Three words; Eight Letters: I Love You ♥ (Sequel from ♥ Step by Step ♥)

~ Bacon is Jelly

                                         Baekhyun's POV

Where is May? Should I look for her now? Hmm. Okay, I will look for her. I was making my first step to find her when I saw her with Lu Han. What's with Lu Han always sticking himself to May? I smell bad news for this guy.

I looked at them again. And they were smiling at each other. 1 score Lu Han, 0 points Baekhyun. 0 points? I have so many points when it comes to May. I can hug her, touch her, and maybe kiss her, So it's really impossible that I'm have a less of a score than Lu Han.

I'm not enjoying on what I'm seeing. Why does it feels like they known each other for years? They just met and they're smiling widely at each other! May noticed that I was already sending death glares to her and she just smiled. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. That girl will get it from me later.

I stole another glance at May and she was already pouting, maybe because I ignored her smile. It's really fun making fun of her. I was about to approach her when Lu Han sat next to her. I stepped back. Why are they so close?! This can't be happening.

"Baekhyun is jealous!" A familiar deep voice said.

"Shut Up Chanyeol~!"

"Why won't you court my sister already?" Chanyeol said out of the blue, which surprised me.

"Are you serious? I mean all this time you keep on protecting your sister and now you're allowing me to court her?" I said to him.

"Why? You don't want to? Fine. I'll let Lu Han date my sister."

What? No way.

"No. No. No. No. No! Don't let that guy date her!"

"Why are you overreacting? You're worse than Leeteuk hyung."

"You know how much I love your sister."

"Then just confess to her already!"

"I can't. what if she rejects me?"

"What if she doesn't?" Chanyeol said. He has a point but still, I'm afraid of rejection.



The wedding went great. Even if I don't know how Suho hyung and Dara-noona met each other, I can see in their eyes that they really love one another. One day, I will marry May. I will make her the most happy woman in this world. I'm going to make her smile whenever she's sad. I will tuck her in her sleep when she's afraid of thunder. I will take care of her until our skin gets all wrinkly and our hair turns gray.

"Stop staring at my sister like a retard." Chanyeol invaded my thoughts. Seriously? When will this guy stop popping out from nowhere.



We all went to the reception area. It was so fancy. Suho hyung and Dara noona came back from the comfort room to change their clothes imto something more comforatble.




Dara was so fancy. Suho was so lucky. But I'm going to be more luckier when I marry May.

Speaking of May, I was still ignoring her. Well, she hadn't talked to me yet because she was busy flirting with Lu Han. Argh, I'm starting to hate that guy.


A few minutes later, a guy came. This was the first time I saw him, but I think he's related to Suho hyung because they're hugging nonstop.


Who was that guy? I was starting to not care about him when suddenly, I saw him staring at May. His eyeballs were almost to pop out from his sockets. Why is he staring at my girl like that? Don't tell me, he likes May too? Ah! May, I hate you for being so beautiful.


After a few hours, the "real" party started. And when I say real party it means drunk guys! I stole a glance at May and saw she was scared. She still can't forget her past. May has a phobia on drunk men.

I went to where she was, fast. I'm not letting that Lu Han steal another time from me for being with her. I put my arm to her shoulder and said, "I know you're scared, I'm taking you home."



We were walking silently. Suddenly, A kid popped out from nowhere and started crying. What's wrong with him? May approached the kid and patted its back.

"What's wrong little kid?" May asked.

"My ice cream melted," the kid said. Why on earth would someone eat ice cream at this late at night? This kid has issues.

May took a lollipop out from her purse and she gave it to the little kid. The little kid then pecked May's cheeks. Huh?

My blood is boiling. Why does they keeps on clinging theirselves to May? She's mine, only mine! I was walking fast not caring about May anymore. I was surprised when she held my wrist.

"What's wrong with you? Don't leave me like that!" She said, almost crying. May hated being left alone.

I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. "Sorry, I was just..."

"Jealous?" She said. I gulped my saliva really hard.

And now I'm blushing like a teenager. "No. I'm not," I totally lied.

"Oh c'mon! I saw the way you look at Lu Han and oh my gosh , if looks can kill, Lu han would probably dead by now."

Really? How I wished looks can kill.

"And now, you're being jealous by a little kid? Geez. Grow up already."

What? Since when did May speak like this? The May I know always speak like a true lady. She never uses honorifics like that. As far as I know she's the most calm person in this world. What's with the sudden change?

"Baekhyun," she cooed, "Don't be jealous. No matter how many guys will come into my life, you're the only guy that will always be in my heart. You're my friend and you will always be my friend. Now, can we go home now?"

Friend? She only sees me as her best friend. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Park May, when will you see that I love you? I'm getting jealous like this because there are so many guys that want to enter your heart. And even though you said that I will always be in your heart, I can't help not to think that...







This was not your heart.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

"Some people aren't meant to be in our lives forever. Some are just passing through to teach us a lesson"


Omo ~ bacon is jelly ♥



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2leembleast #1
Chapter 17: It ended... It finally ended. But it was really good!!! Thank you for the story author-nim!
2leembleast #2
Chapter 13: When is luhan gonna find out that that's Nicole's heart?!
2leembleast #3
Chapter 10: OMG thank you for the update!!!
Chapter 9: EEEEEHH ? why does it doesn't have any space ?????? >< I will edit this when i get to our computer
2leembleast #5
Chapter 8: Is chanyeol gonna meet himchan soon? Cuz that'll explain a lot
2leembleast #6
Chapter 7: ahhh!!!!! me too... i think i have a clue about who the little kid is and update please!!!!!
Chapter 6: This chapter is very interesting bcoz i guess who is that kid..but let see if my guess is right..
2leembleast #8
Chapter 5: No!!!! Of course you're doing a good job. Hwaiting!!!!
Chapter 3: nicole's heart..
2leembleast #10
Chapter 2: Omg if may has Nicole's heart and Nicole said in the first story that my heart would beat for you forever... Please update. I can't wait!!!