Sleeping habits 16

Sleeping habits
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Hello people ~~

This is the almost-last chapter ! Actually it was the last chapter, but the end I wanted couldn't fit in it, so you'll have a epilogue-last chapter, if you want it of course ^p^

Thanks for your support, especially to my faithful reader-reviewer !

comments are love <3

Enjoy !


Jaejoong's night had been quiet and restful. He never felt so relax in what seems like years... or maybe he really didn't feel that relax since years. Recharged and agreeably warmed. The cover had slipped a bit but he couldn't feel the cold. He didn't have to think much about it. He recognized the feeling of a tight embrace pretty well and would recognize this familiar smell any time.


Changmin's smell and his strong arms locked around his body. He almost thought he was still lost in some lovely dream, but he knew he was not. This made the situation way weirder. Why was Changmin by his side in what seem to be his bed after the cold exchanges they had the day before. Well if this was his bed... maybe he had been moving again, he thought.


Hesitantly, Jaejoong opened one eye, then the other. The first thing he saw was Changmin's neck and chin. It felt weird but it was also pleasant. He liked the lines of his face. When sleeping, Changmin's head fell a bit on the right, keeping Jaejoong's under his chin in a protective way.


He tried to look around and shifted a bit. It was indeed his bed. Meaning he wasn't the one who moved. He wondered why Changmin was sharing it with him. That was the most improbable thing that could have happened right now.


He didn't think further since Changmin's clasp tightened, preventing him from moving more. Jaejoong didn't struggle. The idea didn't even cross his mind. Instead he put back his head next to Changmin's and rested his cheek against the bare skin of his chest. He closed back his eyes and tried to forget everything to focus on the sensations.


His legs tangled on his own, they were as close as possible. On his hair, he appreciated with amusement Changmin's breath shake some locks. Slowly, few images of a trap, dark alley and Changmin leaving him came to his mind and he remembered. A nightmare. Probably had he disturbed Changmin sleep. Even though they weren't in best terms since their argument, he could tell Changmin came to reassure him. Even if he was hurt because of him, Changmin still came for his sake.


Right now, in this embrace he caught a different world. He felt good, he felt cared, he felt... loved.


Changmin loved him. Changmin Loved him.


The words kept ringing in his mind. The realisation came as if he only caught their full meaning. Was it really like that, being truly loved ? He never doubted Changmin's declaration, but he couldn't trust it fully either. He had never been Loved. He knew family love, friend love, fan love, crush love... but not the love Changmin was talking about. Instead, now he could feel it. It seemed almost to powerful to catch.


A phone vibrated and stopped soon after. The body against his moved and Jaejoong wondered if Changmin woke up or not. He didn't dare open his eyes. He didn't even know if he wanted him to wake up or not. For a while he didn't hear anything nor felt him move. Then, the arm under his neck slid and fingers tangled in his hair to his head gently.


-You're beautiful, Changmin whispered, his voice still husky from sleep. And so peaceful.


He kept petting his head and Jaejoong could almost see Changmin's smile behind his closed eyelids.


-It would be bad if I take advantage of you when you're defenceless, wouldn't it ? Changmin chuckled sadly to himself. I won't, don't worry.


Jaejoong's heart ran faster but he didn't move an inch. For sure Changmin expected him to be asleep. The only thing he had to do was open his eyes. But what would he do then ? Ask Changmin for a kiss ? Act as if nothing happened, as if everything was normal ? He knew he couldn't. Instead, he just tried to control his breath and hoped he could slow his heartbeat.


Changmin's lips lend on his hair and Jaejoong definitely decided it was better not to indicate he was not sleeping. He knew that if he did, Changmin wouldn't act the same. He certainly wouldn't have acted this way if he had known Jaejoong was awake. If only keeping his eyes close could make this instant longer, then he was determined to do it as long as he could.


And during few minutes, he did. Listening Changmin's regular heartbeats as a lullaby. Enjoying his touch. Until the moment that, almost falling asleep again, he heard Changmin sigh before he felt his get away.


-Never thought you can be sleeping that much, Changmin said again as he left the bed.


Jaejoong felt cold suddenly. Not because it was really cold since it was not, but because during the night he accustomed to this warm and comforting feeling. He opened his eyes, reading to prevent him from leaving but the door was already closing behind him.

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ending soon~~


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Bigeast88 #1
Chapter 18: The ending is so sweet!!
kyrakawaii #2
Chapter 18: Woah..thanks for making this
AmyDick #3
Chapter 1: You could be a dead dolphin if Changmin not too tired... What's happening Min for wake up in midnight? I thought u're heavy sleeper
Chapter 18: I knew I would shear a tear but I am actually a crying mess... so cute and angsty perfect combination of both.
Thanks for writing that fic !!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Jaemin somehow slept with each other! !! YEEEEES! !!!! will jae live min too? Need to read more but later. .. tomorrow :) I'm so excited! !! Great fic @.@
Chapter 3: Jaemin and bed.... I choose great fic to read!
Chapter 18: I love the confession so much. But jaejoong was really frustrating at times...
Chapter 11: ttt... and I wanna say the same... wow! What a discussion. I like jm discussion in ur stories
Chapter 10: They kissed.... eekk
Chapter 5: JaeJoong is such a erttt...