His knees facing his, few centimetres apart.

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Bigeast88 #1
Chapter 18: The ending is so sweet!!
kyrakawaii #2
Chapter 18: Woah..thanks for making this
AmyDick #3
Chapter 1: You could be a dead dolphin if Changmin not too tired... What's happening Min for wake up in midnight? I thought u're heavy sleeper
Chapter 18: I knew I would shear a tear but I am actually a crying mess... so cute and angsty perfect combination of both.
Thanks for writing that fic !!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Jaemin somehow slept with each other! !! YEEEEES! !!!! will jae live min too? Need to read more but later. .. tomorrow :) I'm so excited! !! Great fic @.@
Chapter 3: Jaemin and bed.... I choose great fic to read!
Chapter 18: I love the confession so much. But jaejoong was really frustrating at times...
Chapter 11: ttt... and I wanna say the same... wow! What a discussion. I like jm discussion in ur stories
Chapter 10: They kissed.... eekk
Chapter 5: JaeJoong is such a erttt...