Sleeping habits 11

Sleeping habits
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Sorry people I took a really long time ne ? Forgive me. I couldn't manage to write it, dunno why.

But it was sunny today and inspiration came ! Now it's done ! *cheeeeers*
I tried to make it a little longer, because it had been such long time >_> sorry if it's boring ne ~

Thanks to Yunjaemania and Randomcassie who kept reminding me about it ^^

Enjoy <3

Comments are love ^^


The next day, Changmin woke up in his bed without anyone beside him. The fact was not particularly weird since it was time to get ready but still, he felt strangely uncomfortable. During the night, he dreamt about a lot of things. Dream-mess like he was used to, except for the part picturing Jaejoong. He didn't remember it fully, but the feeling of uneasiness was still here. He wondered why since it didn't look that terrible. When he looked again at the empty place next to him he knew it won't disappear so easily.


Something was wrong, for sure.


He straightened a bit and tilted his head. His hand went on the not so warm part of the sheet and rested there. As if he tried to be sure there had been someone by his side during the night. The bed was messier than when he was alone and he guessed pretty well that Jaejoong leaving few time ago already. Feeling something pitching his heart, he sighed and fell back on the mattress.


Last night, as he was completely lost in his desire, he also understood better his feelings for Jaejoong. Now, he could say freely and without doubts that it was love.


The word made his heart fasten a bit. It was awkward to admit it but in the other hand, it was pleasant. He felt a bit relieved to be able to put a word on the growing feeling he had kept silent for a long time. He hadn't to think any more about the nature of the feeling neither.


He sat on the verge of his bed, put his arm on his kneels and rested his head on his hands. The first question was 'resolved'. He always thought it was the most difficult part, but it wasn't. He knew there was a lot more to wonder about.


Now the next question was 'should he say it' ? With the events during the night between him and Jaejoong, he supposed they had some kind of link between them. But should he call it relationship? It was the actual main problem. He didn't know what to think about it. Jaejoong had never been the type of guy to express easily his feeling in spite of being able to express so easily his thoughts. Contradictory but so much like Jaejoong.


That's why he couldn't tell if it was Jaejoong's way to express some feelings or if he was imagining it. Maybe was he just asking for attention. Or maybe it was a sudden urge. Couldn't Jaejoong be a bit more readable ? It would be easier for him. He laughed to his own idea. It was so not like him. The realisation was truly crashing his mind, he thought.


Even with the not-so-easy situation they were in now, he wasn't regretting anything, more like the contrary. But he scowled himself for not being able to at least ask Jaejoong the meaning of his act Before letting himself trapped in his hands. He sighed again. No need for speculation. If he wanted to be sure, then he still had a lot of time to ask his hyung. Wait... could he still call him hyung ? It would be weird, wouldn't it ? After all they did have some ual relationship. What kind of hyung-dongsaeng do something like that ? No definitely, it wasn't just hyung any more. It wasn't as if they could be all like before since now.


Brushing the thought away, he decided not to think too much at see what would come up for now. After a while he finally gathered his energy and stood up. He put on a shirt and loose pants and went out to head to the living room. He couldn't find anyone there like he usually does at such time. Instead he heard people talking in the kitchen. Dragging his feet, he followed the noises and looked at the scene from the door's frame.


In front of him, pressed against the counter with arms crossed onto his chest, he found Jaejoong happily talking with Yunho and Junsu. Well happily, more or less since it looked like the older was scolding them even though they didn't seem too intimidated.


-You guys should eat you know. It's bad for your health! I know you both skipped eating yesterday, I won't allow it! You understand ?


Both men looked up and rolled their eyes. Jaejoong was pretty tiring with those matters sometimes. The older dragged them to the table and made them sit. He pointed his finger toward to warn them they better not run away and he put two bowls full of rice and two others with soup in front.


-Now eat.


Both smiled and looked and each other, then gazed the older. Jaejoong frowned.


-Don't look at me this way. Eat!

-Jaejoong... you're way too dynamic for us to

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ending soon~~


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Bigeast88 #1
Chapter 18: The ending is so sweet!!
kyrakawaii #2
Chapter 18: Woah..thanks for making this
AmyDick #3
Chapter 1: You could be a dead dolphin if Changmin not too tired... What's happening Min for wake up in midnight? I thought u're heavy sleeper
Chapter 18: I knew I would shear a tear but I am actually a crying mess... so cute and angsty perfect combination of both.
Thanks for writing that fic !!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Jaemin somehow slept with each other! !! YEEEEES! !!!! will jae live min too? Need to read more but later. .. tomorrow :) I'm so excited! !! Great fic @.@
Chapter 3: Jaemin and bed.... I choose great fic to read!
Chapter 18: I love the confession so much. But jaejoong was really frustrating at times...
Chapter 11: ttt... and I wanna say the same... wow! What a discussion. I like jm discussion in ur stories
Chapter 10: They kissed.... eekk
Chapter 5: JaeJoong is such a erttt...