Sleeping habits 6

Sleeping habits
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Sorry people for being late, I went home to see my family for Easter and didn't have time to update. But I come back, nothing much happen in the chapt and I didn't even check the mistakes ^^' yurue kudasai ne ~ The next chapter will be better... I'll try to at least Xd

By the way, Happy Easter ~ I want comments as present :p



When his alarm clock rung on the morning, Changmin just wanted to sleep again. Why was the day so long and the night so short? He thought. They had a TV show and couldn't stay much longer, the other were probably thinking the same.


If he didn't wake up during the night nor looked at the sleeping Jaejoong in the bed beside him, he still spent a lot of time thinking. And everybody could say whatever they want, Changmin was convinced that deep thinking was one of the worst thing ever when you need to sleep.


Like a zombie he stepped out the blanket and sat on the bed. He couldn't refrain himself and his eyes laid on Jaejoong. Balled-up in his bed, he looked peaceful. It was a rather normal way to sleep and Changmin wondered what did he dreamt about. Pulling the question away, he dragged himself until the bathroom, meeting Junsu and Yoochun on the way.


-You look like a panda Changmin. You shouldn't watch those special videos too late, their dolphin laughed, already dressed.

-He's right, your face is terrible. Noona won't be happy, she'll need to use all her make up on you, Yoochun added.


They both laughed and he grumbled, his hand messing up his already chaotic hair. YooSu laughed even more at the sight and he quickly entered the bathroom, closing loudly the door behind him.


At the same time, Jaejoong woke up too and met the too laughing boys. Still a bit sleepy, he followed them downstairs when they told him the bathroom was already used. He slowly emerged while Junsu and Yunho were already busy talking about the performance, clothes on and hair done.


Yoochun smiled when he saw Jaejoong patting his cheeks to try awaken.


-Did you sleep well Jae ?

-Very well, why ?

-You look like you have hard time waking up. And Changmin looks awful today, so I better ask. I don't know what happen in your room...


Jaejoong didn't notice the teasing tone and not-so-innocent hint from Yoochun. He frowned, visibly worried.


-He's tired, isn't he ? Last week he looked better, but now again he doesn't look well.

-You're right, Yoochun nodded, pensive.


The elder sighed and looked down.


-It wasn't that much of a good idea to change room after all.

-What ? Of course it was a fantastic idea ! Yoochun exclaimed. It was mine, he added proudly.

-Chun~ I'm being serious here ! Jaejoong scolded.

-So I am, he stated, smiling.


But his smile fell quickly and he lowered his head in guilt when he met the killer glare his friend sent him.


-I should talk to him, I'll suggest to change again if he needs it.

-Jaejoong, I know you're worried, but I'm pretty sure there's nothing to worry about.

-Nothing ?! Didn't you tell it yourself ? He's exhausted, that since I moved in. Lately he also barely talks with me. He's probably ashamed to tell me how uncomfortable it is to stay in t

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Bigeast88 #1
Chapter 18: The ending is so sweet!!
kyrakawaii #2
Chapter 18: Woah..thanks for making this
AmyDick #3
Chapter 1: You could be a dead dolphin if Changmin not too tired... What's happening Min for wake up in midnight? I thought u're heavy sleeper
Chapter 18: I knew I would shear a tear but I am actually a crying mess... so cute and angsty perfect combination of both.
Thanks for writing that fic !!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Jaemin somehow slept with each other! !! YEEEEES! !!!! will jae live min too? Need to read more but later. .. tomorrow :) I'm so excited! !! Great fic @.@
Chapter 3: Jaemin and bed.... I choose great fic to read!
Chapter 18: I love the confession so much. But jaejoong was really frustrating at times...
Chapter 11: ttt... and I wanna say the same... wow! What a discussion. I like jm discussion in ur stories
Chapter 10: They kissed.... eekk
Chapter 5: JaeJoong is such a erttt...