
Playing with a Dragon's Heart

"Where have you been?" his annoying uncle asked him as he standed just above the beggar-blood. He glared when his eyes landed just infront of his feet, where Chaerin was.

"None of your ty business." he simply but rudely answered in which Hyun Suk sighed of. He can never get a grip on his nephew.

Chaerin felt like not butting in so she took time to observe their new company. His cheeks were bruised and cut. His eyes looked tired as hell, the bags under them didn't go unnoticed. His lips were also cut. His whole face was dirty. She wondered why his state suddenly became like this.

"Did you help some people?" she asked, gasping when the question was supposed to be in her head.

"Did your big head of nothing hit something? Of course not." he answered. His glare runned a shiver to her spine but she managed to keep her composure.

"Then what exactly are you doing inside, Kwon?" she asked again, obviously not backing out in the argument.

"Got this." he held up his gun that was confiscated when he was caught. "Now off, Lee and mind your own ."

Chaerin gaped. That? A gun? He risked his life saving a thing that she loathes? This man seriously needs mentally medical help.

She hadn't realise that she was standing until her boss held her shoulder.

"Jiyong." Hyun Suk warned. "Is that really it?"

"I don't care if you believe or not, just off my sight." he replied to both of them. He caressed his gun with love and admiration while Chaerin looked at it with pure hate and disgust. Not that she totally detest the item, it just reminded her again of her dying mother.

Jiyong looked up again, bored expression lingered in his face.

"So, boring people, what the is it that you want from me that you're so obsessed with locking me up?"

"You know the reason, Jiyong-ah." Hyun Suk answered and he turned around when the head of some department that Chaerin forgot approached him. The man looked hideous, although Chaerin scolded her mind for even thinking like that. But it was true even if the man doesn't have dirt in his face. With his mole as big as a fly grew in his chin, hairs growing out of it. His trillion freckles mingled with equally trillion pimples. His hair was orange and messy, oily to be exact. His teeth colored by the colour yellow. She considered being friends with him, as she isn't a type of person who judges a person on the outside, but his attitude is as ugly as his physical look.

"Chaerin-ah, can you stay here for a while and send people to either a hospital or their homes? I'll go to our Bucheon branch and if you want, you'll just go follow there?" Hyun Suk turned to them again.

"Of course, sir." she answered almost immediately.

"And you come with me." he told his nephew and handcuffed him.

"WHAT THE ?" Jiyong hissed when he felt something on his wrist. He killed his uncle in his mind.

Both men walked, Hyun Suk actually did and Jiyong just trashed around, to Hyun Suk's car and drove off after such an effort to get the younger one inside.

Chaerin sighed tiredly, careful not to rub her eyes, and looked at her wrist watch.

5:16 pm.

She never felt this tired before and she felt fainting right there on the spot but she still had work to do. Her legs were going back and fourth from being numb and alive. Her head spinning, the image of the fire still flashing. She felt like dying but she thought that more people experienced worse than her.

She looked up the violet sky and thanked God for that she was still breathing.


Jiyong was just quiet and just staring outside the window and it scared Hyun Suk.

He preferred a more violent Jiyong that this. It's like he's so confident that he'll escape him so he pressed his fingers more on the lock of the doors.

He sighed. This was the first time he was alone with his nephew again after their first encounter and he never felt so awkward before. He wanted to question him but the look on his nephew's face told him to wait.

He remembered when he felt so proud when Jiyong got a medal, even if it's a second place. When he felt so confident that he'll be like him. When he felt responsible when Seon Woong died, reminding him to look after his son. When he felt that he actually had a son.

He also remembered the times when he cries himself to sleep whenever he stared at the picture where both of them were happy and contented. He still kept the picture in his wallet. That served as his inspiration.

He began working as a police, determined to look for his missing son who he thought was kidnapped, until he was promoted to where he is now.

When he began his work as a police, he never thought that the first criminal he will caught is actually his son and he felt terrified. He watched with terror as the young child was sentenced to a rehab and when Jiyong escaped, Hyun Suk was left shattered.

He had hoped too much.

He looked again at his nephew who didn't even moved an inch, a tear rolled on his wrinkled cheek. Jiyong had grown so much that that also scared him. Because Jiyong had grown into something he didn't like.

"How are you, Jiyong?" he choked out.

"Like a ." Jiyong boredly answered.

"I'm sorry for hitting you"

Jiyong finally turned to him, his smirk was once again in his face.

"I've gone worse."

Hyun Suk cringed when his imagination decided to play with him. He imagined all the things that his nephew had gone through. He noticed the scar in his eyebrow.

"Where did you get that?" he pointed to it.

"Why do you care?" Jiyong spat.

"I do, Jiyong-ah. You know I do. I never stopped." his fatherly tone coming back.

Jiyong rolled his eyes. "Stop treating me like I'm your son, Hyun Suk.' he growled.

Hyun Suk stiffened in the way he addressed him. He was always okay when some people call him by his name alone but with Jiyong saying his name with disgust, he felt little.

"I do since before." he instead replied.

"I'm not your son."

"But I trea-"

"You don't have a ing right."

That shutted Hyun Suk up.

Jiyong's correct. He doesn't have a right at all.


They arrive in NPDA, Bucheon branch, with a heavy atmosphere. It was so heavy that Hyun Suk hancuffed their wrist together again with a down and slumped shoulders.

The building was smaller than the main one but it still holds the same authorative atmosphere.

All of the workers there looked worn out when Hyun Suk and Jiyong went in. Jiyong had to stopped himself from rolling his eyes.

"Sir!" a familiar voice shouted. A woman, around in late 20s, came running to the newly arrived. Her fire red hair getting Jiyong's attention. She was wearing a short office dress, showing off her meaty and billion dollar legs. Jiyong was positive that their new companion isn't aware of her asset.

"Bom." Hyun Suk smiled.

"Sir! Are you alright?" she asked, ignoring Jiyong who raised his eyebrow. Something about her voice sounded so familiar. He leaned back to study the woman more. Her eyes were like those of Puss in Boots'. Her lips were pouty and red. Her nose was sharp and pointed. She was beautiful but her aura looked like she was old.

Bom is, actually. Already in her 27's, engaged to a man she didn't even met once up to now. But despite her age, her face looked so young that it can fool anyone.

The name of the woman ringed a bell -no, dozens of bell actually- but her information was in his tongue but he can't recall it.

Bom. Bom. Bom.

 "Jiyong." he waked up from his thoughts when the man he was handcuffed with called.

"What?" he asked annoyingly. Ever since the talk they had back in the suffocating car, Jiyong was annoyed more with his uncle.

"This is Bom. Bom, this is Jiyong."

Bom raised her brows in surprise.

"Jiyong? As in the Kwon Jiyong?" she asked with struck. She had only saw him once in the tv news before because she never liked news, and she only watched the said episode when her bestfriend, Chaerin, forced her to.

Jiyong smirked. "I never knew my famousness reached your ty association." he said cockily, winking at Bom in process.

Bom shivered, she only saw him once but the news she watched plus the rumors that surrounded him and reached her ears made her fear the man that was bounded to her boss.

Hyun Suk only sighed with tiredness and called his secretary once again, "Bom."

Bom looked at him.

"Can you make me the usual coffee, please?"

She nodded and smiled.

"And you, Jiyong?"

"No ing thanks."

Bom cringed at his choice of words. She never liked cursing either and she vowed to her life that she will only understand Chaerin when the latter always curses.

She smiled once again before disappearing into the office kitchen.

Hyun Suk pulled him once again into the elevator. He pressed the 7th floor button.

Hyun Suk can literally feel the awkwardness inside the clogged room while Jiyong fixes his blonde hair.

When the familiar sound dinged, he pulled his wrist again. He walked in the long hallway wondering why his companion isn't doing anything to escape. Another thing that he was scared of. Yes. He really preferred defense and violence from Jiyong instead of the confidence he can also literally feel from his nephew.

Jiyong studied the long hallway. It was nothing but a plain way but the thing that serves as a wall on either of his sides were glass and he tried looking down from them but he can't reach it. The hallway was boringly long for Jiyong and he grumpily followed his uncle on the straight way. Not even a lefts or rights.

They arrived at a white door.

White always made Jiyong sleepy because for him, it's simply the most boring color ever. He yawned loudly, making sure the man in front can hear. . He suddenly remembered that he didn't get any sleep since 4 am of February 14th and today was just the 15th. 39 ing hours without sleep and he's a ing sleepy head. Injured and bruised. Emotionally wrecked. He silently praised himself for being alive.


An hour passed when they heard a knock on the white boring door.

"Come in" Hyun Suk told the visitor.

Chaerin's tired face and body entered the office. Jiyong held a brow up as she sat down across him. He felt insulting her but backed out when he saw how drained she is. He thought he'll embarass himself when he talks and she won't answer.

ing filthy scum.

"Chaerin, why did you still come? You're worn out already, dear." he heard his uncle said softly. Jiyong scoffed and he didn't fail to catch the roll of the woman's eyes. She had heard his scoff and he smirked.

"I felt like you had something to tell me so here I am." she said, sitting up straight.

"Did you go to the hospital?"

"Yeah. I did. Daesung and Seungri came actually."

Daesung and Seungri? The two gays came?

"Them? They're still alive?" he asked coldly, his dark brown eyes glaring at her light ones.

"Of course." she scoffed.

"I honestly thought that they'll end up on their grave by tripping on themselves. Considering those two were two of the most stupidiest people on the earth. I bet they're first and second place. Seungri on top." he explained himself.

Chaerin only glared, accepting the fact that when she fights back, the remaining enegry left on her will drain. He's not worth your energy, she reminded herself.

"You should rest, Chaerin. Take a day off tomorro-"

"What is it that you want to talk about, sir?" she asked instead. She hated taking day offs.

"Jiyong, can you go to that corner over there?" Hyun Suk pointed to the farthest corner of the big office.

Jiyong looked but stubborly said, "No."

"Fine, Ms Lee?" he stood up followed by the woman and they walked away from Jiyong who rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Why I am even stuck to this disgusting place?

"What is it, sir?" she asked as quitely as she can.

Hyun Suk didn't answer thought but he kept a disturbed face while staring at the flames in the fireplace.

He sighed finally and looked at his most trusted employee. He studied her curious face before heaving a sigh again.

"i have a request for you, Ms Lee."

She perked up in interest as she listened more to the silence that followed.

"Can..Can Jiyong live with you for a while?" and then within seconds, she can hear her ears shattering.




Comment and Subscribed pleaseeee:"""> Thanks a lot to those who did. I appreciated it, promise:""""> AND PLEASEE POINT OUT MY FLAWWWS.

Most importantly, you guys enjoy, okieees? LOVE YOUUUU:***


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blackwonderer #1
Chapter 17: Omg it's been too long for your break author nim, now i'm not sure if u will ever comeback to this story T.T this is great n skydragon just sailing at chapter 15... Please comeback n don't hang me...
hyeonjin24 #2
Chapter 17: Omg! Authornim, this story is amazingly good..really good. *two thumbs up* Am glad you did not leave Kpop forever. ㅋㅋ I've been in same situation like you. Like I literally STOPPED looking up things, reading articles & watching videos related to kpop, because I was senior in HS that time, and I need to focus on my studies plus I'm also involved in a lot of activities in school.

Anyways, please update soon. My SkyDragon heart is patiently waiting for your update/comeback ㅋㅋㅋ

Fighting! ^^
blackwonderer #3
Chapter 17: Oh please update they just got heated up... A little more... Jahahaha oh my god why does this pairing always sounds y???!
blackwonderer #4
Chapter 12: Kyaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: update please....the history is amazing
Chapter 17: ACTUALLY ITS ALREADY GOOD!! ITS AMAZINGLY GOOD >><< you dont have to change/edit anything. kkk but well.. its up to you. im your new reader anw. its awesome. i really like the plot. its not that rush but also not that slow. like it!!!
HeoMinHee #7
Chapter 17: Please go on with this plot,is amazing!
mahida #8
Just read the whole story! You have to keep going with it!
NappeunGZB27 #9
Chapter 17: I'm a new reader.
And this story is hella interesting,

you must continue this!! ^^
Chapter 17: Whoo! I'm excited that you are back. I can't wait to read this again. :D