
Playing with a Dragon's Heart

Panicking wasn't really Chaerin's choice of feeling. It reminds her of all the bitter memories she had stored in the deepest of her mind and she was determined that it only will only be remembered on May 4 on every single year. The day her mother died.

She tightened her grip on the thing she was holding on and pushed back the tears that were threatening to spill and it wasn't even the 4th of May, but the pain and the panicked feeling she felt rushed to her again.

"OW! ing scum!" she heard a voice of pain and her head snapped to her right, where her 'companion' was.

She glared and tighten her hold once more, making sure she left mark, before disgustingly throwing his wrist away.

Her eyes played with the fire that was in front of her. The flames engulfed the building too quickly and people were screaming for their lives. All she can do was watch and she was frustrated with it.

Her orbs changed direction and it landed on the people that came out panicking, one of them was the family that was visiting one of the prisoners before the chaos started. The father, as Chaerin concluded, was hugging an equally old woman as she cradle their son's head which was bleeding on the right side. She found herself running to her car just across the street and quickly took out the first aid kit she always tagged along.

She ran back to the family and they looked at her with eyes she remembered she had when her mother was dying. She gave them an assuring smile and muttered a, "It'll be fine".

The parents understood what she was doing and immediately gave their son to her.

She might be a talented lawyer but she was a nurse too.

She stared at the man's cheek which was stabbed with a glass shard and it was still there. She quickly pulled the fragile thing out of him and he moaned loudly in pain. She did what was needed to do. She cleaned the wound and quickly blocked the blood that was still fighting to flow out with a patch. That stopped the blood from flowing out more.

"There. I need you too get out of this place and bring him quickly to a hospital." she softly but abruptly told them.

"Thank you. Thank you so much, Ms Chaerin. We owe you." and with that they carried the man out of her sight.

She looked around again and everyone was panicking. She needed to do something now. She took out her cellphone to call the firestation.

"Hello?" a grouchy voiced answered.


"I'm sorry, Miss. But none of the firetrucks are available at this moment." he answered with a bored voice. She widened her eyes at his rudeness.

"WHAT?! EXCUSE ME, BUT WE REALLY NEED A WATER HERE!" she screamed when a part of the building collapsed in front of her. "NOW!"

"I'll call the other station for help." he said and hunged up. She threw her cellphone because of her anger. What has the world become? "!" she screamed.

Her eyes wander around but nothing had changed. Everybody was still panicking and many are still inside the collapsing building.

She stood up.

"HEY! WE NEED WATER TO KILL THE FIRE! YOU HEAR ME? WE NEED WATER! A FIRETRUCK WON'T POSSIBLY COME SO WE NEED TO KILL IT OURSELVES!" she screamed despite her little voice. She saw a handful of people that were agreeing with her and running of to find water but she also saw people who just stared at her, probably thinking that their defender was becoming lunatic to think that they can even save the building.

She too ran off to find a container that can possibly handle water. She found a big metal bowl, probably from their clinic, and she ran towards the river that was just across the burning office. She dipped the bowl in the water and filled it. She ran back again to throw it in the main entrance of the door, where she can see people trying to get out. She observed how the fire danced when they were wet, slowly dying it down. Soon the door was free and more people came out. Some were injured and bloody.

She repeated what she've done a while ago, running back and fourth, until it was her 19th time to ran. She was panting like she was dying. She was exhausted and deadly tired. She couldn't even feel her feet anymore.

She collapsed on the floor after her 19th water. She watched the fire die down a bit but they were roaring again and again. Her eyes wandered again to the people who were also collapsing due to tiredness. She suddenly felt guilty for making them fight with her.

Maybe she couldn't save this one now. Maybe she hoped too much.

The tears were already pouring out of her eyes. She couldn't do anything and she absolutely hate it.

She spend almost half of her life in NPDA (National Police and Detective Association). She learned everything she knew from there. It spared her her life and now she couldn't even do something to save it and the people behind her success and intelligence.

She was broke out of her thoughts when a familiar sound echoed in her ears.

The firetruck did came and she sighed in relief. Almost everyone did.

The firemen did their job and within minutes, the fired had calmed and hid from the people's eyes.

Chaerin stood up once again when she felt her feet twitched with pain. She saw the people running to hug her and thank her. She only smiled when she can't speak, feeling bad when she has to thank them more instead. They had listened to her and save people's lives.

Her eyes wandered to look for her boss and he found him sitting at the bottom of the destroyed stairs, a troubled look from his aging face. He has bruises all over his face and his clothing was ripped. He looked distant and was obviously thinking of something.

She made her way to him when her colleagues had stopped talking to her.

"Sir," she started with a broken voice. "Are you alright, sir?" she asked her fatherly boss.

He smiled when he looked up, nodding at her question. "I was looking for you to ask you the same question. Are you alright, Chaerin-ah?"

"Yes." she breathe as she sat down on his left.

They were quiet for a while, observing the people who were mourning and crying for the people that was lost.

"I heard you saved NPDA, Ms Lee. I am so proud." he said with a proud voice and a proud smile.

"I didn't, sir. I only tried. They did, though."  she told him with a humble voice and she nodded at her the people who had helped her.

"But still. You have proven that you're worth your title once again." he said firmly, that fatherly smile in his face appeared once again.

"Thank you, sir." she simply said.

They were quiet again until...

"They wanted him, Chaerin-ah." his worried voice made her snapped her head to him.

"They? Him? Who exactly?"

"They; Lucky Se7en. Him; Jiyong." he stated. "You do know that my younger brother is the head of that mafia, isn't it? And Jiyong...they wanted to take Jiyong."

Her eyes widened when she thought of something.

"They...They were the ones who did this to NPDA?" she asked fast.

"Yes." he breathed.

"And they did this only to take Jiyong?"



She knew that Lucky Se7en was the strongest mafia in South Korea and possibly, in the whole world. But she never thought they will do this to NPDA. Their head, Dong Wook, was once a part of the association and it also served as a home to him until bad things blinded him. Plus, she knew he was afraid of NPDA. As far as she knew, it was his only weakness.

Her mind shifted to Jiyong. Jiyong was Hyun Suk's nephew. Dong Wook is a brother of Hyun Suk. Meaning Jiyong is Dong Wook's nephew too.

"What did they want to take Jiyong? I mean, that git's only a nephew of Se7en's. Not a son."

"They said Dong Wook assigned Jiyong to be next leader of the group as he was the only son of our other brother, Seon Woong."

Chaerin bit her lip in anxiousness. Everything about Jiyong's life is ed up. Not that she minded though. She silently scolded herself for even thinking about the prat.

She panicked once again when a thought crossed her mind. Where the hell is he?

"Speaking of Jiyong, Chaerin, where is he?" Hyun Suk asked her and she felt her heartbeat increase.

"Chaerin?" he asked once again.

She didn't want to answer him, afraid that this will disappoint him. He had assigned to look out for him and she lost his nephew. She bit her lip so hard that she tasted her salty blood.

Where the did she left him again? The last time she saw him was when she helped the family long while ago. What if he died in the fire? What if he escaped and ran away? What if Dong Wook's people found him?

Her eyes widened once more in her last thought. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. and she panicked again.

"Chaerin, where is Ji-"

"I'm here, old man." they heard a cold voice inside the colllapsed building behind them. They turned around and saw Jiyong in a mess. His cheek was cut and it was still bleeding. Chaerin heaved a sigh of relief.

He was alive after all and he was still here.



For those who doesn't know, Seon Woong is Tablo. Dong Wook is SE7EN and Hyun Suk is PAPA YG. okies? Now you know. HAHAHAHA.

Your comments did truly made my day. Couldn't stop smiling when I read them making my friends creep out because of me. HAHA! Can't help it.

Point out the flaws, will you guys? for me? ;)

Comment your reviews in this chappy, pretty please? And subscribe if you liked the idea of the story, aight?



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blackwonderer #1
Chapter 17: Omg it's been too long for your break author nim, now i'm not sure if u will ever comeback to this story T.T this is great n skydragon just sailing at chapter 15... Please comeback n don't hang me...
hyeonjin24 #2
Chapter 17: Omg! Authornim, this story is amazingly good..really good. *two thumbs up* Am glad you did not leave Kpop forever. ㅋㅋ I've been in same situation like you. Like I literally STOPPED looking up things, reading articles & watching videos related to kpop, because I was senior in HS that time, and I need to focus on my studies plus I'm also involved in a lot of activities in school.

Anyways, please update soon. My SkyDragon heart is patiently waiting for your update/comeback ㅋㅋㅋ

Fighting! ^^
blackwonderer #3
Chapter 17: Oh please update they just got heated up... A little more... Jahahaha oh my god why does this pairing always sounds y???!
blackwonderer #4
Chapter 12: Kyaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: update please....the history is amazing
Chapter 17: ACTUALLY ITS ALREADY GOOD!! ITS AMAZINGLY GOOD >><< you dont have to change/edit anything. kkk but well.. its up to you. im your new reader anw. its awesome. i really like the plot. its not that rush but also not that slow. like it!!!
HeoMinHee #7
Chapter 17: Please go on with this plot,is amazing!
mahida #8
Just read the whole story! You have to keep going with it!
NappeunGZB27 #9
Chapter 17: I'm a new reader.
And this story is hella interesting,

you must continue this!! ^^
Chapter 17: Whoo! I'm excited that you are back. I can't wait to read this again. :D