Sleeping habits 5

Sleeping habits
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After the episode he called “Jaejoong's dangerous dream”, Changmin had been thinking about it again and again, unwillingly, of course.


He had been shocked but it didn't take him a long time to understand what really happened. For a while he almost _almost only_ thought that he was involved in his dream. But he understood that in fact Jaejoong was … ing.


Wow, he was nearly melting. Just the thought of the word was killing him.


Jaejoong was actually … ouch, really, he couldn't keep his mind clear as he knew this. When Yoochun mentioned the unexpected dreams the older occasionally have, he thought about many thing, and even the possibility of things, but he never imagined it could be so … advanced.


But also why … why did he have to wake up to witness the scene? Why did he have to see him ? Why did he have to say his name ? Couldn't he call Yoochun's name instead of him ? Yoochun was way more annoying than him and it was more like him to disturb someone during a … private moment.


-Changmin are you okay ? Yunho asked.

-Ha ? Ye … I'm fine.

-I wonder what Junsu is doing. There's hour that he went in the bathroom


He sighed, he shouldn't think too much about it.


Then the realisation hit him when he heard Yunho. How could he be so stupid ? Of course he should have noticed before. It wasn't long time ago yet, how did he forget ? Naturally it was so ordinary that he didn't have any reason to consider it, but after all this time thinking over and over again the words he heard in the night, he should have made the link, he should have remembered … that the scene actually happened.


A bit more than one week ago, he did knock at the bathroom door when Jaejoong was in. when he didn't receive any answer, he entered and Jaejoong did say those words “I... you... Let hyung alone okay ? You'll shower later.” he even heard him beg to go out, but at the moment he didn't think much about it. He just sighed and left the bathroom, vexed to see his plans change.


The two sentences really sounded completely different when he heard it during the night, followed by Jaejoong's moans …


There, he was picturing the scene again. Won't he forget it one day ? It began to be a bit painful. Each time those short minutes were playing in his mind, he felt like everything was wrong.

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Bigeast88 #1
Chapter 18: The ending is so sweet!!
kyrakawaii #2
Chapter 18: Woah..thanks for making this
AmyDick #3
Chapter 1: You could be a dead dolphin if Changmin not too tired... What's happening Min for wake up in midnight? I thought u're heavy sleeper
Chapter 18: I knew I would shear a tear but I am actually a crying mess... so cute and angsty perfect combination of both.
Thanks for writing that fic !!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Jaemin somehow slept with each other! !! YEEEEES! !!!! will jae live min too? Need to read more but later. .. tomorrow :) I'm so excited! !! Great fic @.@
Chapter 3: Jaemin and bed.... I choose great fic to read!
Chapter 18: I love the confession so much. But jaejoong was really frustrating at times...
Chapter 11: ttt... and I wanna say the same... wow! What a discussion. I like jm discussion in ur stories
Chapter 10: They kissed.... eekk
Chapter 5: JaeJoong is such a erttt...