
Daehyun: Valkyr of the Gods

                Yawning tiredly, the young boy with messy silver-blonde hair sat up in bed in the predawn light and rubbed at crusted brown eyes with a grimace.  He blinked a couple times and reluctantly tossed the covers back before setting his bare feet on the worn wooden floor, ignoring the usual chill that settled in place as he made his bed.  Shucking the sleeping shift in favor of a threadbare dingy shirt and faded brown pants, he listened to make sure his parents were awake.

                With a nod to himself, he vainly tried to smooth his bed hair and shuffled into the main room where his mother was already at the kitchen hearth fire, getting ready to prepare a pot of watery porridge flavored with the left over fat ts from the tiny bit of meat they’d shared last night.  First, the oats had to be ground into something that would boil down though and she wordlessly handed him a rickety bucket, otherwise ignoring his presence.

                Used to the treatment, the boy nodded and hurried outside with his bare feet, the soles callused and toughened by years of similar treatment.  It wasn’t even light yet with the sun just starting to send its warmth over the edge of the horizon and already the tiny village was alive with their neighbors in a similar dance.  Around the back of the house, he heard his father chopping and stacking the remains of what wood they’d gathered the other day and quickened his pace, eager to be gone before the older man could call him back to help.

                Invariably, he simply couldn’t do much of anything up to his father’s standards anyway and was too slow, earning himself a tongue lashing, if not worse, when he did get pulled in.  Oh no.  He’d much rather fetch the water from the tiny stream that supposedly used to be a flourishing river, before things went downhill.  Now, it wasn’t much more than a lazy creek, pooling along the sides and in the deeper holes to catch water enough where one might be able to fill a bucket or two.  Nor was he the only one sent on such a task either.

                Already, he could see other boys about his age stumbling towards the water, much like he was, with the goal of filling their buckets in various states of repair.  Girls were never sent on such a task, but those that were left remained indoors most of the time anyway.  There were so few of them left in the village though and the sight of four other boys making their way to or from the stream failed to elicit much of any feeling anymore.

                “Good morning Dae,” a deep voice greeted up ahead and to his right, dragging his eyes from ground in front of him.

                Except for that one.  For him, Daehyun could muster a tired smile, finally calling on a semblance of life as the taller male hurried up to him, equally worn clothes hanging loosely on his wiry frame.  “I don’t know about good but it is morning Gukkie,” he greeted, slowing down enough for the other boy to catch up to him, dark blonde hair fluttering in the slight breeze.

                “I don’t count for anything?” the elder boy asked in a wounded manner, smoothing Daehyun’s hair down when he got close enough.

                “Eh.  You eat too much and you won’t stop growing,” Daehyun chuckled, letting the smile linger as Yongguk nudged his arm with his elbow.  His friend had hit a growth spurt not that long ago, leaving him a bit behind in the meantime.

                “You’re one to talk,” he snorted, slinging an arm about the shorter male’s shoulders and laughing once.  “Except for the growing part.  Shorty.”

                “Jerk!” Daehyun muttered, tempted to smack his friend with the bucket.  The mere thought that he might damage the container kept him from doing anything and he just sighed, walking along beside Yongguk, enjoying the additional warmth generated by their closeness.  It wasn’t quite cold but the mornings were chilly regardless, especially when their clothes were little more than rags anymore.

                “Not intentionally,” Yongguk assured the smaller male, hugging him closer briefly as they neared the water, waving at the two other boys still retrieving their share.  “Here.  Let me get that,” he offered, extending his hand for the bucket in Daehyun’s grip.

                “I’ve got it,” the younger boy grumbled, a smile tugging at his lips anyway.

                “Come on, Dae.  You know you hate getting your feet wet and the water’s better in the middle anyway,” Yongguk argued convincingly with a gummy grin in place.

                Unable to resist his logic, and happy enough to avoid wet and dirty feet since his parents would complain about it bitterly, Daehyun handed over the bucket and watched from the sidelines as Yongguk waded in.  He filled Daehyun’s first, traveling back to deposit the bucket on the bank before he splashed back in and filled his, hurrying out to bounce in place, drying his hands on his shirt before chaffing them together.  “A bit chilly isn’t is?”

                “Just a bit,” Daehyun agreed, picking his bucket up before setting his sights for home. 

                The first rays of sunlight touched them with its warmth as they headed back together.  Yongguk kept pace with Daehyun, allowing the other male to set the speed, and asked, “What are you up to today?  Same old, same old?”

                “You know that doesn’t change,” Daehyun sighed, shielding his eyes from the morning light, though he welcomed the feel of it on his face where the warm rays caressed his pale skin.

                “I know, but it never hurts to ask,” Yongguk chuckled, patting Daehyun on the back with care, letting his hand linger longer than it needed to.

                Daehyun just shrugged at the response and took a breath, frowning when he got closer to home.  “I think my parents will be sending me out to see what I can forage from the forest before it gets too late in the day.  Will you be free?”

                “I think I can manage something,” Yongguk grinned with a confident nod.  “Feel free to stop by and let me know.  I’ve gotta help my dad with getting some firewood but shouldn’t take me too long.”

                “Okay,” the smaller boy smiled in agreement, holding the thought close.  At least if they sent him out, he wouldn’t have to be around his parents too long.  No matter what he did, he couldn’t seem to do much right.  “I’ll see you later, Gukkie,” he waved, turning aside to head for his home where he could see his father still working at the side of the house, each strike of the axe recognizable by sound.

                “See you, Daehyunnie,” the taller boy grinned, hefting his bucket to his other hand before he hurried off.  He had a greater distance to travel when he walked Daehyun almost back to his house but it was what he always did.

                When he ducked inside to give his mother the bucket, she glared at him beside the heating pot.  “What took you so long?” she asked, dark brown eyes appraising him sharply as he kept his head bowed and set the bucket beside her before backing away a step.

                “Nothing mother,” he replied meekly, not meeting her eyes.

                “You were dawdling with the Bang’s boy again, weren’t you?” she asked as she traced a strand of wavy brunette out of her face, clearly displeased.  It was no secret they didn’t really care for him hanging out with Yongguk.  Then again, they didn’t seem to care for much of anything that he did…

                “We just said hello,” Daehyun tried to explain, earning himself another scathing glare from his mother.

                “It’s not right how much time you spend around him boy,” she grumbled before turning her attention back to the porridge as if stirring it would somehow magically make it more substantial.  “Wasting your time and not doing what you’re supposed to.”

                “I did what you asked of me,” he offered, standing with his hands clasped before him, shoulders bowed at her critical tone.

                “And not very well at that,” she snapped, making him flinch.  “It’s hard enough without you making things more difficult, Daehyun.  Now hurry up and see if your father needs help.  If not, you can start on the mending in that basket over there,” she gestured to her right without looking.

                Daehyun followed her finger and sighed softly to himself.  Another small basket of ‘rescued’ clothes were awaiting attention.  Little more than rags, they were patchwork pieces of clothes whole enough to be salvaged by using actual scraps of cloth to make them relatively whole.  And they’d work for the winter months when extra layers were necessary, but they were a whole lot of work for next to no return.  “Yes mother,” was all he said though, turning about with a longing look at the bucket of water before he sought out his father.

                As expected, he was waved off from the chopping part immediately, though the older, more muscled man gestured for him to take a few armfuls in to his mother without a word.  She simply pointed for him to set them beside her and complained when a few pieces didn’t stack correctly, falling to the wooden floor with a clattering noise.  Since the stirring spoon was in her hand and he was in reach, she whacked it hard across the back of his shoulder once and pointed at the mending basket.

                Daehyun rubbed at the smarting flesh, hissing under his breath at the ache in his bone from where the spoon had clipped his shoulder blade, and settled in to start on that task while he waited for breakfast to be finished.  Not that it would do much to ease the almost constant hunger in his belly but it was something he’d gotten used to over time.

                Everyone in the village was hungry these days.  Food was scarce since crops grew poorly and animals were hard to come by.  There wasn’t enough money to go around and bartering with other villages was difficult, if not impossible, considering none of them could afford the time away from home or the additional cost of travel.  Most people said they’d angered the gods somehow or that they were cursed and that was why they were suffering so much.  Others thought the gods just didn’t care and a few even figured it was the work of evil spirits.

                his thumb after sticking it with the needle again, Daehyun didn’t really know or care one way or the other.  He just knew that he’d be lucky to reach adulthood in another couple years or so.  At the age of thirteen, he was almost old enough to be considered a man.  Almost.  Maybe that was why Yongguk had more freedom than he did…  It wasn’t like he was that much older than him.  Three years wasn’t really a long time after all.

                “Daehyun!  Breakfast!” his mother snapped, hauling him from his thoughts and back to more mundane but necessary things: like food.

                “Coming mother,” he answered hastily, setting the fabric aside as he hurried to the table, earning another smack from the spoon when he forgot to wash up before trying to eat.

                His belly was barely full by the time he was hastily sent out to gather what little edible food he could find from the woods, leaving his parents behind gladly.  They were family but the happiness he’d experienced growing up had long since faded as food continued to become more and more difficult to come by.  The smart villagers, or at least those who had money enough, left when they had the chance.  Those who remained survived as best they could.

                Unlike most villages, theirs simply continued to shrink in size.  Young children didn’t survive long and the elderly had mostly already died off.  Really, the only ones left were those too stubborn or hardy to die and the particularly healthy.  He sort of fell into that latter category on most days.  However, he refused to dwell on his mortality just then as he hurried to Yongguk’s house, knocking on the door with his knuckles.  He had plenty of time for it later when his best and only good friend was around.

                “Coming!” came the familiar deep voice from within.  It was ironic really that Yongguk’s voice was deeper than his father’s, a fact the elder was sometimes irritated or amused by, depending on his mood.  They weren’t bad folks exactly and they at least appeared to value their son, but neither did they tend to show overt fondness one way or the other.

                Slightly winded from his run, Daehyun beamed when Yongguk yanked the door open, eyes lighting up as he recognized their visitor.  “Ready?” he asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet in impatience.

                Yongguk nodded once, calling back into the house, “Mom!  I’m heading out to forage.  I’ll be back before dark!”

                “Be careful!” a feminine voice sounded from one of the rooms, apparently distracted.

                “I will!”  Snatching a basket not unlike Daehyun’s, Yongguk grabbed the younger boy’s hand, threading their fingers together, and dragged him after, practically slamming the door behind them as he led the way.

                “Slow down, Gukkie,” Daehyun laughed, relying on his friend to keep him from falling.

                “Don’t tell me I need to carry you,” Yongguk looked over his shoulder, one brow raised and a smirk tugging at a corner of his mouth.

                “Hah!” Daehyun exhaled once, about to decline the offer before it suddenly became very appealing.  “I think you will though,” he huffed, adding just a hint of resistance to slow his friend down.

                Yongguk groaned theatrically but slowed his pace and turned around, eyeing Daehyun with a skeptical expression.  “Ah hah.”  When the shorter male just shrugged and looked everywhere but him, Yongguk grinned and turned his back to Daehyun, bracing his hands on his knees as he waited.

                “Yes!” Daehyun cheered, hopping on immediately, nearly knocking the elder male in the head with the basket.

                “Oof!  Watch it,” Yongguk snorted as he flinched, waiting for the lighter boy to settle himself before he handed off his basket so he could catch hold of the legs around his waist, anchoring him in place.

                “Sorry,” Daehyun cringed sheepishly, letting the baskets hang at his side while his other arm hooked around Yongguk’s chest.

                “Hopeless,” he laughed once while he shook his head and started walking smoothly.

                These were the moments that Daehyun looked forward to and held close.  The time he spent with Yongguk made his existence meaningful; they made him smile and feel like he was worth something more than trouble.  “Do you think we’ll find anything today?” he asked hopefully, keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of mushrooms, berries, or even edible plants that they could take home.  Neither of them had any hope of finding or taking down any animal so they didn’t even bother.

                “Maybe.  It rained pretty good the other day so maybe we’ll find something that got washed up in the downpour,” Yongguk answered, looking over his shoulder to glimpse Daehyun out of the corner of his eye.

                “I hope so,” Daehyun admitted, leaning close to rest his chin on Yongguk’s shoulder, hugging the other boy tighter with his one arm.  He smiled warmly when his ride tilted his head to rest it against Daehyun’s, giving him a brief sense of quiet support, hands tightening around the slender legs in reaction.

                “Me too, Daehyunnie.  Me too,” he agreed, scanning the area as hard as he could.

                Both knew they couldn’t stay gone for too long.  So long as Yongguk returned before dark, he’d be fine, but Daehyun was positive he had a timer set on his absence.  He was never told what it was but if he didn’t return in a timely manner, he wouldn’t hear the end of it today.  Eventually, Yongguk paused when he thought he saw a good spot for some mushrooms and they settled in to search, digging through the debris on the ground and the soft soil.

                They had some success, most of which Yongguk allowed Daehyun to take instead.  “What about you?” Daehyun asked, seeing the meager amount in his basket still far outweighed the number that Yongguk had.

                The dirty blonde just grinned at him and ruffled his silver-blonde hair fondly, “Don’t worry about me, Dae.  I’ll be just fine,” he promised confidently, looking about for any other signs of something else.  “Oh!  Is that a bird’s nest?” he asked, tilting his head to the side curiously as he squinted into the sparsely covered branches of one of the trees.

                “I see it!” Daehyun gasped, setting his basket down before he hurriedly approached the trunk.

                “Wait!” Yongguk yelped, catching his shoulder before he could start climbing.  “I should go.  I’m the better climber after all.”

                “Yeah.  But you’re also heavier,” Daehyun reminded him as he stuck his tongue out.

                “Ack.  Fine.  Just be careful,” he warned, finger pointing in the smaller boy’s face.

                “Yes dad,” Daehyun laughed, gingerly climbing up the tree with a quick boost from his friend.  It was a long shot that there’d be anything in the nest, but they had to try or they’d never know.  And it had been a while since either of them had an egg of any sort, however small.

                By the time he got to the nest, he’d scratched himself more times than he cared to admit and was trembling with the effort needed, but his rewards were fruitful.  There were actually two tiny eggs in place; they wouldn’t be more than a mouthful for anybody but it was something.  “Anything?” Yongguk asked hopefully.

                “Two eggs!” Daehyun grinned, snatching them before a bird decided to show up and chase him out of the tree the fast way.

                “Yes!  Alright, Daehyunnie.  Can you get down now?” Yongguk continued, bracing his hand on the trunk.

                “Uh…” Daehyun blinked, weighing how likely it was he’d manage to get down with one hand holding his spoils.  “Maybe?” he offered shakily, beginning to try.

                In the end, he had to admit he was stuck and request – no he did not beg – for Yongguk’s help.  By the time they’d gotten the goods sorted out, it was already getting later in the day and Daehyun looked at the sun with a growing sense of unease.

                “Maybe you should take some more of mine,” Yongguk offered hesitantly when he saw the worry on his friend’s face, placing a hand on the younger boy’s back tenderly.

                Daehyun was grateful for the offer, and the care with which Yongguk treated him.  His friend was one of the few who knew about how sore his back often was, but no amount of rewards would save him in the end and there was no point in accepting the gifts from Yongguk since they wouldn’t be appreciated.  “No.  Let’s just hurry back and I’ll see if I can’t think of something,” he explained with a forced smile.

                “Here.  Give me your basket and take my hand,” Yongguk urged, accepting the weight of both containers before Daehyun threaded his fingers through his friend’s, holding tight.  He took strength from Yongguk’s grip and nodded when he was ready.  “Here we go!” Yongguk grinned, launching forward, lending speed to Daehyun’s tired legs with his own momentum.

                It was later than midafternoon by the time they arrived back at the village and Daehyun embraced Yongguk thankfully before they got within full sight of everyone.  He still felt slightly guilty about how much Yongguk had made sure he’d taken but maybe it would help in the end.  He didn’t really believe it would, and in the end he was right.

                Neither of his parents believed him about taking his fair share when he said he’d gone with Yongguk to gather supplies and they insisted he had selfishly eaten some or given more than he should have to his friend.  Never mind the exact opposite was true, his attempts to defend himself earned him more than a tongue lashing and he went to bed still hungry with a smarting and bruised back that would ache for days after.

                It was not the first time he had to ask himself what the point of living was if that was all he had to look forward to in the future.


(a/n: I am finally back from hiatus with this one!  It has been way too long and I do apologize for that.  So what I have done is extended the prologue to help sort of flesh out Daehyun and Yongguk and I'll be reading through the main story to get caught up to where I last left off.  Please bear with me during that time as I need to get to know my characters again before I try to continue their story.  *shakes head*  I shouldn't be doing any major changes along the way but there will probably be at least some minor touch ups.  Feel free to reread any or all of it at your leisure and I'll be doing my best to get the next new update and continuation of this story as soon as possible!  Thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoy!.  ^_^)

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Stunning new poster completed! :D 7/18/2015


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Chapter 3: Hmm, I am indeed very confused. But I will continue a bit before asking questions :)
Chapter 2: I just started this fic as it was recommended to me.
This chapter was beautiful. The end... wow.
Will definitely pursue!
bangdaebak #3
Chapter 39: I'm ing crying omfg Daehyun doesn't remember being a Valkyr but he is living a mortal life with Yongguk which is all I hoped for through out this chapter. Bless you channie for watching over nine realms. I'm assuming Daehyun & Yongguk thought they had successfully ran away from the ghost village and now they are free to be whoever they are instead of being the spawn of their parents. Oh god, I hate happy endings but I love happy endings, I don't even know how to express.

Finally, I have finished the last chapter of all. I love this fic so much idk how to keep it in my pocket at all times. Writer, you are blessed as well as the readers. Thank you so much. I hope you never stop writing xx
bangdaebak #4
Chapter 38: Oh my god, two years they slept in Yggdrasir!

I'm sobbing because Himchan... I'm also happy that Daehyun can visit the rest in Nifleheim which also breaks my heart ha

Ok last chapter is about to come and Idk if I am ready for a goodbye
bangdaebak #5
Chapter 37: The title for the previous chapter was Losses and this one is called Sacrifice, should have just named it MAJOR LOSSES I'm shook, I hate Loki omg

I can't believe Himchan had to sacrifice himself to save all nine realms I'm cry, Daehyunnie is all alone now, the only valkyr left. I'm not okay. This is too much. My heart almost ripped into half cause I thought Zelo was going to die, can't let that happen. I don't even want to think about what's going to happen to Yongguk oh god
bangdaebak #6
Chapter 36: I'm not crying *wipes tears away*

So many are dying, I can't do this, and Dara apparently isn't in cahoots with Loki lol I'm sorry Dara but omfg YOUNGJAE, ZICO, MINZY, JONGUP, SEUNGHYUN fohhfnfu foh

I'm so scared to read further
bangdaebak #7
Chapter 34: Daehyun and Yongguk are reunited! Omfg I'm so happy wth and Soohyun got his arm back, thanks Frigg. I assume Frigg also healed Yongguk's body seeming he was ready to fight, I remember his body being severely injured by Freya. Also, regarding Daehyun breaking the barrier into Nifleheim, I had guessed it was because of the orb but I also thought jt was because he is now merged with a god's body although Vali isn't a god, wait is he, I mean he is Loki's son. So technically, Daehyun holds the strength of a god and a valkyr in the addition of the orb strength sooo damn baby dae must divine as hell.

Thank you for writing xx
bangdaebak #8
Chapter 30: Oh wow I love how Niflheim is described, I imagine a sea of dead walking aimlessly but I guess gods are still able to remember themselves, then again, Yongguk is still holding onto himself which makes me wonder how lmao so does this mean Yongguk did die or he had just lost his conscience. It's funny how his real mortal body is in Midgard, then now his Einherjar body is with Frigg but his soul is in Niflheim. It confuses me but I understand lmao
bangdaebak #9
Chapter 29: I like Seunghyun too and I'm growing to like Dara but that's probably because she is actually helping to save Daehyun so bless her plus she is knowledgeable and powerful, she also doesn't appreciate to be called wench. I like her enough for those haha
bangdaebak #10
Chapter 25: I shouldn't have put my eye cream and my eye masks on if I knew this were going to be a very emotionally driven chapter now that my eye masks are completely ruined by my god forsaken unstoppable tears lmao

I can feel something bad is about to occur but I also want Daehyun to defy the gods lmao
