Three words; Eight Letters: I Love You ♥ (Sequel from ♥ Step by Step ♥)

~ We Meet Again :)

                                            May's POV

                            I was lazily following my two older brothers. Where are we going anyways? And why did they tell me to wear a white dress?


                        Finally, we reached our destination. A church? It's not Sunday yet and there's no Mass. What are we doing here?

"Leeteuk, what are we doing here?" I asked him, but he just smiled at me.

"Just wait and see," Chanyeol said.

"JUST SAY IT ALREADY!" I shouted. I then realized what I did wrong, again. What's wrong with my mouth? Why does it keeps on executing these informal words? I was never the type to curse at all, but I guess things are different now.

                      "Don't you ever raise your voice at us again!" Leeteuk yelled. He stormed out and left me with Chanyeol. This was the first time I've ever seen Leeteuk get really mad at me and it was pretty scary.

I assumed Chanyeol would do the same, scolding me as well, but he pat my head.

"Don't mind Leeteuk, okay? Let's go inside. Suho's having his wedding today and he just wanted to invite all of us. Sorry for not telling you," he said.

Before we entered the Church, I saw Baekhyun walking happily towards me and Chanyeol.

"Hi, May!" He winked.

"Ew," I laughed. But I gladly linked my arms to Baekhyun's own arms and we entered the Church.

As we stepped in, all eyes were staring at me. Huh?

Was I not invited here or something? I looked at the people staring at me, the EXO-M boys. Their eyes were wide open. Weird. Was there dirt on my face? Was I too under-dressed?

Embarassment led me to hide behind Chanyeol. His height had an advantage for me. His tall figure let me hide easily behind him.

Baekhyun quickly caught on to the fact that I was blushing red.

"Hey, I know we're all handsome and all, but you don't need to hide your face. I think you're pretty!" He whispered, pinching my nose.

"It's not that," I shook my head. "They're all looking at me."

"Just like I said earlier, you're pretty!" But Baekhyun grabbed my waist and put his arms around my shoulders. Baekhyun really knew how to act around me when I needed it. I was grateful for that.

We approached the guys staring at me. Way to go Chanyeol.

"Guys, meet my younger sibling, Park May. May, meet EXO." 

I bowed at them, but only the EXO-K boys bowed back in return. The EXO-M boys were still in shock. They murmured to themselves.

"Kris, she looks like Nicole!" A guy who reminded me of pandas that had dark hair said.

Who's Nicole?

"Lu Han has got to see this," A guy with cheeks that reminded me of dumplings said. 

"Seriously, guys? You're scaring her. Bow already!" The tallest one said. He looked like the leader of the EXO-M group.

I counted them all. There were ten of them. It didn't seem right though, as if they were missing some. One was probably the one getting married, and I guess there was another guy. I wondered who he was.


The wedding had yet to start so I excused myself to go to another room.

"Do I need to come with you?" Baekhyun asked. I shook my head.

After three minutes of wandering around, I was lost. I had yet to go into the waiting room and I needed to go use the bathroom, badly. I finally found the bathroom and I went inside fast. 

I went out again, but I was soon lost, just as before. 

I always hated being lost. Being lost was something I disliked the most. It always brought back bad memories of the past.



* Flashback 14 years ago. *


Chanyeol, Leeteuk, and I were together with our parents on vacation. We were in the busy streets of Beijing, happily enjoying our vacation.

I, being a naive and stupid six year old kid, let go of my mom's hand and went to look at random stores to find some toys. It was a dumb move.

I wasn't able to buy any toys, because I didn't have any money. So it was then that I realized that I should have probably went back to my parents and my older brothers. So I decided to look for them, but they were no where to be found. Where did they go? Did they already leave me?

I was crying by this now now and people started to look at me, full of pity. As much as I wanted to ask them if they saw my parents, I couldn't. I tried, but no one understood me. I don't know any word of Mandarin or Cantoneese either. I felt helpess and lonely.

Suddenly, a drunk Chinese man approached me. He spoke in words that I didn't understand at all. I started to get away from him, his presence gave me the creeps, when he grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from the sea of people. 

I squirmed and made a fuss, but to everybody else, I just looked like a disobedient child with their parent. So people just ignored me. 

I tried to escape, but his grip was too strong for my young self. We reached a dark alley and without any warning, he began to touch the private parts of my body. This can't be happening. It feels wrong. I don't know what's going on, but something is wrong with what he's doing and I don't like it. I felt so weak. I couldn't do anything. I was just a kid.

The man began to my shirt when somebody smacked the man's head with a bottle. My savior, who must have seen what was going on.

From the impact of the bottle, the man became unconscious and slumped on top of me. I squirmed, crying because he was too heavy and fat. But the stranger who saved me pushed the man off of me and dragged me away. 

I looked at my savior. It was a kid that was around my age. How could he have been able to defeat a man older than him? I wondered how, but I didn't care at the moment. I was crying too much.

The kid hugged me, while I could only look at him, shocked.

I felt quite lame, unsure of how to pay the gratitude he gave me. But then I remembered the only words of Chinese that I had remembered on my vacation here.

"Thank you." The words had slipped out of my mouth effortlessly. Xie xie.

The kid pulled away from the hug, and got something out from his pocket. It was a bear keychain.

I looked at it. It was so pretty. I was about to say thank you for the second time, when I heard a familiar voice.

"May! Where have you been? We're so worried about you," Leeteuk said.

My parents, followed by Chanyeol, were beside me in a flash. They were crying at the fact that they had lost me. I turned to look at the kid that was my savior, but he was no longer there. He had already left, probably from the moment that Leeteuk had called me.

I didn't even know his name. Even if I didn't know any Chinese at all, I would have liked to know his name. If I ever saw that kid again, I'd hug him, just like he hugged me before.


*End of the Flashback*


Someone help me, please. Do you know how pathetic it is to get lost in a Church? On someone's wedding day, at that?

"Miss, are you alright?" A guy asked.

I looked at him. He looked familiar, but I wasn't sure why. At the moment, I didn't care, because I was so overcome with relief that I hugged him. It was so weird, hugging a stranger that I hadn't met, and probably violated all the laws of my sanity, but I did it anyway. 

"It seems like we meet again?" he asked. He patted my back.

I stared at him, pulling away from the hug. Now I remember who he was.

He was the guy that hugged me at the night club that didn't want to let me go. Oh, wow. He was a lot scarier before, but now, seeing him at the wedding, he looked a lot more calm and cheerful. We meet again.

"What are you doing here, anyway? The wedding's about to start!" he pointed out.

"I was kind of lost. Sorry for hugging you," I told him.

"It's okay, May. Let's go, now. Since they're probably wondering where you are."

I looked at him. "How do you know my name?"

"You're the sister of Chanyeol, right? I'm in EXO, so I kind of know already."

"Oh, really?" I asked.

He offered his hand for me to grab, so I gladly accepted it. While we were walking back to the hall, he grabbed my wrist.

"Um, sorry for scaring you at the night club. I'm really sorry," he said, rubbing the back of his head.

How cute.

He offered his hand as a handshake, a sign of a truce. I accepted it, shaking his hand up and down.

"Let's start fresh?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Hi, my name's Lu Han," he said. What a cute name.

"Hi, my name's Park May. Nice to meet you."

And with that, we became friends? I guess so.

We went back to the hall. The wedding was about to start.

I felt someone glaring at me. Bakehyun. Why was he looking at me, like he was really angry? Maybe because I got lost or something?

I smiled at him, but Baekhyun just ignored me. He rolled his eyes.

What's wrong with Baekhyun?


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

"Sometimes, A simple 'I Miss You' changes everything"



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2leembleast #1
Chapter 17: It ended... It finally ended. But it was really good!!! Thank you for the story author-nim!
2leembleast #2
Chapter 13: When is luhan gonna find out that that's Nicole's heart?!
2leembleast #3
Chapter 10: OMG thank you for the update!!!
Chapter 9: EEEEEHH ? why does it doesn't have any space ?????? >< I will edit this when i get to our computer
2leembleast #5
Chapter 8: Is chanyeol gonna meet himchan soon? Cuz that'll explain a lot
2leembleast #6
Chapter 7: ahhh!!!!! me too... i think i have a clue about who the little kid is and update please!!!!!
Chapter 6: This chapter is very interesting bcoz i guess who is that kid..but let see if my guess is right..
2leembleast #8
Chapter 5: No!!!! Of course you're doing a good job. Hwaiting!!!!
Chapter 3: nicole's heart..
2leembleast #10
Chapter 2: Omg if may has Nicole's heart and Nicole said in the first story that my heart would beat for you forever... Please update. I can't wait!!!